Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 129 The huge role of

"Let's analyze it. Professor Qian explained two things. The first one helped to block the conversation."

"The second thing is don't let him get pulled away."

"It's definitely not suitable for me, a grown man, to pull him away, so Teacher Qian, let's divide the work and cooperate. I will help block the conversation. Please be careful not to let him be pulled away!"

Xu Chao's thinking was very logical. After analyzing Professor Qian's words, he immediately started division of labor and cooperation with Qian Hong.

Qian Hong suddenly felt pressure.

In fact, Yanhua University is also one of the top universities, but in the capital, its competitiveness is indeed not top-notch. It is mainly dominated by Shuimu University and Capital University, and others such as Renmin University, University of Science and Technology, Aeronautics and Astronautics, etc. Universities also have their own characteristics, and they are no worse than Yanhua University.

Yanhua University is mainly smaller in scale, and its computer major started relatively late. What is really attractive is science, and science is not as good as Capital University.

In short, the competitiveness is not quite there.

Everyone knows that Zhao Yi has a bright future, and every university in the country wants him to attend.

Now that Zhao Yi is on the territory of Yanhua University, he must not be allowed to be taken away by other schools, otherwise he will really be gone with no return.

"what to do?"

Qian Hong came behind Zhao Yi and found that there was a professor from Shuimu University who kept talking about how great Shuimu University was. It was ranked dozens of times in the world and was still improving. It was no worse than top foreign universities. She suddenly felt a sense of crisis. .

This must be done well!

Qian Hong studied at Yanhua University for her undergraduate and master's degrees. She also worked as a lecturer while studying for her PhD. She still has a sense of belonging to Yanhua University, and she also hopes that Zhao Yi can stay.

"Hold him...if he wants to leave, I can't stop him!"

"If you let him go..."

Qian Hong thought about it for a long time, then gritted his teeth and walked forward and hugged Zhao Yi's arm.

Hold on!

Hug tight!

Zhao Yi had been among the crowd and wore thicker clothes. He didn't feel it at first, but it changed after a few moves.

The touch is different!

This feeling of being completely surrounded is really...a bit embarrassing. There are people everywhere around me, so I can't really feel it!

Zhao Yi pretended to be 'not aware of it' and kept trying to pull his arm out, but it was held tighter and tighter, and he felt very embarrassed as he continued to move around.

What happened to Sister Geili?

Could it be that I was moved by the heroic demeanor of scolding Fang Qiu during my speech, and fell in love without hesitation... ahem.

It’s inappropriate!

Zhao Yi quickly shook his head vigorously. After responding to the enthusiasm of several professors, he also felt a little overwhelmed. There were compliments everywhere. It was okay to hear it once or twice, but it was boring if he heard it more.

Half an hour later.

Most of the people in the venue dispersed, and Zhao Yi found a gap and walked out.

There is a powerful sister next to her!

He pulled out his arm very hard, looked at Qian Hong, and then coughed lightly and said, "Awesome...Teacher Qian, I don't know how to put it, I have no experience in rejecting a woman. But, we two It's kind of, yeah, that word is... inappropriate."

"You are a good person, very gentle, very beautiful..."

Zhao Yi shook his head and walked out.

Qian Hong tensed up with shame and anger, but still asked, "Where are you going?"


Zhao Yi turned around and said, "I made an agreement with Xu Chao to go to your intelligence and automation laboratory. He also promised to let me copy an encrypted small program to let the robot recognize colors."

"Let's go!"

"I'm in a hurry, I have to go back tomorrow!" He greeted Xu Chao and left.

Xu Chao smiled at Qian Hong and followed Zhao Yi away.

Qian Hong froze on the spot for a while, and she carefully sorted out the process: Professor Qian asked them to 'keep an eye on' Zhao Yi, and it was best to take Zhao Yi to the laboratory, and Zhao Yi's original plan was to go to the laboratory after the speech.


She hugged Zhao Yi's arm for a long time, was misunderstood that she liked Zhao Yi, was rejected outright by Zhao Yi, her face was thrown into the toilet, and she was stepped on several times... It was all meaningless?

Qian Hong took a deep breath and finally figured out the 'culprit', "Xu! Chao!"

"You didn't tell me earlier!"

"And Zhao Yi! How dare you refuse me!"


She's going crazy!

Xu Chao also felt strange. He made an appointment with Zhao Yi to go to the laboratory, but he was afraid that others would be too enthusiastic and use some bad means to directly pull Zhao Yi away.

He just asked Qian Hong to pay attention.

Why did Qian Hong hold Zhao Yi's arm and not let go?

Is it really...

Xu Chao nodded vigorously. He discovered something was wrong yesterday, and it was exactly as he imagined.

They really don't fit.

Qian Hong was directly rejected...hahaha...

Xu Chaoyue felt more and more funny as he thought about it.

Qian Hong was a member of the faculty of Yanhua University. She was even rated as the "most beautiful teacher", but she was rejected by a boy who had not yet gone to college.

How interesting!

Xu Chao took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to laugh, and continued to do business, taking Zhao Yi to visit the laboratory.

The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory of Yanhua University is newly built. Because it is the merger of two laboratories, it was quickly listed as a provincial key laboratory. The equipment inside is very complete.

The basic computer room computers are very advanced, as well as various high-end accessories, including capture cards, high-end cameras, laser imagers and other capture equipment, as well as two imaging devices.

These are the basics.

There is a room on the side dedicated to mechanical devices. There is an obviously technological mechanical arm that is very attractive. Zhao Yi can tell at a glance that it is much higher-end than the one he bought.

The core is a large server.

Xu Chao said that the performance of the server cannot compare with the level of supercomputers, but it is still two to three times more efficient.

In fact, many of the equipment in computer-related laboratories are meaningless. Most of them are just decorations. For example, some mechanical equipment can only be used occasionally when controlling the program, and the most valuable ones are invisible. software.

Xu Chao kept introducing research results to Zhao Yi.

The software in the laboratory must not be leaked. He only promised to give Zhao Yi a copy. The underlying functional program that enables the robot to distinguish colors has been encrypted for several layers, making it impossible to restore the code.


Professor Qian Zhijin also came.

Qian Zhijin came with a "negotiation" attitude. The reason why he asked Xu Chao, Qian Hong, and Zhao Yi to come to the laboratory was to use the laboratory as a bargaining chip to attract Zhao Yi to study at Yanhua University.

"Zhao Yi, as long as you come to Yanhua University, this laboratory will always be open to you!"

"You can use every device and computer at will, and you can freely choose to participate in research and development."

"Even the server..."

Qian Zhijin thought about it carefully and made a strong decision, "You can also apply to use this large server. As long as the request is reasonable, I will agree!"

This determination is big enough.

The large servers in the laboratory are worth more than tens of millions. If laboratory personnel want to use them, they have to file a report and submit an application, but they may not be able to apply.

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up after hearing this.

It sounds a bit incredible that a provincial key laboratory, where graduate students can only do odd jobs, is completely open to an undergraduate, and can apply to trial a large server.

Professor Qian is very sincere.

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and found that he could not think of a reason to refuse. After he decided to apply for the science major, his first choice was actually Capital University. There were so many talented people in Capital University that they would definitely not give him such good treatment.

Yanhua University is also one of the top universities in China and a university that started with science.

Coupled with the apprenticeship of He Mingcheng...

Zhao Yi nodded.

He really didn't know much about He Mingcheng, but one thing was certain, such as traditional mathematics and computer knowledge, you could learn it at any university.

He Mingcheng has an exclusive research direction——

Fuzzy mathematics.

There are too few people in China who have done in-depth research on fuzzy mathematics, and fuzzy mathematics is indeed closely related to human brain thinking.


Zhao Yi is very interested in making ‘human-like’ intelligence.

Zhao Yi did not stay in the capital for too long. He turned down all the invitations and left by plane on Monday morning. Not only did he want to go back to school, he also had to make time to finish his thesis.

It’s urgent to prove Kakutani’s theorem!

An opportunity to leave a mark in history!

One night was enough time for the matter to ferment. The media reported on the speech, and opinions and arguments arose online.

Some people believe that Zhao Yi proved the Kakutani theorem.

Some people don't believe it.

There is a widely circulated news in domestic academic circles that "the method of proving Kakutani's theorem is hidden in the proof process of 'valid and irrelevant carry screening'."

"Kakutani's theorem is proved using binary calculus."

There is a saying that goes, 'It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.' Zhao Yi did not publish a paper on Kakutani's theorem. He just said publicly that he had proved it, so he found a way to prove it and published the paper one step ahead of time. The identity of the prover Wouldn't it be better to replace him?

The temptation is too great!

As long as he can prove Kakutani's conjecture, he will definitely be recognized as a top mathematician, and he will become famous without any effort.

So many people privately studied the video of Zhao Yi's speech carefully, trying to fully understand the "valid and irrelevant carry screening" and find a way to prove the "Kakutani theorem".

Some on-site professors understood the 'valid and irrelevant carry filter' and privately thought about the calculation to prove the 'Kakutani theorem' using binary conversion methods.

Professor Li Yilai is one of them.

After he returned, he immediately entered the laboratory and used a computer to create a data graph for the Kakutani theorem of binary calculus, hoping to find the rules and inspiration for the proof from a large number of 0 and 1 graphs.

In fact, that doesn't work at all.

Zhao Yi said on the spot that the proof idea was binary calculus, and he was not afraid of others proving it in a short time.

If you divide the calculation proof process into ten key points, you will know that using binary calculation is only half done, or even less than half. There are still a lot of brain-burning levels to follow, and it is impossible to prove it at all.

The reason why Zhao Yi was able to prove the process was because of the effect of the "Law of Contact", which is like turning a Rubik's Cube. As long as it is a simple rule and method, no matter how large the number of calculations is, it does not require too much energy.

Binary only has the difference between zero and one, and "Contact Law" can easily help find a way.

Others use binary arithmetic to carefully study to find rules and methods, which will definitely consume a huge amount of time, and it is simply impossible in a short time.

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