Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 130 Young people always experience failure

The lecture at Yanhua University had just passed, and the media had just begun to report on it. Most people thought that Zhao Yi was still in the capital, but Zhao Yi had returned to Zhengyang in a low-key manner.

get off a plane.

go home.

Zhao Yi dragged his luggage into the house, called his parents, and after reporting that he was safe, he began to stay at home, planning to finish the paper on "Kakudani Conjecture" in one go.

Writing a paper this time is different from last time.

After completing the Rubik's Cube calculator, he summarized the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method', but there were many 'step skipping' in the proof process. While communicating with Professor Liu Hemin, he also looked up various materials, and slowly to improve the proof process.

The current 'Kakutani Conjecture' is a mathematical proof. To put it bluntly, it is just a proof question, but it is countless times more complicated. But he clearly knows all the processes and has the experience of writing a paper, so it is relatively simple. .

Zhao Yi started working without eating or sleeping.

at the same time.

There are also some relevant opinions in the media, but most of them are 'rumors' in nature. Zhao Yi's speech is too professional, and people who don't understand it can't understand it at all. His speech only attracts attention in academia, and in academia, The scope is simply too small.

The news circulating on the Internet is still related to 'gossip', which is what the media reported, "Zhao Yi, the maker of the Rubik's Cube calculator, claims to have proved the "Kakutani Conjecture"!"

Reporting is the narration of events.

More people think Zhao Yi is just joking. He uses binary arithmetic to calculate a lot of numbers, but the complicated '01' picture is dazzling, and there are no heavyweights. Stand up and affirm that Zhao Yi has indeed proved it. come out.

So the matter was quickly drowned out by public opinion.

For ordinary people, this concept is similar to what happens to a little star. Not many people pay attention to the little star, so things will pass and not many people will care.

Zhao Yi's speech was still very successful.

After this speech, many influential people in the academic community stood up and affirmed the 'effective and irrelevant carry screening method', and said that the screening method is an innovation in computer algorithms and will definitely be used in various fields in the future.

The "valid and irrelevant carry screening method" soon changed its name, and was simplified to "Zhao's screening method".

This is the naming habit in academia.

When something very meaningful and valuable is discovered and created, the last name of the discoverer or creator will be placed directly in front of the name of the thing.

For example, a certain theorem.

A certain planet.

A certain effect.

Zhao Yi created the ‘valid and irrelevant carry screening method’.

‘Effective and irrelevant carry’ is really a bit convoluted and not easy to remember clearly. It would be easier to remember if it is changed to ‘Zhao’s filtering method’.

The next morning, the sky was still dark.


A figure walked out from the door of the back building, looked up at the window of Zhao Yi's house, and then hid against the wall between the door and the pillar, standing there motionless.

That's a dead end.

The blind spot is only a few meters away from the door of the building. Because the door blocks the view, no one can be seen at the door.

Lin Xudong was shivering from the cold, but he remained motionless and his expression looked very serious.

The last time he saw Zhao Yi secretly kissing his daughter, Lin Xudong became very angry. He found that his daughter was not angry normally, but showed the shyness of a girl, and his heart became sour.

He couldn't help it yet.

What's the point of going to Zhao Yi afterwards?

What if Zhao Yi admits it, but what if he doesn't?

Lin Xudong felt very depressed, so he was going to hide in the corner, waiting for Zhao Yi to push the cart over. If he did anything excessive, he would catch him and give him a meal on the spot...

It's not very good to do it, at least you can give it a lesson!


Take it out!

"It's freezing to death, this damn weather!" Lin Xudong folded his arms and continued to stand still, waiting and waiting.

He's a little weird.

Usually Zhao Yi is waiting for his daughter, and he will definitely arrive earlier than his daughter.

What's going on today?

Not coming yet?

Ten minutes later, Lin Xiaoqing walked out pushing the car. She looked around and searched but couldn't find Zhao Yi. She was still muttering, "Isn't he back?"

"Where are the people?"

"Are you up late?"

The light was on in Zhao Yi's study last night. When she was lying on the bed to sleep, she took a look and found that the light was still on.

Lin Xiaoqing looked up again and found that the light in Zhao Yi's living room was on.

Zhao Yi stood on the balcony and waved to Lin Xiaoqing, "Qingqing, ask for leave for me. I have something to do today and I can't go."

He said and pointed to the phone.

"Who are you calling Qingqing?" ×2.

Lin Xudong did not dare to say it loudly.


Lin Xiaoqing muttered dissatisfiedly, but there was a smile on her face. She took out her phone and found that Zhao Yi had replied to the message, "I have something to do, I am busy, and I didn't see the message you sent. Please ask for a leave for me, maybe It may be one day, or it may be two days, just tell the teacher that I will go to school after I finish my work.”

Lin Xiaoqing smiled sweetly again.

She sent a message to Zhao Yi but there was no reply, and she was still a little angry. Knowing that Zhao Yi was busy with something, she felt much better.

Lin Xiaoqing thought about it and rode away.


Lin Xudong walked out shivering, looked at his daughter's retreating back, and then raised his head to look at the living room of Zhao Yi's house, feeling the urge to scold her in his heart.


Why didn't you tell me if you didn't want to go to school?

I've been freezing for a long time!

in school.

Zhao Yi didn't come to class, and the teachers didn't care.

Now Zhao Yi is a "free student" in the school. He does not have the pressure of the college entrance examination. He has also won many honors for the school. He even went to Yanhua University to give a lecture on the weekend. It is said that many top professors participated, which caused a world-class discussion. Attention.

For this kind of student, let alone two days of leave, no teacher will say anything even if the leave lasts until the winter vacation or the Spring Festival.

It’s normal!

Students will have opinions.

For example, Zhao Linlin.

She kept thinking that Zhao Yi would bring her a gift, but Zhao Yi came back but didn't come to class at all.

"That's too much!" Zhao Linlin said depressedly, "Did he say anything happened?"

"It seems like writing something?"

Lin Xiaoqing didn't know the details, "Anyway, he was very busy. He just finished his speech. Maybe he was busy with something."

Zhao Linlin pouted depressedly, rolled her eyes and speculated, "Isn't he embarrassed to meet people because he didn't prepare a gift?"

Lin Xiaoqing disagreed, "He's so shameless!"

It means that Zhao Yi is so shameless that he can come to school with peace of mind even if he forgets to buy gifts.

Although she said it in a somewhat disdainful tone, Lin Xiaoqing, like Zhao Linlin, was looking forward to Zhao Yi's gift.

The two looked at each other.

Zhao Linlin spoke first, "He said he would take two days off and he won't be able to come tomorrow. How about, Xiaoqing, you can go find him in the evening and help me bring the gift?"

"Isn't it good?" Lin Xiaoqing was a little hesitant, mainly because it was too late to go home and it was a bit inconvenient to go to the boy's house. Her mother would say something if she saw her, let alone her neurotic father.

"How about we go together?"

Sun Liang suddenly came over and said, "Just in time, I will go to his house to see what he is doing."

Zhao Linlin immediately hugged Lin Xiaoqing and said, "Okay! I'll stay at Xiaoqing's house tonight."

Lin Xiaoqing smiled.

Sun Liang said, "Then I'll live in Zhao Yina."

Zhao Yi really forgot to eat and sleep.

Since returning home, he has been writing papers. When he was mentally exhausted, he simply used "study coins". His body was too tired to support it, so he lay down in bed and slept for a few hours.

wake up.


It took several hours to write out the proof process of ‘Kakutani Theorem’. The rest of the time was spent comparing and writing the English translation. Finally, I spent time searching for literature and modifying the format. It took nearly thirty hours to complete.

The next step is to submit the article.

Zhao Yi still asked Professor Liu Hemin. Compared with the cheap master who had only met once, he had more exchanges with Professor Liu Hemin and seemed closer.

When Liu Hemin heard Zhao Yi say that he had completed the proof, he felt a little incredible. He said in surprise, "I thought you were just joking, everyone said so."

"Is it really done?"

"If you really finish it, I suggest you choose a journal with a high impact factor. For example, "Journal of Mathematics", "New Advances in Mathematics", etc. are all fine."

Liu Hemin just said a few words.

He didn't quite believe that Zhao Yi had really completed the 'Kakutani Conjecture'.

In fact, the more scholars who study mathematics in depth, the less they believe that Zhao Yi has completed the "Kakutani Conjecture" because they understand how difficult the mathematical conjecture is.

Liu Hemin knew something about Zhao Yi and knew that he lacked advanced knowledge of mathematical theory, even basic advanced theories, and wanted to prove that mathematical conjectures were somewhat incomprehensible.

He didn't think Zhao Yi was lying, but felt that he had 'entered a dead end'.

This is normal.

Many people who study mathematics occasionally have inspiration and solve certain difficult problems by delving into them, but it is only a solution that they think they have, rather than a real solution. Maybe there are some problems that they did not really think of or calculate. During the process, I found a small error and thought it was solved by coincidence.

Similar things have happened many times.

Every year, various academic magazines receive papers with "big propositions". Even Goldbach's conjecture, a world-wide mathematical problem that has been waiting for a hundred years, has many people writing papers and submitting them. Some even publicly stated that they solved the conjecture. .

They are not lying, they are just thinking in a dead end.

Unless someone points out their mistakes, it is not easy to figure it out on your own. However, similar experiences are also very important. There is always something to go through when doing scientific research.

Liu Hemin felt that a failure was also a good thing for Zhao Yi.

He is simply too young.

Achieving high achievements at such a young age may have a psychological impact, for example, making him blind and arrogant. Failure is also an experience that helps him mature.

Zhao Yi didn't know that Professor Liu Hemin had thought so much.

When he heard Professor Liu's suggestion to submit to a journal with a high impact factor, he simply chose one of the four major journals in mathematics——

Journal of the Mathematical Society.

The reason why he chose "Journal of the Mathematical Society" was because he found that the other "three major mathematics journals" had poor online reviews, and the most common response was the slow review speed.

Although I don’t think that others can rely on binary ideas to truly complete the proof of the ‘Kakutani Theorem’, it must be frustrating to have no response to my submission, and it would be nice to have a faster review speed.

"Journal of the Mathematical Society" is also one of the four major magazines. Their review speed is slightly faster, but the difficulty of submitting manuscripts is also very high, and most manuscripts will be rejected.

"The proof of Kakutani's theorem should be no problem, right?"

Zhao Yi carefully reviewed the manuscript again, then submitted it without hesitation, leaving his contact information along the way.


Huge fatigue is coming!

When all the work was completed, his body could no longer suppress the fatigue. He didn't even take off his clothes, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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