Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 131 Let me just say: Congratulations to him!

Zhao Yi was awakened by the knock on the door. He sat up sleepily, walked to the door in his slippers, looked out through the peephole, and then opened the door.

"Why are you all here?" He said and yawned.

Sun Liang was the first to rush into the room and muttered, "I live a healthy enough life to go to bed so early."

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin also walked in.

"Sit anywhere."

Zhao Yi said a useless treat and went directly to the kitchen. He skillfully took out the instant noodles and put them in the pot. After putting the seasonings, he put the mutton slices and vegetable leaves directly.

Nutritious, healthy and delicious!

The other three people waited in the living room for a long time.

Sun Liang simply tinkered with the astronomical telescope, while Zhao Linlin turned around and looked at the robot.

Lin Xiaoqing walked over curiously, stood behind Zhao Yi and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yi turned his head sharply and almost touched Lin Xiaoqing's face. He said very gently, "Our love dinner!"

Lin Xiaoqing pursed her lips indifferently. She saw the instant noodles in the pot and asked with some concern, "Do you eat this every day?"

"What can I eat? My mother can't come here every day, and it doesn't feel right to hire a nanny. I don't like unfamiliar people entering my room." Zhao Yi asked lazily with a smile, "Why don't you come and help me make it? Food?"


"What you cook is a love meal! I definitely like it!" Zhao Yi said and winked.

This time it finally worked.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coin +1. 】


Zhao Yi sighed deeply in his heart. He found that it was probably due to resistance. It was getting harder and harder to earn learning coins from Lin Xiaoqing. One or two sentences were of no use at all.

Maybe because she's used to it?

Zhao Yi has a feeling of being an 'old married couple', holding the left hand with the right hand, but in fact... that's right!

good idea?

Zhao Yi took the instant noodles to the dining table and talked to the three of them from a distance, not forgetting to take out a lot of snacks from the cabinet.

What a lot!

He lives alone and has no one to help him cook. He is used to eating casually when he is hungry at night, so he will definitely buy a lot of food. In addition, he has hardly been out in the past two days, so he went to the supermarket for a big shopping trip. , the snacks in the cabinet can fill a large box.

Sun Liang immediately stopped tinkering with the astronomical telescope; Zhao Linlin also lost interest in robots; Lin Xiaoqing sat on the sofa and immediately opened the nuts and put them in her mouth one by one.

The three of them were eating and talking——

"Zhao Yi, your life is too unhealthy. You only eat snacks and you eat instant noodles at night!"

"Yes, we should find a way to improve it."

"If you always eat snacks and instant noodles, your body will not be able to bear it..."

Zhao Yi stopped eating noodles and quickly walked over to put away bags of snacks. He said, "Eating snacks is not healthy, so you should stop eating them!"

"No, no, no!"

"Healthy, this is the healthiest thing. I like eating dried mango the most!"

"Stop, Stop! Don't grab my chocolate. It is said that eating more chocolate can make you gain weight!"

Zhao Yi felt that it was wrong to open the door for them.

Who are they?

Are you still educating me while eating my food?

By the time Zhao Yi finished eating the instant noodles, the snack team had grown to four people. They were chatting while eating and turned on the TV as if they were having a party.

Zhao Linlin sat in the middle of the sofa.

Zhao Yi is on the left.

Lin Xiaoqing's right.

Sun Liang was afraid that Zhao Yi would 'steal away the chocolate', so he simply sat at the dining table and prepared to finish eating from a distance before coming back.

“Dogs only protect food!”

Zhao Yi sneered disdainfully, but it had no effect at all. Between chocolate and dignity, Sun Liang decisively chose chocolate.

Zhao Yi glanced down at Zhao Linlin from the corner of his eye.

Lin Xiaoqing's left hand was pressed on the sofa. He pretended to press his right hand on the sofa for support, and slowly moved his hand over step by step.

Play the villain with your fingers!


One step, two steps, three, four steps...

bumped into!

Zhao Yi continued to talk to Sun Liang and found that Lin Xiaoqing moved her hand away a little in excitement, but did not take it back completely. He pretended to be tired and lay half on the sofa, and slowly reached out with his right hand again.



Grab it, hold on tight!

Lin Xiaoqing blushed and tried to break free, but found that she could not break free completely. She glared at Zhao Yi fiercely and did not continue to use force at all, but she was obviously very nervous and kept looking at Sun Liang and Zhao Linlin for fear of being beaten by them. Two discoveries.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +3. 】


Zhao Yi immediately grinned happily, but strangely, he immediately received another message.

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +2. 】


Zhao Yi looked at Zhao Linlin doubtfully, raised his head and noticed that Zhao Linlin was looking down at her left hand pressed on the sofa.

I don't know what happened to that hand, but the palm was facing Zhao Linlin's side, just resting on the most fleshy part. Because of the confrontation with Lin Xiaoqing's strength, she even rubbed it forward a few times.

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Yi found that his actions were also a bit awkward. He almost half-hug Zhao Linlin.

No wonder, no wonder!

Stop now!

Lin Xiaoqing blushed, Zhao Linlin blushed, and even Zhao Yi blushed a little. He felt that he had gone too far and flirted with two girls at once, but he dared to swear to Doufu that he really didn't mean it just now.

The room was quiet.

Sun Liang came over with the chocolate, looked at the three of them respectively, and asked strangely, "What's wrong with you? Why are you blushing?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"have a finger in the pie!"

"Go and protect the food!"

Sun Liang rubbed the back of his head with a question mark on his face.

He still shamelessly pulled up a seat and suddenly asked Zhao Yida, "By the way, where are our gifts? You agreed to buy gifts when you went to the capital!"

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin both looked at Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi walked over and got a suitcase, and found two Doraemon-style things in it. There was a small display screen on the belly, and there was a bunch of small buttons underneath.

This is a product of Zhouyu Interactive Company.

When Zhao Yi copied things to the robot's hard drive, he found that it looked pretty good, so he bought two as gifts at the internal price.

This one is an ‘educational machine’.

Doraemon has many functions. For example, it can press buttons to wave and rotate. It stores some songs internally, supports Internet downloading of songs, and has basic functions such as memory and recording. The screen and buttons below are the 'Wenquxing Dictionary' function, which can press buttons. Check out a lot of information.


If placed more than ten years later, Doraemon will be an outdated children's toy. It does not even have voice interaction functions, the sound effect is not good, it cannot be directly connected to wireless, and the storage space is pitiful... There are many problems.

But now that MP3 players are popular, there are no smart phones, and students like to buy "Wenquxing", it can attract three high school students because there are no higher-end products on the market.

The three of them studied for a long time.

Sun Liang suddenly discovered a problem. He asked Zhao Yi doubtfully, "Why are there only two? Where are mine? Zhao Yi, didn't you forget to buy me a gift?"

"How can it be!"

Zhao Yi immediately shook his head and denied it. He walked to the suitcase, squatted down and rummaged around.

Search and search!

Hard work pays off!

In an unknown pocket of the box, I don’t know when, there was a small plastic flag stored, a bit like a toy gift for a child.

Zhao Yi held the small flag in his hands and handed it to Sun Liang solemnly, "Monkey, this is the gift I carefully selected for you!"

"Because you are going to the winter camp, which is very important. I want to use this little flag to wish you success and success, and strive to get into the top sixty!"

"come on!"

Zhao Yi said and sent it over forcefully.

Sun Liang was very moved and took the flag. After a closer look, he found that it was a plastic toy and he dropped it to the ground without holding it properly.


The flagpole... was broken?

Amid the awkward laughter of several people in the living room, Sun Liang yelled with all his strength, "Zhao Yi!"


"I'm done with you!"

Finally considering living in Zhao Yi's house, Sun Liang decided to get back together with Zhao Yi, at least until the next day.

He forgot about it the next day.

Zhao Yi returned to campus life and was very serious about his studies. There was a monthly exam in December, followed by the final exam before the winter vacation.

He set small goals: to secure the first place in the 13th grade in the monthly exam and to rank among the top 100 in the province in the final exam.

This goal is not easy to achieve.

Nanjiang Province is a major college entrance examination province. The questions are slightly simpler, and dozens or hundreds of 700 points can appear. If you want to get into the top 100 in the province, it is best to get 700 points.

Zhao Yi worked hard to memorize Chinese and read chemistry and biology.

The other three courses are not a big problem.

In the process of studying the 'screening method', hacking technology, and cracking the Kakutani conjecture, his biggest achievement was not to develop something, but to be very proficient in using the "Law of Causality" and "Contact Rate". Even in normal times, he You will also get used to using "Law of Causality" and "Contact Rate" which consume very little.

This is very helpful for doing questions.

For a somewhat brain-burning math or physics question, he would subconsciously use the "Law of Cause and Effect" and "Contact Rate". Coupled with his own problem-solving ability, most of the questions were very easy for him.

English, needless to say.

Zhao Yi also started to get used to putting "The Law of Cause and Effect" in answer passages to correct mistakes. He could easily find the mistakes and the answer became much easier.

Now if I want to continue to improve my grades, I can only start with the three subjects of Chinese, Biology, and Chemistry.

Zhao Yi's efforts are seen in the eyes of others.

Many people don't understand.

"Why are you studying so hard even though you don't have to take the college entrance examination?" Lin Xiaoqing had a sad look on her face. She felt very depressed when she thought of Zhao Yi's hard work.


Zhao Yi became the competitor who ranked first in the exam!

Zhao Yi raised his head and said with a smile, "Study makes me happy!"

"speak English!"

Lin Xiaoqing didn't believe it at all.

"All right!"

Zhao Yi sighed and suddenly noticed that Wang Chengmin strode into the classroom. He immediately said righteously, "Actually, the reason is very simple. Our No. 13 Middle School has never produced students who are among the best in the province, so I just want to do my best. If you get a few more points, if you can get the top spot in the college entrance examination, wouldn't it be equal to bringing glory to the 13th Middle School?"


"Well said!"

Wang Chengmin was elated when he heard this. He clapped his hands vigorously and shouted to the others, "Did you hear that? This is the best student in the history of No. 13 Middle School. The exam is not for yourself, but for the school!"

"How great this spirit is!"

After he finished speaking, he said seriously to Zhao Yi, "Classmate Zhao Yi, no matter whether you can do it or not, your name will be recorded in the history of No. 13 Middle School! You are the best, the most dedicated, and the most devoted to the school in the past years." Students who feel like they belong!”

Wang Chengmin boasted a lot in succession before he remembered what he was here for, "There are reporters who want to interview you. They are all big media, so you can't turn them down."

Can’t push it away?

Are you eager for more interviews from the big media?

Zhao Yi complained.

However, interviews with big media are indeed difficult to recommend. Accepting interviews can also help guide public opinion. Zhao Yi accepted the interview anyway.

There are several reporters in the ‘Interview Classroom’.

In addition to "Nanjiang News", there are also reporters from "Metropolitan News", "Times Express" and other media.

Liu Huimin and Zhao Yi knew each other, and she asked a strange question when she opened her mouth, "Miao Hongchao claimed in an interview that he had cracked the 'Kakutani Conjecture'. What do you think of this?"

"Miao Hongchao, who is he?"

Zhao Yi asked subconsciously. What he heard sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"Miao Hongchao is a film and television star. He has starred in many movies such as "Heroes" and "Youth". He also graduated with a doctorate..."

Liu Huimin introduced it carefully.

Zhao Yi felt a little headache after hearing this, so he simply said directly, "I don't know about Miao Hongchao. If he really cracks the 'Kakutani Conjecture', he will publish papers in top journals or give lectures at world-class mathematics conferences."

"I don't have any opinion."

"All right!"

"Let me just say: congratulations to him!"


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