Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 136 The Legend of an Eagle


"Well done!"

Zhao Yi high-fived Professor Liu excitedly, and Professor Liu also showed a happy smile.

This is indeed a success.

Professor Liu is the world's top computer research expert, but the field of computers is too big. His research content is related to artificial intelligence, and he has not conducted in-depth research on hacker intrusion techniques.


That's of no use to Professor Liu.

Being able to invade foreign websites with Zhao Yi was also a novel experience for Professor Liu, especially when the invasion was very successful. The released program invaded thousands, tens of thousands, or even more users' computers, forcing several 10. Hundreds of websites have shut down their servers. It can be said that the impact has been huge.

Although there is no real destruction, it is more powerful than direct destruction.

Professor Liu thought more.

Many things in the world are always black when they are white. Since the development of computer technology, the confrontation between black hats and white hats has been going on in corners invisible to the public.

This is a battlefield without smoke.

The country's network security department must be pure white internally, which does not necessarily mean "white". "White" means that it can only defend passively. It cannot always be "white" externally. Long-term defense also means Extremely passive, but occasionally must be more proactive in order to truly deter opponents.

The intrusion program developed by Zhao Yi is so powerful that there is no need to intrude directly. It can directly track the user's IP on the port. It can almost be said to be a 'cross-dimensional strike'.

This intrusion program is extremely useful in defending security and deterring opponents.

The 19th detachment exploded.

The members of the 19th Squadron are very depressed because they have an "irresponsible" captain. Because they have less communication with each other, they don't understand the captain's skills.

When they heard that only IP and open ports were needed, they were full of doubts. They didn't know how to use the vulnerability to complete the invasion?

They all have a certain technical level, at least they know some common sense about intrusion, and some can write relevant codes, but they still do it.

The players and captains of the League of Hearts do not have a true superior-subordinate relationship, but there are too many ordinary players, and the skills of being the captain are definitely not bad.

What the team members didn't expect was that the invasion effect would be so effective?

In fact, for more than an hour at first, they didn't feel any effect. They even felt that the captain was paddling.

Overseas users will be "hawked" when they open the website, but they use a proxy server. When they open the "hawked" website, the program can only be traced back to the proxy server, and they can't see anything.


Can't open any website?

If only one or two websites cannot be opened, it can be said to be a website problem, but if many target websites cannot be opened, it is definitely not a simple problem.

"Have you noticed? Our target website cannot be opened?"

“Most of them can’t be opened!”

"Some can still be opened, but I found that the latest user comments on the website are all cursing..."

"Look, screenshot!"

“This website can’t be opened either!”

"What did Captain Yiying do? This is too awesome! Yiying! Call Captain Yiying!"

" @An eagle!"

Cybersecurity department.

In an office filled with a large number of display screens and full of technology, Zhou Ming sat with several colleagues, all looking anxious.

Huang Guocheng is the department director of the security department. He is responsible for this counterattack against overseas networks. He continuously tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and a lot of garbled characters appeared on the screen. He asked in confusion, "The other party is so powerful? They caught up with us so quickly. server?"


"What are these? A bunch of packets with calls to underlying functions?"

"Is it a Trojan horse program?"

"It seems that they are tracking our accessing IPs to find out who the accessing IPs are!"


The security department found the information. They tracked the locations of several IPs and found that they were all from Squad 19...

Division 19?

Zhou Ming opened the Penguin account and asked Zhao Yi. He typed a line and simply deleted it. He found the target website information assigned by Team 19 and tried to open it one by one.

Can't open most of them?

what happened?

"Look! The latest reports from overseas media!" A sudden exclamation came from the office.

Several people immediately went over to take a look.

The media in Oakland, California, reported the latest news——

"The Oakland Police Department website was hacked!" 》

The report article mentioned that users who visit the Oakland Police Department website will be tracked by hackers' Trojan horse programs, and users are reminded not to click on programs that are prompted to load.

"There should be other reports, let's take a look!"

When they carefully searched for the latest overseas reports, they quickly learned a lot of content——

"Super virus appears, invading users' computers from regular websites!" 》

"The Terrifying Internet Black Hawk Virus!" 》

"Network Security Bureau: Our public service website has been attacked by hackers from the East!" 》

"Special reminder: Do not load any programs in the browser! 》

"Beware of the Black Hawk Virus!" 》

After browsing the information reported by overseas media, several people in the security department office also knew what happened specifically. To put it simply, the 19th team of the League of Hearts seemed to have used an intrusion method to hang the target website. Trojan virus, Trojan virus follows the target website and invades the visiting user level...

This is too terrible!

"So, these data packets we received are the Black Hawk virus?"

Huang Guocheng looked at Zhou Ming, "You are in charge of Squad 19, right?"


Huang Guocheng thought about it and said, "Find a computer first and try running it?" He wanted to evaluate the power of the virus.


The evaluation results are out.

This so-called 'Black Hawk' virus did not even attract the attention of the security software on the computer. It just called the underlying function and caused a picture consisting of several words and a number to appear on the screen.

"It's just a small program." Huang Guocheng breathed a sigh of relief, but everyone knew the key.

The 'Black Hawk' virus can actually stick to the target website server, and directly invade the level of the visiting user along with the information transmitted by the server?

This is the scary place!

Huang Guocheng took a deep breath and said to Zhou Ming, "Hurry up and contact the 19th Squadron and ask them not to leak the intrusion program!"

Zhou Ming quickly contacted Zhao Yi, who was a little scared thinking about it.

In fact.

Zhou Ming doesn't think highly of Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi is indeed an algorithm genius and seems to be an expert in 'finding loopholes'. However, the computer field is too vast. He is good at writing algorithms and finding loopholes, but he does not necessarily know hacking methods.

Zhou Ming just placed Zhao Yi in the 19th detachment, and the target websites assigned were unimportant.

In this overseas cyber counterattack, the top ten numbered units are the core force, and those assigned to them are the important targets.

Now Zhou Ming suddenly realized that his approach was correct. If he really assigned Zhao Yi an important target website, maybe things would get really big. Invading tens of thousands of overseas users would only arouse a wave of public opinion, and invade hundreds of thousands or hundreds of people. Thousands of users...

The consequences are unimaginable!

That was no ordinary cyber counterattack, but like a direct war with the opponent!

Zhou Ming calmed down and quickly sent a message to Zhao Yi, "Don't leak your intrusion program and Black Hawk virus!"

"Your invasion..."

Before he finished typing, he saw a message from the other side, "I am Professor Liu, and I am with Zhao Yi. That is a small program we developed together."

"Your department quickly sends someone to the Academy of Sciences, and I will give you the source code."

"Remember to give me credit!"

"do you understand?"

Professor Liu spoke very directly and effectively. Zhou Ming paused and quickly replied, "Hello Professor Liu, I understand."

Zhao Yi saw this very interestingly and asked, "Can I still ask for credit? Is there a bonus?"

Professor Liu smiled and said, "I won't publicly express my merits, and don't expect a big bonus, but there should be a commendation, right?"


Zhao Yi was a little confused.

Professor Liu shook his head and said, "I should give you a commendation for other reasons, just wait."

Overseas also quickly discovered the problem. The intrusion was only a small piece of execution code, which disappeared quickly after execution. There was no problem of stealing data or destroying the program.


They released information telling the public not to worry about the Black Hawk virus, and vowed that they had found a way to combat it.

In fact, those in the know are more worried than the public.

Those websites that have been "hawked" cannot find the problem at all, so they can only carefully check the source code of the website, and then restart the server after confirming that there is no problem.

When you can’t find the problem, it’s a bit scary to think deeply.

Their understanding of the 'Black Hawk' virus is limited to the penetration ports and functions, but the functions can be modified at will. As for the penetration ports, they are open ports on most websites. It is impossible for them to require all websites to close these ports. Commonly used ports.

How to defend against such an intrusion?

Overseas security departments have a strong sense of crisis. Some media also have professionals who also know the threat of the Black Hawk virus, and they have begun to report continuously.

"Security agencies cannot deal with the Black Hawk virus!" 》

"This is the most difficult virus to defend against!" 》

"The creator of Black Hawk Virus is an absolute genius!" 》

"This is a mysterious virus from the East!" 》

For a while.

The focus of overseas public opinion is on the Black Hawk virus, and constant reports have quickly spread to China.

There are also endless discussions within the Heart League.

The group members have all seen and heard the overseas reports, and they are very sure that the 'Black Hawk Virus' was created by a big boss in the league who was involved in the offense.

Who specifically?

A member of the 19th Squadron broke the news that the 'Black Hawk' virus was released by their captain Yiying, and the news quickly went viral.

‘One Eagle’, became very famous.

at the same time.

The domestic security department also began to purge people from various groups, and all guests with the word "special invitation" were eliminated one by one.

This is the protection of personal information.

Zhou Ming also reminded Zhao Yi to forget the name "Yi Ying" and even suggested changing the code name of "Yi Ying".

The source code of the Black Hawk virus may become a deterrent weapon in the hands of network security departments.

An eagle will only become a legend in the hearts of many people.

Thanks to the following book friends for the reward: Love Comes to the Past 10,100 coins (special mark from the boss), Ruo Shui Zhi Mo 408 coins, Ye Yu Shang Meng 348 coins, Fengshen 163, Anyye, I am Xun Yukong, Think of the Simple Old, Alaskan Book Dog 100 coins.

By the way: How do you reward 2 coins?

There is a row of 2 coins displayed in the background. I really can’t thank you one by one!

Hope for understanding.

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