Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 137 Zhao Yi doesn’t understand mathematics?

Professor Liu is gone.

Come in a hurry and go in a hurry.

Professor Liu's schedule is full, and it is indeed a great time to come and meet Zheng Yang and Zhao Yi.

He felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The 'Zhao's Screening Method' was of great help to his research. Entering into hacking with Zhao Yi was also a brand new experience, which was equivalent to relaxing and relaxing.

Zhao Yi also gained something.

Putting aside the experience of designing intrusion codes, scientific research coins are also recorded in the system.

[Successfully hacked into overseas websites and became famous under the codename "Yiying". 】

[Research Coin +6. 】

【Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +2. 】

This time, only scientific research coins were added. There were very few scientific research coins for improving academic reputation, and there was no prompt for new learning coins, which made Zhao Yi a little depressed.

He thought about it carefully, probably because of the relationship with him.

‘Yi Ying’ is just a code name.

Others cannot associate him with Yi Ying, so naturally they cannot enhance his academic reputation.

Zhao Yi felt a little regretful. Thinking about it, he couldn't ask for too much. Researching several intrusion programs, including camouflage, one-time Trojans, and monitoring, didn't consume much energy. He just studied it in his spare time and could get eight Research coins are also pretty good.

Ride to school.

[Physical exercise, learning coins +2. 】

After saying hello to the security guard at the door, Zhao Yi pushed the cart into the school gate in a good mood. He had been in the Elite Class A classroom. When he returned to his seat, he felt something was wrong.

By the time get out of class was over, something was even worse.

This strangeness came from the resentful eyes of the whole class. Zhao Yi looked around and asked, "What's wrong? I just came here, didn't I offend you?"

Zhao Linlin said leisurely, "You have offended everyone."


Everyone else gathered around and said sadly, "Zhao Yi, how on earth did you pass the exam, almost 700 points!"

"You don't know, the teachers have been talking about you for a few classes!"

"You are someone else's child!"

"Mathematics 149, that's so awesome! Sun Liang just got 148 in the exam?"


Zhao Yi opened his mouth and asked subconsciously, "I didn't get a perfect score in math?"


The surrounding area became filled with resentment and a cold wind. Zhao Yi quickly laughed and asked, "Are there any specific results? How many did I take?"

"695! Five minutes to seven hundred!"

Lin Xiaoqing turned around and said her grades through gritted teeth, "Mathematics 149, English 146, Chinese 124, and comprehensive science 276!"

"Are you a god?"

"Gods, please ascend quickly and stop causing trouble in the human world!"

Lin Xiaoqing's tone represented the attitude of the whole class. They had been bombarded with several classes. Even Teacher Wang Ping, who taught Chinese, said that Zhao Yi's grades had steadily improved and were a little better than last time. Ancient Poetry Two of them were written correctly.

Zhao Yi quickly waved his hand and said, "Good luck, good luck, haha..."

When the bell rang for class, he was finally out of danger.

In fact, Zhao Yi was a little surprised by the results. The surprise was not that the test scores were high, but that the test scores were lower. After the test, he felt that he could pass 700 points.

For example, mathematics.

Shouldn't it be a surefire way to get full marks?

If it is only one point short of a full mark, it must be because the process was not fully written and one point was deducted, or the teacher did not want to give full marks and found a reason to deduct one point.

The comprehensive science level is less than 280, which is still a little bit worse.

Chinese language scores were the worst.


Zhao Yi shook his head helplessly. He had been reading Chinese for a while, and reciting ancient poems took up a lot of time. He also focused on several reading comprehension questions, but he still didn't improve a few points.

In Chinese, it’s really difficult to improve your scores!

He will definitely not say that he is dissatisfied with the score, otherwise it will arouse greater resentment from his classmates.

Maybe this is the sadness of a top student!

Zhao Yi sighed.

Lin Xiaoqing was much sadder than him. She scored a high score of 657, which was not as good as the midterm exam. However, considering the difficulty of the questions, most students had dropped, so her score was equivalent to an improvement.

The result...the gap is even bigger!

Last time, Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi were just one point apart. She felt that if she worked harder or performed better, there was still hope of catching up, but now she was beaten to despair.

How big is the difference between 657 and 695?


This is not a grade at all!

A score of 695 can help you get ranked among the top ten in the province, while a score of 657 is just an "ordinary good study". With slightly simpler questions, you can be ranked outside the hundreds.

It's another class break.

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head and lay on Zhao Yi's desk, staring at Zhao Yi with her two big eyes. She sighed deeply and asked, "How on earth did you learn it? I went to cram school every day, and I just passed the math test." Over one hundred and thirty, you can actually get perfect scores."

Niu Lianhua said in class that she deliberately deducted one point from Zhao Yi because she saw that Zhao Yi did everything right.

The same goes for Sun Liang, who was wrongly picked and deducted two points.

Zhao Yi just laughed.

Lin Xiaoqing continued, "Also, how did you take the exam? All the multiple-choice questions in each subject were correct? Especially English..."

"Bah, bah, bah~~"

Zhao Yi frowned slightly and thought seriously, should he get a question wrong next time?

It can’t all be right!

If you make a mistake in English next time, the English choice will score the least, and some will only get one point!

Lin Xiaoqing finally finished complaining. She still blinked her big eyes and stared at Zhao Yi seriously.

Zhao Yi leaned his head over and whispered, "Actually..." He looked left and right as he spoke, as if he was afraid that others would hear, "Actually, I have a special learning method, which is very helpful for improving my grades. Let's do this, You come to my house today and we will discuss it in detail. Just in time, my bed..."


Lin Xiaoqing interrupted midway and turned her head disdainfully.

Zhao Yi took a deep breath.

It really is!

It is getting harder and harder to earn learning coins from Lin Xiaoqing. She seems to be completely immune to teasing words.

what to do?

Change target?

Zhao Yi hesitated for a moment, looked around and found that Zhao Linlin was not there, and neither was Hu Tianyan.

You can't lower the grade, right?

never mind.

He shook his head and stood up, seeming to be walking forward. When he passed by Lin Xiaoqing, his arms were swinging a little abnormally, and he was gently wiping a ball of purse...


Anyway, it’s over.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +3. 】


Lin Xiaoqing stared in shame and anger, this bad guy is getting more and more excessive!

The incident of touching hands at his house last time hadn't passed yet, so this time she might as well just... She blushed just thinking about it, so she simply put her face on the table and pretended to sleep.

The bell rang.

Zhao Yi had to come back. He almost rushed to his position when he received the harsh words from Lin Xiaoqing, "Just wait, I will come back with revenge!"


Zhao Yi pursed his lips and thought.


How to take revenge?

It seems that I have to be careful recently, I must not let this girl take advantage of me!

Zhao Yi not only became the ‘achievement benchmark’ for the third grade of high school, but also became the ‘progress benchmark’.

Mathematics and English are naturally the performance benchmarks.

The subject of comprehensive science is the ‘benchmark for progress’. In Sun’s physics class, he couldn’t stop praising Zhao Yi. On Zhao Yi’s comprehensive science test paper, he scored 107 out of 110 in physics, which is almost a perfect score.

"The last question has also been solved."

“It’s progressing very quickly!”

"Everyone must learn from classmate Zhao Yi..."

Zhao Yi didn't feel anything at all. He felt that the resentment his classmates had towards him was entirely due to the teachers in various subjects. Why did he always criticize his grades? Isn't this just pushing him to be the opposite of the whole class!

Mr. Sun not only praised Zhao Yi, but after she explained the physics test paper, she also copied a question on the blackboard that was as difficult as the last physics question in the monthly exam.


She asked Zhao Yi to come up and do the questions.

Sun Laoban's purpose was to let Zhao Yi think, do, and talk to guide everyone on how to solve the problem, but she never thought that she would see such a situation.

After Zhao Yi stood on the podium, he glanced at the topic and first wrote a number.

Then, another.

Then I wrote a circuit formula, only changed one step and wrote the answer directly.

"What did he write??"

"What's this?"

"Are you doing the questions? Or are you thinking about how to do it..."

No one in the class could understand.

Sun Laoban just asked him to solve the answer. Zhao Yi didn't want to go to the trouble of writing out the process. It was very laborious to write with chalk. He glanced at Teacher Sun and asked, "Teacher Sun, is it okay?"


Sun Laoban didn't react.

"The answer, I've solved it." Zhao Yi pointed at the answer and said.

Sun Laoban quickly took out the answer, took a look at it, and found that the result written by Zhao Yi was completely correct.

But... what about the process?

"Do you still need to write the process?" Zhao Yi could only continue writing depressedly, perfecting the previous steps.

The whole class was a little confused.

They couldn't understand at all how Zhao Yi figured out the answer, how could he get the result just by writing a few numbers?

When Zhao Yi slowly filled in the process, they discovered that the previous numbers were all the results of key steps.


Sun Liang suddenly sighed and said, "I have a stupid brain and I can't keep up at all!"

"Me too!"

"I can't keep up at all!"

Sun Laoban stared blankly without saying anything.

Zhao Yidu had already walked off the podium, and she realized it and sighed. Even she wanted to say that she was stupid.

I can’t keep up!

"How did Zhao Yi figure out the answer? Directly? Get the result in two steps?"

"Probably because we are afraid that we don't understand. Of course, we definitely don't understand, so we can't write down the steps..."

"Is this the difference between ordinary people and geniuses?"

Sun Laoban started to talk about the topic with a complicated mood. In fact, there was nothing to talk about. The answers written by Zhao Yi were more concise than the standard answers, but every step was very crucial.

Just look at the answers.

After class.

After Sun Laoban returned to the office, he told the matter to other teachers. The other teachers also lamented Zhao Yi's genius, and it was difficult to understand why Zhao Yi could easily solve the answer.

"Of course!"

Niu Lianhua said very understandingly, "Don't you know? Zhao Yi got full marks in the Mathematical Olympiad."

"Then what?"

"Do you think that people who can get perfect scores in the Mathematical Olympiad have the same brain structure as ordinary people? They are super geniuses. They probably think in different ways. We all solve problems step by step. Maybe he saw the conditions, and the result It’s almost out.”

"It's like an ordinary calculation, four-digit multiplication, we all have to carry out the calculation one by one. Maybe he can do the fuzzy calculation and directly guess the final result number based on the relationship between the numbers..."

Several teachers thought carefully and found that what they said made sense. They immediately looked at Niu Lianhua.

Xue Pinggui also looked over.

Niu Lianhua said shyly, "Actually, I didn't think so myself. I just watched the show "Brainstorm" and there was a person who could calculate the decimal point after the root... Later, a guest named Li explained Just use this method."


"It's really awesome!"

"It was yesterday's show, I watched it too." Luo Yongjun suddenly said, "Then Dr. Li also talked about Zhao Yi, saying that Zhao Yi is a computer genius, but he is not necessarily a genius in mathematics. This is really irritating! "

Niu Lianhua said seriously, "I think Zhao Yi is a genius in mathematics! He got full marks in the Mathematical Olympiad!"

Luo Yongjun said, "It's not just the guest named Li on that show. You didn't pay attention to the news in the morning. Now many people on the Internet are saying that Zhao Yi doesn't understand mathematics at all."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because in his speech at Yanhua University, he claimed that he solved the world's mathematical problems using a method of binary conversion and sum..."

Luo Yongjun explained.

"I've heard that too. Is that just a joke?" Niu Lianhua shook her head and said, "If you ask me, these people on the Internet are just full and uncomfortable. Zhao Yi is a senior in high school. What can he understand? Mathematics? If you say crack it, crack it, and they take it seriously!"


The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough!

The other teachers made sense when they heard it. Who can expect a senior high school student to solve some of the world's mathematical problems? Even if he gets full marks in the Mathematical Olympiad, it's impossible for him. After all, he has never been exposed to advanced mathematical knowledge!


Li Lisheng, the age director, stood there and listened, silently remembering Niu Lianhua's words in his heart.

It is indeed the Bull Demon King!

The number one quarrel master!

I will go to the forum soon to refute those guys who are looking for trouble!

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