Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 141 You are really good at everything...

Go to class, study.

The classroom of Elite Class A is full of learning atmosphere.

But it is a bit strange for Zhao Yi to study seriously. Zhao Linlin asked more than once, "Why do you prove the world's difficult problems and still attend class with us, and you seem to be more serious than us."

Her tone was full of sorrow.

Several people around them turned their heads and looked over. They still find it incredible that their classmates can prove mathematical conjectures?

They are only in high school!

What's more important is that they can't even get high scores in high school mathematics. They are all students in the same class. How can the gap be so big?

Zhao Yi continued to stare at the textbook and said calmly, "I have said it many times, learning makes me happy!"

"Learning makes me happy!"

"Studying really makes me happy..."


People around him expressed disdain.

While some people pouted, they also accepted Zhao Yi's remarks. It sounded like a joke. How can students make people happy? But are there other reasons?

For the college entrance examination?

Zhao Yi has been admitted to various universities!

Now Zhao Yi has not only been admitted to the university, but also proved world-class mathematical conjectures. He can be called a "great mathematician". Those who know him well know that most people who specialize in mathematics will never even think about it in their lifetime. Solve a world problem.

Zhao Yi also designed a unique computer algorithm, and he can already be considered successful.

Therefore, if learning is not for happiness, why else?

In fact, Zhao Yi is enjoying his high school life. Not studying in high school or college has become a regret more than ten years ago. Even if he does not have any purpose, he will study seriously.

Plus, he has goals.

Getting into college is not the only goal. He has to complete the main task of becoming the top student in the college entrance examination.

same day.

The news that Zhao Yi proved Kakutani's conjecture spread rapidly in the country.

Many domestic scholars also got the "Journal of the Mathematical Society". It didn't matter if they couldn't get the magazine. Some people, through connections, found someone to take photos of the proofs of Kakutani's theorem in the magazine, and clearly transmitted the photos of each page.

This enables research and verification.

Most of the interested people are carefully verifying the results.


There is new news from overseas.

Uluzi, a professor of mathematics at Princeton, has verified the entire process. He is very sure that the conclusion is correct. He also accepted an interview with reporters and commented on the proof process. His tone was full of admiration, "This is computers and basic mathematics." The most perfect combination!”

"I know that computers can assist in mathematical proofs, but I never thought that the binary method of computers and mathematics can be so wonderfully combined!"

"If you can understand the '01 number pictures' one after another, you will know what I am talking about. I believe many people feel the same as me."

"The Hail Conjecture has always been considered that the proof process is more important than the result, and this is now confirmed. The author of the paper has a novel method. He combines basic mathematics and computers. I think this will open up new opportunities for many people who study mathematics. a new way of thinking.”

"Mathematics is not about the more advanced theorems and formulas, the more advanced the mathematical methods, the better. The foundation is the most important."

"I heard that the author of the paper was a Chinese high school student. To be honest, I was very surprised, but when I think about it, it's not surprising."

"The abilities of young people will be limited by the breadth of knowledge. Likewise, they can use this knowledge to the maximum efficiency. And like us, we know a lot of mathematics. When we encounter a mathematics problem, we will think about many advanced methods. , while ignoring the most basic things in mathematics..."

Uluzi's interview was very in-depth, and some of it was his personal feelings.

Many top mathematicians, after studying the proof method, felt the same as Uruzi.

Who would have thought that using only basic mathematical theorems and formulas, plus computer binary demonstration methods, we could prove the world-class difficult hail conjecture?


Many people are also working on methods to prove Kakutani's theorem.

Professor Yan Zhixing of Shuimu University was one of them. He only studied for more than two hours before he regretfully had to stop and go to the teaching building to teach students.

In this class, Yan Zhixing talked about the proof of Kakutani's theorem. He talked about the parts he had seen, explained the process to the students, and then said, "I suggest that each of you take a look at the process. The theorems used in it, You all know the formulas, and the computer is also a basic thing, and there is no super-class content, but using these to prove the Kakutani theorem."

“That goes to show the importance of fundamentals.”

"Perhaps some people don't know that this paper was published by a high school student. It is said that he derived the proof method of Kakutani's theorem while studying the simplified Rubik's Cube algorithm."

"what a pity……"

"I thought he would choose the Shuimuyan class, but he is going to study fuzzy mathematics with Professor He from Yanhua University. He probably plans to develop in the direction of artificial intelligence..."

Yan Zhixing felt a little regretful as he spoke, but felt a little relieved.

When Zhao Yi published the ‘Effective and Irrelevant Carry Screening Method’ before, he felt that he was a super genius in computers and would become a top scientific research talent with systematic guidance.

It's different now.

If there is a student in the class who can prove the world's mathematical problems, they will feel that the class can't be carried out.


Who dares to teach?

Regardless of his status as a student, being able to prove world-class mathematical problems is at the same level as him.

The other party has already produced research results on his own before he went to college. Everyone knows that he is the top genius. What if he achieves nothing after going to college for a few years...

Teachers are under great pressure!

If it can really be taught, then the students themselves are geniuses; otherwise, the teacher’s teaching level will definitely be questioned!

Shuimu Yan's class has just been opened, and no teaching results have been produced. It is a good thing that he will not encounter such students.

Yanhua University.

He learned the news about Professor He Mingcheng very early. As soon as he got up, someone congratulated him. He was very puzzled when he heard it, "What is Kakutani theorem? What are you talking about?"

"Your student!"

"Zhao Yi!"

"He proved Kakutani's theorem!"

Professor He was shocked when he heard the news. Like everyone else, he felt that when Zhao Yi said he had proved the Kakutani theorem in his speech, it was just a joke, and it was a bit for 'face'.

At that time, Li Yilai was always looking for problems, and Kakutani's theorem also became a loophole in the screening method.


Is it really proven?

"But I haven't taught him anything, and I'm still waiting for him to come to Yanhua University to teach him about fuzzy mathematics!"

Professor He Mingcheng was not happy at all and felt that other people's congratulations were ironic.

He did say that Zhao Yi should be a student, but the relationship between teacher and student was only verbal, and nothing was actually taught.

Whatever achievements Zhao Yi has achieved has nothing to do with him.

He Mingcheng took a copy of the "Journal of the Mathematical Society" and began to study the proof process.

Halfway through, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"This can't be done!"

He Mingcheng felt awkward even after thinking about it, so he simply called Qian Zhijin and said, "I don't recognize this student!"

"I am not qualified to be his teacher, no one is qualified. Don't say that I am his teacher in the future. When he comes to Yanhua University, we will learn from each other!"

"No one will ever say that I am his teacher again!"

Qian Zhijin found it difficult to understand. How great would it be to accept such a student?

The result was ‘denial’?

He tried his best to persuade her, but the result made the little old man even more angry, so he simply stopped trying.

Anyway, Zhao Yi just comes to Yanhua University.

Whether he is Professor He's student or not is a matter between him and Professor He, and has nothing to do with anyone else.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

In just three days, many people watched the proof process of Kakutani Conjecture and verified the proof process.

Without exception, all correct!

At this time, it can finally be said with certainty that Kakutani’s conjecture has been proven, which means that this conjecture will become the ‘Zhao-style theorem’.


This is a domestic naming.

In other words, Japan would probably name it the 'Kakutani theorem', and other countries might name it the 'Hail theorem'.

No matter what the name of the theorem is, the theorem will definitely be associated with Zhao Yi's name, and his name will also be recorded in the history of mathematics along with the theorem.

People in China are excited that the person who proved their suspicion is Zhao Yi, a domestic high school student.

The media is completely in a frenzy!

A student can prove the world's mathematical problems in high school. What else can he not dare to think about in the future?

the basic……

This is the future Fields Medal winner!

Just relying on the proof of Kakutani's conjecture is not enough to get Fields, but he is only eighteen years old, and there are still twenty-two years before Fields's deadline when he is forty years old!

"The future Fields Medal winner is born!" "China Youth Daily" used such a title to report that Zhao Yi proved Kakutani's conjecture.

The Guangming Daily's headline read, "Chinese high school students can not only win the Mathematical Olympiad championship, but also prove the world's mathematical problems!"

This time, even the most official "Renren Daily" said, "Scientific research does not matter age or professional title. High school students can also climb the world's peaks!"

The proposition of "Renren Daily" is more meaningful.

The report sets up Zhao Yi as a benchmark, showing that low-level scientific researchers can hope to reap results as long as they work hard, instead of putting the cart before the horse first to evaluate professional titles and then to work hard on scientific research.

A high school student can do it, what can't researchers do?

The official media all reported this. You can imagine how exaggerated the ordinary media are--

"Chinese high school students, number one in the world!" 》

"The world's number one mathematician is actually a high school student!" 》

"Shock! What is the reason why mathematicians around the world are crying collectively? 》

"At night, countless female top students screamed. Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morals? 》

There are also indispensable comments on the Internet——

"This is amazing! I thought Zhao Yi was joking, but I didn't expect that it actually turned out!"

"That's a genius who created the 'screening method'. How could he be making an academic joke! When I heard it, I felt that it must have been proven!"

"I read the news last month and said that Zhao Yi is not necessarily a math genius!"

"It proves that the difficult problem in the world of mathematics is not a mathematical genius. Dr. Li in "Big Brain" will be called 'not a genius Dr. Li' from now on."

Of course, there are also more professional ones——

"Sure enough, the proof was deduced from the 'screening method'. I studied the proof process, and it is indeed directly related to the 'screening method'!"

"Zhao Yi is really honest. If it were me, I wouldn't say a word during my speech!"

"His proof process is really invincible. I think in the future, we can put various conjectures into the Mathematical Olympiad competition, and maybe they will be proven by the contestants!"

"Zhao Yi's Mathematical Olympiad is full marks. He used basic formulas, theorems and computers to combine, which really opened up new ideas for mathematical proofs!"

There are also weird comments--

"Zhao Yi is a student of Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School. My son is about to take the high school entrance examination, so let him go to No. 13 Middle School!"

(Response: Is it because you can’t pass the No. 1 Middle School?)

"I am Zhao Yi's English test, everyone has no doubts, right? Zhao Yi, this kid, I knew he was amazing when I first saw him. He is a real genius. Facts have proved my vision!"


"I watched the certification process and fell in love with Zhao Yi. I decided to be Zhao Yi's girlfriend and give birth to a monkey for him~~"

Zhao Yi was half lying on the sofa, looking at the last comment, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Xiaoqing also saw it.

Lin Xiaoqing was sitting next to his legs, tilting her head and staring at the computer screen, saying angrily, "This woman is so shameless!"

Zhao Yi said leisurely, "What if it's a man..."


Lin Xiaoqing imagined it, hugged her belly and laughed.

Zhao Yi looked at it depressedly, and stepped forward to scratch her armpits, which later turned into soft flesh on her waist. Later, she found that her arms were tightly clamped, and it simply turned into her back and the area with the most flesh.

It doesn't seem to be creaking?

Lin Xiaoqing was pressed down, and when she came back to her senses, she felt something was wrong. Her face turned red with embarrassment, and she pushed hard.

Zhao Yi was almost pushed down.

"Please clear~"

Zhao Yi sat up depressedly, looked at Lin Xiaoqing and said, "You are really good at everything..."

Lin Xiaoqing immediately covered her face and kept shouting in her heart, 'Are you going to confess your love? Do you want to express your love? Do you want to express your love? ’

Then I heard Zhao Yi continue, "It's just that he's too strong, he's bigger than me, he doesn't look like a woman!"


Lin Xiaoqing kicked the floor hard, then packed up her books and left with a sullen face...?

So angry?

Zhao Yi didn't see Lin Xiaoqing say a word. When he was sent to the door, Lin Xiaoqing suddenly turned back and stared at him, her lips slowly came over and touched his cheek.

The atmosphere has arrived!

Zhao Yi opened his arms tentatively.

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly raised her foot and crushed his toes hard, "It will make me angry!"

"Bad guy!"

After she finished speaking, she covered her face, turned around and ran away, not forgetting to make a note with all her strength.


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