Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 142 Commendation from the Province

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Zhao Yi stayed at home for a week, never leaving the community door.

The security of the community is quite good.

The property management company attaches great importance to safety issues. Knowing that there is a figure in the community who can solve the world's mathematical problems, they almost put up a sign at the door saying "Mathematics and Culture Community", and they also set up a serious vigilance to prevent reporters from disturbing them. residents' lives.

Many reporters kept talking for days, but they couldn't get the security guards to let go.

Some simply pretended to be ordinary residents and sneaked into the community in various ways. However, Zhao Yi's downstairs has been patrolled by security guards for a long time to prevent similar situations from happening. In the end, they were all grabbed by the security guards and sent out of the door.

"Want to interview?"

"Unless Zhao Yi agrees!"

This is the attitude of real estate.

However, the capabilities of community property management are limited, and the most they can do is deal with ordinary reporters.

As Kakutani's conjecture was proved, more and more media came to interview, and some people who were not reporters came.

Friday morning.

Zhao Yi vaguely heard a knock on the door and looked at the time. It was only half past seven?

People have become lazy!

After not going to school for several days, he simply caught up on his sleep in the morning. As a result, he always slept until eight o'clock.

"Pa bang bang..."

While the knocking on the door continued, there was also an anxious shout, "Zhao Yi! Zhao Yi! It's me! Uncle Lin! Open the door~~"


Zhao Yi shouted towards the door, put on a coat and slippers, lazily walked over and opened the door.

Lin Xudong stood at the door in high spirits, followed by several colleagues, all neatly dressed in police uniforms. The people behind him looked at Zhao Yi curiously.

In recent times, Zhao Yidu has become Zheng Yang's most famous figure.

"Just got up? Come on, get dressed and tidy up. Mayor Zhou will be here soon!"

Lin Xudong waved the others in and said, "Help clean up! Make sure you do it..."

"Mayor Zhou?"

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment, then quickly stopped and said, "No, no! No!"

Several people looked over.

He went over to tidy up the electronic accessories on the sofa and the floor, then turned on the switch of the robot and ordered word by word in a very clear tone, "Dongdong, return to the first charging position and charge!"

The screen on the robot's belly lit up.

Two lights rotated above the head, accompanied by a clear electronic sound, "Yes, Master. Return to the first charging position, charge, and execute immediately!"

After the robot finished speaking, it immediately started moving. It first walked to the end of the living room, then twisted its body to both sides, then turned and walked into the master bedroom.

Then, it was out of sight.

Several police officers, including Lin Xudong, were stunned. One person asked in surprise, "Zhao Yi, where did you buy this robot? Isn't it too high-tech?"

"It's for experiments. It's not sold on the market. I entered some codes, but it's nothing." Zhao Yi didn't want to explain too much. He mainly explained carefully, but they couldn't understand it at all.

Regarding the technical content, design methods, etc., it is better to talk to professionals such as Xu Chao and Yuan Zhongchen, who can talk more freely.

"As expected of someone who can solve mathematical problems!"

"It's amazing. The robot I can make. Those two arms are so exquisite!"

"This screen is pretty good too. It feels very clear. It's better than the computer I use for work..."


Zhao Yi felt the urge to vomit blood.


It doesn't even make sense. He is not a legendary alchemist. Is it possible to make screens and mechanical arms manually?

"Can we clean up now?" someone asked.

"Okay, okay! Sorry, you guys are so nice. You even came over to help me clean up the house."

This sentence also misses the point.

A carefree guy answered, "Do you think we are willing to come? The director knows that Captain Lin lives here, and our team happens to be fine, so he just asked him to welcome Mayor Zhou."


I can't talk today.

Lin Xudong went over to open the window, suddenly frowned and asked, "By the way, Zhao Yi, what's the name of your robot? Why am I listening..."

"Move! Move!"

Zhao Yi said with certainty, "I just want it to move better. For example, the two robotic arms, whose finger control is not so flexible, must be designed to determine more detailed codes. In fact, this He shook his head at the camera..."

He started talking about professional stuff.

Lin Dongxu felt dizzy after hearing this, but he was still unwilling to show that he didn't understand. Occasionally, he would nod seriously and chime in, "That's right!"

"That's right!"

"I would do the same thing if it were me!"

In the process of continuous conversation, Lin Xudong even forgot what he had just asked.

eight thirty.

A group of people appeared downstairs, and the first person to arrive was not Mayor Zhou, but a large group of media reporters. Each of them was faster than the other, and they quickly arrived at the door of Zhao Yi's house.

Zhao Yi simply walked out of the door and gave reporters a chance to ask questions.

It's not good to hold it in all the time.

Many reporters came several times, and we thought each other should accept interviews.

The reporters handed over the microphone, and many people spoke together, "Excuse me, classmate Zhao Yi, it is said that you solved the Kakutani conjecture in the process of deriving the 'Zhao's screening method'. Can we say, 'Zhao's screening method'? 'More complicated than Kakutani's conjecture?"

"After solving Kakutani's conjecture, have you considered what to do next? Do you have any other mathematical goals?"

"Dr. Li Lin, the previous guest on "Brain Bang", thinks that you are not necessarily a genius in mathematics. What do you think of this?"

"Can you explain how you came up with the idea of ​​using the binary demonstration method to verify Kakutani's conjecture?"

"Some people say that you decided to apply for Yanhua University. Is the news true?"

"Professor Uruz of Princeton University said that you are welcome to study at Princeton. Will you consider studying abroad?"

Zhao Yi was confused after hearing this. Lin Xudong was still beside him.

Lin Xudong had a square face and wore a police uniform. He looked majestic when he stood there. He roared loudly, "Pay attention to order, come one by one!"

The surroundings were quiet for a moment, then immediately became chaotic again.


When reporters have not broken any laws, they really are not afraid of the police. They are eager for the police to do something in public so as to provide them with material for news reports.

Of course.

They also don’t know that asking questions like this won’t lead to results. They ask first if they get the word first or the one with the loudest voice. Anyway, interviews are not exclusive and the law does not cover this area. They can also report other people’s interviews at home.

Zhao Yi patiently accepted the interview for more than ten minutes when he heard someone shouting from outside the corridor, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Xudong's team also hurried over.

Mayor Zhou is here.

As the mayor of Zhengyang City in Nanjiang Province, Mayor Zhou's presence is really weak. Most people don't know the mayor's surname, let alone his name.

Of course.

Mayor Zhou has been in office for more than a year, and his political performance is actually very good. The only difference is his reputation at the bottom.

So, here he comes.

Mayor Zhou showed a people-friendly attitude, shook hands with Zhao Yi cordially, shook his hand a few times, nodded and praised, "You can solve the world's mathematical problems at the age of eighteen, you are indeed a talented person!"

"Our Zhengyang has been a famous cultural city since history. It produced many Jinshi scholars in ancient times, and even three number one scholars in the Ming and Song Dynasties. Now, student Zhao Yi, you are the number one scholar in the contemporary and 21st century! "

"On behalf of Zhengyang City, I would like to say thank you for your contribution!"

Zhao Yi was a little flattered.

Solving the world's mathematical problems is a contribution to the mathematics community. What contribution does it make to Zhengyang City?

Mayor Zhou smiled and said, "You don't understand this. Reputation is very important. When talking about the Kakutani conjecture in the future, it was not cracked by our students from Zheng Yang?"

"This is honor, not only your personal honor, but also the honor of your Thirteenth Middle School, the honor of Zhengyang City..."

Next comes the official tone.

After all this official talk, Zhao Yi was a little convinced, as if he had cracked the mathematical problem and really made a huge contribution to Zhengyang City.

Mayor Zhou continued, "Education is people-oriented, and talent cultivation is very important. In terms of education, Zheng Yang will increase investment in primary schools, middle schools, and universities, and will value every talent..."

"The city held a meeting and decided to give you a certain material reward. This is not for you alone, but for all scientific workers."

Zhao Yi felt drowsy after hearing this, but suddenly he became energetic and was in awe of Mayor Zhou. He grabbed Mayor Zhou's hand and said sincerely, "Mayor Zhou, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard work, it's all about serving the people!"

"The hard work is done by you who study knowledge and theory, and you are the thousands of people who are struggling on the front line..."

Mayor Zhou smiled and continued to spit.

The mayor must be a busy man.

Mayor Zhou sprayed a lot of saliva continuously, but he was still a little unfinished. He checked the time and had to leave.


A group of people followed.

Zhao Yi accepted an interview with a few lone reporters, and then returned to the house still thinking about the material rewards that Mayor Zhou mentioned...

How much is it?


Lin Xudong came to Zhao Yi's home with a small box of things. When he opened the box, there were banners, certificates and other things inside.



"Is this the material reward that Mayor Zhou mentioned?" Zhao Yi looked a little depressed looking at the empty box.


Lin Xudong shook his head and said, "That's the grand prize. I heard it's tens or millions!"

"so much?"

Lin Xudong said, "It's similar to rewarding Olympic gold medals. If you get world honors, the city will give you bonuses. I heard people say that your research is more influential than Olympic gold medals, and the bonuses will be bigger, I guess. The province has also come down, but I don’t know exactly how it will be distributed.”

"Then these..."

"It's a formal commendation from the province and a bonus of 50,000 yuan. You give me your bank account and I'll submit it for you."

Lin Xudong was a little confused as he spoke. He stared at Zhao Yi carefully, "Logically speaking, the province's commendations are all public. Why would you be commended suddenly? Isn't that a guess?"

Zhao Yi laughed, "I don't know either."

Lin Xudong took a deep look at Zhao Yi. He had been working in criminal investigation for a long time. If he paid close attention, he knew that Zhao Yi did not tell the truth. However, the commendation from above was strange. Zhao Yi was also mysterious and did not tell the truth. There is no need to ask further.

Some things are certainly confidential.

As a police officer, you still know the discipline. It is best not to ask about some things. If you violate the discipline, you will be punished.


"What did this kid Zhao Yi do? To get a commendation from the province?"

The commendation from the province is quite remarkable and can be said to be top-notch. The next level up is the commendation from the central government. You must have made a great contribution in some aspect to get this level of commendation.

What contribution?

"Is it the same algorithm as last time?"

Lin Xudong left with doubts.

When he got home, Lin Xudong couldn't hold it back and said to Zhao Hongjuan, "Tell me, how does this kid Zhao Yi grow? He has just entered the third year of high school, and he has already received commendations from the city and the province, and he also has to win big awards. This bonus is equivalent to my 20 years of working as a police officer. Some people in our department say that if you spend your whole life as a police officer, you will not be able to use your brain as much as Zhao Yi!"

"You're just stupid!"

Zhao Hongjuan directly pointed out the reason, "I think I also graduated from college and scored more than 300 points in the college entrance examination. Fortunately, Qingqing followed my cleverness. From now on..."


Zhao Hongjuan suddenly whispered, "What do you think, let's let Zhao Yi be our son-in-law? Our two children are quite suitable. Zhao Yi is so smart. I have to choose the one with the best genes. My grandson will definitely be the one in the future." genius!"

"Genius scientists are catching up with Newton, Einstein, Edison, and Tesla!"

Lin Xudong grinned and said, "You think far enough, you still have your grandson! Chasing Newton and Einstein, the front is not bad, but chasing Tesla, I know, that is a concept car!"

Zhao Hongjuan stared at Lin Xudong with her mouth wide open, and finally touched her chest vigorously, "Fortunately, my daughter will follow me, my daughter will follow me..."

Lin Xudong is a bit inexplicable.

The door opened.

Lin Xiaoqing entered the house with her schoolbag and said hurriedly, "Mom, is there any bread? I'm hungry. Let's eat something first. I'll go to Zhao Yina for math lessons later!"

"I'll heat up some food for you!"

Zhao Hongjuan hurriedly went to the kitchen, nagging dissatisfied.

Lin Xudong knew that Lin Xiaoqing went to Zhao Yi for tutoring. He must have been opposed to it, but he couldn't talk to the mother and daughter at all. In the end, he could only comfort himself, 'Anyway, the two children can't do anything when they see each other.'

He didn't care either.

When Lin Xiaoqing had something to eat and went out with her books, Lin Xudong suddenly remembered something and immediately asked, "Qingqing, do you know the name of Zhao Yi's robot?"


Lin Xiaoqing covered her mouth and immediately changed the syllables, "Move!"

"what exactly is it!"


Lin Xiaoqing nodded very firmly, and then said impatiently, "Okay, Dad, it's time for me to leave. I'll talk about it when I come back if I need anything!"

She hurried out.

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