Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 151 Number theory is very interesting

As a talent that has been discovered, Xu Chao does not feel that there is anything special about him. He is just one of thousands of ordinary people. The past thirty years cannot be said to be mediocre, but they are far from successful.

Xu Chao was born in an ordinary rural family and went to high school and college with excellent grades. He only studied an ordinary degree and couldn't find a very satisfactory job, so he simply went to graduate school.

Fast forward a few years, and graduates with a master's degree are already very popular. They can easily enter national departments and work in top companies.

Xu Chao felt that he had been deceived by his mentor.

After graduating with a master's degree, I didn't know what to think, so I continued to study for a Ph.D. with my advisor. I spent two and a half years as a graduate student and three years as a Ph.D. student. My youth in my twenties was spent studying.

Of course.

Doctoral background is indeed very powerful.

Xu Chao was able to find a good job in a big company, but he was still very unwilling to do so. He felt that his youth had been squandered. He had been working in a laboratory, and he had to readjust to find a new job. He didn't know the future yet. What are the prospects?

In addition, he also likes to do research.

Xu Chao’s dream is to always engage in research work and stand at the forefront of the Internet and computer technology, and he has been working hard for this.

But people always have to face reality.

The doctoral students who stay in the laboratory are the same as the doctoral students on the rover. They have the same name, "postdoc." Some people may think that postdocs have higher academic qualifications than doctoral students, but this is not the case.

Postdoctoral fellows can be considered as 'after completing a PhD', which refers to those who have obtained a PhD and have not gone out to find a formal job, but have chosen to go to a mobile station, or continue to work in the research field in universities, laboratories, research institutes, etc. people.

Generally, postdocs do not have formal employment, such as laboratory work, and postdocs are "fluid". The unspoken rule is that if they are not promoted within three years, they will leave.

In the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory where Xu Chao works, if he cannot be promoted to associate professor after three years as a postdoc, he can leave directly.

Xu Chao has strong scientific research ability and is Qian Zhijin's "right-hand man". There is no big problem with his rating rising, but he also has to face very real problems--

Even if he can be promoted to the associate professor level normally, his salary will not increase much, and it will be much worse than working outside.

Now Xu Chao can only receive 7,000 yuan a month, which includes state subsidies for highly educated and scientific research talents. You can imagine how much the salary of a temporary job in the laboratory is.

Very bleak.

On the one hand, Xu Chao hopes to stay and work, but on the other hand, he is worried about his income. He is from an ordinary rural family and has nothing.

When can I succeed at this salary level?

So when Zhao Yi talked about starting a business, Xu Chao was immediately attracted. He felt that the best way out was to join a potential computer entrepreneurial team. On the one hand, he could continue to do research and development and challenge cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, The future can also be expected.

After watching the video posted by Zhao Yi, Xu Chao was not only moved, but also wanted to fly to Zhengyang and talk to Zhao Yi face to face.

That robot can make instant coffee. He knows the technical content of it very well. Not to mention what he can develop in the future, as long as the internal technology of the robot is monetized, it will definitely be a huge amount of income.

This strength is right in front of you!

The potential and strength of the computer industry is always technology, especially in the high-end intelligence field. Technology is more important than anything else, and cutting-edge technology almost represents a ‘monopoly’.

How beneficial is a monopoly?

Xu Chao felt that he should talk to Zhao Yi face to face.

South Island.

Zhao Yi enjoyed a week of peace of mind, either going to the beach to bask in the sun or visiting nearby attractions. If he was interested, he would go out to sea for snorkeling and fishing.

This day is so comfortable.

But as time goes by, the comfortable days become less interesting.

Zhao Yi is most depressed about Zhao Hongjuan!

When walking on the road with the three women, many people cast envious glances, because all three were eye-catching beauties. Only Zhao Yi knew Zhao Hongjuan...

Really a parent!

For example, she asked Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin not to go to Zhao Yi's room after nine o'clock in the evening.

This is too much!

Before Zhao Yi came, he had been thinking about finding an opportunity to have a small party PARTY with Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin in the hotel room, drinking and singing together.

Just in case...ahem.

Sitting on the plane back, Lin Xiaoqing was sleepy and rested her head on Zhao Yi's shoulder. Zhao Hongjuan across the aisle kept looking over with supervisory eyes.

Zhao Yi could only recite the incantation, "Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, the woman under the mountain is a tiger, be careful..."

This trip felt very familiar.

Judging from the looks of Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin, it was clear that they fell asleep as soon as they got on the plane, completely lacking the energy they had when they arrived.

Several people went back with a good attitude.

When most people travel during the Spring Festival, they look forward to going back to reunite with their families.

None of them have this condition.

Zhao Linlin's parents are both abroad and they don't come back even during the Spring Festival. Of course she has relatives when she goes back, but her mentality is definitely different when her parents are not around.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Hongjuan didn't even think about going back, because Lin Xudong spent almost all of the time before and after the Spring Festival working overtime and couldn't go home twice.

Zhao Yi's reasons were different. He was used to it and his family didn't have much to worry about.

Both parents are still young.

In the past six months, his changes have affected his family. His parents have face in front of relatives and friends, and they are not worried about his college entrance examination. Life must be pretty good.

Of course.

Zhao Yi still had a lot to do. He was bored on the plane, so he simply studied the system.

The system's achievement task function was the latest to be loaded. It was probably related to learning coins, scientific research coins or academic reputation. He was about to obtain the third ability, and he was very much looking forward to it.

The achievement task function has refreshed two tasks, one is the robot automatic shopping system and the other is Goldbach's conjecture.

Zhao Yi studies the principle of task refresh.

The tasks are marked with the exact subjects, that is to say, one subject refreshes one task.

"How to activate tasks for other subjects?"

"The loading of the achievement module must be related to academic reputation, so the task activation is also related to academic reputation..."

"I have academic reputation in computer science and mathematics, so I can activate the achievement tasks of these two subjects? So if I want to activate other subjects, I must achieve certain scientific research achievements in other subjects?"

This is difficult!

For example, in biology and chemistry, let alone completing scientific research achievements, he may not even get full marks in the exam.

Zhao Yi simply shook his head and didn't think too much. He opened two refreshed tasks to check. There was nothing to study about the 'robot automatic shopping system'. He knew how to complete it.

Goldbach Conjecture?

He suddenly had a surprising idea, "Maybe the system refreshed the task, which means I have the ability to complete it?"

"With current knowledge..."


Yes, research coins!

[Research Coin: 85. 】

[Use research coins to improve causal thinking. 】

[Scientific Research Coin-1, assists in improving causal thinking ability and obtains inspiration effect. Duration: sixty minutes. 】

After entering the state of 'causal thinking', Zhao Yi did not immediately think about Goldbach's conjecture. Instead, he glanced at Lin Xiaoqing next to him and fell into a state of distraction.

"She's not asleep?"


"Did you lean on my shoulder on purpose?"

This girl!

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Yi's mouth, and he reached out to secretly hold the little hand underneath.

Lin Xiaoqing was smart and pretended to be asleep without taking it away, with a hint of red on her face.

Zhao Yi smiled.

He stopped wasting time and immediately thought about Goldbach's conjecture. The content of Goldbach's conjecture is very simple. The original version is that 'any integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers', but today's common statements The method is the famous mathematician Euler's version, that is, 'any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers'.

Prime numbers are prime numbers.

When thinking about Goldbach's conjecture, most people will start with the laws of numbers, that is, they can think of the laws of prime numbers "very smoothly".

The same goes for Zhao Yi.

He immediately thought of using a computer to design a program to verify prime numbers. Programming is very simple and can be completed with some knowledge of computer algorithms. Basically, it is to verify the remainder within a certain range of numbers.


There's no after that.

Goldbach's conjecture is a super-difficult mathematical conjecture that has existed for hundreds of years. The law of prime numbers is also a super-difficult question. It is definitely not worse than Goldbach's conjecture. The only branch of the law is 'twin prime numbers' and several related ones. Mathematical conjecture.

So in fact, trying to find the angle of the prime number law to solve Goldbach's conjecture is simply not feasible.

Zhao Yi tried using 'causal thinking' for nearly half an hour, and finally decided to give up and continue thinking. His only gain was to confirm that the system's release of tasks had nothing to do with his ability.

This is also normal.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the ‘refresh task function’ become just a decoration? How can we cheat learning coins and scientific research coins?

"This system..."

"It won't be developed by Penguin Company in the future, right?"

Zhao Yi complained silently, still feeling very unwilling. One scientific research coin was wasted. He came to South Island to see the sea and only got two scientific research coins.

My heart hurts so much that I can’t help myself! .

In the process of constantly thinking about the laws of prime numbers, Zhao Yi found that numbers are indeed interesting and there are many mysteries in them.

He immediately made a decision, "When I get back, I will study number theory when I have time. Kakutani's theorem is the content of number theory. Maybe if you learn the profound knowledge of number theory, you can study other things?"

"If I can really study the laws of prime numbers... I can easily prove a lot of related conjectures about prime numbers..."

"I will be the Einstein of mathematics then..."

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