Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 152 Source code is popular

The plane landed at Zhengyang Airport.

Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing walked out and saw the master who came to pick up the plane. They were about to follow when they heard a shout from beside them, "Xiao Yi! Here!"

It's Zhao Zhenxi and Liu Jing.

When the two of them walked over together, Zhao Zhenxi kept complaining, "I knew you would be back at this time, so I couldn't get through even if I called you."

Liu Jing was chatting with Zhao Hongjuan.

Zhao Yi planned to take a taxi back with a few people. When his parents arrived, he simply said goodbye to Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin.

After getting in the car, Zhao Yi regretted it.

Liu Jing came to the airport excitedly because she really wanted her son to pick her up. The reason why they came was because Zhao Zhenxi had just obtained his driver's license.

There's a big sign on the back of the car that says 'Newbies on the Road'.

Zhao Zhenxi was really scared to drive. He put the car into gear and stalled the gas pedal several times.

Zhao Yi was worried about his life safety. As soon as he was able to make some success after being reborn, his life was ruined by his father's driving skills. He would probably be ranked in the top ten of the list of "tragic deaths" of reborn people. He quickly started to give driving skills instructions, and the result was It seems that the more help you get, the more help you get.

Fortunately, the other drivers on the road were very skilled. It was just a little slow and dangerous along the way, but there were no traffic accidents.

"Dad, did you really learn this in a driving school?" Zhao Yi asked emphatically.

On the way, Zhao Zhenxi turned right without knowing how to drive directly. He also walked into the wrong lane twice and turned directly into the middle lane. Fortunately, the violation camera was not like it was more than ten years ago, otherwise it would be a driver's license from the airport to home.

"I must have learned it!"


"What to learn?" Liu Jing glared at Zhao Zhenxi and complained, "He is always busy, busy, busy. He never has time to go to a driving school to learn to drive, so he simply spent an extra thousand and a half and found someone to get one. , just take two exams in between.”

"Can it still be like this? It's too dark! The driving school should teach normally, otherwise it's all dad... Ahem, anyway, I won't take your car next time. It's too scary."

Zhao Yi got out of the car and complained, took out his luggage from the trunk, raised his head and asked, "By the way, dad, where did you learn it? Is there a class where you can get the textbook directly without even taking a test?"

"I'll sign up too."

The two looked over at the same time.

Liu Jing covered her mouth and laughed and cursed, "Xiao Yi's shameless temper is just like yours!"

Zhao Zhenxi didn't approve at all and whispered, "When did I do this!"

This day is the third day of the Lunar New Year.

There are relatively few relatives at home. The first and second days of the Lunar New Year passed by intermittently, and nothing happened on the third day of the Lunar New Year. Zhao Yi still stayed in the old house for two days. He always wanted to get together with his parents during the Chinese New Year.

He didn't go back to the house over there until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Two days before the New Year's Eve, the winter camp for the Mathematical Olympiad competition ended, but the results had not yet come down. During the few days of the New Year, Sun Liang had been worried about the results. Perhaps it was because the teacher also had to celebrate the New Year, and the results would have to wait at least a few days. It will be officially announced in half a month.

Zhao Yi saw Sun Liang and asked, "How was your exam?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"The questions are a bit difficult. I guess I can barely get a passing score, but I can't say how high I can rank."

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "If you make it to the top sixty, just remember to treat us!" He said without forgetting the gift for Sun Liang.

I forgot last time.

This time Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin gave a special reminder.

While the three of them were shopping around, they chose a gift for Sun Liang, which was a well-made 'future' doll.

Sun Liang held the puppet in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were almost split. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you think I am a five-year-old child?"


He almost threw the Ultraman doll to the ground.

Zhao Yi spread his hands and said innocently, "It's not my fault. I also think Ultraman is not good. At the doll stall, Xiaoqing and Linlin insisted on choosing a magical girl to give to you."

"I just said, men should like Ultraman."


Sun Liang gritted his teeth bitterly when he heard this. He knew that Zhao Yi did it on purpose. After venting his dissatisfaction with the gift, he still took the doll away.

same day.

Zhao Yi waited until Xu Chao arrived.

Xu Chao went back to his hometown in Guangxi for the New Year. He stayed for a week before returning to the capital. Nanjiang is located between Guangxi and the capital. On the way, he stopped by Zheng Yang and talked about "entrepreneurship issues" with Zhao Yi.

The two went straight to the point.

Zhao Yi took out the 'Dongdong' robot and showed Xu Chao its functions.

The first step is to set coordinates and automatically find paths.

The 'Dongdong' robot is equipped with GPS navigation, so it can set a location and let the 'Dongdong' robot find it slowly. They did not go to the gate of the community, but just walked around the community.

There are also many people in the community.

The 'Dongdong' robot attracted a group of people to watch. Even Lin Xiaoqing heard the sound and came down to watch Zhao Yi playing with the robot.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Xu Chao, just call him Brother Chao, we are very familiar with him."

"This is my classmate, Lin Xiaoqing."

Lin Xiaoqing and Xu Chao said hello and looked at the 'Dongdong' robot together.

The path-finding process of the 'Dongdong' robot is automatic. It avoids obstacles in advance and chooses routes along the main roads. When two children approached and surrounded them, the 'Dongdong' robot became It's a bit confusing, because the child is judged to be an 'obstacle', and the child's position is constantly moving. It needs to constantly adjust to find its way, and as a result, it keeps spinning in circles.

"This is what needs to be improved. When encountering moving obstacles, there is no way to avoid them accurately." Zhao Yi said with some regret.

The two returned home.

Zhao Yi went on to demonstrate the next main function: image analysis and recognition.

Basically, by inputting a picture, the robot can remember the things in the picture. If it sees the same thing in reality, it can accurately identify it.

This technology is not yet mature.

Zhao Yi mainly relies on color recognition and remembers the color distribution of objects in the picture. When encountering other objects with the same distribution, the robot may make misjudgments.

"That means color recognition is the core?" Xu Chao grasped the key point.

Zhao Yi said matter-of-factly, "Recognizing color and size are the most basic."

Xu Chao frowned, "You are using the encryption package I gave you, right? That encryption package comes from the laboratory. If you want to monetize your technology, you must have all the source code."



Zhao Yi smiled and said, "The encryption package you gave is well made, but it also has a lot of bugs, and the color discrimination is not clear. It took me a long time to crack the key, and I designed a set of color discrimination myself. code."


Xu Chao opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

How long has it been?

Although the input and output parts of the encrypted package can indeed allow people to guess part of the content, the color recognition of dynamic images is a top-notch graphic recognition technology. There is no other reference at all, and it is very difficult to crack it.


This guy was the only one who cracked it in less than two months and made a better one? What about 'it took a long time'?

Do we two live in the same time dimension?

Xu Chao complained a lot in his heart, but he became more confident in Zhao Yi's abilities and the technology contained in the robot.

He asked the key, "If we are together, I mean, I join...this...treatment..."

Cultural people don’t talk about money!

Xu Chao was still a little speechless when it came to the issue of salary and remuneration. Zhao Yi immediately shook hands with Xu Chao enthusiastically, as if an agreement had been reached, "Which of us will follow the other!"

"Easy to say!"

"That's easy to say!"

at the same time.

Zhouyu Interactive Technology Company in the capital.

Zhang Zhen took a few days off during the Chinese New Year, and returned to the company to handle matters on the fourth day of the new year. He was responsible for the technical department, and Yuan Zhongchen's team also asked him to communicate and be responsible.

He had other things going on.

For example, the domestic operation of Rubik's Cube calculator software and possible source code sales.

Zhao Yidu entrusted it to him.

The source code of the Rubik's Cube calculator is almost of no use to Zhao Yi. Selling the source code directly to realize cash would be a good choice.

As soon as Zhang Zhen arrived at the company, the front desk gave him a call, saying it was related to the Rubik's Cube calculator. When he called back, he heard what the other person said. To put it simply, there was a Computer Application Research Institute that had the source code of the Rubik's Cube calculator. If interested, ask for price.

"Professor Zeng, of course, of course, code containing top algorithms like this must be sold to domestic companies!"

"We hope to sell it!"

"Zhao Yi and I are friends, and he gave me carte blanche. To be honest, Professor Zeng, many companies at home and abroad are interested in this code. Years ago, the Fruit Company offered two million US dollars, but I directly rejected it. .Why? Even if we want to sell it, we can’t sell it abroad!”

Zhang Zhen kept talking enthusiastically, and finally gave the quotation, "Six million!"

Opposite Zeng Wenjun almost vomited blood when he heard this.

When he was in Nandao, Zhao Yi asked for two million. Zeng Wenjun thought it was very expensive and couldn't accept it. He regretted it when he thought about it when he went back.

Two million, you can still bargain!

If you can buy the source code for one million, you can give it to Haitian Technology.

It's worth it too.

The results of it?

How come this universe interacts and it becomes six million?

Zeng Wenjun didn't even want to cut the price. He knew as soon as he heard that the person facing him was an experienced old man who was much more sophisticated than him. It was impossible to cut the price from six million to one million.

Zhang Zhen was a little surprised when he put down the phone.

Why don't you even cut the price?

In fact, he was thinking that he could sell it for two or three million, but how could he have thought that the other party only wanted to sell it for a pitiful one million?

This incident was just a minor incident, and Zhang Zhen didn't take it to heart at all.

As a result, on the second and third days, people called me one after another and asked about the source code of the Rubik's Cube calculator.

Only then did Zhang Zhen feel something was wrong.

Don't even discuss the price directly when you answer the phone, just let the other party make an offer.


He knew the source code was popular.

Yesterday, I felt uncomfortable all day long, maybe because I overused my eyes. I lay down until ten o'clock and then got up when I felt better.

I'd like to say sorry.

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