Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 161 Feedback from the Supervision Law

Wu Wensheng's team conducted interviews throughout the day.

The next morning, the interview trio came to No. 13 Middle School again, took several photos of classroom scenes, gave Zhao Yi a few close-ups of classes and walking around the campus, and interviewed students who were familiar with Zhao Yi. The interview and filming work has ended.

This made many people in the school feel regretful.

For example, Niu Lianhua had two consecutive major classes, but she was not able to catch up when the reporter was interviewing her, so she was not able to be interviewed by the reporter.

Niu Lianhua said with some annoyance, "If I had known earlier, I would have arranged a get out of class with another teacher. It would be okay to have a class time!"

"I am Zhao Yi's math teacher. His math has improved..."

He didn't say anything in the end.

Niu Lianhua looks rough and unreasonable on the surface. In fact, she is not that thick-skinned, especially in terms of teaching performance. She will not take credit for other people's achievements.

No teacher dares to teach students who can solve the world's mathematical problems.

Zhao Yi's improvement in mathematics scores is entirely due to his personal ability.

Other teachers who felt regretful were similar. They were all depressed because they could not be interviewed.

The same goes for students.

Before leaving, the interview team interviewed students from Class 3, Grade 3, and the class photos taken were all from the classrooms of Class 3, Grade 3, mainly because the elite class is a 'violation class' and most people don't care about it, but consider going to it. Regarding the influence of television, it is better not to engage in controversy.

This makes the students in Elite Class A depressed.

The students in the third class of senior high school, who were ranked last, rarely attended classes, and were not familiar with Zhao Yi, were asked separate questions by reporters. However, they were in the same class as Zhao Yi and were not interviewed, which was really a bit depressing.

Zhao Yi didn't care who was interviewed or not. He was more concerned about how the interview team would report.

At worst, similar special interviews can be broadcast on TV. The difference lies in which TV station it is broadcast on. CCTV may hand over the interview content to cooperating media and let them publish it.

The second level is to cut a large amount of information and put it on the news of the branch channel to make a comprehensive report focusing on the attractive points of a certain person.

The next level up is to do character topics.

The purpose of Wu Wensheng's interview team is also to produce a feature program, but the competition within the TV station is also fierce. Most of the interview content and special content still have to go through competition to decide where to put it and what kind of situation it will be broadcast in. .

Zhao Yi was only slightly looking forward to appearing on CCTV, but he actually didn't take it too seriously. Recently, he has been busy doing two things, one is making a robot shopping system, and the other is studying mathematics.

The former has Xu Chao as the main leader, and he can only write out the core framework; the latter is a long-term study and accumulation, and you can only take your time according to your interests.

Zhao Yi’s interest lies in the Riemann Hypothesis.

He hopes to know what the "Supervisory Law" feedback on the Riemann Hypothesis function actually refers to.

This is very interesting.

Anything connected with difficult mathematical conjectures will be a big problem, and even minor discoveries and research can produce a very valuable paper.

Zhao Yi does not expect to be able to crack the Riemann Hypothesis, but he also hopes that in the process of learning mathematics, there will be some small gains, instead of boring to understand formulas and answer questions repeatedly.

Interest and gain are the greatest motivations for studying hard.

Two days later.

When Zhao Yizheng was thinking about designing the code, he noticed the message in the Penguin group flashing. When he opened it, he saw that it was the 'Computer Technology Exchange Group' and it was Aite from 'Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei'.

Aite News then asked, "Zhao Yi, someone on the Internet said that you plan to make the core code of the Rubik's Cube Calculator public. Is it true?"

There are a few more people discussing it below.

Meng Ruohao: "Everyday Safety": "I've seen it too, there's a lot of scattered news."

Mechanical signal Liu Chengwu said, "I just searched it, and it seems that it is going to be a book. It is very good, and it will definitely be a big seller."

Zhao Yi asked in confusion, "How did you search?"

"Mathematician Zhao is here!"

"Mathematician Zhao is here!"

"Mathematician Zhao is here!"

After a lot of exclamations from below, "Everyday Safe Meng Ruohao" sent a web link.

Zhao Yi opened it and took a few glances, and found that it was still a review report. It combined several news from the Internet and concluded that he would probably publish the source code in the form of a book. The report also involved several news links. He I opened the middle one and found that it was a forum post.

Just read two lines...and you will know who sent the post.

Li Lisheng!

It couldn't be anyone else!

The first sentence of Li Lisheng's post is "I am Zhao Yi's English teacher. No one has any doubts now." It seems that this is not the first time he has posted. The content of the post is that Zhao Yi accepted an interview with CCTV and refused in the middle. After paying tens of millions of yuan, they decided to make the valuable code public, followed by a series of praises, and by the way, "the quality education of No. 13 Middle School not only cultivates students' abilities, but also cultivates students' noble moral character."

"This face... is really too big!"

Zhao Yi laughed after reading the post. He didn't care about being exposed. The decision to disclose the source code was not confidential. It was impossible to tell reporters if it needed to be kept secret. However, a familiar teacher posted a post praising his nobility. quality'.

Li Lisheng is shameless.

He blushed too.

After reading the content of the post, he was moved by his noble sentiments. At the same time, there must be a lot of trolls downstairs--

"What does Zhao Yi's public or private code have to do with you, an English teacher? Your teacher's ethics must be corrupt. You are using your own students to reply!"

"Aren't you too good of a teacher? You just use things about your students to show off?"

"This is not Zhao Yi's teacher. He is probably a gunman of a certain company. If he can't buy the source code, he will find the gunman. He will publish news to elevate Zhao Yi and force Zhao Yi to make it public..."

This conspiracy theory is awesome!

Zhao Yi almost believed it. He simply closed the web page and gave a positive reply to the group, "It's true news. I plan to publish a book. The title of the book is "Effective and Irrelevant Carry Screening Method" or "Zhao's "Sifting Method", the core code of the Rubik's Cube Calculator, will appear in some content as examples and tools to explain the process."

The group immediately became excited.

"It turns out it's true!"

"Book in advance, Mathematician Zhao, don't waste a day! Book ten sets!"

"Same request!"

"When will it be officially released? Has the time been set?"


While Zhao Yi was chatting with people in the group, Xu Chao was working on writing a book. He copied small paragraphs of code on the computer into the text interface, then added a few icons, annotated them step by step, and prepared Next, let’s take a look at the principles of small paragraph code design and its role in the entire ‘screening method’.

After finally finishing a paragraph, Xu Chao found that the number of pages was a bit too much, so he moved the text and rearranged the layout. It took a long time to finally finish it.

When he was about to take a rest, he saw a message from Penguin. When he opened it, he found that it was Qian Hong.

Qian Hong sent a message, "You and Zhao Yi are together, right?"

Xu Chao glanced at it and replied immediately, "What would you do if we were together? I know."

"I'm not kidding, I'm telling you the truth."

"What I said is also true."

Qian Hong paused for a moment and asked directly, "Zhao Yi is going to write an algorithm book by himself, which will annotate the source code of the Rubik's Cube calculator and sell it to the public. Is it true?"

Xu Chao stared at the news blankly.

There is nothing wrong with the other content, but what does ‘write it with your own hands’ mean?

"What am I doing?"

Xu Chao looked at the written document and was a little confused for a moment. Then he found an excuse and typed out a sentence with a depressed heart, "I have discussed it with him and we will write together. He is the first author and I am the second author." Two authors.”

Qian Hong immediately replied, "I'm envious. If I had known I would have gone to Zhengyang too. How great would it be to write a book and the top algorithm? Why should I be a lecturer or study for a Ph.D.?"

Xu Chao felt better after hearing this.


Now it is much better than working in the laboratory. The research results in the laboratory all belong to the laboratory and the instructor. And he has five points of technical equity, and he can earn five points of income from writing books, plus With a basic salary of 10,000 yuan, the job prospects are bright.

Xu Chao smiled and joked, "You come to Zhengyang? What are you doing, getting married? Old cows eat young grass! Zhao Yi has just grown up, and is still far from the legal age!"

"A dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory!"

Zhao Yi's study of mathematics and research on the Riemann Hypothesis has always been in a "casual" state. He does not force himself to do anything, and just intends to take his time and adapt to the situation.

This is mainly because of the difficulty.

Just understanding the content of the Riemann Hypothesis involves a lot of knowledge, let alone proving it.

Zhao Yi knew that it was impossible for him to prove it. He just wanted to understand the feedback from the "Supervisory Law". When studying mathematics, he always thought about this.

What he didn't expect was that progress would be found in school.

It's Zhao Linlin.

During self-study in the evening, Zhao Yi was studying the problem of series and tried to solve several difficult problems. There were a lot of characters on the draft paper, which gave other people a headache just looking at it.

"What is this!"

After class was over, Lin Xiaoqing looked back and said to Zhao Linlin in shock, "Zhao Yi is no longer a human being. What he wrote are all heavenly books."

"I am God?"

"Super great!" Zhao Linlin said and gave a thumbs up.

Zhao Yi turned his head and teased, "Then what are you waiting for? Isn't there a saying? If one person attains enlightenment, a chicken or a dog will ascend to heaven, it's tonight. I will let you be my animal. You can choose chicken or dog at will..."

"Death! You are the chicken, you are the dog!"


Lin Xiaoqing also laughed a few times, and then she didn't know what she thought of, and glared at Zhao Yi with a blush.


Zhao Yi shrugged.

"Master, please explain this question to me quickly. I don't understand."

After a while, Zhao Linlin came over with a paper. It was a fill-in-the-blank question about sets. Questions related to sets are usually score-earning questions, but this question is a little roundabout.

"It's actually very simple. If you can't figure it out, just draw a picture and it will come out."

"This section of set A is immediately followed by set B. The intersection...the last step is to narrow the range so that all the numbers contained in set A are..."

"Narrow the scope? Narrow the scope? Narrow the scope..."

While Zhao Yi was explaining patiently, he suddenly froze and kept mumbling about 'narrowing the range'. Zhao Linlin looked up in confusion and put her little hand in front of his eyes, moving it several times in a row, "Have you had a convulsion?"

Zhao Yi squeezed Zhao Linlin's hand hard and continued to be stunned for a long time, still mumbling.

Zhao Linlin pulled it out but found that Lin Xiaoqing turned around and everyone else looked over. Her face suddenly turned red and she immediately pulled her hand out.

Lin Xiaoqing asked angrily, "What are you doing!"

"Don't even talk!"

Zhao Yi shouted loudly, took out an empty notebook, and immediately recorded his inspiration——

"The range of solutions to a function."

“Narrowing or broadening of solutions to functions?”

Zhao Yi stared at the question mark behind him for more than ten minutes. He didn't realize that there was a class at all, so he just kept staring. He understood the information fed back by the "Supervision Law".

simply put--

The main function of the Riemann Hypothesis is not perfect.

This imperfection refers to the solution of the function, or the possibility of broadening the function. For example, 11 and 13 are solutions to the function, and 17 and 19 are not solutions to the function. If it is transformed into a new function, the range of the solution will be larger. 11, 13, 17, and 19 are all included.

Either the function may be narrowed.

This is due to the repeatability of the solution and the complexity of the expression. Or if the function is expressed in another way, the same solution can be obtained, but it is easier to parse it.

"It's definitely not a simple expression transformation. If so, it would have been done long ago."

"what is that?"

Zhao Yi shook his head with a wry smile. He found that his research only replaced the old problem with a new one.


This is also great progress.

Zhao Yi almost knew from which angle to think and what aspects of knowledge would be involved. There were "Laws of Contact" and "Laws of Supervision". What he needed more was a hint of inspiration.

Inspiration is the most important thing.

After finishing the records and calculations, Zhao Yi took a long stretch and found that a student had packed up and left.

get out of class has ended?

Zhao Yi packed up his things casually. The important thing was to take away the 'Inspiration Record', and then walked out with Lin Xiaoqing.


Zhao Linlin stood there, seeming to be waiting for Lin Xiaoqing, but she stood in front of Zhao Yi. She glanced at Lin Xiaoqing again, seemed to muster up the courage, and said to Zhao Yi forcefully, "No matter how good you are, I won't be a dick if you don't , I won’t be a dog either!”

"Don't say that again!"

After Zhao Linlin finished speaking, she ran away quickly.

Zhao Yi asked Lin Xiaoqing blankly, "Do you know why she is so crazy? Why didn't I understand?"

Lin Xiaoqing glared at him.

At this time, a tall girl came over, stood next to the door and grabbed Zhao Yi, stuffed the envelope in her hand over, and warned, "You must read it!"

The tall girl left immediately after speaking.

Zhao Yi looked at the envelope in his hand and asked Lin Xiaoqing, "Is that Jiang Ranran?"


Lin Xiaoqing had dissatisfaction written all over her face and shouted, "Let's go!" as if announcing an order.

As she spoke, she walked forward, but her hand that was lagging behind tightly squeezed Zhao Yi's hand. A blush appeared on her face, but there was persistence and persistence in the corner of her mouth.

Don't rush for updates.

I currently have a fever of about 38 degrees Celsius, and despite the body heat, I managed to write a chapter. I am considering whether to take some medicine to stay up all night, or go to the fever clinic~~


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