Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 162 The first official test

Zhao Yi's hand was pinched by Lin Xiaoqing.

That’s really pinching!

Zhao Yi tried to move hard, but he didn't shake Lin Xiaoqing's hand away. Instead, the other party squeezed harder and glared at him fiercely.

Is this the legendary ‘being forcibly held’?

Although Lin Xiaoqing's little hands were soft and pretty, her strength was a little too strong. After pondering over the negative effects of holding hands with girls in public, and comparing the consequences of forcibly shaking off her hands, Zhao Yi decided without hesitation... just follow her!

The former seems to be nothing at all.

Lin Xiaoqing took Zhao Yi's hand temporarily, and was also 'excited' by others. She knew how popular Zhao Yi was, and girls would like outstanding boys, including her good friend Zhao Linlin.

Lin Xiaoqing has always known that Zhao Linlin likes Zhao Yi, but she doesn't show it on weekdays. When she turns her head occasionally, she can see Zhao Linlin staring at Zhao Yi.

That can easily come to a conclusion without any sixth sense.

Today is a breaking point.

Zhao Yi didn't know what was going on. He suddenly thought of something and froze. He held Zhao Linlin's hand for a long time. Everyone in the class saw it, and Zhao Linlin blushed shyly.

Zhao Linlin must have been thinking too much, or she felt ashamed of Lin Xiaoqing. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she just said words like chicken and dog.

This is also normal.

Zhao Linlin's little head was really a little pounding.

Originally, Lin Xiaoqing was worried about Zhao Linlin. Zhao Linlin was her good friend and she still cared about Zhao Linlin. But then she saw other girls sending love letters to Zhao Yi in front of her?

Who in No. 13 Middle School doesn't know that she goes to and from school with Zhao Yi every day, that she and Zhao Yi have always been at the same table, and that Zhao Yi even bought a house very close to her, and so on.

There were rumors in school that Zhao Yi was in love with her...

Lin Xiaoqing showed disdain for the rumors, but she never denied them. The rumors were naturally recognized as facts.


A girl actually sent a love letter to Zhao Yi in front of her? What's the difference between this and seducing someone else's husband in front of his wife?

Lin Xiaoqing was almost furious.

So when they walked out together, she simply grabbed Zhao Yi's hand and told others almost forcefully, "No need to spread rumors, we are just in love."

"And they're openly in love!"

People I met on the road had mixed reactions.

Some didn't care at all and thought it was normal. Some noticed and whispered beside them, and some were very surprised.

What surprised them was not the relationship between Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi, but the fact that the two dared to... hold hands in school?

"Teacher Li!"

Li Lisheng also walked out along with the flow of people, and happened to be behind Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi. He also noticed that Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi were holding hands. Several students around him seemed to be afraid that he would not see them, and they reminded him in particular, "Teacher Li, look Ah! They...!"


Li Lisheng looked up and asked with some confusion, "What did you say?" He simply stopped.

"Teacher Li, didn't you see it?"

"Just now, right in front, Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing were holding hands!"

"Yeah, you don't care?"

Some people sounded like they were expecting something to happen.

Zhao Yi is very popular with girls, and Lin Xiaoqing's good looks will definitely be popular with boys. They make boys and girls unwilling to be together.

"My god (goddess) is gone!"

Li Lisheng listened for a long time before he seemed to come to his senses and said with a serious face, "Puppy love? Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing? No matter who it is! Where is it! Where is it?"

A student immediately helped with directions.


Li Lisheng walked over quickly after hearing this. When he reached the corner, he suddenly turned and went in the other direction.

Catching puppy love?

Other students can be arrested, but how to arrest Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing?

Needless to say, Zhao Yi said that Lin Xiaoqing was also number one in the school. He said a few words that affected Lin Xiaoqing's mentality. If she didn't do well in the exam, wouldn't the principal and teachers all blame herself for being 'nosy'?

There's nothing you can do about it!

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi arrived at the carport hand in hand, and then she let go of her hand with a blushing face.

Zhao Yi put his hand on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and quickly wiped it on his pants in disgust. Lin Xiaoqing clenched her teeth in anger, and saw him sniffing again, and said with satisfaction, "It smelled so good just now, now It’s the flavor it’s supposed to have.”


Lin Xiaoqing couldn't help but quickly covered her mouth.

The two rode home.

Perhaps because she wanted to hold Zhao Yi's hand and let many people see it, Lin Xiaoqing didn't speak much along the way. She waited until she pushed the car into the door of the building before she stopped the car and said to Zhao Yi, " Bye~"


When Zhao Yi was about to push the cart away, he was stopped by Lin Xiaoqing, "Wait a minute!"

Lin Xiaoqing put the car against the wall, then ran over in small steps, staring at Zhao Yi with a red face, suddenly raised her toes, and lightly tapped his face with her lips.

She stood still and glanced at Zhao Yi again, then suddenly covered her face and turned around and ran into the door of the building.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】


This was the first time that Zhao Yi received a ‘flirtation coin’ delivered to his door.

He touched his cheek gently and thought doubtfully, "Did he really become more handsome? I don't even need to flirt with girls? Are they automatically flirted with?"

A picture appeared in his mind -

When he was walking on the road normally, the women on the street looked at him one after another and made various reactions. Reminders kept coming to his ears——

"If you succeed in flirting with girls, your learning coins will increase!"

"If you succeed in flirting with girls, your learning coins will increase!"

"Successfully flirting with girls..."

never mind!

Zhao Yi quickly shook his head vigorously and was about to push the cart away, only to find a dark figure standing next to him.

"Uncle Lin?"

Lin Xudong said with a straight face and a low voice, "I saw it just now."

After hearing this, Zhao Yi kept a straight face and said with relief, "It's okay if you see it, it's okay if you see it. This time, Uncle Lin, do you understand? I am the victim, I was forced, our There is no need for reputation damage fees or mental damage fees."

"I'll leave first. Remember to say hello to Aunt Zhao..."

He said and left quickly.

Lin Xudong looked at the retreating figure, and the veins in his arms bulged with force. He had the urge to draw a gun, and cursed angrily, "This...bastard!"

Zhao Yi went back to Xu Chao and asked about questions related to function transformation.

"If you want to transform the function of the Riemann Hypothesis, for example, derive a function that reduces or expands the solution range, what are the normal ideas?"

Xu Chao was shocked when he heard this, "Do you really want to study the Riemann Hypothesis?"


"That's too complicated..." What Xu Chao was actually thinking was, 'You have just figured out the Riemann Hypothesis, and you want to study Riemann. Is there something wrong? ’

Zhao Yi continued to look at him.

Xu Chao finally said, "I can't do anything about the Riemann Hypothesis, but if you want to know the relevant knowledge, I can recommend you a few books, which contain relevant knowledge about function analysis, as well as several of the most commonly used mathematical methods. "


The Riemann Hypothesis involves too much mathematical knowledge.

Many mathematicians study the Riemann Hypothesis and use various mathematical methods. The analysis of complex functions may even involve dimensionality issues.

Xu Chao has a Ph.D. in computer science, and his knowledge is limited to basic pre-graduate study. It sounds very advanced, but in fact it is just the basis of studying mathematics.

Zhao Yi asked and almost understood it, so he went to the ‘Computer Technology Exchange Group’ and found the legendary mathematics god ‘Neo-Confucian Missionary Ma Xiaojun’.

Ma Xiaojun is a Ph.D. in mathematics.

The introduction of the group business card only has a few keywords, which are enough to prove his level, 'MIT', 'Associate Professor of School of Mathematical Sciences, Capital University', and 'Thirty-one years old'.

How awesome is this?

Obtaining a PhD in mathematics from MIT is absolutely remarkable. When he returned to China, he was hired as an associate professor by the School of Mathematical Sciences at Capital University. There is no need to question his mathematical proficiency. He must be hundreds of times better than Xu Chao...

In addition, Ma Xiaojun is committed to the research of pure mathematics and does not involve other subjects.

This is also very powerful.

It is generally difficult for those who focus on studying mathematics to find a job. Mathematics majors are always linked to other majors. For example, many graduate students and Ph.D. students in mathematics departments will develop in applied mathematics, physics or computers.

It is too difficult to produce results in purely mathematical research.

Ma Xiaojun was surprised when he received the news, "Mathematician Zhao? You actually asked me a math question?"

Zhao Yi suddenly turned dark.

'Da Mathematician Zhao' is the name given to him recently in the group. Because the 'Kakutani Conjecture' was proved, the original title of 'Da Shen Zhao' became 'Mathematician Zhao', but no matter how he heard it, he thought it was a joke. .

No, it's just a joke.

"Brother Ma."

Zhao Yi wanted to call him ‘Brother Ma’, so he simply changed his name and joked, “Ask me about function transformation.”

He asked the same question.

Ma Xiaojun was much more serious when talking about mathematics. He had been studying complex mathematics and was very knowledgeable about this aspect. He immediately recommended several books, two of which were in English and one in Russian. Later, he simply said to buy them. Send it to me for help, "I probably won't be able to buy it later."

You can't buy it for sure.

That kind of very professional books can only be found in very professional libraries.

In the end, Zhao Yi only got reference books.

He was not in a hurry.

In fact, Zhao Yi already has an idea for the function that transforms the Riemann Hypothesis. Basically, he assumes that the conjecture is true and uses a method to do the derivation. As long as he has basic knowledge, derivation is not a problem for him. What he needs is to understand the knowledge and method.

A week later.

There is still no progress in the transformation of the Riemann Hypothesis function, but the core of the robot shopping system has almost been completed.

It's the weekend.

Since getting up in the morning, Zhao Yi and Xu Chao have been typing code on the computer while constantly debugging the robot.

Sun Liang also came at noon.

Zhao Yi directed the robot to go downstairs and stop at the entrance of the small supermarket, preparing for the first formal test.

I slept until about six o'clock in the afternoon and finally felt better. At least I didn't have a fever and didn't need to go to the hospital...

Sleep is indeed the best way to cure illness...

Try to code one more chapter.

Work hard twice.

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