Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 164 Master of Magic Cracking

Zhao Yi is also a minor celebrity. His fame mainly comes from "cracking the Kakutani conjecture".

The ‘Kakutani Conjecture’ does not involve prime numbers and is not a very difficult conjecture in number theory, but it has become very famous because it is ‘simple and easy to understand’.

This makes sense.

People have difficulty remembering the names of complex mathematical problems, but they are impressed by mathematical problems they can understand.

The name 'Goldbach's conjecture' will appear in textbooks in middle schools and even primary schools, but Goldbach's conjecture is not the 'first difficult problem in mathematics'. The proven Fermat conjecture is on the same level as Goldbach's conjecture.

In the field of prime number problems in number theory, Riemann's hypothesis is much more valuable than Goldbach's hypothesis. It has been applied to many fields even before it has been proven.

Riemann's Hypothesis and Fermat's Last Theorem are both mathematical problems that are not inferior to Goldbach's Hypothesis, but Goldbach's Hypothesis is much more famous than them. This is because Goldbach's Hypothesis is simple and easy to understand. As long as you know the definition of prime numbers, You will know what the guess is saying.

Kakutani conjectures the same.

The Kakutani conjecture has become so popular that it has become a mathematical game. If the conjecture is proven, it will naturally cause a sensation.

Zhao Yi proved Kakutani's conjecture, which greatly increased his fame.

This is just the beginning.

The education departments of some provinces have already planned to add extracurricular stories about "Chinese high school student Zhao Yi solved the Kakutani Conjecture" in middle school and primary school textbooks. In the future, Zhao Yi may become "a rare living character in books."

Therefore, most people think that Zhao Yi is a genius mathematician.

People in the computer industry are different.

They mainly remember Zhao Yi’s ‘valid and irrelevant carry screening method’, and the proof of Kakutani’s conjecture also comes from the ‘valid and irrelevant carry screening method’.

The computer and Internet industries are at the forefront of the times. People in the industry must keep up with the times, otherwise they will be quickly eliminated. Zhao Yi invented a brand-new algorithm and provided a new algorithm idea to the computer community around the world. It will definitely be widely used in the future.

Therefore, when people in the computer industry mention Zhao Yi’s name, they can always associate it with the ‘screening method’.

The same goes for Zhou Kai.

He saw online reports about Zhao Yi and found a picture of new news on the Internet, and immediately thought of Zhao Yi's 'screening method'.

Zhou Kai suddenly became cautious.

When he first saw the news, he thought it was an exaggeration. Maybe he was just a person who didn't understand computers. When he saw interesting smart technology, he took photos to show it. Because the description was not clear, it was difficult to tell whether it was true or not. .

It was different when I saw Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi is a super genius in computers. He invented a brand new analysis algorithm on his own. He must be unique in the field of algorithms. So it seems reasonable to develop an intelligent robot that can automatically find paths and identify objects. .

Zhou Kai carefully studied the information disclosed on the Internet. The more he looked at the photos and compared them, the more surprised he was.

He first studied videos of robots finding their way.

Ordinary people just watch the excitement and think that the robot seems very powerful and can actually avoid the front and find a barrier-free passage, but Zhou Kai can analyze the technical content inside.

First of all, it detects man-made obstacles on the steps and stops at a distance of half a meter, indicating that dynamic image analysis may be used to directly define the person standing in front as an obstacle.

Second is pathfinding.

The robot keeps moving laterally and does not stop in the middle, which means that during the lateral movement, there are still calculation obstacles.

The two are superimposed together, which is enough to show that the robot uses dynamic image analysis.

After the robot stopped and walked to the barrier-free passage, it must have accurately judged the obstacles, and then used a judgment method to stop in the middle of the barrier-free passage.

The robot did not enter the barrier-free passage directly, but paused for a second or two, probably calculating whether it could enter.

This place is amazing.

The robot uses dynamic images to measure the slope and analyze whether it can pass. For example, detecting obstacles is more complicated, because the previous obstacles have obvious heights, and the camera illuminates the slope, which is a flat image. Add a camera for comparative analysis and want to determine the slope. The exact value is also a very complicated calculation. is it done?

Zhou Kai began to watch it over and over again. After studying the video for a while, he then looked at the photos of the robot shopping. Together with the description of the poster, he had some understanding of the effect of the robot. At the same time, there were many things he did not understand. .

The only thing he can be sure of is that the robot must have realized the dynamic recognition function of objects to some extent.


Zhou Kai took a deep breath.

This matter is of great significance.

Haitian Technology is a company whose main business is the development of security equipment. Their products can be sold all over the world. However, with the continuous development of technology, security equipment must also keep up with the times.

For example, the most direct monitoring equipment.

Some customers will require monitoring equipment with a dynamic image analysis function. When the monitoring detects specified special items, it can directly remind the security personnel, instead of the security personnel having to look at it with the naked eye for a long time.

Haitian Technology knows the importance of technology.

They have specially set up a research and development department to develop software and technologies related to product equipment, but there have been no technological breakthroughs.

Haitian Technology wants to cooperate with domestic computer laboratories.

Some national and provincial key laboratories are still very powerful, but it is not easy to find key laboratories to cooperate in research and development. It is not that R\u0026D funds cannot be spent.

The point is…find the right person!

Zhou Kai is the manager of the technology development department of Haitian Technology. He accidentally met Zeng Wenjun from the Computer Application Research Institute. When talking about the technical issues that the company needed, Zeng Wenjun said that they could be developed by their Computer Application Research Institute.

Zhou Kai agreed.

One is the Computer Application Research Institute, which is a computer laboratory supported by the province. If the brand is displayed there, the strength will not be too bad.

Secondly, Zeng Wenjun’s asking price is not high, the upfront cost is only two million.

If you can have the technology to analyze and identify objects through dynamic images, let alone two million yuan, even if it costs ten or twenty times more, it will definitely be worth it.

Haitian Technology can thus receive a steady stream of orders.

Until now.

The Research Institute of Computer Applications has not even made any progress in the research and development of dynamic image analysis. Let alone object recognition, it cannot even distinguish colors.

Zhou Kai also knew that the investment was in vain.

The Institute of Computer Applications may be nothing. They are a laboratory of a national department. If their research fails to produce results, they will only lose their reputation. The real impact is not big.

Zhou Kai was greatly affected.

He was just the manager of the R\u0026D department and decided to spend two million without even getting any return. You can imagine the situation in the company.


Zhou Kai saw the light, "If we can get this technology and help the company establish technological advantages in the industry, then what will the loss of two million mean?"

The first test of the robot shopping system was successful, which also gave the ‘R\u0026D team’, mainly the main code specialist Xu Chao, great motivation to work.

Xu Chao continued to work on the next day, preparing to input all the items into the database, and then write the execution code to create a system that can identify a large number of items.

At the same time, he also studied the pathfinding code. Thinking of previous research, he would put forward some suggestions for improvements and corrections.

"Zhao Yi, I thought about it. The robot can add code to determine whether the obstacle is moving. I have a way to reduce the amount of calculation. Adding this function will not increase much..."

"By the way, it would be easy if you just calculate the speed of special things, such as cars, bicycles and other means of transportation."

"People can be used as obstacles, or they can be upgraded to interactive objects, so that the product can..."

Xu Chao kept popping his head out of the studio and suddenly said something.

Zhao Yi’s answer was always, “Yeah.”


"Try it!"

"come on!"

At first, Xu Chao thought that Zhao Yi agreed with him and was very motivated to work. When he came out for the third time, he realized that it was not like this. He saw the female classmate who came to the house holding a nut and putting it in. In Zhao Yi's mouth.

Zhao Yi ate the delicious food and even peeled one off and gave it to the girl.

That girl's name is...Lin Xiaoqing?

Xu Chao immediately understood why Zhao Yi always gave simple answers. He probably didn't want to listen to his questions at all. He suddenly felt like a golden retriever...

He kept wagging his tail and begging for mercy, hoping that his master would give him something to stutter, but it turned out that his master was showing off his affection with a girl and didn't notice him at all.


Xu Chao quickly shook his head vigorously and returned to the workroom to continue working hard.

Of course Zhao Yi noticed Xu Chao, but he was different from Xu Chao. Regarding computer code-related matters, he could easily solve Xu Chao's day-long problems in an hour.


Why does it take longer?

It doesn’t matter how Xu Chao wants to design or add any functions. He can just review and provide guidance when he has time.

He is studying mathematics with Lin Xiaoqing.

Lin Xiaoqing was doing difficult math problems, while he was studying complex functions. After Lin Xiaoqing finished, he would help her look at the questions and guide her where she made mistakes.

Zhao Yi is the best ‘judging’ teacher.

He just read the question and glanced at Lin Xiaoqing's answer to find the error directly.


He received Lin Xiaoqing's admiring eyes.

The interaction between the two was actually only about studying, and peeling each other's nuts was just a joke. Zhao Yi focused on studying and did not further influence Lin Xiaoqing's thoughts.

Xu Chao is someone who is not cared about.

Xu Chao felt that his soul had been severely abused. He didn't even have the heart to work when he returned to his room, so he went to the supermarket downstairs to find Sun Liang.

He felt that the two of them would have a common topic when complaining about Zhao Yi.

When he arrived at the entrance of the supermarket, Xu Chao felt something was wrong as soon as he saw Sun Liang. There was also a girl standing next to Sun Liang, holding something to show Sun Liang, "Look at this sausage."

"Red packaging. You just said that the color of some foods cannot be directly defined, but the shape can..."

"Long, oval-shaped, with..."

"Picture it first."

"for you."

The girl handed the sausage to Sun Liang and smiled sweetly.

That smile is so sunny!


Xu Chao was pierced by an arrow in the throat again, but it was not an arrow shot by the God of Love, but a rusty arrow, which penetrated directly into his throat, leaving him unable to say a word.

The fat boss greeted, "What are you doing standing at the door? Come in!"

Xu Chao suppressed his depression, waved his hands with dull eyes and said, "Forget it, I suddenly thought that there is something unfinished."

After saying that, he walked out of the supermarket with sadness.

"Should I find a girlfriend too?"

Xu Chao thought.

Zhao Yi and Sun Liang, two eighteen-year-old boys, both showed affection with their girlfriends. He, a thirty-year-old young man, worked diligently every day.

Life is such a failure!

The next day is Monday.

go to school.

Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing went to school together and continued to enjoy the intense high school life.

Of course, only he enjoys it.

There are only more than three months left before the college entrance examination, and the atmosphere in the third grade of high school is very tense. In the middle of the hall on the third floor, there is an electronic sign that says 'Countdown to the college entrance examination: 96 days.'

If it was three months and it didn't feel like anything, it would be different immediately if it was a number of days.

The day passed easily.

Converted into days, it feels easy to pass, giving students a sense of urgency to face the college entrance examination.

The elite class is even more urgent.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin study all day long. Hu Tianyan on the left looks very hard, at least he is serious in class, which means Wang Jian is not in a hurry later.

Wang Jian is obviously more interested in gambling than studying hard to take the college entrance examination.

Wang Jian was deceived by Zhao Yi into "guessing the coin", and he has been studying how he still didn't think of it. He actually discovered the "feel". He threw the coin up with his right hand and could make the coin spin as much as possible in the air. After four rounds, it falls back onto the hand with the original side, and naturally it can be controlled to turn into the reverse side.

Zhao Yi was surprised when he saw it. He was also very good at playing with coins, but he could only control two or three turns.

Wang Jian is obviously more talented than him.

"You try again?" Zhao Yi asked Wang Jian to try several times in succession, and only one of them failed. The coins seemed to be thrown up normally, making people feel that the coins fell randomly.


Zhao Yizhen wants to give a thumbs up.

Wang Jian said proudly, "This is nothing, I just learned a trick, let me do a magic trick for you!"

"How to play?"

Wang Jian looked back at the time, took out a deck of cards from the drawer, and showed Zhao Yi a poker magic trick. He first showed Zhao Yi a card, put the card into the poker, and shuffled the cards several times. Then find out accurately...

"It's this one!"

"In your cuffs!"

Zhao Yi gave the answer accurately.

Wang Jian was stunned for a long time, and he said unconvinced, "Do you know? Look at this!"

He did another magic trick, which was to accurately find the card that Zhao Yi turned over in a stack of poker cards, but Zhao Yi immediately discovered the trick, "You are really fast, and you also hide the card in your hand..."


Wang Jian lost a little confidence.

Wang Jian didn't even bother to listen to the next class.

After class, he immediately turned around and showed others his poker magic. Amidst the surprise of a large group of people asking "how did he do it?", he regained his confidence.


Why does Zhao Yi know about it every time? Did he also study magic?

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