Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 165 Research, start!

Wang Jian's skills are quite proficient. Compared with professional magicians, there is definitely a huge gap, but most people won't notice it at all if they don't pay special attention.

If you don't know the principles of magic, the key movements will be slower and will not be noticed.

If you can barely perform this technique, it must have taken a period of practice.

However, Zhao Yi has "Supervision Rate".

Zhao Yi was also surprised to find out the problem.

During Wang Jian's demonstration, he did not see any problems, but when the demonstration reached the final stage, he could use the "Supervision Rate" to find out the key points.

"So, as long as I watch all the magic tricks, I can find out where the key points are?"

"Am I a magic cracker?"

Zhao Yi was only slightly interested in magic. It was interesting to discover that he could decipher the secrets of magic. In fact, it was not a big deal. His abilities could be used in many fields, and magic was just one of the things he had just discovered.

But he discovered a problem with the use of his ability: not only could he see through magic, he could also clearly understand the entire process.

This is the "Law of Contact".

That's the problem.

"Law of Contact" cannot be used at first, because the 'cause' and 'effect' of magic cannot achieve a perfect closed loop. To show poker magic and the final surprising point, there is no inevitability of cause and effect, but the use of magic by the magician. In a clever way, the final 'result' was achieved.

This ingenious method can be detected by the "Law of Supervision", and when the "Law of Supervision" responds to the ingenious method, it is equivalent to forming key conditions, leading to the fulfillment of the requirements for using the "Law of Contact".

That’s why the “Law of Contact” can be used.

This discovery makes Zhao Yi very excited. It is like the combination of the "Law of Causality" and the "Law of Contact". After using the "Law of Cause and Effect" to get the correct result, the "Law of Contact" can be used to perfect the process.

Now the combination of "Law of Supervision" and "Law of Contact" is similar, except that the "Law of Supervision" derives the conditions, not the final result.

This application scope is different again.

Zhao Yi immediately thought of using it to 'crack codes', such as a program package that analyzes images to distinguish colors. He spent a lot of effort to crack and perfect it, and designed a new set of execution codes himself.

It will be much easier if you use the "Law of Supervision". If you first see through some of the 'loopholes' in the code, the conditions will become more perfect and it will be easier to crack the code.

"When you see a certain function, you can use the "Law of Supervision" with the "Law of Contact" to easily crack it and even create a more complete code..."

"It is even said that as long as you study carefully, some software and visible functional programs can be cracked..."

"This is interesting!"

Zhao Yi carefully thought about the combination of "Supervision Law" and "Liaison Law" and their use in cracking software codes.

Of course, it is impossible to crack a program just by looking at it. Some programs and applications are written by large teams. The source code is hundreds of thousands or millions of lines. It is unrealistic to crack only in terms of quantity. But some small programs , the function is no problem.

in other words……

If a certain product has some black technology function, it will be very easy to crack it.

“It’s not just about the software.”

"It can definitely be used in the fields of automation and technology, provided that there is enough basic knowledge."

This day is still very ordinary.

Zhao Yi thought about the issue of ability and continued to focus on learning. If he wanted to use his ability to a greater effect, the premise was to have enough knowledge reserves.


He received an unfamiliar message on his cell phone, which gave him time to call back. He took advantage of the break to call back. Unexpectedly, the caller came from a director of the Zhengyang Municipal Education Bureau.

The surname is Bian.

"Director Bian, how are you?"

"Zhao Yi, I'm at school right now. I'm sorry to bother you. One of my classmates asked me to contact you. I couldn't push it, so I found your phone number. But he said he had met you. My classmate's last name is Zeng, called Zeng Wenjun."

Director Bian explained.

"Zeng Wenjun?"

Zhao Yi heard the name was a bit familiar, and it took him a long time to realize that it was when he was traveling in the South Island, and he met a guy in the hotel who wanted to get a code for free.

Is this guy still looking for me?

Still thinking about having sex for free?

Zhao Yi asked a few questions about the situation. Director Bian said that he had arrived in Zhengyang and asked someone to contact him.

"Are you embarrassed to contact me yourself?"

Zhao Yi thought about it and said, "Okay, after school in the afternoon, at five o'clock, let's go to the cafe in the downtown mall."

He wanted to hear what the other person had to say.

Director Bian kept saying good things, and also clarified his relationship with Zeng Wenjun. He just said that his college classmates could not reject him. He was probably afraid that something would happen and he would blame him for the incident.

Zhao Yi went anyway.

Zhengyang City Center Shopping Mall is next to the community. When he arrived at the cafe on the first floor, he saw Director Bian and Zeng Wenjun sitting together. It was Director Bian who contacted him, but he had not seen Director Bian and instead recognized him directly. Zeng Wenjun.

Seeing Zhao Yi walking into the coffee shop, Director Bian and Zeng Wenjun stood up and greeted him.

"It's classmate Zhao Yi!"

Director Bian shook hands with Zhao Yi warmly.

There was no embarrassment on Zeng Wenjun's face, but he joked familiarly, "What's your name? It's Teacher Zhao, Dr. Zhao. His achievements are much higher than those of teachers and doctors."


Director Bian also nodded.

Zeng Wenjun's ability to praise people is indeed good. Zhao Yi felt comfortable with one compliment and felt that his level had suddenly risen.

The three of them sat down.

Zhao Yi ordered a cup of sweet coffee and asked about the business straightforwardly.

Zeng Wenjun's words were surprising. He was not looking for the source code of the Rubik's Cube calculator, but for the robot's functions. "We saw photos of your robot testing supermarket shopping online. That robot should have dynamic image analysis capabilities, right?"


Zhao Yi nodded straightforwardly.

Zeng Wenjun looked like this and asked seriously, "As I said last time, our research institute is also developing a similar function, which is the object recognition of dynamic images, and has made some progress."

"It's just that the technology is not mature yet. I admit that we need to make faster progress, but your technology shouldn't be mature enough to be commercialized, right?"

of course not.

Experimentation and commercial use are two different things.

Zhao Yi has only developed analysis technology that can be implemented on the robot Dongdong. However, the commercial use of a technology is different, and many factors need to be considered.

For example, what kind of scene is it used for?

It is almost impossible for some small devices to have the function of dynamically identifying items. First of all, the hardware support cannot keep up. To achieve dynamic identification of items, coordination between devices is also required, and the camera data can be accurately transmitted to the program. analyze.

There are also problems with the program alone.

The program designed by Zhao Yi is based on underlying code and command support. The underlying code and commands come from a simple robot system copied from Zhouyu Company.

The ‘simple robot system’ is very critical.

If other devices want to use the programmed program, they must first install the 'simple robot system'.

In fact, all the problems lie in the lack of operating systems in the field of domestic and foreign robots. The field of robots is not like home computers. It has a unified and mature operating system. Once the software is designed, all software can be used. Without a unified and mature operating system, even if a unified and mature operating system is designed, Without the program, it will be very difficult to use it commercially.

Even the basic codes and commands supported by some products are different from hardware to hardware, making coordination even more difficult.

In short, there are still many difficulties in realizing commercial use of the object recognition function of dynamic images.

Of course.

In some cases, it can also be used commercially.

For example, there is enough hardware support for devices above the home computer level, and with qualified hardware, it can be used after debugging.

When Zhao Yi heard Zeng Wenjun's words, he didn't nod or shake his head, he just wanted to continue listening to what he had to say.

"We can cooperate and sign a contract for joint research and development. Our research institute is sponsored by Haitian Technology, and they are willing to spend 10 million to purchase this technology."

"All you need to do is hand over the technology to us, and the rest of the development work will be undertaken by our research institute."

"It's not easy to monetize technology. For an immature technology, it should be very cost-effective to exchange it for five million, right?"

Zeng Wenjun finally revealed his purpose.

Zhao Yi even laughed.

What joint research and development? It sounds really nice. Basically, it means five million to buy dynamic image analysis technology, or even dynamic image object recognition technology. The latter directly includes the former.

This guy is so whimsical!

Zhao Yi didn't look at Zeng Wenjun at all, he just smiled helplessly at Director Bian, stood up and planned to leave.

As soon as Zeng Wenjun saw Zhao Yi's attitude, he knew something was wrong. He immediately stood up and said, "It's still negotiable. How about eight million? Nine million... is fine too!"

"Nine million?"

Zhao Yi stopped and said, "If it's just dynamic image analysis technology, I can consider it."

Dynamic image analysis technology is just the 'key' to dynamic image analysis, which is how to let the computer analyze the image data transmitted by the camera.

This is just an algorithm for splitting image data in time.

When Zhao Yi studied the camera image data, it was easy to crack it, but he knew that this technology was not available in most laboratories. It might not be relevant in more than ten years, but it is still a very cutting-edge technology now.

However, the value of technology decreases over time.

When more laboratories and companies have the ability to analyze dynamic image data, the technology will become worthless. It is not bad to sell the 'key' for nine million.

Zeng Wenjun said unwillingly, "What we want is object recognition of dynamic images..."


Zhao Yi simply turned around and walked away.

Nine million is still attractive. He doesn't know how much the dynamic identification technology is worth. Maybe it can be sold for 100 million, or it may be worth several million.

If you are a representative of a company and talk to him about technology transfer, he will definitely consider it carefully.

But... Zeng Wenjun?

This guy also does research, and his funding is sponsored by outside companies.

Selling technology directly to Zeng Wenjun's research institute is equivalent to letting Zeng Wenjun's research institute become a second-tier dealer, and it is unknown how much the second-tier dealer made.

Why doesn't he talk directly with the sponsoring company?

Zhao Yi did not go to self-study at night.

He took a leisurely stroll around the mall and bought clothes, shoes, and several boxes of coffee, intending to give them to Xu Chao as employee benefits.

I waited until I got home, still thinking about Zeng Wenjun, and had a few words with Xu Chao.

"You are really shameless and invincible. You are a second-rate dealer who just says it bluntly. Why do you want to cooperate?"

"You really think I am s..."

The words stopped.

Zhao Yi was suddenly stunned. He kept muttering about love to death, love to death, and then he rushed into the room and rummaged through the notes on his understanding of the Riemann Hypothesis.

That was the first note.

That note is no longer needed.

Now that he fully understands the content of the conjecture, he is learning other mathematical content, and plans to use the "basic knowledge of heaps" to find a way to discover the information fed back by the Riemann conjecture function.

He found the notes.

Zhao Yi sat down and looked at the notes carefully, and kept reading quietly for a long time.

"The main reason why the Riemann Hypothesis is more complicated than other conjectures is that it involves complex functions!"

"s is a complex variable!"

"The Riemann Hypothesis is derived from Euler's identity, but the variable s is adjusted to a 'complex variable' and a symbol is introduced, which is the Riemann zeta function."

"So, if you find a way to remove the complex variable form of s and give a normal function definition, you may be able to simplify the function and cover the same prime solution."

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up as he thought about it.

The important definition of the Riemann zeta function is to imagine that all non-trivial zero points of ζ(s) = 0 are located on the same special straight line, which is the so-called critical line.

If you can shape a new function, remove the definition of complex variables, and directly cover the same solution, it is equivalent to covering the prime number solution related to the conjecture, and its content will definitely be easier to understand.


This premise is that the Riemann Hypothesis is correct.

His ideas cannot be said to be very innovative. Many mathematicians must have thought of them, but his advantage is causal thinking. Each solution is the result. The Riemann Hypothesis becomes one of the conditions, and he can study and find a consistent function.

“This idea definitely works!”

"If we can find a matching function, and the Riemann Hypothesis is established as a condition, it will be equivalent to simplifying the Riemann Hypothesis, and it can even be expanded to allow the function to cover more prime number solution spaces..."


"The complex variable function is too complex, and its analysis will expand many fields. As long as the complex variable is removed, the proof may become easier."

Zhao Yi kept thinking and finally became serious.

[Research Coin: 84. 】

[Use research coins to improve causal thinking. 】

[Scientific Research Coin-1, assists in improving causal thinking ability and obtains inspiration effect. Duration: sixty minutes. 】

Put pen to paper!

Research begins!

I've been having a bad cold these past few days, and I'm really sorry for only one update.

Fortunately, the recovery is not bad.

There will be two new updates tomorrow~~~

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