Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 185 School of Life Sciences

"Why didn't you choose the School of Information?"

"Yes, our School of Information is very average. But even if you don't choose the School of Information, you should still choose the Department of Mathematics. Our Department of Mathematics ranks among the top ten in the country!"

"School of Life Sciences? Stop joking!"

"Why do you want to study biology? Study microorganisms? Viruses? Make medicine? Or construct gene sequences..."

"What's the point of that!"

When he heard that Zhao Yi had decided to major in biological sciences, Qian Zhijin was so depressed that he vomited blood. He worked hard and managed to get Zhao Yi into Yanhua University.

The results of it?

Zhao Yi did not choose the School of Information or the related School of Science, but chose the School of Life Sciences, which he did not want to do at all.

This is making a wedding dress for others!

The School of Life Sciences and the School of Information are both in Yanhua University, but Qian Zhijin is not the president of Yanhua University. There is no reason to consider the development of the entire school. There is a super talented student in the unrelated School of Life Sciences, and he has something to do with it. What's the relationship?

Absolutely not!

Qian Zhijin was so depressed that he used a lot of verbal attacks to persuade Zhao Yi to change his mind. He even criticized Wu Yanping, the dean of the School of Life, as a 'vicious bitch with no bottom line', but failed in the end.

Zhao Yi's attitude was very determined.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi also remembered Wu Yanping's name, and Qian Zhijin's description of her as "vicious", "no bottom line", "a terrible person", and "people in other colleges hate her".


"What kind of image will this look like?" According to Qian Zhijin's description, a set of pictures was constructed in his mind, and the target object of reference was Niu Lianhua.

Teacher Niu...


Not bad!

Qian Zhijin was very depressed, but it was better for Zhao Yi to go to the College of Life Sciences than to go to other colleges.

He immediately called the admissions department to add a special recruitment quota, quickly issued an admission notice, and then called the School of Life Sciences to explain that he had helped recruit a super genius and asked them to agree to the special recruitment quota.

Now the speed is as fast as possible to prevent further accidents.


Qian Zhijin talked with Zhao Yi about the position of ‘special researcher’.

Judging from Zhao Yi's achievements, he can be hired as a full professor under the exception. The premise is that he must first enter Yanhua University before he can be hired by Yanhua University.

There is a reason for this.

Domestic universities also have competition, and at the same time they all want to save face.

It is impossible for Yanhua University to hire an undergraduate from another university to be a professor in name. The name itself is meaningless. If a university has a genius like Zhao Yi, it will definitely mark him as its own university first and will not give him the name. Other college opportunities.

If Yanhua University did this, Caizhen would become a joke.

Just like...

A certain university that had nothing to do with Hawking suddenly announced that Hawking would be appointed as an honorary professor in the physics department of his school.

It all sounds funny!

The same is true for Zhao Yi. He is eligible to be hired as a professor, but he must first enter Yanhua University before the higher-ups can apply to upgrade his grade.

Of course.

Whether Zhao Yi agrees to be formally hired is another matter.

Now Qian Zhijin wants to rely on his authority to give Zhao Yi a 'special researcher' position in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

Before, he wanted to wait until Zhao Yi entered college, but now he was a little anxious.

Zhao Yi enters university?

At that time, Zhao Yi will become a student of the School of Life Sciences, and the computer laboratory will hire students from the School of Life Sciences as professors...

Still very funny!


Zhao Yi asked a question about the specially appointed researcher. He only knew a little bit about it, so he would have a clearer understanding if he talked to Qian Zhijin face to face.

it's actually really easy.

A 'special researcher' is a 'temporary researcher' who is not within the system and is employed by the laboratory, but has the authority of a researcher and has a higher degree of freedom.

‘Specially appointed researchers’ receive a salary from the laboratory, enjoy various benefits, and have work obligations.

The so-called work obligation is to help the laboratory complete national projects. The specific completion level depends on the laboratory's assessment.

As long as you pass the annual review, you can continue to serve as a 'special researcher', and the outstanding ones can be hired into the system.

This aspect is also voluntary.

‘Specially appointed researchers’ also have many benefits. For example, they are qualified to set up scientific research projects on their own just like researchers, and receive financial support from the state and enterprises.

‘Specially appointed researchers’ are eligible to receive support from the National Scientific Research Fund.

In addition, the 'special researchers' are not within the system, and the research projects they set up have nothing to do with the laboratory, so their freedom is guaranteed.

If you want to use the resources of the laboratory and obtain financial support from the state, you have to negotiate the funding and occupancy ratio yourself.

Zhao Yi understood it in detail and nodded in agreement.

The next step is to sign the contract.

Qian Zhijin couldn't wait to print out an employment contract that day and asked Zhao Yi to sign it quickly.

Zhao Yi felt like he was being cheated.

So anxious?

Can't you wait until after you enter school...

Little did he know that Qian Zhijin was feeling bitter, because Zhao Yi had to apply for the School of Life Sciences, and it would be really "losing face" for him to be hired after admission to the School of Information and the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

That 'evil bitch' from the School of Life Sciences will definitely look smug and spit on the School of Information.

Anyway, it must be fast!

Before Zhao Yi is officially admitted to the School of Life Sciences.

at the same time.

Yanhua University, School of Life Sciences.

Zhou Hua received news from the admissions office staff below that Professor Qian Zhijin from the School of Information asked the School of Life to agree to a special enrollment quota?

"Professor Qian Zhijin?"

"The one who doesn't deal with Dean Wu? Why does he care about the enrollment of the School of Life?"

Zhou Hua thought about it carefully and couldn't think of any reason. As for Qian Zhijin using his power and connections to arrange for his own people to enter the university, it was simply impossible.

Special admissions are subject to layer-by-layer approval.

He is responsible for the work of the administrative office and is also qualified to issue special admission quotas, but subsequent approval must be obtained and the signatures of Dean Wu and Principal Yu are required.

There are so many people who want to get through, and all they want is an admission quota, which is definitely not worth the gain.

Zhou Hua checked the information of the admitted candidates with doubts——

Zhao Yi, Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.


"Professor Qian, it's true. The admission quota for special recruitment is such an important matter. The only introduction is name and school?"

Zhou Hua couldn't see anything.

When the person from the admissions office said he was in a hurry, he simply agreed.


Zhou Hua went directly to the laboratory building and met Professor Wei Shiqing through the glass window.

The biological laboratory attaches great importance to the environment, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter. Wei Shiqing is wearing a white coat and gesticulating in front of a lot of test tubes. He seems to be doing very detailed experiments and inputting data into the computer.

Zhou Hua waited for a long time and then knocked on the glass.

Wei Shiqing frowned slightly and turned his head, then took off his white coat, walked out of the laboratory and asked, "Xiao Zhou, what's the matter?"

"It's about special admissions."

Zhou Hua told the story, and Wei Shiqing was suddenly surprised, "Are you sure? It's Qian Zhijin?"


"Special recruitment quota? The kind of special admissions students who are not sports students or art students, and don't even look at the college entrance examination results?"


"Give me that student's information."

After Wei Shiqing finished speaking, he realized that Zhou Hua had nothing in his hand. He asked strangely, "Where is the information?"

Zhou Hua said awkwardly, "The information given by Professor Qian is very simple, just his name, Zhao Yi, and he is a candidate from Zhengyang City, Nanjiang Province."

"Zhao Yi, Zheng Yang?"

Wei Shiqing kept mumbling and frowned. He always felt that the name sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

He paced and thought carefully, then suddenly asked, "Xiao Zhou, do you think the name Zhao Yi sounds familiar to you?"

Zhou Hua also wondered, "What you said seems a bit familiar, Zhao Yi, Zhao Yi... I seem to hear..."

"I remembered!"

Zhou Hua's eyes widened suddenly and he couldn't help shouting, "Zhao Yi! Genius high school student, Rubik's cube calculator, Kakutani conjecture!"


Wei Shiqing didn't pay attention to Zhou Hua's reaction, because he himself was so surprised that he grabbed Zhou Hua's arm, "Yes, that's it, Zhao Yi, a mathematical genius and a computer genius!"

"Zhao Yi, Zhao Yi, okay!"

Zhou Hua calmed down a bit, and then asked doubtfully, "Professor Wei, do you think it's possible that it's just a coincidence that he has the same name?"

Wei Shiqing also calmed down and immediately said, "Hurry to the Admissions Office and ask again. If you have any news, call me. If it's true... No, I'll go to Dean Wu now to have a look!"

He went to the laboratory to handle the follow-up work, and on the way to the dean's office, he received a call from Zhou Hua, confirming that Zhao Yi, the special admissions student, was 'that Zhao Yi'.

Wei Shiqing's face suddenly beamed with joy. He went directly to Dean Wu Yanping and talked about the news he had just heard, "Dean Wu, do you know about that genius high school student? He is coming to our School of Life!"

Wu Yanping was sitting at his desk, processing information on the computer. When he heard Wei Shiqing's words, he raised his head in confusion, "Genius high school student? That's the one on the Internet. He's very powerful. He cracks mathematical conjectures, creates new algorithms, and cooperates with intelligent laboratories. The one who develops robots?”

"Developing robots?" Wei Shiqing didn't know the news.

Wu Yanping explained briefly, "It's technical cooperation. It is said that his algorithm design is very powerful. I also heard from people in the School of Information. Are you sure he wants to come to our school?"


Wei Shiqing nodded affirmatively, "Zhou Hua just said that it was recommended by Qian Zhijin. He was specially recruited and asked our college to pass it quickly. Zhou Hua has already passed it, and all that is left is to send out the notification letter."

Wu Yanping was surprised after hearing this. There was too much information for her to handle, "Qian is mentally retarded? Will he recommend geniuses to the School of Life? Why not stay in the School of Information?"

"I don't know either."

Wei Shiqing said, "But it's good news anyway. I don't know if he has potential in biological research, but he is a computer expert and has a very high level of mathematics."

Wu Yanping took a deep breath and smiled, "Yes, this is really good news. What our college lacks is computer and mathematics talents!"

Wei Shiqing was the most excited.

He is a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Yanhua University, and also works as a temporary employee at the Microbiology and Big Data Center of the Academy of Sciences, where he participates in the construction of microbial information.

In a separate laboratory, the projects he leads are also related to the management and application of microbial data. The management and application of microbial data focus more on the application of computers in the biological field, rather than actual research and development.

Wei Shiqing has always wanted to bring in a few PhDs in computing, and the progress of his project will definitely speed up. Unfortunately, it is impossible for PhDs in computing to come to the School of Life Sciences.

This is where it gets awkward.

Although the research and development has reached the top level and all disciplines are related, it is impossible for him to invite a top computer expert to come to the laboratory to help improve the microbial research project.

it's good now.

The School of Life Sciences has an additional math and computer expert. His knowledge level is hard to say compared to that of math and computer professors, but his ability is definitely not inferior, and his innovative ability is even more amazing.

Such a person comes to assist me in my microbiology project, and I can leave all computer work to him...

The premise is that the other party can agree.

Wei Shiqing has already begun to think about how to impress the other party and get him to agree to come to the laboratory to help him.


Give a "distinguished researcher" position?

With a monthly salary of 10,000 plus benefits, maybe the other party will consider it?

Wei Shiqing thought about it carefully.

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