Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 186 The starting point of a genius’s fall?

Zhao Yi signed the prepared employment contract and took up a position in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, officially becoming a ‘special researcher’.

He is really just on a temporary basis.

There is no need to go to the laboratory to clock in and work. When relevant project work comes to you, you need to spend some time doing it.

"You can get paid by taking a temporary job. It's really easy to go to work." Zhao Yi took a plane back to Zhengyang with a comfortable mood.

The college entrance examination is over.

Someone is watching over the robot, and the research content has come to an end. They just want to find out the problem of Wiles' thesis, but there is no rush, just take the time to study it slowly.

Now is the time to enjoy life.

What Zhao Yi didn't expect was that relevant project tasks would come to him just after he was assigned to the laboratory.

After returning to Zhengyang, Zhao Yi first went home to rest, and then went to the old house to have dinner with his parents. When he came back, he received news from Qian Zhijin.

There is a project coming down!

The country strongly supports the establishment of computer laboratories, and there is definitely a need for it. Many national projects need to be allocated. As a provincial key computer laboratory, the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory will definitely be allocated some projects.

This time it was a project from the Science and Technology Department. It had little to do with the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, but was directly related to Zhao Yi.

Last time, the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory completed the calculation of the prime number bounds of the 'three-dimensional tremor wave diagram'. Probably the outside world thought that the team of Liu Guangzuo and Qian Zhijin knew the 'three-dimensional tremor wave diagram' very well. The project is 'Studying three-dimensional tremor wave patterns'.

There is no doubt that this project is specifically for the intelligence and automation laboratory.

Here's the awkward part.

The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory can quickly complete the prime number bound calculation of the 'Three-dimensional Tremor Wave Diagram' because Zhao Yi provided the inverse algorithm required for the calculation. The only thing they can provide is the inverse algorithm, but regarding the 'Three-Dimensional Tremor Wave Diagram' ’, there is almost no understanding.

In addition, the principle of the inverse algorithm is completely unclear, so it is impossible to provide detailed information.

"Would you accept this project?"

Qian Zhijin and Zhao Yi had a video chat and showed the project documents, "The five hundred thousand R\u0026D funds are yours. Just provide the information, and the laboratory will provide technical support."

"Anyway, just say whatever you need."

Qian Zhijin was very depressed when he spoke. He felt that the project was just for Zhao Yi and had nothing to do with the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

Previously, Zhao Yi was just a senior in high school and had nothing to do with the National Science and Technology Office, so there was no reason for the Science and Technology Office's projects to approach him.

If it were known that Zhao Yi had become a special researcher in the laboratory, the Science and Technology Department would probably ignore the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory and skip it and go directly to Zhao Yi himself.

Zhao Yi thought about it and agreed directly.

The ‘three-dimensional tremor wave diagram’ was created by him. He knew very well what known characteristics it had and how to calculate the prime number solution in the simplest way.

So if you sort out the information and submit it, you can get 500,000 yuan, which is still very high in terms of income.

Distinguished researchers should assist the laboratory in project development.

Although there is no definite target, if you complete a project assigned by the Science and Technology Department on your own, you can reject other projects at will within about two years, right? really great!

Life is precious and love is more valuable. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away.

Freedom is really important.

I don’t have to work or go to work for two years, and I can still get paid continuously. It’s really comfortable!

Zhao Yi was in an unusually happy mood, and he immediately sent a message to everyone saying that he had returned to Zhengyang.

The next day I made an appointment with my classmates for dinner.

Lin Xiaoqing, Zhao Linlin, and Sun Liang are all here. It's normal for the three of them to come, but the arrival of another girl is a bit weird.

Gao Yuan?

Zhao Yi, Lin Xiaoqing, and Zhao Linlin looked at Sun Liang together. They did not call Gao Yuan, mainly because they were not familiar with each other and had relatively little communication.


Sun Liang gestured to several people and explained in passing, "I told her that you asked her to come, so don't be a helper!"


Collective contempt.

Although they despised Sun Liang's behavior of using friends as a cover to pick up girls, as a friend he must support him, and no one exposed him.

When we arrived at the restaurant together, one person became depressed.

Five people sat at a table against the wall.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin sat together, Gao Yuan sat opposite, Sun Liang shamelessly sat next to Gao Yuan, and Zhao Yi could only sit in another row.

Then Zhao Linlin found herself sitting between Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi.

Opposite are Sun Liang and Gao Yuan.

The more Zhao Linlin sat, the more awkward she became. She pointed at herself and asked, "Am I redundant? Otherwise... let me go."


Zhao Yi waved directly.

Sun Liang and Gao Yuan burst out laughing.

Lin Xiaoqing glared hard at Zhao Yi, hugged Zhao Linlin and said, "We are good sisters!"

"He is the superfluous one!"

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes and simply stretched out his arms, put his hands on Lin Xiaoqing's shoulders, hugged the two of them in one breath, and said happily, "It doesn't matter, we are all our own people, don't be embarrassed by anyone!"


Lin Xiaoqing immediately slapped Zhao Yi's hand away and continued talking to Zhao Linlin. As a result, Zhao Yi seemed to be superfluous. He sat farthest to the side and became the person who served everyone and communicated the most with the restaurant waiters.


That waitress is growing up pretty well, and she keeps looking this way...

Zhao Yi laughed and chatted with the waitress for a few words, and then returned to the atmosphere at the table. Suddenly, he found that he could not get in the conversation at all. The discussions between them were all about 'test scores' and 'past score lines'...

What could he say?


Zhao Yi sighed, attracted the attention of several people, and said in a depressed tone, "I'm even worse. I definitely didn't do well in the exam this time. I handed in the papers in advance without checking them carefully. I can't guarantee full marks in mathematics and science. English I didn’t write the composition well, so I worked hard on Chinese, but my Chinese is the worst.”

"I estimate that the maximum score for the college entrance examination is more than 730!"




Sun Liang slammed the bowl on the table, and Zhao Linlin and Gao Yuan almost couldn't sit still.

Lin Xiaoqing was holding the cup hard and staring at Zhao Yi's forehead hatefully, as if she wanted to practice and explore the momentum of the collision between the cup and the forehead.

Murderous intent spreads.

Zhao Yi felt the strange atmosphere, stopped talking, coughed lightly, and quickly reached out to call the waiter, "Add a cup of iced coffee."

He needs to calm down.

Next, Zhao Yi seemed to be ignored again, and he seemed to really become an outsider.

Watching Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin talking and laughing, he thought about the story of 'Monk Drinking Water'. The story talks about two monks...

Carrying water to drink?

Three monks don’t have any water to drink, right?

"No, we must prove the content of the story!" Zhao Yi thought carefully and made a move. When he saw Lin Xiaoqing's hand on the sofa, he slowly moved his right hand and leaned over.

A sharp pinch!

Lin Xiaoqing tried hard not to pull him away, but glared at Zhao Yi secretly, but she was worried that others would see him.

Zhao Linlin pretended not to know.

Zhao Yi was grabbing Lin Xiaoqing's hand, but his arm was half-encircling Zhao Linlin. As his fingers scratched the palm of his hand, his arm kept moving around. For some reason, Zhao Linlin's face turned red, and she also He turned his head and glared at Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi pretended not to see it.

Now is the time for scientific verification, proving that the short stories in textbooks and TV are very important. The two monks should definitely cooperate and carry water together.


"This is important!"

"If I have the opportunity to prove it more in the future, I will consider it as devoting myself to the cause of science!"

Zhao Yi suddenly felt that he was great.

Of course.

In the process of proving science, it is even more fun to spend learning coins.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +2. 】

see it?

That’s what validation science pays off.

In fact, Sun Liang was the one who really had no water to drink. He had no experience in love at all. He just invited Gao Yuan to have dinner with him and shamelessly sat next to her, but he didn't know what to say. He spent most of the time fighting in his heart. .

"What should I say? What should I do?"

"Hold hands?"

"Zhao Yi, Lin Xiaoqing and the others are watching from the opposite side, it's definitely not possible!"


The dinner went on for a long time, and the dishes were almost ready. Sun Liang just asked, "What school are you going to apply for?"

This is heartbreaking.

Gao Yuan's grades couldn't even get into the elite Class B. It was very difficult to get admitted to the undergraduate program. Unless something unexpected happened, she could only go to a junior college or repeat her studies. She had almost no good options.

Gao Yuan said with a sad expression, "I'm not as good as you. I can't even get my undergraduate degree, so I'm going to sign up for a school and then obey the adjustment."

"If it doesn't work, go to a junior college. My mother said that the junior college is in Zhengyang."

Sun Liang emphasized, "I'm going to Capital University!"

"I know."

Zhao Yi couldn't stand listening anymore. He quickly took out his mobile phone to take pictures and lighten the atmosphere. "Let's take a photo."

"Monkey, just you and Gao Yuan, I'll take a few more pictures for you."

Sun Liang felt that Zhao Yi was helping him, so he immediately cooperated and took photos with Gao Yuan. Under Zhao Yi's eyes, he suddenly understood and quickly made intimate gestures.

Hold the hem of your clothes!


Get closer...

Zhao Yi looked a little anxious. He directly put his arms around Zhao Linlin and let her lean into his arms. He immediately separated and said seriously, "Just like this, be close!

Zhao Linlin's face immediately turned red and she expressed her dissatisfaction in a low voice, "What are you doing!"

"Let the monkey know how to take pictures." Zhao Yi said calmly that he was just giving a demonstration to help Sun Liang.

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +2. 】

Great harvest!

Lin Xiaoqing pouted dissatisfiedly.

After Zhao Yi received the learning coins, he felt very comfortable and decided to appease the dissatisfied little nun. He reached out secretly, grabbed the little hand that had been staying behind the sofa, and scratched the palm of his hand a few times to express that he really It's just a demonstration, not a deliberate attempt to take advantage.

He is a gentleman!

Can a gentleman be said to be taking advantage? That’s called embracing art!

Sun Liang half hugged Gao Yuan cooperatively, but his movements were still a bit stiff. Gao Yuan's movements were even stiffer. She didn't object to Sun Liang, but neither of them had any experience in love, and they were not sure they would fall in love. On the surface, they were just ordinary classmates. relation.

Zhao Yi seized the opportunity to take a few more photos.

The dinner is over.

Several people decided to go to Zhao Yi's house to play poker. Sun Liang pulled Zhao Yi and walked at the back. He thought carefully about the scene at the dinner table, and something seemed wrong.

"Zhao Yi, why did you make me do that just now...don't you think less of me and Gao Yuan?"

"You didn't know how to..." This is where Sun Liang was confused. Zhao Yi usually ignored him and Gao Yuan. At most, he was a brother-in-law and helped create opportunities. In private, he said that it was difficult for him and Gao Yuan to be together. Together. this?

Zhao Yi explained calmly, "The reason is very simple. I will keep these photos. When you find a girlfriend in the future, I can use the photos to blackmail you."

"If you don't comply, I will send the photos to your girlfriend."

Sun Liang was stunned for a long time, and suddenly shouted crazily, "Delete all the photos quickly! Delete them! Delete them quickly!"

"Give me the phone!"

"Oh shit!"

"I really shouldn't believe you, you're an asshole!

Amid the quarrels among friends, the day came to fill in the applications for the college entrance examination.

Originally, Zhao Yi didn't have to go. He had already received the admission notice. He was from the Admissions Office of Yanhua University and delivered it directly to his home as a courier. He probably felt that the major was not suitable for Zhao Yi, so he repeatedly asked him if he was sure. Enter the School of Life Sciences.

Zhao Yi had the admission notice, so naturally he didn't need to fill in the application form. Students admitted through special recruitment would be declared, so there was no point in filling in the application form.

He went anyway.

Zhao Yi didn't mention it to anyone else. It felt like he was just showing off, so he was dragged to school by Lin Xiaoqing.

This is probably a rare opportunity to meet many classmates.

After arriving at school, the topics everyone discussed were 'score assessment', 'application for volunteering', etc. Lin Xiaoqing, Zhao Linlin and others sat on the flower bed and started talking.

Lin Xiaoqing applied for Capital University of Political Science and Law, which is a top university in the field of politics and law. She was still a little worried about not getting into the exam and kept talking about it.

"This time the question is difficult. After reading the answers, I estimate that I can get around 630 points."

"My maximum is 580!"

Zhao Linlin sighed and smiled bitterly, "You can actually reach 630. It's really... In my math, I didn't get any results for the next five questions, especially the last two questions, I only wrote a little bit."

"Now I feel that the math cram school was in vain. My aunt spent so much time tutoring me, it was all wasted. If I had known that the questions were so difficult, I would have given up math."

Several people around him nodded in sympathy.

"Linlin, have you made up your mind? Should you go to study medicine?" Lin Xiaoqing asked with concern.


Zhao Linlin nodded, "My aunt suggested that I go to Jiangzhou Medical University, but I still want to go to the capital." She glanced at Zhao Yi secretly as she spoke, and said with lively eyes, "You have all gone to the capital, so you can't pull me away. one."

"Then let's go together!" Lin Xiaoqing hugged Zhao Linlin's arm happily.

"Zhao Yi, what about you? Yanhua University?"


Zhao Yi nodded calmly, not wanting to say anything more about registering for school.

Li Lisheng suddenly walked out of the building. He told the students, "Let's all go back to the classroom and fill out the forms." He walked straight towards Zhao Yi. Only when he walked in did he notice that he was holding an envelope in his hand.

"Zhao Yi, it's yours."

Zhao Yi took the envelope and opened it. It was still an admission notice?

"Special recruitment admission..."

"Yanhua University, School of Life Sciences, Major in Biological Sciences..."

Sun Liang read aloud beside him.

Zhao Yi felt very depressed when he saw the notice. He knew this notice. Yanhua University seemed to be afraid that he would not receive it, or for some other reason. The person from the Admissions Office sent a notice, and the School of Life Sciences added another Sent one copy.

Although the reputation of Yanhua University is not as good as that of Shuimu and Shouda, so many students are filling in their applications and they don’t know the exact score of the college entrance examination. As a result, I got the admission notice...

It seems a little embarrassing!

The saddest thing in the world is probably receiving the admission notice from the university before expecting the results of the college entrance examination.


Zhao Yi sighed deeply.

Others were not so surprised. They had seen Zhao Yi receive notices several times, including invitations from Shuimu, Shouda, and even foreign countries.

So, nothing.

Sun Liang discovered the key problem, "No, why is it the School of Life Sciences? Zhao Yi, aren't you enrolling in science? Mathematics and physics."

"It's science, biological science, to put it simply, biology. Biology is a standard science subject." Zhao Yi nodded affirmatively.

"But...are you sure?"

"very sure!"

"All right!"

Sun Liang didn't understand and went to the classroom with Zhao Yi.

Others knew the news and started discussing it.

Most high school students have limited knowledge of university majors. For majors such as biological sciences, few know what they do. Most people’s first choice when filling out their application is university, and then they will consider what major to apply for. There are many People will mark 'efficiency adjustment', and they will actually obey the adjustment and be assigned to majors with fewer applicants.

Zhao Yi was surrounded by a circle of people, all talking about what biological science is.

He explained.

Biological science is a major that few people would choose. It is a relatively unpopular one, because few people in high school will consider studying for graduate school or Ph.D. Biological science is a science major that emphasizes basic education and focuses on In scientific research subjects, it is not easy to find a suitable job after graduating from a bachelor's degree.

Most people lose interest after hearing this.


That is really a field of genius. It is more practical for ordinary students to study engineering.

The application for the college entrance examination is over, and the next step is to wait for the results.

Zhao Yi also returned to his leisurely life. He sorted out the information on the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform' every day. When he planned to go to Yanhua University, he handed over the relevant information, which was equivalent to directly completing the project.

He studied mathematics when he was interested, and he also wanted to find out the problems in Wiles's paper.

This is a very interesting thing.

There are many things that need to be studied. The scope of complex mathematics is too wide. Hyperbolic geometry and analytic number theory are the key areas of knowledge to be studied.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi's name suddenly appeared on the Internet again, and someone broke the news that he chose to major in biological sciences.

This became a hit as soon as it came out!

Everyone who knew Zhao Yi had the impression that Zhao Yi was a computer genius and a mathematics genius. They subconsciously thought that he would definitely study computers and mathematics. They never thought that he would choose a biology-related major.


Do you want to study cells, microorganisms, and explore medical theories and disease fields?

An expert in the field of biology stepped forward, Fan Yuqiang from the Microbial Resource Development Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences. He said in an interview, “In the field of biological scientific research, the most important thing is experimentation, analysis, and a little bit of luck. Mathematics, computers It is difficult for a genius to achieve success in the field of biological research."

"I think he should do what he is good at instead of looking for a new direction."

"Of course, everyone has the right to choose the major and job they like, but he is a true genius. At the age of eighteen, he can achieve achievements that most people cannot achieve in their lifetime."

"I still look forward to his development in the fields of mathematics and computers instead of wasting time elsewhere."

Fan Yuqiang expressed his opinion.

Probably because he felt that Zhao Yi was a genius in mathematics and computer science, so it was a waste of his talent to choose a major in college instead of mathematics and computer science and choose irrelevant biological sciences.

Some media quoted Fan Yuqiang's words and made eye-catching reports.

"Global News" is such a media. Based on Fan Yuqiang's interview, they wrote a critical article titled "Choice Determines the Future: The Starting Point of the Fall of a Genius."

The content of the article is that Zhao Yi made a wrong choice, which may be the beginning of a change in his life.

He is a genius.

But there were many things that hurt Zhongyong. He had wasted several years of precious time in unrelated biological sciences, and maybe he would never be able to hear his name again in the future.

This article is clear and logical, and has also aroused discussion among online public opinion.

Many people on the Internet are sad about "Zhao Yi's death" and "persuaded" him to "return to the right path" and give up irrelevant biological sciences to major in computer and mathematics.

Some netizens said that Zhao Yi could take biological science as a hobby and major in computer and mathematics concurrently.

"Biology can be a hobby!"

"Mathematics is the most important thing. Zhao Yi should focus on mathematics. He will definitely become a great mathematician!"

"Computers are also good, he is already a master of algorithms!"

"What kind of biology are you studying? It's a waste of time!"

Zhao Yi felt very funny when he saw the reports and comments on the Internet.

Netizens are concerned about a lot of things. They even have to say a few words about what major he is applying for. They can't help but lament that it is really difficult to be a celebrity.

His reputation is not high yet!

He only has some achievements in mathematics and computers. The reason why he attracts a lot of attention is directly related to his young age, but his fame is definitely not as good as that of a TV star.

Even with just this little fame, there are a lot of people talking about whatever he does.

What would happen if you were a big star? Maybe if you turn your head and smile at fans while walking, it will become news, right?

That's terrible.

So if you want to live a relaxed life, you should try to be as low-key as possible!

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