Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 215 So you have made no progress at all?

After the math was over, Zhao Yi returned to his dormitory and started sorting out the information. The information he studied in three days didn't sound like much. But in fact there are dozens of manuscript papers.

If it were to be written as a paper, the detailed steps would be at least more than 100 pages.

This is a terrifying number.

Zhao Yi first split the information and divided the content into four parts.

The first part is "Proving the second set of prime solutions to the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram" published at the International Conference of Mathematicians.

This is the most basic content.

He has agreed to the review editor of "New Advances in Mathematics" to publish the paper on "New Advances in Mathematics". The submission should be reviewed very quickly.

The second part of the content is related to the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. Their research on the second set of prime solutions, and then referring to the data of the first set of prime solutions, came to the result that the content of twin prime solutions is abnormal.

This is very important.

Even after Zhao Yi finishes his research, he will not forget the help he can only get from the automated laboratory.

The follow-up content of the paper is to demonstrate the reason why there are many solution groups of twin prime numbers, and to explain the relationship between the bound sets of twin prime numbers and the solution of three-dimensional tremor waveform diagrams.

Although the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory only provided data to help tell Zhao Yi their findings, this is where the inspiration comes from. No matter what research is done, inspiration is very important.

Zhao Yi decided to add the names of Qian Zhijin and Liu Guangzuo to this paper.

The third part is the core of the research, which is to use the infinite solution of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram to prove the infinity of twin prime numbers.

Assuming that the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram has two correct sets of prime solutions, then there will be an infinite number of twin primes.

This of course cannot prove the twin prime conjecture, but it is enough to link the three-dimensional tremor waveform and the twin primes. In other words, the Riemann Hypothesis is correct. It is correct to infer the three-dimensional tremor waveform based on the Riemann Hypothesis. Then the twin primes It is infinite.

The three are linked together.

The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram turns Riemann's hypothesis and twin primes into a conjecture.

Although it proves the twin prime conjecture and cannot disprove the Riemann Hypothesis, it is still of great significance to the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and will greatly increase the importance of the waveform diagram.

The last part is to prove that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers separated by less than 246.

This part is a direct proof and does not use the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram. It is just an incidental conclusion obtained during the research process.

Zhao Yi classified it into one section and divided all the content into four parts, which can be divided into four papers.

"The first part must be submitted to "New Advances in Mathematics", but do we need to submit it together?"

"The first and second parts can be together, but the third and fourth parts are a little difficult to understand, and the review time will definitely be longer."

"How about this."

"Submit the first and second parts to "New Advances in Mathematics" first, which is a monthly magazine, and then submit the third part next month, and then the fourth part."

Zhao Yi decided.

Think about it.

"New Advances in Mathematics" among the four top mathematics journals has its own papers for three consecutive months, which sounds very interesting.

After Zhao Yi made his decision, he contacted Qian Zhijin and told him not to publish the verification results to the media, but to write the results as a paper and send it over. He would collect subsequent proofs and glue them into the same paper.

"Don't worry, the second and third authors are you and Professor Liu Guangzuo."

"You can decide who is the second author and who is the third author."

Qian Zhijin was very happy when he heard this.

As a professor at the School of Information, he has nothing special to offer in the field of research, let alone mathematics.


Now his name is going to be included in one of the four top mathematics journals?


The surprise comes too soon!

After Qian Zhijin put down the phone, he was so moved that he almost cried.

Those are the four top journals!

Every domestic researcher who publishes a paper in the four top journals will become news in the academic world. Many studies published in top journals will have multiple authors. Even if it is just the last one, it will be academic news. Circle reports.

For example, the research jointly conducted by Professor XX and Professor XX abroad was published in the top journal "XX".

It sounds like some major research has been completed, but in fact it is only the second or third work, and it will be officially released by the university to which it belongs, which is almost a compliment.

Even so, the names of domestic mathematicians are rarely found in the four top mathematics journals, which shows how difficult it is.

Qian Zhijin feels like he is about to reach the peak of his life!

This is really great!



This verification result must be written in a lavish way, highlighting your contribution and hard work in the process, and also a series of inferences, speculations, etc. made when you discovered that the content of twin primes was abnormal.

In short, let everyone see their ability level!


Yanhua University, School of Information, Qian Zhijin, mathematics is also very good!


Zhao Yi went to the "Introduction to Life Sciences" class.

"Introduction to Life Sciences", as you can tell from the name, is a course to popularize scientific knowledge. It popularizes life science knowledge for novice biology students, so that they can understand the basic theories, technical methods, development trends in the research field of life sciences, as well as life sciences and human society. Have a more complete understanding of the relationship between survival and development.

This course is similar to the literature course and does not include calculation and understanding content.

Zhao Yi still listened with interest.

In the field of life sciences, he is no different from other students. They are just beginners and rookies. Understanding the field of life sciences can be regarded as popular science.

Han Yaxin, the teacher of "Introduction to Life Sciences", is definitely the opposite of Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi is indeed a beginner in life sciences, but he already has his own laboratory at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

The entry threshold for biomedical research institutes is only PhD students, so having a laboratory is simply unimaginable.

And she, Hanya Xin, is just a master's degree student!

A little master's degree, to popularize the basic knowledge of life sciences to the bosses who have their own laboratories...

How does it feel?

Hanya Xin said with certainty that she had to think carefully about every word she said, lest she be picked up by the bosses in the audience.

This also results in lectures being delivered at a very slow pace.

So the students in the class had the impression of Han Yaxin, "This female teacher has a nice voice and speaks every word. She is really gentle!"

A gentle female teacher can always make people feel good.

Zhao Yidu was full of affection for Hanyaxin. If he were a teacher to give grades, he would give full marks without hesitation.

"Introduction to Life Sciences" is not as long as a high-level mathematics course, so Hanyaxin does not need to study hard for too long.

get out of class has ended.

Zhao Yi followed the others out of the classroom, and then walked around the football field with a few buddies from the dormitory. He hadn't played football for a long time. He didn't even change his shoes, so he ran and kicked a few times.


The friends on the football field are not like students in the same class. Very few of them will recognize him while playing football. Even if they can recognize him, it will be no different on the football field.

He can play football and exercise normally like everyone else.

This feels pretty good.

But after playing for less than twenty minutes, he went to the sidelines and looked at his cell phone in his pocket, and then walked away regretfully.


Zhang Wei sent a message saying that there was a major experiment that required him to go there, and he could only go to the Biomedical Research Institute once.

When he arrived at the laboratory, he met Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie who were excited.

"Zhao Yi, we have done more than a dozen experiments and the results are all correct!"

"You're right."

"Now I'm pretty sure that IL-1α's role is to promote..."

Zhang Wei talked a lot before introducing the contents of the experiment that was about to be conducted.

This is the last experiment.

The hepatitis in several mice has entered the final stage. In the past few days, three mice have died due to exposure to experimental substances, or were simply dismembered.

The remaining few will have to survive, and will eventually be observed, or simply watched for the virus again, to test the effects of the antibodies that appear in their bodies.

Anyway, Amen!

Zhao Yi could only mourn for the mice. They are small animals that have made great sacrifices for human research on pathology.

The last experiment is actually nothing. It just detects the contents of various immune and functional proteins and other cells and substances in the blood of the two injected mice and other mice.

But this is the last experiment.

If the verification matches the predicted results, the project is complete.

Finally, the verification was successful.

Zhang Wei hugged Zhao Yi excitedly.

Zhao Yi spread his hands a little awkwardly, saying that he had no other ideas, but he was still hugged tightly. He could only force himself to endure the feeling of being squeezed by the two lumps.

Zhang Wei reacted with excitement, and immediately turned her head to look in the direction of Liu Chengjie. Liu Chengjie was staring at the white mouse in the glass box, and seemed not to be looking at this direction at all.

Zhao Yi also took a look at Liu Chengjie and felt that he should be given a salary increase.

Of course.

Liu Chengjie's salary is paid by the institute. The only thing he can do is to share more of the project results.


"No shame!"

Zhang Wei didn't notice anything and quickly let go of Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi also pretended that nothing happened.

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhang Wei, learning coins +2. 】

very good!

He likes the study coins that are given to him for free.

Regarding the success of the experimental verification, Zhao Yi was very calm because everything was under control. He told Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie that it was an experimental inference, but because it was the feedback process of "Contact Rate", he was very sure that it was correct.

So there is nothing exciting about successful verification.

For Zhao Yi, this is similar to doing a mathematical proof question, except that it is relatively more difficult.

After all the experiments were verified to be correct, it was time for project settlement. Zhao Yi applied for the eunuch project of the research institute, and the remaining project funds belonged to him.


"We can also give bonuses to Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie!"

"They have no merit but hard work."

In addition to project settlement funds, after a project is completed, thesis is also very important. Zhang Wei talked about this issue. She planned to split the project process into three papers and two small papers.

Zhao Yi raised an objection, "If it is split into five papers, the weight will be reduced, right?"

"But there's a lot of it."

This is the case in domestic research fields and academia. The number of papers is a very important indicator.


Zhao Yi said with certainty, "We have just started a project. It shouldn't take long, right? It is more important to publish papers with high weight. Wait until the next project to publish papers. The number will not be small."


"Sister Zhang, give some of the content to Liu Chengjie and ask him to publish a paper alone. If there are results, it should be okay to keep it, right?"

Liu Chengjie was surprised when he heard it, but he didn't dare to say anything for fear that the research results he had obtained would be lost. During the process of his project, he was really just starting out.

"All right!"

Zhang Wei was not opposed to letting Liu Chengjie publish a paper alone. Anyway, during the project research process, there were quite a lot of results. She just felt that it was a pity to publish only one paper.

"Don't be anxious, it's just the beginning. In our Zhao Yi Laboratory, the weight of the papers we publish must be high, and we cannot write sloppy papers."

"This is the most basic thing, you must remember it."

"After the project is settled, Sister Zhang, you can apply for another one, preferably one within your field."

Zhao Yi gave serious instructions on the next work.

Because they had just completed a project quickly, both Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie became very confident.

At least, there is already a project in the works.

Similar projects, even in other laboratories, involve many researchers, and it would take several months to complete them all.

It only took them less than a month to get it done, and most of it was still a follow-up verification experiment. Counting the next few months, it doesn't matter if there is no results at all.

There are only three people in the 'Zhao Yi Laboratory'. There are no regular researchers and only one associate researcher. They complete one project a year, which is quite fast.

After coming out of his own laboratory, Zhao Yi went to Dai Tianqing's laboratory.

Dai Tianqing's mental state felt similar to Zhang Wei's, with his face full of excitement, "Zhao Yi, I have been expecting you to come for a long time, do you understand?"

"what do you know?"

"That inhibitory factor! We found the inhibitory factor in the experiment. Although we are not sure how to get it or what cells secrete it, we have determined that there is a small substance that plays a role in the immune process. It plays a role in inhibiting movement."

Zhao Yi frowned and thought for a while, "I remember that during military training, Sister Zhang sent me a message saying that you had found an inhibitory factor. Have you only found one so far?"

"Really?" Dai Tianqing was a little confused.

"So, you have made no progress at all this week?"

"Seems to be?"

Zhao Yi was a little confused, "It's been a week, and you're still relying on data analysis. Is there anything to be happy about knowing that there is an extra substance?"


Dai Tianqing suddenly felt that it was a mistake to let Zhao Yi share the joy.

He couldn't be happier at all.

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