Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 216 Only people with high IQs can play like this

After Zhao Yi left, Dai Tianqing was depressed for a long time. He once felt very anxious.

One is that there has been no progress in the experiment for a long time. As Zhao Yi said, every time they make progress, there is an interval of ten days and a half, and they don’t know when the next progress will be.

Now it is time to verify a new inhibitory factor and discover something new. They must find clear evidence before they can confirm the discovery, submit a report, publish a paper, and combine "discovery of new factors" with biomedical research. Institutes, laboratories, and research teams are connected.

This research must be done quickly!

Although Dai Tianqing didn't know what his colleagues were doing, he was sure that other research institutions were also conducting detailed verification of Zhao Yi's conjecture paper, and they would definitely notice one of the key points -

New inhibitor!

This thing is a great discovery in the medical field. After it is confirmed and verified successfully, it may even bring a top domestic award to the institute, the laboratory and himself, and he may even win foreign medical awards.

This is where you can see the appeal of validation research.

Dai Tianqing quickly urged the people in the laboratory to speed up, "We must hurry up, we must be the first to produce results!"

"This is not just one or two papers. Did you hear what Zhao Yi said? Even a person who doesn't know the paper said that our progress is too slow..."

This was the second point of frustration for Dai Tianqing. The progress of the laboratory was questioned by Zhao Yi.


Does Zhao Yi understand medical research?

He doesn't understand!

He is just a rookie, he has no experience at all and has no idea what the normal progress is!

Medical research and chemical research are similar in terms of discovering new things. Scientific inference is only one aspect. Even if there is a new substance, it is not easy to detect it.

Protein in the human body is better because the protein molecules are large enough.

factors, different.

Factor, as the word sounds, is a very small substance. It may not be a macromolecule, but just a small compound. Small compounds play a role in the complex system of the human body. How to prove its existence? ?

In the initial stage, that is, now, it can almost only be inferred through a series of experimental data, and it is quite remarkable to be able to infer it.

Because they don’t have any understanding of new things, they don’t know how to measure the data. They can only use clues to try to conduct experiments one by one to find out the data that does not conform to the convention, and then conduct a series of analyses. Increase knowledge of the substances being measured.

This process sounds very slow.

After you have enough understanding of the new substances to be measured, you can rely on reliable experiments to screen out enough new substances, and then conduct a series of experimental measurements.

For example, measuring the functional groups of organic matter through infrared spectroscopy, or measuring the type and number of hydrogen atoms in molecules using hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

In this way, after a series of analyses, the chemical composition of the new substance can be determined.

The above process can be completed within one year, which can be said to be quite fast.

Dai Tianqing's plan is also one year long. He is cooperating with Han Hui's laboratory, and Academician Zheng is also involved. The three of them are just talking about division of labor and how much time it will take. It still depends on luck.

For example, there will be huge progress tomorrow. In the end the required speed will be significantly reduced.

Although what he said was true, so was his past research and development experience. Dai Tianqing was still very depressed when he thought of what Zhao Yi said. He could only keep saying to himself, "Zhao Yi doesn't understand research, Zhao Yi doesn't understand research, Zhao Yi doesn't understand Research……"

"I don't care about him! I don't care about him! I don't care about him..."

In any case, Dai Tianqing still felt a sense of urgency in his heart. The experimental verification project was still one of the most important. In addition, he did not want to lose to Han Hui's laboratory.

Dai Tianqing and Han Hui both cooperate and compete.

There is an experienced academician Zheng in Han Hui's laboratory. The progress of experiments is relatively fast and he can find clues about inhibiting movement factors. Han Hui's laboratory is more useful.

This is one of the reasons why Dai Tianqing is depressed. His laboratory is still somewhat short of manpower.

Dai Tianqing returned to the office to check the data, and couldn't help but think in his mind, "It would be great if Zhang Wei was here. Zhang Wei's ability is not bad, she is young, she may have more inspiration, and she works hard enough!"

"How about letting Zhang Wei come back?"


"try again!"

Dai Tianqing thought about going to the 'Zhao Yi Laboratory' immediately. He knocked on the door and saw Zhang Wei sitting in front of the computer, typing up a document.

Zhang Wei was brought out by Dai Tianqing single-handedly. It can be said that he is very familiar with it. He didn't need to say any polite words and went straight to the topic.

"Zhang Wei, our laboratory is short of manpower now, can you come back..."

Before Dai Tianqing could finish speaking, Zhang Wei made an apologetic request, "Teacher Dai, I'm so sorry, I don't have time recently."

"No time? Is it your project?"

"Yes!" Zhang Wei pointed to the computer and said, "I am sorting out experimental data, and I also have to type up reports and write papers."

"Trying a report? Writing a paper?"

Dai Tianqing took a closer look at the computer and found an open file named 'IL-1α protein project settlement report', "Settlement?"

Dai Tianqing opened his mouth in shock, "Is your project completed?"

"The last experiment passed yesterday. We have conducted careful experimental verification and can now settle the project."

"...If I remember correctly, your project started last month..."

Last month of course.

The ‘Zhao Yi Laboratory’ has been open for only about a month.

Is this done?

Dai Tianqing was filled with shock and kept saying, "It's impossible, right? It's only been one month, one month, Zhang Wei, I told you a long time ago that you must be rigorous when doing research projects and cannot be vague..."

"If something goes wrong..."

Zhang Wei smiled and listened.

Dai Tianqing said it in a scolding tone, but Zhang Wei was brought out by Dai Tianqing, so it didn't matter if he was nagged a few words. After Dai Tianqing finished speaking, she helped pour a glass of water, and then said seriously, "Teacher Dai , don’t worry, I’m pretty sure the project is completed.”

Dai Tianqing still didn't believe it.

Zhang Wei opened the experimental data, gave Dai Tianqing a detailed analysis, and also talked about the action process of IL-1α protein.

After explaining a series of processes, Dai Tianqing stopped talking. With his rich research experience, he knew that there was no problem just by listening to the process.

This can't be made up.

In addition, Zhang Wei is not the kind of person who falsely declares research results.

When Dai Tianqing confirmed that the project was completed, he couldn't believe it even more.

A month?

how can that be possible?

A similar project was placed in the 'Dai Tianqing Laboratory'. He worked on it with several associate researchers, including the students he led, and it was considered fast to complete it in two months.

This is a big project with an initial R\u0026D investment of over one million!

Dai Tianqing took a deep breath and asked Zhang Wei in detail about the specific research process.

Zhang Wei's description was very simple, "Liu Chengjie and I were doing some basic experiments. Last week Zhao Yi came. He looked at the experiments and put forward some important things, and then we went to verify..."

"That's it!"

She was a little excited as she spoke.

Dai Tianqing sounded a little doubtful about life. He never imagined that Zhao Yi could play such a big role and help complete the project in just one month. How could he still say he didn't understand medical research?


He said that there has been no progress in his laboratory research for a long time, and it is not worth getting excited at all. It really makes sense!

Zhao Yi didn't know that his words could hurt Dai Tianqing so much. He really felt that there was no progress in ten days and there was nothing to be excited about, so he subconsciously said it.

After returning that day, he continued to write the paper. The content of the four papers was too much, and there was a lot just to sort out the information.

At present, we are still sorting out the first two papers and calculating the deadline for new developments in mathematics that month. The manuscript must be submitted, otherwise the publication will have to wait until next month.

Of course.

Attending classes is also very important.

The Department of Biology and the School of Information are actually similar. Among the basic courses, mathematics, physics, and politics are compulsory. Among them, freshman mathematics and physics even take up more than half of the class time. In the first week, there are two advanced mathematics classes, and two For each physics class, starting from the second week, exercises in mathematical physics will be added.

It can be seen from the course schedule how much emphasis is placed on mathematics and physics.

In terms of mathematics, Zhao Yi just wants to listen to the class, but physics still needs to be studied seriously.

Zhao Yi has not done much research in physics, probably because it is too difficult to do research in physics. It is almost impossible for him to complete the research on physics in the dormitory.

With the development of physics to this point, certain conclusions must be drawn through some experimental data before we can continue to deepen the research content. It makes no sense to rely on imagination.

Zhao Yi still attaches great importance to physics. If another subject is developed, physics and chemistry may be put on the agenda.

Chemistry is a professional course in the Department of Biology.

In the scope of basic field knowledge, chemistry and biology are closely related, because the biology department itself contains biochemistry.

The biology department also has a series of chemical experiments and biological experiment courses.

It's still a bit early now. Most experiment-related courses start at least from the third week, and most start from the seventh and eighth weeks.

There are no computer classes on Zhao Yi's curriculum, and he has no plans to take any C language.

That really makes no sense.

There was a physical education class on Thursday, and Zhao Yi chose basketball.

Every student is very active in physical education classes. In high school, the physical education classes in most schools are very unprofessional. They just lead the physical education teacher to do exercises, which may even include gymnastics, or simply allow students to move freely.

There are many majors in physical education classes at the university.

Physical education is also a compulsory subject. Yanhua University requires four types of sports. Each semester requires one type of physical education. However, the exams may even need to be retaken.

Of course.

The requirements for physical education classes can't be too high. Basically, as long as you don't skip classes, you can pass.

Basketball class wasn't much fun at first.

The physical education teacher asked the students to line up, run circles, warm up, and then come back to explain dribbling. Everyone was assigned a basketball, and there were no fixed stakes to practice dribbling. The time almost passed.

This disappoints the students.

The basketball class that many students imagine is that they are divided into two teams to play basketball, and one game is one class.

Of course that's impossible.

The good news is that there are still ten minutes left for students to move freely.

Zhao Yi, Li Renzhe, who also took basketball classes, and others found a basket to shoot.

Li Renzhe looked very professional. He took the ball, dribbled the ball, and came up in three steps. In the end, he still failed to make the ball, but at least his movements were very standard, and even a little exciting.

Zhao Yi was observing silently from the side. He found that when a girl came next to him, Li Renzhe's movements became more free and easy, and he seemed to be full of expressiveness.

"This guy is a professional at being cool!"

"I've been shooting for a long time but I still can't score..." Zhao Yi felt funny watching it. He made a very beautiful three-step layup, but the basketball hit the rim and flew out.


Zhao Yi suppressed his laughter and silently shot the ball. His movements were not very handsome, let alone unrestrained, and even his movements were not very standard.

But, you can get in!

Three points!

One, two, three, four...

No one noticed at first. After waiting for a while, the classmate next to him discovered that Zhao Yi could make every three-pointer.

"Zhao Yi, are you a professional?"

"You can't make a single shot, let me see? There's not even one that hits the frame. It's so fake!"

"How did you vote?"

Zhao Yi smiled nonchalantly, "I usually practice a lot. When I have nothing to do, I just shoot."

Xu Mengyan came over with a basketball in her arms, a warm smile on her face, and asked, "Zhao Yi, can you teach me to shoot?"

The other two girls also came over, covering their mouths and laughing.


Zhao Yi felt a little awkward being stared at by several girls, so he pointed hard at Li Renzhe.

Li Renzhe is acting cool again!

He was more than two meters away from Zhao Yi. He was looking this way, as if he didn't care, and he didn't even move at all.

Xu Mengyan looked over, covered her mouth and smiled, not knowing what she was thinking.

In fact, what Zhao Yi meant was to emphasize that the last time he asked Xu Mengyan if she had a boyfriend, it was Li Renzhe who helped ask. It is a basic operation to blame the roommate, especially Li Renzhe who didn't even say a word and just stood around and acted like a fool. Cool, I definitely don’t have the guts to confront him.

Although it is wrong to bully classmates, it seems that there is no loss to Li Renzhe.

"Perhaps Li Renzhe is also willing to be misunderstood?"

Xu Mengyan changed the subject, still wanting Zhao Yi to teach her how to shoot.

"All right!"

"This way, the three-point line is a little far away, so you take two steps forward."

"Yes, this is the location."

Xu Mengyan followed Zhao Yi's instructions, stood still and made a shooting motion.

Zhao Yi went over and broke off her arm, asking her to hold still and not move. He continued to make corrections bit by bit. After observing for a few seconds, he shouted, "Try?"

Xu Mengyan immediately voted out.

Three non-sticks...

Zhao Yi took a deep breath. Of course she knew the reason, "The force you threw is too weak."

"How about this."

He thought about it and felt that if Xu Mengyan was allowed to shoot normally, no matter how accurate her movement correction was, because her strength control was not good, her shot might be deflected, and it would be unlikely to make the ball go in.

"How about this!"

"Bring a big basin!"

"Hold the ball with both hands and shoot like this." Zhao Yi said and made a demonstration. Xu Mengyan seemed to feel embarrassed, but she hesitated and picked up the big basin.

Using this action, the error tolerance is relatively high.

"try again!"

Zhao Yi helped Xu Mengyan correct the position. This time Xu Mengyan exerted her strength and the basketball rushed up quickly, hitting the basket and entering the net.



Xu Mengyan also smiled.


Next, Zhao Yi helped Xu Mengyan make corrections several times. Only once did he fail to put the ball in. Other times, the basketballs all went into the net.

Although it was just an action of carrying a big basin, it was still very impressive for a rookie girl.

Xu Mengyan had a happy smile on her face.

Basketball teacher Zhang Hongjun stood nearby. He watched Zhao Yi help Xu Mengyan correct her movements. He felt a little confused and couldn't help walking over and asked, "How do you make a judgment?"

Shooting generally depends on experience.

To say that the arm corrects its position sounds unreliable.

Zhao Yi explained, "It's very simple. Just look at her movements, right and left hands, including the position of the basketball in the palm of the hand and the basket. Just align it."

"for example……"

He said he might as well demonstrate it himself, standing outside the three-point line, "Look at the distance between me and the basket, and then look at my hand dragging the basketball. This hand."

"Now is the right angle."

As Zhao Yi spoke, he turned to look at Teacher Zhang, jumped up and threw the ball. He didn't even look at the basket. The basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air and went directly into the net.

Teacher Zhang, I’m confused!

As a teacher from a sports university, he majored in basketball at university. He has met many people with good basketball theoretical knowledge and many professional basketball players. Indeed, when the shooting action is not standard, you can correct it. Action, but correcting the action does not mean letting the basketball face the basket. The shot still depends on personal feeling.

Now Zhao Yi has explained the method of judging the direction. It seems to be through observation and calculation?

If anyone else said this, he would definitely take it as a joke, but the fact is right in front of him, Zhao Yi shot the ball without even a basket.

"Is this how top academics shoot?"

"Only people with high IQs can play like this, while people with low IQs can only watch from the side..."

The tragedy is...

He is the one with a low IQ.

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