Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 217 Promoted to Professor Zhao

Basketball class is just a sideshow.

For Zhao Yi, going to class is a kind of relaxation. He will joke with his classmates and teachers. He enjoys this kind of relaxed life.

But after returning to the dormitory, I still had to continue organizing materials and writing papers.

Qian Zhijin and Liu Guangzuo of the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory were very efficient in writing papers. They sent the data and organized content to Zhao Yi in two days, with some 'nonsense' added to it, which was almost correct. Praise yourself for your work, or emphasize your importance.

Zhao Yi directly deleted those words because they had almost no meaning.

Both Qian Zhijin and Liu Guangzuo attached great importance to the paper. Liu Guangzuo was indeed a big boss in the computer field, but there was nothing to talk about in the field of mathematics.

Not to mention Qian Zhijin.

The two of them felt excited when they thought that their names could be published in the four top mathematics journals. They worked overtime and stayed up late to sort out the content, for fear that Zhao Yi would suddenly change his mind.

According to Xu Chao...

The two also quarreled over the second and third games. Qian Zhijin felt that he had greater credit because it was his personal relationship with Zhao Yi that allowed the laboratory to verify the three-dimensional tremor waveform through the algorithm given by Zhao Yi. Prime solutions to graphs.

Liu Guangzuo believes that he discovered the abnormal proportion of twin primes after the combination of two sets of primes.

Qian Zhijin’s contribution is in the field of personal relationships, but it is indeed very important to the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. Liu Guangzuo’s contribution is in the academic field, and his help to Zhao Yi is direct.

Zhao Yi felt tired after hearing this. When he was communicating with Qian Zhijin, he simply said, "There will be a chance next time!"

Qian Zhijin's eyes lit up after hearing this.


For them, it is almost impossible for their research to be published in the four top mathematics journals, but for Zhao Yi, it seems to be very easy.

With the relationship between the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory and Zhao Yi, perhaps he can help Zhao Yi in the field of computer verification, and there will be opportunities in the future.

There is no need to have a conflict with the boss of the laboratory because of this.


Zhao Yi finally sent the manuscript to James Belleman, the editor of "New Advances in Mathematics".

Baileyman had really been looking forward to it for a long time. Zhao Yi's second set of prime number solutions to the waveform diagram was proved at the International Congress of Mathematicians. There was no need to study the manuscript he sent carefully. He and Zhao Yi agreed that this was The issue was published, but he didn't expect that he had to wait for a long time. In the middle of the process, he sent two emails to Zhao Yi to remind him.

Now the wait is finally here.

Belleman was surprised after opening the manuscript because he saw two papers instead of one. In front of the second paper were the verification results of the second set of prime solutions from the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. Also included is the discovery of abnormal twin prime content.

What follows is the proof and explanation for the abnormal content of twin prime numbers.

This follow-up is the most important.

Belleman read it for more than an hour and found that he didn't quite understand it. He quickly found Professor Brandt of Princeton University, who was also the review editor of "New Advances in Mathematics", to conduct research together.

One day.

The two people analyzed the content of the paper through a video call and finally confirmed that there were no errors in the subsequent proof.

Both Belleman and Brandt were very surprised, "This is really an amazing discovery. The two sets of prime solutions to the three-dimensional tremor waveform actually contain so many twin primes!"

"The paper also analyzes and proves the reason why there are many solution groups of twin prime numbers."

"If I had discovered this, I would not have announced it quickly. There will be a lot of content worth studying in the future, such as the relationship between the waveform diagram and the twin prime conjecture."

"I think it must be related. There is no doubt that the follow-up of this paper seems to be unfinished, or it is half proved."

"Why did Zhao Yi announce it? He should continue to study it!"

"This young man is so naive."

"I think the publication of this issue will definitely cause a sensation. Many people will participate and conduct subsequent research to prove..."

"This is the twin prime conjecture!"

The twin prime conjecture is too attractive.

Among a series of conjectures in number theory, Riemann's conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture are considered the most difficult, while the twin prime conjecture is considered relatively simple. However, it is a conjecture that is considered simple and has been studied by countless mathematicians for hundreds of years. So far, it can be said that there has been no progress.

Any progress on the twin prime conjecture is sure to cause a world-wide sensation.

This is one of the reasons why Qian Zhijin and Liu Guangzuo became very excited when they discovered that the twin prime number content in the two sets of prime solutions of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram was abnormal.

They were pretty sure it was a big find!

Now Zhao Yi's paper directly explains the reason for the high content of twin prime numbers in the waveform diagram, which is almost equivalent to telling the world that the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram group may contain important clues to prove the twin prime number conjecture.

Both Belleman and Brandt felt that it was a pity to publish it. Similar papers must be published after doing some research.

Of course they didn't know that Zhao Yi had already researched it.

on Monday.

Zhao Yi received very surprising news. Several professors from the School of Science at Yanhua University jointly applied for the title of 'full professor' from the Ministry of Education for him, and the application had been approved by the Ministry of Education.

In fact, universities have the right to directly hire professors, because professors are employed on an employment basis. The hiring of professors by universities naturally has nothing to do with the country, but the prerequisite is that they must comply with national regulations. In the special case of Zhao Yi, who is still in school, he must go up. First level MOE application.

When Hu Zhibin told Zhao Yi the news, Zhao Yi was very surprised. After asking in detail, he found out that he was a "professor in name only."

Name can also be understood as "special". He doesn't have to teach graduate students, give lectures, or even do any research. He just works as a professor of mathematics in the School of Science of Yanhua University.

"He is a fourth-level full professor!"

"Professor Zhou Li believes that your achievements are enough to apply for a third-level professional title, but you have not graduated from university yet. By the way, Zhao Yi, have you considered graduating early?"

"We can apply to your school. As long as we can pass the courses and exams, we can graduate in less than a year..."

"I reject!"

Zhao Yi was quite sure that when he came to Yanhua University, he enjoyed college life. He must have completed the four years, otherwise he would directly join the work, wouldn't he really become a tool man?

That's absolutely not possible!

Zhao Yi was somewhat resistant to becoming a professor because he felt that becoming a professor would be like being superior to others and would definitely have an impact on getting along with his classmates, but he did not refuse in the end.


In the field of mathematics, his research results should be recognized by those around him.

The title of a professor is nothing.

The title of professor is also very convenient. For example, many people don't know how to call him, and calling him by his first name seems a bit disrespectful.

it's good now.

"Professor Zhao! Professor Zhao! Professor Zhao..." It seemed to be very pleasant to listen to.

However, Zhao Yi still feels a little weird, because he has not even completed his undergraduate degree, while most professors feel that they should have a doctorate.

While Zhao Yi was struggling, Hu Zhibin felt very good. He couldn't help but think, "You have become a full professor and are at the same level as me. You shouldn't come to my class this time, right?"

"Then it will be easy from now on!"

After Zhao Yi became a professor in the School of Science, troubles seemed to come one after another.

The newly established Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University invited Zhao Yi to work in the Mathematical Center.

There was something strange about this invitation.

Zhao Yi would definitely stay at Yanhua University to study and had no idea of ​​working elsewhere. However, he still learned about the Mathematical Science Center and immediately noticed a heavyweight——

Qiu Chengwen.

Qiu Chengwen is a famous Chinese mathematician and the first Chinese winner of the Fields Medal. He also holds various academician titles on his head.

In the domestic mathematics community, Qiu Chengwen is much more influential than Tao Zhexuan. Tao Zhexuan is a pure overseas Chinese and has never been to China. Qiu Chengwen moved overseas with his family in China and has been working at the University of Hong Kong in recent years. He often visits domestic universities and attaches great importance to the development of domestic mathematics. For example, the Wolf Prize bonus he won was donated to Shuimu University to establish the 'Qiu Chengwen Mathematical Science Award Foundation' to reward those who have made achievements in mathematics in China. people.

This summer, Qiu Chengwen returned to Shuimu University and proposed the establishment of a Mathematical Sciences Center. He himself served as the director of the Mathematical Sciences Center.

"So Qiu Chengwen invited me?"

"But this invitation is too insincere, isn't it?" Zhao Yi had no plans to work at Shuimu University, but he still complained about the insincerity of the invitation.

It seemed that Shuimu University just called and asked a token question, and then stopped calling again.

Zhao Yi didn't even know who made the call.

Which professor?

Or an employee responsible for recruiting or logistics?

Shuimu University is indeed not sincere.

This actually has nothing to do with Zhao Yi. It is mainly because of Qiu Chengwen. Shuimu University is divided into two factions. One faction supports Qiu Chengwen in establishing the Mathematical Science Center and invites the world's top mathematicians to do research and education at the Mathematical Science Center. Follow-up We also hope to develop this center to become a center for domestic mathematics research and assist in cultivating outstanding mathematics researchers.

Qiu Chengwen’s original words were, “I hope we can cultivate our own Fields Medal winners!”

The other group is opposed to it.

What they opposed was not the establishment of a Mathematical Science Center, but Qiu Chengwen himself, which was even understood by many people in the domestic mathematics community.

Qiu Chengwen's popularity is so bad that it is no exaggeration to say that he has offended the entire domestic mathematics community.

Therefore, matters at the Mathematical Science Center have been delayed again and again. Even the invitation to Zhao Yi is just symbolic. Even if Zhao Yi agrees, it will be impossible for him to join the job in a short time.

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