Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 243 Apply for the Goldbach Conjecture Project

"Renzhe, don't think too much, I definitely didn't mean to trick you!"

"I'm doing this all for your own good!"

"Look at you, you have such a nice name, you're like a celebrity, but you always shrink when you see a girl, you don't even dare to say a word, what do you look like?"

"This is training you!"

"If it had been Fan Lei just now, he would have whistled again!"

"You have to learn from him!"

Li Renzhe thought about it carefully and realized that it was exactly what Zhao Yi said. If Fan Lei had been tricked, he would have whistled again, making the passing girls blush and walk away.

"But I can't whistle!" Li Renzhe said thoughtfully.


Zhao Yi found that he couldn't keep up with his train of thought, so he said in a straight tone, "You smoke when you smoke, and you can't even whistle?"



"I've learned it before, but I can't learn it no matter how hard I try." Li Renzhe said seriously. When he was a child, he watched other people whistle and hoped that he could whistle well, preferably a song.

As a result, no matter how much I blew it, it couldn't make any sound.

This thing is weird.

Some people don't need to learn it at all. They can just curl their mouths and the sound will come out. Some people can't learn it no matter how hard they learn it.

The topic between the two of them went sideways unknowingly.

Li Renzhe still likes to be with Zhao Yi, not because Zhao Yi is famous. He is the kind of person who is very arrogant. He feels that he is not relying on Zhao Yi's fame, but mainly when he is with Zhao Yi. He always attracts the attention of many female classmates.

Those very beautiful female classmates will not be considered. His requirements are really not high. It would be fine if he is average-looking and can date...

"Will those female classmates find that they can't date Zhao Yi, and then... choose me?"

Li Renzhe thought silently.

This is the difference between Li Renzhe and Fan Lei. Li Renzhe is the one who is willing to be a foil, while Fan Lei always wants to get the C position, but when he is with Zhao Yi, he is always regarded as the C position's 'assistant'.

Li Renzhe's position is very fixed, that is, the cold guy next to the C position. There are indeed girls who are interested in this cold guy, but he must not open his mouth. As soon as he opens his mouth, he will lose his temper, and his coldness will instantly turn into vulgarity.

It was like this when eating in the restaurant. Basically, Zhao Yi and Fan Lei were talking. Li Renzhe straightened his body and sat next to him. From a distance, he looked similar to a soldier, and his temperament and image were revealed.

He rarely talks.

When the girl at the table next to him walked away, Li Renzhe immediately changed his appearance, even hunched up, and took the initiative to find a topic, "Zhao Yi, your research on virus mutation is very good. Yesterday I went online on the wall. I also saw your research in foreign news reports.”

"Really?" Zhao Yi was a little surprised by this statement.

"It seems to be from a New York medical center. I don't know how to translate it. It's a medical report from abroad. It seems that your research is very meaningful. What is it? Can it control virus mutation?"

Fan Lei also looked over carefully.

Zhao Yidao said, "It is not that easy to control virus mutation. One discovery is that norovirus has a very high possibility of mutating in a dyeing environment. Many viruses mutate in the same direction, that is, the infectivity increases and the toxicity decreases."


Zhao Yi's explanation was very simple, and both of them understood it.

They were a little envious.

As students majoring in biological sciences, everyone is thinking about their future jobs. Some students are transferred and are not satisfied with their major. They can choose to study a second major, but that is the privilege of students with very good grades.

Fan Lei came here as a transfer student. He didn’t know what he was going to do with this program. He just wanted to get a bachelor’s degree.

Now it is discovered that Zhao Yi can already do biological research and has achieved certain results, so naturally he also has ideas.

"If I can study well in my major, maybe I can do related research in the future?"

Fan Lei thought about it and immediately shook his head. Professional research work is not suitable for him. After getting his diploma, taking the civil service examination or finding other jobs is the normal development of life.

Li Renzhe directly applied for the biological sciences major, but he had no idea what he was going to do when he signed up. He just felt that he was good at biology, so he directly applied for this major.

He and Fan Lei had different ideas. They felt that they should study hard, try to get a graduate degree, and then get a doctorate if they had the opportunity. Maybe they could stay in school and do biological research.

This way you only need to study and don't need to think about other things.

So Li Renzhe asked how he could enter the laboratory and do research work.

"Postgraduate entrance examination!"

"Do a Ph.D.!"

Zhao Yi’s answer was very direct and straightforward, “If you are doing research work, it is best to have a PhD.”

"Otherwise, let's do this, Renzhe, try to study hard. When you go to graduate school, you will be directly registered under my name and I will take care of you."


Li Renzhe subconsciously thought that Zhao Yi was joking, but when he thought about it carefully, it was really possible. They were roommates in the same dormitory, but Zhao Yi already had the title of professor.

Although Zhao Yi is a professor in the School of Science, he has already achieved results in biological research. In more than three years, he may become a professor of biology.

Then, are you qualified to take care of students?

After I take the postgraduate entrance examination, my tutor will be my roommate in college...

It sounds weird!

When Zhao Yi was still bragging and spanking in school, his research on ‘variation of norovirus staining environment’ had rapidly spread in the field of microbial research around the world.

As Li Renzhe said, there are many reports abroad, which are reprints and comments on domestic papers.

After many microbiology experts saw the paper, they immediately conducted norovirus staining experiments, and then put the stained waste there, waiting for possible mutations.

This is a very surprising discovery and a very important discovery.

Prior to this, the mutation of the virus was absolutely uncontrollable, and scientists’ understanding of virus mutation was ‘random’.

Zhao Yi's research findings opened the door to virus mutation.

A week after the paper was published, microbiology experts announced the results of the study. Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu from the Microbiology Technology Laboratory jointly announced their experimental calculations of norovirus mutation.

"After dozens of cycles of calculations, we are very sure that under the dyeing environment, the probability of norovirus mutating within seven days is more than 10%."

"This is a quite astonishing rate, which proves that the mutation of the virus can be controlled under certain circumstances."

"The direction of collective mutation of norovirus is the same, with increased infectivity and weakened virulence."


This result is evidence of Zhao Yi's research findings, and the data results also caused a great shock.

In a stained environment, not all viruses will mutate, certainly only some of them.

Research by Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu determined a number: seven days, ten percent.

"When 10 percent of the virus mutates, the infectivity of the virus sample increases by nearly 30 percent, indicating that the mutated virus has three times the infectivity."

"This is just a rough estimate. There will be more detailed measurements in the future, and maybe the data will be even more amazing."

"We believe this is a very meaningful start, which opens the door for virus mutation research."

"Starting with norovirus, and maybe other viruses, that also respond to staining environments, maybe other chemical environments."

"But while we are studying virus mutation, we must also control the experiment..."

Many people in the medical field have already stood up and started to appeal.

Any research is a double-edged sword. No matter how good it is, it can contribute to human development. But if you do it badly, it will be terrible. For example, the famous chemist Nobel would never have imagined that he had inadvertently invented something. Explosives can bring so much harm to human beings.

Research on virus mutation is also terrifying. If we conduct research without supervision, it may bring a huge virus disaster to mankind.

Any disaster caused by viruses in history is very, very terrible.

After Zhao Yi's paper spread, many people came forward and called for the strictest supervision of virus mutation research.

Most microbiologists just laugh about it.

Although the discovery of norovirus mutations has opened the door to the study of virus mutations, it is still very, very difficult to study virus mutations, because there is still a lot to study about the mutations of noroviruses alone.

For example, genes.

What genes are changed by the mutation of norovirus?

Why do these genes change?

What do these changes have to do with the dyeing environment?


Humans still know too little about genes. It may be promising to use virus mutations to make viruses, but it is almost impossible to make viruses in a controllable direction.

It's like someone wanted to prepare poison and put a lot of substances together without understanding the principle.

The toxicity of the poison prepared in this way is difficult to match that of the highly toxic poisons already in nature, such as snake venom. In most cases, the results are useless.

Zhao Yi did not care about the next development, but continued to enjoy college life with peace of mind. His only goal was to brush coins.

Now that there are less than two hundred learning coins left, he can obtain the next ability, and he is very much looking forward to it.

But when he really devoted himself to brushing coins, Zhao Yi found that it was so difficult to brush coins. Most of his past studies on currency growth relied on research results, influences or tasks, and the coins he earned only accounted for a very small part of it. .

Now it takes almost a week to earn two hundred learning coins.

This is still under the condition that it needs to be refreshed every day.

It’s difficult!

When another advanced mathematics class began, Zhao Yi was determined to get the 'rest coins', so he lay on the table and started thinking.

He continued to think about prime numbers and Goldbach's conjecture.

Thinking about this problem really helps me sleep. Sometimes the logical relationship in my mind becomes hazy just thinking about it.

But today I feel more and more energetic as I think about it.

Zhao Yi thought about Goldbach's conjecture from the perspective of the sieve method. The sieve method is to use the initial prime number as the base and cross out all subsequent numbers that are multiples of this prime number.

The next number that is not crossed out is the prime number.

Using this prime number as the base, spend the multiples of subsequent prime numbers, and then the next one that is not crossed out is the third prime number.

And so on.

All the progress of Goldbach's conjecture in the past were basically demonstrated around the falling method, which is also the '1+2' proved by Chen Jingrun.

That's it for now.

For example, Zhao Yi did not recommend that Terence Tao continue to reduce the number 246. He believed that continuing to reduce the number would be more difficult than proving the twin prime conjecture.

The same goes for Goldbach's conjecture.

If you want to reduce 1+2 to 1+1, it is more difficult than proving the conjecture. Otherwise, there would be no progress for forty years.

Therefore, to prove Goldbach's conjecture, we must find another shortcut.

Zhao Yi considered two methods: one is a semi-computer-assisted method, which is to think about the problem of prime number verification. Why can even numbers that are directly eliminated by dividing by two be decomposed into the sum of two prime numbers during prime number verification?

What does the number two have to do with Goldbach’s conjecture?

The second method is to prove it from a broad perspective.

Most of the previous thinking on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture was in the direction of 'weakening'. In a broad sense, it can also be understood as 'strengthening'. As long as it is proved that the number composed of all prime numbers combined (including itself) can cover all Of course, Goldbach's conjecture is proved.

Zhao Yi still likes the first idea.

The latter is a broad idea that seems to encompass the entire universe. It is not easy to find an angle of entry.

The previous ones are all related to computer algorithms. The algorithm's verification of prime numbers is combined with Goldbach's conjecture, which makes thinking more smooth. However, most of the thinking will return to the starting point.

"It's so hard to figure this out."

"But exercising your brain can also help increase your wisdom?"

Zhao Yi stroked his hair vigorously. It only helped to increase his wisdom. It was definitely good news, but would it make him bald if he used his brain for a long time...

He is not Saitama!

The system prompt rang suddenly, and Zhao Yi saw a message with a dark face.

[Activation, achievement task: Goldbach’s conjecture (mathematics). 】

[Achievement task, mathematics, Goldbach's conjecture: You need to complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

Task reward: 1000 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins. 】


After reading the news, Zhao Yi thought that his mathematics achievement tasks had never been refreshed. As he kept thinking about Goldbach's conjecture, there must be an opportunity to refresh the tasks.


When activating the achievement task, he had seen the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and later simply refreshed the task.

Got it again now?

"So if you want to complete other math tasks, you have to waste research coins and learning coins...?"


Zhao Yi suddenly felt lucky, "Fortunately it's not a life goal mission!"

He has completed the third stage of life goal tasks, and the fourth stage is also in the process of waiting to be started.

If Goldbach's conjecture is updated as a life goal and a task that must be completed, it would be really a trap.

Zhao Yi almost wanted to cry.

Just brush it!

Anyway, I don’t have any mathematical research goals for the time being, so I’ll just leave Goldbach’s conjecture here, and maybe I can find inspiration occasionally.

This is the right thing to think about.

Zhao Yi suddenly remembered that he still had the title of professor of the School of Science. As a professor, he did not have to teach students or conduct research, but as a professor, he also had the right to conduct research.

After the advanced mathematics class was over, he simply declared his research content and applied for research funds.

Zhao Yi is a fourth-level professor in the School of Science.

Application project: "Proving Goldbach's conjecture".

Application funding: 50,000 yuan.

The disadvantage of doing professional academic research is that it is almost impossible to apply for any scientific research funds. Therefore, some scholars who specialize in mathematics and physics can really be described as "poor as hell". They even buy professional academic magazines and go to Travel expenses to attend academic conferences must be declared in an invoice, otherwise there seems to be no place for reimbursement.

As a professor in the School of Science, the same applies to applying for mathematics research. What is needed to study Goldbach's conjecture?

This project sounds very high-end, but if you think about it carefully, there is no need for funds at all.

Therefore, the project funding is only a symbolic 50,000 yuan.

Zhao Yi still put the highest number because he felt that 10,000 yuan was not worthy of Goldbach's conjecture.

fifty thousand……

All right!

It can only be regarded as a lot.

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