Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 244 The Fourth Ability

The situation of another project that Zhao Yi applied for was completely different.

Institute of Biomedical Research, Director's Office, Zhao Yi took the application project report and handed it to Director Yan Xuelin.

Yan Xuelin read the report carefully, then raised his head hesitantly, "Didn't your laboratory just apply for one?"

"That was what I had planned before. We can work on the unfinished projects in the institute." Zhao Yi said, "I also plan to do a formal project."

“This project is huge!”

Yan Xuelin sighed, "It's not easy to apply directly. I guess it's very difficult. Even for you, it's very difficult."

"In this project of yours, you need to complete research on the pathological mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis. You should know how complicated it is, right? You have just completed a rheumatoid arthritis project."


Zhao Yi nodded.

He knew what Yan Xuelin meant.

The pathological mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis has always been a question in the medical community. It is very difficult to solve this problem, which involves many aspects.

This is a very troublesome and complex study.

Most projects related to rheumatoid arthritis can be described as side projects, as if you want to crack the rules of the Milky Way, so you apply to study the solar system, because the solar system is also part of the Milky Way.

After studying the solar system, you can study the galaxies next to it.

The rheumatoid arthritis project they did last time was similar, but they only studied the human immune mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis rather than the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis.

How is this disease triggered?

What does it have to do with?

What kind of internal reaction will it cause in the human body?

If you want to do this project, you don't just need to be in the laboratory. You need to contact rheumatoid arthritis patients, investigate a lot of data, and you also need to get rid of a lot of information.

They also need to cooperate.

For example, some rheumatoid arthritis may be caused by viruses. You need to understand what viruses may have an impact on rheumatoid arthritis.


All in all, this is a big project.

Yan Xuelin thought about it carefully and said, "If you insist on applying for this project, I can talk to the above, but you can only apply for the first phase at most."

"The funds that can be applied for are probably around 5 million."

This is considering Zhao Yi's influence.

As far as the Institute of Biomedical Sciences is concerned, only Academician Zheng can apply for more funding projects on his own.

5 million is the top.

If you want to apply for a higher-funded project, you need several researchers to cooperate.

Zhao Yi is not an on-the-job researcher, he is just an intern researcher. The reason why he can apply for the project is that he has the title of "distinguished researcher" and gets the same treatment as other researchers.

He is different too.

In just half a year, Zhao Yi has led the team to complete three projects. He has personally published many papers in the field of biomedicine, and his scientific research capabilities have also been recognized by higher authorities.

Therefore, he can truly get the treatment of a top researcher and can apply for the highest-funded projects.

However, compared to the rheumatoid arthritis project, the funding of 5 million is still a bit small. It cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket. However, most professional researchers estimate the pathological mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis at least tens of millions, or even Higher funding is enough.

This is still the case if the pathological mechanism can be solved.

Many professional medical researchers have studied rheumatoid arthritis, but because the pathologies involved are so complex, the cause of the disease has remained a mystery until now.

So no one else applied directly to the program.

If Zhao Yi applies for other projects, he may be able to obtain higher funding, which will be very difficult for rheumatoid arthritis.

Zhao Yi understood Yan Xuelin's statement. He nodded and said, "5 million is just 5 million, as long as you can apply for it. I really want to do this project. My mother has rheumatoid arthritis. I wonder if I can solve this pathology and promote it." Development of clinical treatments.”

Yan Xuelin immediately gave Zhao Yi a high look, and he nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll tell the superiors right now. Don't worry, it's difficult to get more funds, but 5 million is definitely available."

"From now on, your laboratory will mainly work on this project. It doesn't matter whether there are results or not. Don't be stressed."


Zhao Yi nodded.

"By the way, if you need any personnel, you can find them in the institute, or you can hire a few people from outside." Yan Xuelin added.

"I see."

At present, the laboratory is still short of manpower. There are only two associate researchers, Ai Lixin and Zhang Wei, plus Liu Chengjie, who has become a full-time employee, and there are only three people.

For example, Dai Tianqing's laboratory, including associate researchers, assistant researchers, and students, is enough for fifteen or six people.

Although the main ones are still doing research, there are more people, so at least there is no need to worry about ordinary things.

For example, when communicating with the hospital, there is no need for researchers to make a trip, and others will handle it directly.

Applying for a project takes time.

What we are talking about here are projects that need to allocate funds. Projects that do not need to allocate funds will be approved directly by the above.

For example, Goldbach's conjecture.

Considering Zhao Yi's status in the domestic mathematics community, if he applies for a mathematics project, even more research funds can be obtained at once.

When the superiors saw Zhao Yi's project application, they approved it without hesitation.

The story also spread.

In fact, no one knew about it at the beginning. The only ones who knew were the superiors who approved the project, that is, the people from the National Research Foundation. They just talked about it in casual conversation and it would not spread too widely.

This incident was spread because of Hu Zhibin. When Hu Zhibin was checking the information of the School of Science, he clicked on Zhao Yi’s information on the school’s intranet and saw the following project in progress——

"Goldbach Conjecture?"

"This can't be true, right? And you've applied for 50,000 yuan?"

Hu Zhibin was very surprised and told others, and the matter immediately spread in the School of Science.

"Have you heard? Zhao Yi is studying Goldbach's conjecture."

"Goldbach's conjecture, don't be ridiculous."

"This is real."

"But Zhao Yi...he is a mathematical genius, and he probably wants to overcome this difficulty."

"It would be great if the proof of Goldbach's conjecture could be completed! Chen Jingrun is the closest to completing the proof, and now Zhao Yi has completed the unfinished business of his predecessors!"

Most people just talk.

Even those in the School of Science who have great confidence in Zhao Yi know the difficulty of Goldbach's conjecture and do not think Zhao Yi can solve it in a short time.


Possible future?

But this time limit may be twenty years, thirty years, or even longer. Older professors feel that they will not be able to see it in their lifetime.

After all, that's Goldbach's conjecture!

For the world's top mathematical conjecture, the span of time to complete the proof can range from decades to hundreds of years. It would be amazing to see it in our lifetime.

Zhao Yi didn't think about Goldbach's conjecture. He just applied for a project because he received the task.

Although he may not be able to complete Goldbach's conjecture, or even say that the chance of completing it is very slim, he does think about it in his free time.

Of course.

He was not in the mood to think right now.

Zhao Linlin is here.

The time has entered January, and the Spring Festival holiday is coming soon.

Zhao Linlin made a special trip to see Zhao Yi's school and have a short gathering with Zhao Yi.

Although their schools are not far apart, the distance between the university and the university is much farther than the distance between the company and the company. They have not seen each other for a long time.

Zhao Linlin came over and said her first sentence, which made Zhao Yi feel very depressed, "I heard that you are studying Goldbach's conjecture?"


Zhao Yi's face turned dark, "How did you know?"

"I heard it from some classmates in your dormitory."

"Our dormitory classmates...?"

"Yes, I met them at the door. I heard them talking about you, so I said a few words to them. By the way, who is that boy with a dark face and always standing straight?"

As soon as Zhao Linlin described it, Zhao Yi knew, "Li Renzhe?"

"That man was really interesting. I said something to him, and he actually blushed." Zhao Linlin smiled, "So I just said a few more words, you..."

Zhao Linlin suddenly came closer, blinked her big eyes and asked curiously, "Are you jealous?"

Zhao Yi also moved closer, blew into her ear, licked his tongue and said, "I'm jealous."

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +2. 】

Zhao Linlin blushed and glared at Zhao Yi, "What are you doing!"

"I'll do...ahem."

"You..." Zhao Linlin's words were greasy. She looked left and right and found several people looking this way. She stuck out her tongue and said, "People in your school are really gossipy."


Zhao Yi simply took Zhao Linlin to the staff dormitory.

The school environment is really not suitable for doing some things. He is not an ordinary low-key student. People will look at him whenever he walks on the road, let alone interact with a girl.

So it is safer in the dormitory.

Zhao Yi and Zhao Linlin hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they still felt very close together. He asked about what Zhao Linlin had learned, and later simply asked Zhao Linlin to massage him.

"You study Chinese medicine! Massage is very important in Chinese medicine, right?"

"Who told you that traditional Chinese medicine requires massage?" Zhao Linlin's eyes were full of reluctance.

"I think it is."

Zhao Yi simply lay down, pointed at his shoulder and said, "Let you practice your skills first, free of charge."


Zhao Linlin said she was unwilling, but she still sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed Zhao Yi's shoulders, but she used a little force.

The two soon got into a fight.

Not knowing what happened in the middle, Zhao Linlin suddenly blushed, then hurriedly avoided and sat aside, "What are you doing!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Yi's eyes were full of innocence.

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhao Linlin, learning coins +3. 】

Critical hit!

very good!

Today’s Flirting Coins are full.

Zhao Yi felt very satisfied. He couldn't wait to see the data displayed on the system interface.

[Learning Coin: 18001. 】

Zhao Linlin and Zhao Yi were arguing for a while, and the time was almost up. She pouted and walked out of the room, her eyes clearly showing some reluctance.

After going to college, Zhao Linlin felt that she had changed a lot. For example, she was better at dressing up than before and she had become much more mature.

She felt that she might forget Zhao Yi, at least not like before. Seeing Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi together made her feel sad.

After meeting Zhao Yi again, she found that Zhao Yi had not changed much, and her inner feelings seemed to have not changed much either.

She still likes him very much.


Although Zhao Yi occasionally acted dishonestly, she still didn't dare to face it.


Zhao Linlin and Zhao Yi talked about returning home during the winter vacation, then left with reluctance.

Zhao Yi looked at Zhao Linlin's back and waved vigorously towards her with a smile on his face, girl...

It’s really troublesome!

Enjoying life happily is what he wants to do.


It’s also important to improve yourself!

[Special reminder: The amount of learning coins exceeds 18,000 points, which can be activated to obtain new abilities. 】

【Activate new abilities! 】

[Learning Coin-18000. 】

Zhao Yi didn't have time to feel sad about the learning coins, so he immediately checked out his new abilities.

[You have gained a new ability "Relevance Rate". 】

["Correlation Rate": You can rely on real-world conditions to see through the fuzzy correlations between things. 】

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