Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 246 Ideas to prove the conjecture

The "correlation rate" is still very reliable. Zhao Yi obtained a vague correlation between hemolytic streptococcus infection and the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis.

There was no definite thing about this vague connection, but he knew roughly where to start researching it.

"We need data on respiratory diseases caused by hemolytic streptococcus infection, and data on purulent inflammation caused by hemolytic streptococcus infection. We first used mice to study."

Zhao Yi directly assigned the task, "Brother Liu, I'll leave this part to you."


"Lao Ai, you are responsible for studying the human immune system and all immune mechanisms that occur when fighting hemolytic streptococcus infection, including the functions of various white blood cells, etc. There must be a lot of research that has been completed in this area, so there is no need to repeat it. research, but what we need is the most detailed understanding of the immune response mechanisms."

Ai Lixin nodded, "Okay."

Zhao Yi turned to Zhang Wei, "Sister Zhang, you are responsible for recording and summarizing the data during the experiment. You must record all aspects clearly, even if it is a very small time. First, we need to look for hemolysis Sexual streptococcal infection, various purulent infections and respiratory diseases are common."

The last sentence is the key.

Among the vague correlations obtained in the "correlation rate", the commonality of infections caused by hemolytic streptococci is related to rheumatoid arthritis.

So the first step is to study the common characteristics of infections caused by hemolytic streptococci.

After Zhao Yi finished making arrangements, Ai Lixin, Zhao Wei and Liu Chengjie looked at him in surprise.

In previous research projects, Zhao Yi usually served as an observer. He would only give opinions after the experiment and would not intervene in any experiments or research.

It's different now.

When Ai Lixin couldn't figure out where to start doing research, Zhao Yi directly assigned the task?


Studying the infectious commonality of diseases caused by hemolytic streptococci?

Why Zhao Yi wanted to study this is secondary. The most important thing is that Zhao Yi showed amazing decisiveness and directly assigned the work and set the general direction for the research.

This approach is like a very experienced researcher, and does not need any advice from the people below. He can directly use his own ideas to assign others what to do.

Ai Lixin and Zhang Wei both felt like they were students again.

When I was a student in the past, when doing projects, I just did what the instructor said. There was no need to ask for specific reasons. You just had to do what the instructor said. In the end, the project was completed when it was all put together.

This feeling is really strange, especially when the person giving the orders is a young man less than 20 years old.

All right!

In the laboratory, Zhao Yi is the boss.

They really don't need to ask any questions, they just need to do it.

Zhang Wei has no problem with this.

Not to mention Liu Chengjie, he always followed Zhao Yi in everything he did.

Ai Lixin was a little uncomfortable with it. Even in Dai Tianqing's laboratory, he spoke with great weight, but he supported Zhao Yi's approach the most because he had no confidence at all in rheumatoid arthritis.

Now that Zhao Yi has shown leadership and decisiveness, he feels that there is a little hope.

It turned out that there was zero hope.

Now the hope is at least not zero. It is good to do what Zhao Yi said. Maybe some miracle will happen?

Next, Zhao Yi really relaxed for a week. He was so depressed that he didn't have study coins in his pocket. He simply didn't consume the study coins and just continued to swipe coins and live a normal life.

This is also the process of preparing for the exam.

Although the exam is very easy for Zhao Yi, as a professor at Yanhua University, it is very embarrassing to get a low score!

Therefore, it is best to get high scores, or even perfect scores.

Zhao Yi was still a little uncomfortable with this kind of life without learning coins. He carefully looked at several tasks and found that the best way to get rid of not learning coins was to complete the task of computer-based digital compression technology.

This task has actually been completed.

But the achievement tasks of the system have this characteristic. Completing the work does not mean completing the task. Only when the paper is published or other things are done to let everyone know, such as the previous test of the robot shopping system, can the task be truly completed. .

This is where Zhao Yi was depressed. He had to wait slowly for the task to be completed. He could only hope that Tao Zhexuan would be faster.

One week.

Zhao Yi accumulated more than 120 learning coins, which was not a lot, but at least he got rid of the dilemma of having nothing.

The last week is the exam.

Life during exam week is relatively leisurely. Everyone else is worried about exams. Zhao Yi just does some exercises and sees what the teacher has marked, and that's pretty much it.

Now his intelligence attributes are very high. Whether it is memory, breadth of knowledge or thinking ability, it can be said that he is superior to others, especially in terms of memory, which is the most obvious.

For example, if he takes out a classical Chinese article that he has not read at all and has a few hundred words, he only needs to read it a dozen times, and he will almost be able to remember it. He will not even fully understand the content, but he will say that he does not understand the content. Remember the order of words.

This is amazing memory.

Although it cannot reach the level of photographic memory, it is definitely much better than ordinary people.

Zhao Yi's enhanced memory allowed him to face exams without any pressure. He recited a lot of content, including the open-book exam "Situation and Policies", and he memorized all the areas drawn by the teacher.

He didn't even need to bring any information, so he was sure he could get high scores.

As for whether you get a perfect score or not, it still depends on how many questions are no longer within the scope of the teacher's drawings. There are some free-form questions, just like Chinese compositions. It is true that there is no guarantee that they are all correct.

Not to mention other subjects.

Those subjects with definite answers, such as biology, chemistry, and physics, are very simple for Zhao Yi. He does not need to prepare anything at all, because he will definitely be able to find the correct answers if he knows the basic knowledge points.

"When I was in college in my previous life, I had to worry for a long time before every exam..."

"It's so easy now."

Exam week is almost over.

The last "College English ①" exam will have to wait until two days later, and the atmosphere in the dormitory has become relaxed.

Fan Lei didn't know where he got a dormitory form, which recorded the name and several phone numbers of the girls' dormitory.

Fan Lei, Li Renzhe, and even Meng Zheng all became energetic.

The boys had no place to vent their energy, so they began to have fun on their own. They picked up the landline phones in the dormitory and called them one by one according to the list.

"You should speak first on this phone. Let's talk to the girl above, Zhang Qian!"


Li Renzhe promised quite well, but when he picked up the phone, he didn't say a word, and the person on the other end kept asking, "Who is it?"


"Did you call the wrong number? Who are you calling?"


"Give me!"

Fan Lei grabbed the phone depressed and said into the receiver, "I'm looking for Zhang Qian. Is she from your dormitory?"

"Zhang Qian, aren't you here?"

"It doesn't matter, I can come to you." Fan Lei started teasing with a smile on his face, "I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am, but we are both students at Yanhua University, don't you think this is A kind of fate?"

"What fate? What are you talking about? You're so glib, what's the matter with you?"

"I just want to chat with you."

"If you're okay, I'll hang up."


Fan Lei actually chatted with the girl opposite. He rambled on and extended the conversation, and even asked the girl opposite her name and phone number.

This level...

Zhao Yidu extended his thumb.

After putting down the phone, Fan Lei started talking to Li Renzhe again, "Are you talking? This is something I finally got. Do you know how precious it is!"


"Don't be afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of. The other side doesn't know who you are."

Fan Lei had a lecturing tone.

Li Renzhe has the thinnest skin in the dormitory. He doesn't speak much to people he doesn't know, let alone tease him on the phone like Fan Lei.

The next call goes through.

Fan Lei reminded in a low voice from the side, "Don't be nervous! Just ask Huang Wenqian if she is here, and just say she is her friend."

"I don't know Huang Wenqian!"

"I don't care if you know him or not, just say so. If Huang Wenqian answers the phone, just tell him to guess who you are. Anyway, let's keep talking. Come on!"

Fan Lei also encouraged Li Renzhe.

After the call was connected, Li Renzhe stopped talking again when the person on the other end asked him, "Who are you looking for?" Fan Lei looked tired and kept raising his middle finger at him.

Li Renzhe seemed to be unable to bear the excitement, and after holding it in for a long time, he said, "I am Zhao Yi's roommate..."

"Go to hell!"

Zhao Yizheng listened with interest. He found out that Li Renzhe was talking about him and slammed the table. He finally understood that this guy Li Renzhe...

When you talk to women, do you always talk about him?

Zhao Yi’s roommate?

What effect does this title have on flirting with girls?

"Ma Dan!"

Zhao Yi rushed over quickly, grabbed the phone and said, "I'm Zhao Yi, from Class 1, majoring in biological sciences. My roommate, Li Renzhe, likes Huang Wenqian in your dormitory, so he wants a phone number. Can you tell us Huang Wenqian’s phone number?”

When the person on the other side heard Zhao Yi, he perked up and asked, "Is it really Zhao Yi?" It seemed that several girls came over and kept saying, "It seems to be Zhao Yi!"

"There's probably no one in Class 1 of the Biological Science Major pretending to be Zhao Yi."

"That's hard to say."

"Huang Wenqian, I'm looking for you, why don't you give me the phone number..."

There was a burst of laughter.

I don’t know how the other person communicated. After a while of silence, a girl gave her phone number.


Zhao Yi put down the phone and said to the stunned Li Renzhe, "You're welcome."


"What else?"

"I don't even know what Huang Wenqian looks like...what if..." Li Renzhe took out his mobile phone, obviously flustered.

"Brother, remember this sentence!"

Zhao Yi patted Li Renzhe on the shoulder, "I made an appointment...I have to finish the fight with tears in my eyes! This is what a man should do!"


Zhao Yi returned to the computer, feeling much better, and kept praying in his heart, "Huang Wenqian must be ugly, Huang Wenqian must be ugly, Huang Wenqian must be ugly..."

He suddenly stood up and looked at the form in Fan Lei's hand, and found that Huang Wenqian filled in the major "Software Engineering"?


Ninety-nine percent of them are ugly!

Zhao Yi suddenly felt more relaxed. He looked at Li Renzhe, who was sitting in a chair and thinking about his mobile phone, and suddenly thought of the two math questions Li Renzhe asked a week ago.

He frowned immediately.


If ordinary mathematics problems can find commonalities with each other, can the same be true for world-class difficult problems?

There is certainly no reason to directly look for commonalities, but can we look at some relevant mathematical proofs?

For example, Bertrand-Chebyshev proved that there must be prime numbers between N and 2N.

Chen Jingrun’s ‘1+2’ proof.

There is also evidence from Euler's research on prime numbers.


As long as it is about the proof analysis of prime numbers, you can take a look at it. Maybe you can find some commonalities by relying on "Correlation Rate"?

Will this complete the conditions for proving Goldbach's conjecture?

Then prove it.

Zhao Yi thought carefully and his eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Renzhe with a much more pleasing look.

This guy has a lot of shortcomings, and everything he does is very flawed, but at least it gives him some ideas!

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