Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 247 Go to the visiting group as a calculation tool man

Zhao Yi felt very relaxed after being able to find a way to use "correlation rate" to prove Goldbach's conjecture, but he had no plans to do anything immediately. On the one hand, he wanted to continue to enjoy a relaxed life.

The second is insufficient learning coins.

Now he is very short of study coins. If he studies the connection between a prime number paper and Goldbach's conjecture, he will definitely consume a lot of energy, and his studies will immediately make ends meet.

Now he needs to accumulate learning coins and take time to look for information related to prime numbers. Whether it is famous papers that prove theorems or papers that prove some small prime numbers, it may be helpful to him.

Two days later.

The last English test was over and students began to leave school.

Meng Zheng was a student in the capital and left after the exam; Fan Lei and Li Renzhe also bought tickets for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Zhao Yi will leave in five days.

He, Lin Xiaoqing, Zhao Linlin and Sun Liang agreed to return to Zhengyang together.

Zhao Yi is different from ordinary students. He has the title of professor and is a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research. He also serves as a distinguished researcher in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. He certainly cannot leave directly like an ordinary student.

The work of professors and computer labs is still second, and the rheumatoid arthritis program must pay attention.

Taking advantage of a few days of relaxing time, I will run around my laboratory more, hoping that I can make a small progress in the project at the last moment, so that I can give the people in the laboratory a holiday.

An invitation disrupted Zhao Yi's plan.

It was a call from the National Academy of Sciences, and someone claiming to be the director also made a similar call to him.

"Zhao Yi! Are you interested in a trip to Europe? We are organizing a group to go to Geneva, Switzerland, to watch the test experiments of the Large Hadron Collider." The caller from the Academy of Sciences was Chen Ming.

Chen Ming is one of the top mathematicians in China.

Zhao Yi was a little confused and asked, "Is that a physics experiment?"

"Yes, mathematics and physics are not separated. We are going to visit. Our country may also build a collider in the future. We need to have an understanding of the largest collider in Europe. In addition, the team also needs mathematicians to assist with some professional work calculate."

"I see."

Isn't this equivalent to becoming a computing tool person?

A large group of physics researchers went to visit the test experiments of the European Collider. After recording and analyzing the data, they also asked mathematicians to help with calculations.

All right.

Maybe you study physics and are not very confident in your computing abilities?

In fact.

Zhao Yi received the invitation really because of his mathematical ability. He is already considered one of the top mathematicians in the country.

There is definitely no harm in bringing a few very professional mathematicians with domestic visiting groups and scholar groups to visit the European Hadron Collider’s test experiments.

The country also wants to learn from experience.

Many physicists have proposed that China should build its own collider. Having its own collider will attract overseas scholars to China, and it will also be able to conduct some heavyweight large-scale experiments on its own.

No matter when, it is very important to study the mysteries of the world.

After Zhao Yi received Chen Ming's call, he had not yet made a decision to follow him because it was during the winter vacation and he really didn't want to work overtime for himself, so he still wanted to go to Switzerland.

It’s a bit far!

Last time I went to Madrid it was far enough, and going to Switzerland was not bad at all.

If you are still interested in going to a city like Madrid, the temperature in the capital is too low, including the atmosphere in Zhengyang, which is only a few degrees. Going to a city with a suitable temperature is also a vacation for yourself.


The atmosphere in Switzerland is no higher than that in China. It would be good if it could catch up with Zheng Yang. It is really not a good time for a vacation.

All right!

Joining a tour group in Switzerland is not just a vacation.

Zhao Yi received another call. It was from a director, probably the person in charge of the visiting group. He invited Zhao Yi to join the team, "We need to record a lot of data, which will help us understand the collider... …”

"Bala, bala..."

The other party said a lot of things.

Zhao Yi was confused when he heard it, but he still understood the meaning. That is to say, this visit is very important, and I hope he can join in and help.

He agreed anyway.

Visiting with domestic scholars like this is almost the same as going to learn technology. It’s also good to go over and help when you have time.

After all, China is lagging behind in similar fields. If we could copy all the high-end foreign technologies...


Zhao Yi suddenly thought of a question. His "Contact Rate" should not be limited to doing questions and research. Instead, copying high technology would probably be very effective, right?

For example, if there is a high-tech product in front of him, based on a lot of conditional data, he can probably know the most important technology?

"If it is something very complex and precise, it will definitely not be able to be cracked in one go. But if it is an ordinary small thing, such as a small instrument, it should be possible?"

Zhao Yi took out his phone and took a look.

There is no doubt that mobile phone screens are products from Samsung. If China wants to manufacture top-notch mobile phone screens, it is still far behind technologically.

So what is the most cutting-edge technology for making mobile phone screens?

Zhao Yi used "Contact Rate" on the mobile phone screen. Unfortunately, he found that no results could be obtained. He thought about it carefully, "Maybe the production of the mobile phone screen is too complicated?"

"Whether it's materials, craftsmanship, or some related things, I don't even have a little understanding..."

“But I still have to give it a try if I have the chance in the future.”

Zhao Yi agreed and the schedule would be adjusted. He called Lin Xiaoqing, Zhao Linlin and Sun Liang respectively.

Lin Xiaoqing was very supportive of him going.

Zhao Linlin listened with a smile and replied, "Then I will leave with Xiaoqing."

Zhao Yi did not forget the 'forgotten Sun Liang', but after calling him, Sun Liang did not ask him about going to Switzerland, but complained that Zhao Yi had forgotten the agreement between the two.


"Yes, do you remember? You said you would take me to work on projects together after you go to college."

“I can go to school, make money at the same time, and learn a lot of things along the way.”


Zhao Yi indeed forgot.

After the completion of the robot shopping system, he had no research related to computer software. The only thing related to computers was digital compression technology, which was obviously not accessible to Sun Liang's level.

"I didn't forget."

Zhao Yi refused to admit that he had forgotten, "When you go to college, it will take some time to adapt. Do you want to work part-time now?"

"What's suitable? Something with technical content?" Sun Liang asked quickly.

Isn’t this simple?

"Just wait."

It couldn't be easier for Zhao Yi to find a software-related part-time job for a college student who is studying.

He called Zhang Zhen, briefly explained the matter, and immediately found a part-time job maintaining the company's website.

For Sun Liang, it is still too early to directly enter the process of writing code. Doing simple website maintenance work can earn some living expenses, improve his skills, and become familiar with the website code, which is also very useful to him. Useful.

Zhao Yi talked to a few friends, called home, and went to the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

"You came!"

Qian Zhijin saw the excitement on Zhao Yi's face. He pointed at the computer screen and said, "Your waveform diagram is designed!"

Zhao Yi glanced at the screen and was immediately attracted to it.

It is a three-dimensional wave figure like an animation. If you place the mouse on some points on the wave figure, the corresponding prime number bounds will be displayed immediately.

He sat down and took a closer look and found that the largest prime number had been extended to 16 digits, which was equivalent to the waveform extending to 16 digits.

This is kind of amazing!

"Your computer has a very high configuration!" Zhao Yi's focus was not on the waveform chart, but on looking down at the computer's mainframe.

Qian Zhijin was stunned by his thoughts. He laughed, picked up a piece of cloth, covered the main unit, and explained, "Don't let the dust get in."

"Still a baby?"

"This host is specially assembled." Qian Zhijin explained and didn't want to continue talking about the host. He really regarded this computer as a treasure. The computer's configuration is quite luxurious and can make waveform diagrams in one breath. Running to 16 digits is enough to illustrate its explosive performance.

Zhao Yi was somewhat interested, so he moved the computer to his dormitory when he would find an opportunity.

There will definitely be no lag at all when playing games on this computer!

Qian Zhijin quickly changed the subject, "I heard that you are studying Goldbach's conjecture?"

Zhao Yi's face darkened.

"Are you really doing research? I thought they were just talking casually." Qian Zhijin said without moving his expression. He felt a little regretful that Zhao Yi was studying Goldbach's conjecture.

Although he is a professor at the School of Information, he also has a certain understanding of mathematics. It is almost possible to understand how difficult Goldbach's conjecture is, knowing that there has been no progress for more than 40 years.

Countless mathematical talents around the world are devoted to the research of the world's top conjectures, but only a few can produce results.

These people spend the most precious time of their lives on fruitless research, which is actually a waste of a lot of time.

Qian Zhijin, like others, is not optimistic that Zhao Yi can produce results in a short time.

What can be achieved by Goldbach's conjecture?

Chen Jingrun’s ‘1+2’ proof is close to cracking Goldbach’s conjecture, and any further results can only prove Goldbach’s conjecture.


Investing in the study of Goldbach's conjecture, more than 99% of it is a waste of time and energy.

For a genius like Zhao Yi, it would be a pity to waste time and energy.

Qian Zhijin thought that he should give some advice. He and Zhao Yi were closer than others and could at least be considered friends, but the words came to his lips but he did not say them out.

Zhao Yi, it’s different!

Zhao Yi's research field is not limited to mathematics. He is also a researcher at the Institute of Biomedicine and has made some achievements.

Therefore, even if he wastes some energy on Goldbach's conjecture, he can continue to develop in the field of biological research instead of wasting precious time wantonly.

Qian Zhijin shook his head with a wry smile, and what he said became, "I can't help much with this research."

"Can help."

"Can you help?" Qian Zhijin pointed at himself, a little incredulous, "You mean me?"


Zhao Yidao, "I want to find some proof materials related to prime numbers, but it is very difficult to collect these things. I don't know what they are specifically. Can you help me collect some related things?"


So you are not interested in my math skills, but you treat me as a coolie?

Qian Zhijin took a deep breath and nodded. He felt a little helpless. He was a professor at the School of Information and was still doing research in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory. As a result, he seemed to have become Zhao Yi's assistant.

If something happens, just help?

It doesn't matter if he just helps. He hopes that his math or computer skills can help, rather than selling favors or doing hard work.


Zhao Yi didn't think so.

Qian Zhijin felt a sadness that could not be recognized.

In the next few days, Zhao Yi stayed at the Institute of Biomedical Research, doing experiments, looking at data, and designing the content of the project research and development together with Ai Lixin, Zhang Wei, and Liu Chengjie.

Several mice infected by hemolytic streptococci have developed related lesions in their bodies, including respiratory diseases, as well as skin inflammation and swelling caused by the injection of streptococci into the skin.

The mice need to be observed, and their body and blood data need to be tested.

This is really cruel.

Zhao Yidu felt sad for the white mouse. He stood in front of a white mouse that died due to the experiment, silently clasping his hands together, "Amen, your sacrifice is great!"

The dead mouse was injected with a large dose of streptococci, and its body could not withstand the disease and eventually died.

Its death allowed Zhao Yi to find out something important.

That is the common characteristic of lesions caused by hemolytic streptococcus infection.

Whether it is respiratory disease or skin inflammation, the two lesions may seem unrelated, but they are actually caused by hemolytic streptococcus infection, and their commonality is the infection of the blood.

It is still too early to find out what specific changes have occurred in the blood, because what is certain is only an increase in antibodies, but just an increase in antibodies will certainly not cause other pathological changes.

So what else has changed?

This requires continuing to design experimental questions, but if we find out the common characteristics of the lesions caused by streptococcal infection, it must be related to rheumatoid arthritis.

This is the conclusion reached by "Correlation Rate".

Zhao Yi was very sure about this. Others in the laboratory did not know it, but it was a small achievement of research to find out the common features of streptococcal infection.

The project has only been established for about half a month, and everyone is very pleased to have achieved some results.

"The next step is to write a paper and summarize the project."

"It shouldn't take much time, right?"

Zhao Yi asked Ai Lixin and Zhang Wei, and they both nodded at the same time.

"Three days is enough."

"That's about it for two days."

Zhao Yi stood up and said, "We can take a vacation when we are done. We can discuss anything next year."


"Very good!"

"Have an early holiday!"

The holidays of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences are in accordance with the national statutory time, which is generally about one week to ten days later than the student holidays. The Spring Festival will be within a few days of the holiday.

This is still a normal holiday.

Some laboratories have to do important research and must work overtime. Occasionally, it is normal to work overtime for a long time. It is good to be able to take normal holidays.

If Zhao Yi announces the holiday in advance, they will become more relaxed. If they say hello to the director, they can enter the holiday in advance.

Zhao Yi still has to work overtime and travel.

Two days later.

Zhao Yi went to Shuimu University. This was his first time to come to Shuimu University. However, the tour group took a flight from the capital and gathered at Shuimu University. He had just entered Shuimu University and was welcomed to the mathematics center.

"Zhao Yi, welcome! Welcome!"

“Welcome to visit the Mathematics Center of Shuimu University!”

Facing the enthusiasm of everyone, including Qiu Chengwen, Zhao Yi felt strange. He really didn't come to visit the mathematics center, but just came to join the tour group and go to the airport together.

But there is no way...

The people at the Mathematics Center were enthusiastic, so he couldn't just say with a cold face that he wasn't here for a visit and just be taken around to look around.

Fortunately, an acquaintance is here.

Chen Ming.

Chen Ming came with people from the Nuclear Energy Center of the Academy of Sciences. Like Zhao Yi, he joined the visiting group as a mathematician, basically two people with mathematical calculation tools.

Zhao Yi never expected that when he met Chen Ming, the first thing he was asked was, "I heard that you are studying Goldbach's conjecture?"


Zhao Yi felt the urge to vomit blood. He really wanted to do research in a low-key manner, but in the end he just applied for a project. How come the whole world knew about it?

This matter should be blamed on Li Renzhe. He was indeed unfairly accused. Li Renzhe's mouth was so tight that no amount of gossip could reach Chen Ming's ears. It could only be spread by people from the School of Science.

It's... very depressing!

Chen Ming took out some information from his briefcase, "This is my research on Goldbach's conjecture, using part of the sieving method and the content of group theory. You can take a look."

"Group theory?"

"Yes, you will know just by looking at it." Chen Ming said, "Although my research cannot be proven, and I have given up, it may be able to bring you some help."


Many people knew that he was studying Goldbach's conjecture, but no one took the initiative to send information to help.

Zhao Yi was still very moved.

He decided to discuss the research content with Chen Ming during the trip. Maybe it would really help him?

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