Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 248 Test? I am a professional!

Chen Ming said that using group theory to study Goldbach's conjecture really interested Zhao Yi.

Group theory is a mathematical method.

As you can tell from the name, it is the study of groups. Its important position is mainly reflected in abstract algebra. In abstract algebra, many algebraic structures, including rings, fields and modules, can be regarded as adding new ones on the basis of groups. It is formed by operations and axioms.

In other branches of abstract algebra, group theory also played a very important influence.

In addition, in research on physics and chemistry, because many different physical structures, such as crystal structures and hydrogen atom structures, can be modeled using group theory methods, group theory and related group representation theory are very important in physics and chemistry. There are numerous applications in the study of chemistry.

But using group theory research to do number theory research, and also focusing on prime numbers, sounds very novel.

The prime numbers themselves can be viewed as a group.

If we can use group theory to study the concepts and properties of prime numbers, it is almost equivalent to cracking the mystery of prime numbers.

That is impossible.

Therefore, it is understandable that Chen Ming could not continue his research, but the most important thing is the method and angle. In what way did he connect group theory and prime number research?

Zhao Yi carefully read Chen Ming's research content.

Chen Ming did not hesitate to explain his progress to Zhao Yi. He got inspiration from the Riemann Hypothesis.

The Riemann Hypothesis has a certain number of prime solutions. These prime numbers must be discontinuous, and they can be counted as a group.

This is equivalent to dividing the prime numbers.

Chen Ming hopes to group all prime numbers into small groups. For example, designing ten functions whose solutions include all prime numbers is equivalent to grouping prime numbers into ten sets and studying them separately.

Of course.

It is impossible for Chen Ming to think about establishing ten functions. It sounds very simple, but in fact it is impossible to do.

His research is more complicated, and the method of dividing prime numbers is also very surprising. For example, he found three groups of specific prime numbers, and connected them with Goldbach's conjecture, which can prove that among the three groups of specific prime numbers, , the combination of two can cover all even numbers below ten digits.

This research result is not meaningful, because for even numbers below ten digits, computers can be used to find their corresponding prime number combinations that can be decomposed. The computer can also find many groups, not just one group.

But there is no doubt that Chen Ming's research ideas are very novel.

Zhao Yi couldn't help but feel surprised, he had never thought of this way before.

It's really... surprising!

However, Chen Ming's idea is the same as a proof method he thought about before, which is to prove that the combination of prime numbers (including themselves) can cover all even numbers.

As long as it can be proven that the combination of prime numbers can cover all even numbers, Goldbach's conjecture will naturally be proved in a broad sense.

If you take a number within 100 as an example, it is very easy to understand.

For example, the even number 22.

11+11=22; 3+19=22; 5+17=22.

The three groups of prime numbers add up to 22, and there are too many similar even numbers. In the computable field, most even numbers can be decomposed into combinations of more than one group of prime numbers.

Therefore, from a broad perspective, the content of Goldbach's conjecture may only be a property expression of "the combination of two prime numbers covering even numbers".

As long as universal coverage in a broad sense can be proven, Goldbach's conjecture will naturally be broken without attack.

Zhao Yi thought carefully and simply used the "Correlation Rate" to find out the relationship between the research content at hand and Goldbach's conjecture.

[Use failed! 】


This was the first time that Zhao Yi used a similar method to obtain the proving conditions of Goldbach's conjecture. He was mentally prepared for failure, but the failure he expected was a lack of energy, not an inability to use his ability. "Why?"

While thinking about it, he took out a piece of research content in his bag, which was a proof that there must be prime numbers between n and 2n.

【"Relevance Rate"! 】

[Use failed! 】

"Or failed?"

Zhao Yi frowned tightly. He couldn't figure out why it failed directly and why he couldn't use it.

For ordinary high-mathematical differential calculus questions, you can use "Relevance Rate". Lack of energy and lack of feedback related to the question are understandable reasons for failure. Failure to use it directly means that the ability cannot be used for the subject. On the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

Zhao Yi kept thinking after that, and felt a little lackluster when talking to people.

In the afternoon, after everyone gathered together, they took a bus to the Capital Airport.

Zhao Yi followed the team of the Academy of Sciences the whole time and walked beside Chen Ming. He only knew Chen Ming in the team. He had met some of the others but was not familiar with them.

After getting on the plane, Zhao Yi sat in his seat and was still thinking.

Chen Ming asked with concern, "Seeing as you have been in a trance, are you still thinking about Goldbach's conjecture? Or do you have any questions about my research?"

He hoped it was the latter.

No matter who spends a lot of time and energy on research, they all hope that the research will be useful.

It would be great if I could help Zhao Yi when I was young, which would prove that my time and energy were not wasted.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I'm wondering whether your method and research can be further expanded and used to prove Goldbach's conjecture."

"I can't think of it in a short time."

Chen Ming shook his head and smiled, "Goldbach's conjecture is a big problem. There may be more than one way to prove it. You should think according to your own ideas, but don't be led astray by my research."

Chen Ming's words gave Zhao Yi a sudden feeling.


Goldbach's conjecture is a difficult problem in the world.

It is very difficult to solve a problem of this level, and even if it is solved, the process will be very complicated.

The important thing is that Goldbach's conjecture is a mathematical problem. Mathematical problems are not like biological research, such as rheumatoid arthritis, where the pathological mechanism is fixed.

If Goldbach's conjecture is established, then it is certain that there is not only one way to prove its establishment, but even countless ways.

The simpler the question, the simpler the solution process; conversely, the more complex and difficult the question, the more ways to solve the problem.

Group theory may be able to prove it.

Sieving method is also possible.

Other methods are naturally possible to prove.

It makes sense that the "correlation rate" cannot play a role. Without a definite idea of ​​proof, how to determine whether there is a relationship?

"So, maybe there are several ways to prove Goldbach's conjecture?"

Zhao Yi shook his head silently as he thought about it. Not to mention proving Goldbach's conjecture in several ways, even if it was proved by just one method, it was already quite remarkable.

What he has to do now is to find a fixed path to seek proof of Goldbach's conjecture, so that he can rely on the "Correlation Rate" to get clues.


Zhao Yi pressed his forehead hard. Next to him, Chen Ming was already sleepy-eyed and nodding his head seemed interesting.

The same goes for the people in the front row.

However, there were two middle-aged men in the back row, constantly discussing physics topics.

When Zhao Yi turned to look over, the older man in the back row waved his hand towards him and said, "Zhao Yi, do you study physics?"

Zhao Yi hesitated for a moment and then asked. "You...are...?" Someone introduced him one after another at Shuimu University and before boarding the plane, but there were more than twenty people in the visiting group, and he didn't bother to remember their names.

The person in front of me can only be said to look familiar, but I can’t remember the specific name.

The person in the back row didn't seem to care. He reached out his hand and said, "Ruan Wenye."

Zhao Yi suddenly said, "Academician Ruan!"

Ruan Wenye is an academician of the National Institute of Atomic Energy and a relatively important figure in the "tourist group".

If a particle collider is to be built in China, the National Institute of Atomic Energy will definitely be a technical participant, and those who came from the Institute of Atomic Energy will be the leading figures in the 'tour group'.

The two shook hands.

Ruan Wenye looked at Zhao Yi with a smile, showing an active affinity. He was still very interested in Zhao Yi.

Mathematics and physics are indistinguishable.

All physicists are good at mathematics. Because of this, Ruan Wenye knows that those who have studied mathematics to Zhao Yi's level are such valuable talents for the country.

Now we are going to see the test experiments of the European Large Collider. Most of the team are scholars who study physics, but we have to find a few professional mathematicians. The reason is that a lot of data in physics requires mathematics to support it. , the calculations of many jobs will be very complicated, and they do not have enough grasp of mathematical calculations.

Ruan Wenye is more concerned about Zhao Yi's age.

Zhao Yi is already a top mathematician in the world, and he has only just entered the stage of study in the professional field.

If he studies physics, he will definitely achieve something.

So Ruan Wenye kindly asked Zhao Yi to participate in the conversation between the two of them. They were talking about what kind of particles have mass and what kind of particles may have mass in quantum physics. At some point, the topic turned to String theory in theoretical physics.

Zhao Yi listened for a few words and then was pulled into the topic.

Ruan Wenye asked, "What do you think of string theory?"

Zhao Yi listened to various terms such as quantum and dark matter, and could only act as a student beside him. He had not studied it specifically. If he wanted to understand the content, he would definitely have to study quantum physics.

He is not interested yet.

After hearing about Ruan Wenye's culture, Zhao Yi thought for a moment and said, "I don't know much about it, so I don't believe it."

The middle-aged man next to him asked doubtfully, "Is it because you don't believe it because you don't understand it?"

This is not the attitude of a scientific researcher.

"I don't believe it because there is no definite evidence that string theory is correct. In addition, its correctness cannot be proven in a short time." Zhao Yi explained seriously.

This was one of the reasons why he was not interested in theoretical physics.

Many theoretical physics research contents can be said to be hundreds of years older than the development of the scientific community. Things like string theory only exist in the imagination of theoretical physicists. They only explore the composition of the world and based on those perfect formula, I imagined various theories, but even if I wanted to prove it, decades would not be enough.

The two people in the back row looked at each other, not expecting this answer at all.

Ruan Wenye asked with interest, "Then do you believe in the Higgs boson?"

"Believe it."

Zhao Yi didn't know what the Higgs boson was, but he must have heard of it in his mind. It seemed to be related to quarks or something. "Why don't you believe that the Higgs boson is different from string theory? It exists." thing."

It's like asking, 'Do you believe in atoms?'

Of course I believe it.

Ruan Wenye glanced at Zhao Yi strangely, "The Higgs boson exists. Are you so sure?"


Zhao Yi noticed Ruan Wenye's expression and wondered what he said wrongly, so his tone became less firm.

Ruan Wenye's understanding is that the other party became a little unsteady under his doubts. After all, he is an expert in quantum physics, while the other party is a mathematical researcher.

He glanced at Zhao Yi again in confusion, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I hope you can always be so determined. Scientific researchers want to have a firm view on things. Maybe you will gain a lot this time."


Zhao Yi didn't understand Ruan Wenye's reaction.

After about an hour, Chen Ming woke up from his haziness next to him. Zhao Yi couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "What is the Higgs boson?"

"Higgs boson? Isn't that the God particle? One of the test experiments we are going to see is to verify the existence of the Higgs boson." Chen Ming explained.

Zhao Yi was stunned for a long time, "So there is still no definite evidence that the Higgs boson exists?"


"All right!"

Zhao Yi shook his head depressedly. No wonder the academician in the back row said he had a firm view on things.

The existence of the Higgs boson has not yet been confirmed, but he is very sure that such a thing exists. Of course, he is very firm about things.

Along the way.

Zhao Yi also began to discuss quantum physics issues with Chen Ming. Basically, Chen Ming was popularizing quantum common sense.

Zhao Yi joined the visiting group as a mathematician, but anyway he was going to watch the particle impact experiment. He didn't even understand basic particles at that time, which was really embarrassing.

Although it is impossible for a temporary supplement to come into contact with too advanced knowledge, if you at least know some things such as photons and quarks, you will not have any problems if you talk less and see more.

When the plane landed in Geneva, Switzerland, Zhao Yi got good news.

[Complete the digital compression technology algorithm part! 】

[Research Coin +3. 】

[Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +3. 】

[Academic reputation is improved, learning coins +300. 】

[Complete the revision of the mathematical theory of digital compression technology! 】

[Research Coin +6. 】

[Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +6. 】

[Academic reputation is improved, learning coins +600. 】

[Digital compression technology algorithm task completed! 】

[Learning Coin +1000. 】

[Research Coin +10. 】

Probably because Tao Zhexuan applied for a patent and released relevant news to the public, the settlement of digital compression technology has finally come.

Harvesting 18 scientific research coins in one breath was second, and more importantly, harvesting 1,900 learning coins, which finally allowed him to get rid of the "poverty" dilemma of learning coins.

“Finally I can use it casually again!”

You won't lose money by using learning coins. While you consume a lot of energy, you will also speed up the research at hand. As long as you complete the research, you can gain learning coins again.

The premise is that there is enough learning to use it.

After consuming 18,000 learning coins before and obtaining the fourth ability, the learning coins have been in short supply, and daily grinding of coins is simply not enough.

it's good now!

With enough learning coins, you don't have to worry about consuming a lot of energy, and your abilities can be used without limit.

Zhao Yi felt relaxed all over, and the smile on his face increased significantly.

Geneva is not a destination.

After getting off the plane, a group of people drove separately for more than three hours before arriving at a hotel in a small town.

Zhao Yi dragged his luggage and went in with Chen Ming. Because he had a good relationship with Chen Ming and also joined the "visiting group" as a mathematician, he and Chen Ming were assigned to a room.

Now we are going to see the particle collision experiment. Most of the people who came to participate are physicists. Zhao Yi is not so conspicuous among them. Some people recognized him and just said hello and came over to shake hands and get to know each other. one time.

That's all.

Zhao Yi really enjoyed the feeling of not being noticed. He seemed to be here for a trip and even walked around the town to experience the scenery of the Swiss town.

This is no ordinary town.

Since history, this place has been a holy place for physics research. There are many top physicists working nearby. It can be said that this place accounts for half of the world's theoretical physics.

There are also many computer engineers working nearby to maintain the data of the physical holy place.

Now the world's largest particle collider is being built nearby, attracting more physicists from all over the world.

Zhao Yi walked around the town in one breath. He also went to a museum that marked the 'birthplace of the Internet' and asked someone to take a photo of himself. Then he returned to the hotel and started to get busy.


The meeting of the visiting group was very straightforward. Ruan Wenye directly assigned the starting and returning work. "The CERN meeting voted to re-analyze the last test experimental data."

"We and the team from Caltech are responsible for verifying the D partition data. The other party's suggestion is to write an independent report and finally check the accuracy of the verification."

"Are you going to compete?" someone asked doubtfully.


Ruan Wenye said solemnly, "The people at Caltech just want to look good on us with the test data. You all know what that means, so without saying anything else, everyone should cheer up and complete the assigned work conscientiously. .”

This is an important reason to find mathematicians to join the team.

Domestic ‘visiting groups’ are not just visiting. Some of them come from units that were involved in the construction of the collider and also provided a lot of support funds.

When you come to the site, you have to participate in the experiment, and you will definitely be assigned some work, such as data calculation and inspection. Mathematicians may be able to help a lot.

After all the work was assigned, Zhao Yi found that he had no work. He asked with some confusion, "What about me?"

Ruan Wenye pushed over a pile of information and said, "You must first understand these things before you can participate in the work. We need mathematicians who are very good at calculations."

Chen Ming next to him said resentfully, "I hope you can hurry up, otherwise the pressure on me will be too great."

"I see."

Zhao Yi understood somewhat.

Now he is just a pure rookie. He can't even understand what is written in the information. He will definitely not be able to participate in the work.

But... not necessarily?

Mathematical calculations?

As long as he doesn't mind spending hundreds or thousands of learning coins, is there anyone better at data verification than his causal thinking brain?

With the "Supervision Law" in hand...check?

"I am a professional!"

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