Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 249 Looking for the ‘Singularity’

After the meeting ended, Zhao Yi followed Chen Ming to the workroom. The two of them were assigned together so that Chen Ming could instruct Zhao Yi on how to work.

Chen Ming first explained what Ruan Wenye meant.

"The Caltech team just wants to look good to us. They are just a university team and we represent a country."

"Understand? If we lose to a college team, think about it, at will be very embarrassing."

Zhao Yi understood, "Not only do we lose face, but we also embarrass the country."

Although this explanation seems to be exaggerating the matter, the fact is that the situation is like this, and so is the other party's purpose.

Technology knows no borders, but scientists have nationalities.

Western scientists have always been discriminatory against domestic scientists and dismissive of domestic scientific and technological development. The construction of the European particle collider was completed jointly by many countries and departments. China is one of the participants and has participated in some experiments. Qualifications, but teams representing each country will not really unite unconditionally. Even if they conduct research together, there will be competition and comparison.

That's it for now.

Although they were assigned to work together, the Caltech team suggested that they complete the work separately. They must have wanted to compete with them to see who could complete it faster. If they lost, they would be very embarrassed.

Zhao Yi became much more serious after hearing this, and then he began to study the information.

While checking the data, Chen Ming also briefly explained the work to Zhao Yi. After the construction of the particle collider was completed, two test experiments have been conducted.

Although it was just a test period, valuable data was obtained.

The experiments being done now, and most of the research work invested in it, all have a clear big goal--

Demonstrate the standard model of shaping particles.

The standard model of particles has been shaped, but that is a concept of theoretical physics. Theoretical physics has not been completely proven, and it is necessary to continue to conduct experiments to obtain data to prove the correctness of the standard model.

The process of proving the standard model of particles can be compared with the metaphor of "blind men touching the elephant". Of course, this is not a mockery of the blind man's inability to fully grasp the elephant, but the process of the blind man touching the elephant.

The elephant is the standard model of particles.

The process of blind men touching the elephant is the process of proving the Standard Model.

How can a blind man know what an elephant looks like? You need to touch various parts of the elephant and then put all the results together to prove that the elephant is like this.

If something goes wrong along the way, it proves that the standard model created is wrong.


Judging from the results obtained so far, more than 99% of the standard model of particles is correct, but in any case, physics is a rigorous subject. As long as it does not reach 100%, there is no way to be sure that it is correct. .

Every particle collision experiment will harvest a very large amount of data. They need to analyze and calculate the data to find evidence of the standard model of particles from the data.

The domestic team is assigned to analyze and inspect the D partition data. What they need to do is two tasks. One is to find the patterns of the data and explain some situations as a whole.

This is the job of physicists.

Chen Ming and Zhao Yi are mathematicians. They do not need to participate in the analysis of huge data, but strive to find the ‘singularity’ in the data.

‘Singularity’ is a special point, just like in a large amount of data, there are very few parts of the data that are different from others.

These data are much more meaningful than other ordinary data, and they are likely to prove something, either to advance the Standard Model or to deny the Standard Model.

"So we're just trying to find something special in this big pile of data?"

"Using mathematical methods? Is there anything we can refer to?"

Zhao Yi asked.

"Don't be anxious yet and read the information with peace of mind. Someone will do the basic work." Chen Ming replied and continued working.

after one day.

Zhao Yi understood what Chen Ming meant. Many people were involved in data drawing, which meant inputting data into the computer one by one and creating very complex graphics.

In this way, you will have a more intuitive understanding of the obtained data, and it will be easier to find patterns in the data and draw some conclusions.

It seems that with data graphs, it seems easy to find the 'singularity'. In fact, this is not the case, because the data is too complex. The data all look like stock graphics, with various annotations on them, including Various analysis methods.


Zhao Yi's scalp felt numb after just a few glances.

The thing in front of me is a bit like analyzing the stock market. Looking at a lot of similar things, I want to know whether the stock will rise or fall tomorrow...

All right!

This metaphor is not very appropriate because the analysis is about past data, not what will happen in the future.

In short, the work is very tedious.

Zhao Yi read the information for a day and said that he knew a lot about quantum physics. It was pure nonsense. The content of quantum physics was so huge that it would take several months or a year to understand it, let alone one day. If you understand it deeply, you can say that he is a genius.

He was still paying attention to the work in front of him. At least he understood what the information was about and had a general understanding of the work.

that's enough.

The job of the two mathematicians is to find the 'singularity'. Data analysis is the easiest, but finding the 'singularity' is very difficult. The general idea is to use mathematical methods to regularly summarize the various components of the data. Finally, find out the irregularities.

However, there is no definite method for 'summarizing', and it can only rely on personal performance.

After finding out the special 'singularity', it is the physicist's job to explain the reason why the 'singularity' appears.

Chen Ming spent two days marking only two positions. Using a series of mathematical analyses, he felt that there was a problem with those two positions, but it was not clear whether there was a problem because the mathematical method he used was not Even if it is 100% rigorous, it may not conform to the laws of physics.

During his break, he explained to Zhao Yi the reason for finding these two places, "I used data substitution method and created a virtual function..."

Zhao Yi listened.

After Chen Ming finished explaining, he nodded, looked at the computer data chart carefully, and pointed out a location, "Here! Zoom in!"

Chen Ming enlarged the image, and a series of data appeared.


Zhao Yi pointed to a curved protruding part, "I think this is very abnormal."

"It should be normal. I've noticed this location before, and there are several similar bumps in front of it," Chen Ming said.

Zhao Yi shrugged, "You don't have any ideas now anyway, just see if there is any problem here."

"Okay, just take a break." Chen Ming said and began to study. He didn't care at first. The more he studied, the more he felt that there was indeed a problem there, and his expression became obviously more serious.

Zhao Yi continued to read the information.

He would like to know why that position is a singularity, but because of the serious lack of conditions, the "Supervisory Law" only feeds back a vague position, and he doesn't know the specific reason.

This kind of explanation of the singularity can definitely be used to obtain detailed results through the "Contact Rate", but it is a pity that it cannot be used at all due to insufficient conditions.

To sum up, the reason is that he knows too little about quantum physics, and it takes a long time to understand the information in his hand, let alone conduct research.

They both do their own thing.

An hour later, Chen Ming suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise, "How did you know there was a problem in that place?"


Chen Ming's sudden words startled Zhao Yi. He reacted and said, "It's just a feeling. I think something is wrong there."

"Really? By feeling?" Chen Ming didn't understand.

"Are you done?"


Chen Ming nodded seriously, "I am very sure there is something wrong with this position. Through a physical method, I imported the yukawa potential energy function and found the data here..."

"Bala bala~~~"

Chen Ming explained a lot of professional terms.

Zhao Yi kept nodding as he listened, with a very serious expression on his face, as if he recognized Chen Ming. In fact, he didn't understand at all.

"Everything you said is right!"

"You know so much!"

"You are amazing!"

When he saw Zhao Yi's serious expression, Chen Ming felt a sense of recognition and felt huge satisfaction in his heart.

After he finished speaking, he subconsciously asked, "What do you think of this method of introducing the potential energy function?"

Zhao Yi lowered his head and continued to read the information.

After Chen Ming asked again, he raised his head in confusion, "What did you just say? Sorry, I was reading the information."


Soon, research came to a standstill.

It is very difficult to find singularities. It is a bit like searching for rare and rare stones on a mountain full of rocks.

There are so many stones on the mountain that trying to find valuable stones is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But the search for 'singularities' is the most valuable part of research, because every starting point may represent a new discovery, and new discovery means that it may contribute to the proof of the standard model of particles, and the sky in the sky Every brick may be an important result in physics research.

When Chen Ming had no idea, he asked Zhao Yi again.

This time, Zhao Yi simply walked over and pointed out four positions directly, "I think there are problems with these positions. You can study it."


Chen Ming didn't understand why Zhao Yi could find the singularity. He felt that there was some luck just now, but without any ideas, it didn't matter to check the location Zhao Yi mentioned.

He began to look at them one by one.

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