Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 374 You must promote your own theory

The academician co-optation meeting ended.

A large group of academicians came out and revealed the news. Several candidates who were waiting for the results had different reactions to the news.

Zhao Yi was the most indifferent one. He just smiled slightly and politely responded to various congratulations. He was still a little happy in his heart. After all, he was elected as an academician and became the youngest academician in the country. He had achieved academic achievement early. The pinnacle of level.

Huang Zhong's reaction was excitement and disbelief.

Before the selection of academicians began, he was considered the "least promising" candidate in the Department of Mathematical Physics. One was young. Youth is not an advantage. The age of about fifty-five is the "best age" for selecting academicians.

Another issue is the results and disciplines.

Huang Zhong is committed to the study of magnetism between particles. It is definitely a "very niche" subject in the domestic mathematics and physics academic circles. It is difficult for other academicians to understand his results. Many academicians read it before voting. Others are interested in Huang Zhong. Zhong’s academic achievements, and then decide whether to vote in favor.

The research on particle mathematics is also at a disadvantage because Huang Zhong is a professor at Nancheng University, and academicians in the field of particle mathematics mostly come from the Institute of High Energy and quantum research teams, rather than independent theoretical physics research.

In short, Huang Zhong suffered a lot in selecting academicians.

Now that the academician co-optation meeting is over, the other three "more promising" ones have not been selected. As a result, only Zhao Yi and him have been selected. The result is really surprising.

In fact, Huang Zhong's luck is really good.

This year's selection of academicians of the Department of Mathematical Physics was 'seriously interfered' by Zhao Yi's participation. Many candidates for academicianship in mathematics and physics simply withdrew from the selection. They felt that participating in the selection with Zhao Yi might receive additional pressure from the outside world. Pay attention to.

For example, a certain new academician who had never heard of his name was elected as an academician together with Zhao Yi.

What are the results?

have no idea.

Such a situation would be embarrassing.

If Zhao Yi is not selected and he is selected, it will become even more embarrassing.

Then the academicians who came to participate in the co-optation vote also knew the external attention. More attention would bring more pressure. They were particularly strict in reviewing other people. If they felt they were not qualified and their results were not up to standard, they simply voted. "No vote", and ended up voting against three at once, and found that only one yellow bell was left. The "neutral" academicians found that it would not be good to vote all of them, so they simply voted in favor.

Of course.

Huang Zhong participated in the co-optation of academicians and persisted until now. His results must have met the standards. Being elected as an academician cannot be attributed to luck.

In the end, only Zhao Yi and Huang Zhong were evaluated as academicians, but they were still "reserve" academicians. If they wanted to officially obtain the title of academician, there was still a process to go through, which was the review at the presidium meeting of the academic department.

The Presidium of the Academic Division is the permanent leadership body when the Academician Conference is not in session. It is composed of the President of the Academy of Sciences, an academician vice-president in charge of the work of the academic department, the directors of the five academic departments and 12 academicians elected by the Academician Conference.

The presidium has many functions, such as convening and presiding over the academician conference, deciding on the proposals of the academician conference, approving the lists of academic committees and professional committees, etc.

In terms of co-opting academicians, the function of the presidium is to put it simply, allocation and supervision. It needs to decide in advance the number of co-opted academicians for each academic department. After the co-election, the results of the co-opted academicians for each academic department will be reviewed. Under normal circumstances, the presidium of the academic department will respect the election results. We will not directly deny the academician selection results, and the unfinished process is just a situation.

The co-optation of academicians has ended.

Many people came to congratulate Zhao Yi on receiving the title of academician, and his title was directly changed to ‘Academician Zhao’.

"Academician Zhao, congratulations! Congratulations!"

"When I participated in the co-option for the first time in my early twenties, I was selected. We, we really can't do it!"

"Who can compare with Zhao Yi in analytical number theory, Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's conjecture, and the only one missing is the Riemann conjecture!"

"Zhao Yi's three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is a great achievement, directly surpassing the Riemann Hypothesis..."


A large group of people surrounded Zhao Yi and kept praising him. They were praising from the bottom of their hearts. In the academic circle, Zhao Yi could make a group of academicians surround him and praise him. In the field of analytic number theory, his achievements are so breakthrough. It can be said that Overshadowed all mathematicians within a hundred years.

Zhao Yi responded with a smile.

After the academician meeting, the candidates who have passed the voting must submit their materials to the academic committee in person, and the academic committee will submit the materials to the presidium for review, which is the final step in the selection of academicians.

Zhao Yi and Huang Zhong went to submit the materials together. The process was very simple. They just handed in the materials, exchanged a few words with a few academicians on the academic committee, and it was over.

That night.

Zhao Yi had dinner with a large group of academicians. After being polite for a long time, he finally found a chance to escape and went directly to the parking lot. of


Sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the conference center from a distance, he closed the window and stepped on the accelerator. The car quickly drove out of the parking lot and entered the bustling streets of the capital. As he walked on the road, he was... Feeling a wave of relief and joy.

It is certainly a joy to be elected as an academician.

Academician is a title that many scholars strive for throughout their lives. Being elected as an academician has no substantial benefits for him, but the selection feels like his achievements have been recognized at the national level.

Zhao Yi felt relieved and left. He was not used to the atmosphere of the conference center. He was always surrounded by a large number of academicians for questioning and discussions, plus the necessary politeness and greetings. He always felt a little depressed and depressed, so he left and went back. I feel much more relaxed.

When I returned to Yanhua University, I was still surrounded by a "group of people". Many people came to inquire about the co-election results.

Colleagues from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, professors from the School of Science, and even the trio of dormitory buddies, as well as other teachers and classmates they knew, all asked the same thing when they saw Zhao Yi, "How is it? Have you been evaluated?"

The difference is the tone of voice.

Fan Lei, Li Renzhe and other students all asked questions, since they really didn't know the situation and asked for the results.

Some professors who know the situation are very sure in their tone, and the implicit meaning is, "I knew it a long time ago, I will definitely be rated!"

Zhao Yi's reaction was to smile and nod, and then he received a lot of congratulations. The 'congratulations' from the trio in the dormitory were impressive.

"Awesome, in his early twenties, a college academician!"

"Zhao Yi, awesome!"

"When I have time in the future, I will write a book called "Academicians in My Dormitory". The sales will definitely explode!"

Meng Zheng said something very philosophical, "This is actually quite a pity. Our lives have just begun, and there are still many beautiful things to pursue in the future. And for you, your life has reached its peak."

Everyone in the dormitory looked at Meng Zheng.

Zhao Yi actually found that because of his words, he felt a little regretful when he thought about not pursuing the future rating title.

Fan Lei sighed, "So, I would rather choose... regret."

"I also choose to regret."

"Meng Zheng! It's better for you to pursue it hard." Li Renzhe walked over and patted Meng Zheng on the shoulder and said, "Otherwise, give me all the money in your pocket. Then go work outside to earn living expenses, so that you can have I’m pursuing it, and I’m pursuing it so that I can earn enough for this month’s living expenses.”

"I think it's feasible!" Fan Lei expressed strong support.


Meng Zheng slapped Li Renzhe's hand away in disgust, and touched his trouser pocket as if he was afraid that the money would really be taken away.

After Zhao Yi joked with a few people in the dormitory, he went to the office of the School of Science. He wanted to sort out the information left in the office and prepare for the upcoming academic report. As soon as he entered the building of the School of Science, he was stopped by Hu Zhibin .

"This way, Zhao Yi!"

Hu Zhibin shouted loudly, then suddenly laughed and said, "No, you should call me Academician Zhao now!"

Two teachers at the door looked out and saw Zhao Yi coming over quickly, and greeted him into the big office.

There were several professors and teachers from the School of Science in the big office. Zhou Zhengbin, the dean of the School of Science, happened to be there too. He immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations, Professor Zhao, you will be an academician from now on."

"You're welcome!"

Zhao Yi responded politely.

Zhou Zhengbin and Zhao Yi had met several times and talked a lot, but they were not very familiar with each other. He asked Zhao Yi to sit down and said, "We were just talking about you."

"Talk about me?"

"Yes, your demonstration of supersymmetry, the boundary theory of particles, and the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram."


Zhao Yi was a little confused.

Zhou Li explained, "That's it, Zhao Yi, whether it's the particle boundary theory or the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, they are all unique to you, so I want to ask you if you would consider opening a higher-end public course in the university. class?"

Zhao Yi asked, "Open classes?"

"Yes, it is an open class. The time can be arranged on weekends or on a weekday evening. The course arrangement is very flexible. You can start it when you have time, or not if you don't have time. There are no restrictions."

Zhou Li continued, "Many graduate students and doctoral students want to hear about your waveform diagrams and particle mathematics. However, the public elective courses you offer are relatively simple in content."

Zhao Yi nodded as he listened and thought. He glanced at Zhou Zhengbin and almost understood.

Last time Zhou Zhengbin asked him if he would consider tutoring students, he refused directly. It was definitely impossible to tutor students from the School of Science. It would be acceptable to offer more difficult courses. He already had the public boundary theory of particles. It doesn’t matter if you take elective courses and open courses with free time. It doesn’t matter if you take a class occasionally. However, because the time is not fixed and the number of courses is not fixed, the content of each class must be carefully considered.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I don't object to the start of the course, but the content of this course..."

"no problem."

Zhou Zhengbin heard Zhao Yi relax his tone, patted his chest and said, "The college will assign you a special course assistant. Remember, your assistant is Teacher Qian Hong, right?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

Zhou Zhengbin continued, "Teacher Qian Hong is very responsible and serious in his work, but his math ability is still a little behind. Let's ask Professor Hu Zhibin and Professor Hu to help you. If you encounter any problems, other professors can also help."

"Also, your open courses are also subsidized. The specific financial details will be provided. Our college will definitely not treat high-level academicians badly!"

Zhou Zhengbin patted his chest and made a promise.

Zhao Yi glanced at Hu Zhibin and found that the other party was not surprised. He knew that there must have been discussions before, but he really had no reason to object. He opened an open class in the university to teach his three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and particle boundary theory, which was equivalent to giving He is a platform to publicize and promote theories, and there is absolutely no reason to refuse.

Finally he agreed.

In the big office of the School of Science, after talking to Dean Zhou Libin and several professors and teachers about the opening of open courses, Zhao Yi returned to the office to sort out the information, while he kept thinking about academic achievements in his mind.

It is not about thinking about academic issues, but about sorting out the completed results.

He has many academic achievements, including mathematics, physics, computers, biology, and even unpublished chemical materials, etc., but the most impressive one is mathematics, or to be precise, analytic number theory, because he completed Goethe's Proofs of Bach's and Fermat's conjectures.

Zhao Yi feels that his most important achievements are not Goldbach's conjecture and Fermat's conjecture. They can only be regarded as the completion of 'mathematical proof problems', but the proof is very difficult.


The Faculty of Science shares the same sentiment.

The proof of the world's difficult problems does indeed sound impressive, but completion means completion and does not have the potential to continue to rise. It feels like a 'one-time' academic achievement. The three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and particle boundary theory are the most important. The most important result.

The potential of the three-dimensional tremor waveform chart is very strong. If you continue to study it, you will find a lot of things. It can also directly replace the Riemann Hypothesis and be used in many fields.

The research potential of particle boundary theory is even stronger. Relying on the core energy theory, we can explore mathematical problems of microscopic particles.

Both of these results belong to the category, and the potential for improvement is very sufficient. The more people know about it and join the ranks of research, the higher the personal achievement of the creator, that is, himself, because he is created.

Therefore, future mathematics and physics research will mainly focus on three-dimensional tremor waveform diagrams and particle boundary theory, and a certain amount of energy will be needed to promote them to more people.

Because of this, the upcoming scholarly presentation is important.

The purpose of this demonstration of supersymmetry is not to complete the demonstration itself, but to let people understand the boundary theory of particles, so that the theory can be more promoted and recognized by more efficient institutions and top mathematicians and physicists. .

Zhao Yi became serious. He took out a manuscript paper and began to think carefully about the key points of the academic report.

This is the first time.

Even for reports on Goldbach's conjecture and Fermat's conjecture, he did not make any preparations. Basically, he just went to the venue to talk about the demonstration process.

This time is different.

He had to make some preparations.

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