Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 378 Mass-Energy Structure Theory


Sheldon Glashow's expression was very serious. He stared at the stage, his brows furrowed tightly, and a thought kept spinning in his mind, "It's impossible. It's a coincidence. It also means it's perfect. Logic." A closed loop is formed.”

"The mathematical framework he listed is completely correct, it is perfect to the extreme, like a work of art made with mathematics..."

"How can there be such a perfect theory in the world, shouldn't it? The results of overall analysis and point-by-point argumentation are the same..."


“What if we think outside the box?”

Sheldon Glashow's eyes suddenly lit up as he thought about it. He took a deep breath, a confident and disdainful smile appeared on his face again, and he crossed his arms again.

On stage.

Zhao Yi reached the final stage of his speech. He listed the contrast functions on both sides and made the final step of analysis. He stopped and returned to the podium and concluded, "We can see the symmetry of the two columns. Their energy determines the direction of the evolving particles..."

"Here, the argument ends."

"thank you all!"

After Zhao Yi said the last sentence simply, he quickly picked up the water bottle next to him and took a big gulp. At the same time, the venue also burst into roaring applause. Even the scholars in the first few rows who were so old that they were trembling when walking tried their best. It's all lined up.

"What a wonderful report! So wonderful!"

"Perfect math!"

"I had only heard about it before. Before I came to the report meeting, I looked at the boundary theory in particular, but I didn't study it too deeply. Now I know that this theory is really worthy of in-depth study."

"Not just the supersymmetry problem, maybe other problems can also be solved."

"It's refreshing!"

"I feel like I understand microscopic particles from another angle..."

Front row.

George Smoot stood up, moved his hands and feet, and said to Edward Witten, Yang Zhenning, Masukawa Toshihide and others, "When I first saw the boundary theory of particles, I knew it was a theory with great potential. , are all brand new, analyzing particles based on energy composition. Now I believe that it is true, not just a theory, but a microscopic reality, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence."

He refers to the overall analysis combined with the energetic components.

Yang Zhenning nodded, "Yes!"

“Very classic!”

Masukawa Toshihide said, "I read the paper in the laboratory and was immediately attracted by the content. The new mathematical explanation of particles is very difficult."

George Smoot continued, "I have decided that when I go back, the Center for Cosmology should add boundary theory research on particles!"

He is the director of the Cosmology Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and has full control over what research the Cosmology Center will do.

Edward Witten smiled and said, "Princeton has set up a research group to study the boundary theory of particles, but I think they will pay more attention to it after the report is circulated."

He said with a wry smile, "However, in the future, young people who like string theory may also like Zhao Yi's theory. They may even like Zhao Yi's theory even more."

While several people were talking, a cold snort came from the side.

Sheldon Glashow stood up with disdain and asked Zhao Yi on the podium, "I think there should be question time next, right?"

Many people looked over.

"Of course, it's question time now." Zhao Yi nodded and asked, "Mr. Glashow, do you have any questions?"

Sheldon Glashow nodded with a sneer and said, "I admit that your theory is logically self-consistent and can form a perfect closed loop, but it is all just a structure of your own making. Perfect mathematics does not mean perfect physics." He glanced at Edward Witten as he spoke, clearly referring to string theory.

Edward Witten frowned dissatisfied and said, "What are you going to say? Glashow?"

Sheldon Glashow turned to look at Edward Witten and said rather unfriendly, "I'm asking a question now. Please don't interrupt. Style is very important."

Edward Witten snorted coldly.

He continued to look at the stage, "We all know that particles are not only composed of energy, but also mass. The Higgs mechanism explains how mass is obtained. Although the mass of most particles is negligible, physics is a rigorous subject, and theory Physics requires more rigor.”

"Einstein's theory states that mass will cause space oscillations. Your argument bypasses mass and the effects of the four forces, and mass will substitute for gravity..."

"Your so-called argument ignores areas that may cause problems, but the mass of particles cannot be circumvented and cannot be circumvented!"

Sheldon Glashow's tone was very powerful, making people believe what he said. The people on the scene who were invited to listen to the report must be of sufficient skill, and they all understood what Glashow meant.

Zhao Yi's demonstration of the supersymmetry problem bypassed the quality factor that may have an impact, but it is certain that adding the quality factor will definitely make it more complicated.

Zhao Yi frowned and stood on the stage mumbling.

The venue fell into silence for a while.

Edward Witten said, "Grashow, what you said does make sense, but whether it is the boundary theory of particles or the demonstration of supersymmetry, they have only just been completed. They are only demonstrated from the energy level. Your requirements are too high." Bar?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

Sheldon Glashow said, "I admit that the mathematical structure on the stage is very perfect, but perfection does not necessarily mean correct, because the discussion of quality is missing and the places that may cause problems are staggered, which can only be called a 'supersymmetry problem' 's energy argument."


Others also reacted, and the venue immediately fell into discussion.

What Sheldon Glashow said does make sense, and he also touched on the key points, but even so, it can negate Zhao Yi's results. Just from the perspective of energy composition, it is already remarkable.

If mass is really added, it will definitely be a great achievement that will shock the world of physics.

"The discussion of energy composition is enough."

"Zhao Yi's theory originally started from the perspective of energy composition, and he created a perfect mathematical structure."

"Quality is another issue."

"Even in experiments, the mass of the particles is ignored."

"If we expand to include neutrons and protons, ninety-nine percent of the mass is composed of the strong force. There is no problem in discussing it from the energy perspective."


Most people still support Zhao Yi, but they feel that it is a bit imperfect when the issue of quality is not introduced.

Edward Witten argued with Sheldon Glashow, "The issue of introducing mass has nothing to do with the current report. Zhao Yi and I have been doing research on the boundaries of multi-dimensional space, and demonstrating supersymmetry issues from an energy perspective is part of the research, the next stage is to introduce quality.”

The others nodded as they listened.


Any research is done step by step. Introducing mass will definitely make the problem more complicated. After completing the argument from the energy perspective, it is also a normal research process to discuss the issue of introducing mass.

Glashow said disdainfully, "That's your problem, I'm just raising a question." He added, "Research on multi-dimensional space? Do you want to join forces to break space and let the Decepticon army conquer the earth?"

Edward Witten gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, you guessed it right, our ultimate goal is to break down this stubborn, ugly, annoying old man like you."

"Maybe Megatron will help me." Glashow curled his lips indifferently.

On stage.

Zhao Yi was silent for a long time, frowning tightly, and kept mumbling, "Mass will cause space oscillation... Mass will cause space oscillation..."

"Can mass cause space oscillations?"

"Einstein's theory states that space oscillations produce gravity, but why does space oscillate? Maybe it's not the oscillation caused by mass, but space repulsion?"

His eyes lit up as he thought about it, "Why does space repulsion occur? According to Edward, mass is high-dimensional matter, and low latitudes will repel high dimensions..."

"So space will repel and squeeze mass, and at the same time cause gravity."

"Two things that are also repelled and squeezed by space will form a shock wave that attracts each other, which is the so-called gravity."

"The reason why gravity is very weak (relative to the strong force) is because the 'density' of three-dimensional space is fixed..."

"If this is the case, the logic of mass should cause resonance or other reactions at the boundaries of multi-dimensional space, so that particles are given mass. It can also be said that mass is squeezed into three-dimensional space..."

Zhao Yi completely expanded his thoughts.

High-latitude products of mass will be repelled by three-dimensional space, which can explain why things with mass do not move as fast as pure energy.

For example, photons have no mass. They are composed of pure energy and can reach the speed of light.

If it is a particle with mass, as long as there is mass, it is impossible to reach the speed of light. That is to say, the speed of light is the fastest speed in three-dimensional space. Particles with mass will be repelled by space at any time. The stronger the repulsive force, the greater the speed of light. The lower the maximum speed reached.

This spatial repulsion can be understood through dimensionality reduction.

For example, if you place a small ball in a two-dimensional space, because only a very small part of the middle layer is in the two-dimensional space, and there are more parts in the three-dimensional space, the movement in the two-dimensional space will Being dragged down by other parts in three-dimensional space.

"It's not right to understand it this way..."

Zhao Yi frowned as he thought about it, then simply shook his head and used his three-dimensional imagination to explore his thinking. After all, the mathematical argument was reliable.

He moved.

After Sheldon Glashow raised a question, Zhao Yi froze on the podium for a few minutes. Others became a little worried, and the host went to ask, but he just shook his head subconsciously, saying that it didn't matter.

Now Zhao Yi suddenly turned around, picked up a black pen and started writing something on the big whiteboard. Lines of complicated content were written out.

The venue fell silent.

Others didn't know what Zhao Yi was going to do, but they just looked at what he wrote seriously.

At the beginning, Zhao Yi just listed the energy arguments that had been analyzed, and then added new things, and then calculated, calculated, calculated...

"What is he calculating?"

"It seems that some new content has been added, but it seems that the calculation is based on the energy structure of fermions?"

"It must have something to do with fermions."

Edward Witten basically understood it, and he said with certainty, "He is dividing the energy points of fermions into value domains, that is, continuing to subdivide them." He said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "Maybe Is it for different particles?”


Sheldon Glashow looked at it with disdain, "What's the point? Introducing quality is the key, and if you subdivide it, there will only be energy."

George Smoot said with a calm expression, "I know there is a theory that human beings live in a virtual world, and the entire universe is virtual. Since it is virtual, why is there no shielding function?"

"High-dimensional guys, are you too rough in doing things? Damn it, I want to block this old man."

Glashow thought Smoot was going to say something, but when he heard the ending, he almost stopped talking. He gritted his teeth and said to Smoot, "I don't regret blocking you now!"


"Two years ago, I should have scolded you a few times before blocking you, bastard!"

Smoot picked his ears with his hands and said nonchalantly, "What's going on? There's no signal, I'm sorry."

On stage.

Zhao Yi filled a whiteboard in one breath.

The host expected to encounter a similar situation and asked the staff to bring two large whiteboards in advance, both of which were listed on the podium.

Zhao Yi continued to write on a whiteboard. He wrote almost without thinking. The people in the audience watched quietly. Even when he spoke, he was very quiet. But what he wrote later was incomprehensible to the people in the audience. .

The same goes for Edward Witten. He said with some confusion, "He seems to have skipped a step, right?"

"The column formula in the third row seems to be the result of the previous combination, did he calculate it?"

Edward Witten couldn't believe it. He asked Filippenko in the back row to help calculate, "You can't understand it anyway."

Filipenko, whose name is Alexei, is a professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a colleague of George Smoot. He and Edward Witten are also good friends. When Edward said this, he could only smile bitterly. I took out my pen and started calculating.

The results came out soon.

Edward Witten's statement is correct. The column formula in the third row he refers to is indeed the combination and simplified result of the previous columns.


"How is this possible?" Edward Witten opened his mouth in surprise, "Didn't he need to calculate? Why did he get the result directly?"

If you can still understand simple calculations, the brain power of a genius must be different from that of ordinary people. However, Filippenko calculated for more than three minutes before arriving at the result. Zhao Yi on the stage did not even need to think, and he came up with the answer directly. .

Perhaps Filippenko was hit even harder. He said depressedly, "I finally know the gap between me and a genius."

"I know it too."

"Me too……"

Zhao Yi's calculations on the stage were very fast, and everyone's thinking could no longer keep up, so they might as well just wait for the final result.

Now when I heard the conversation between Edward and Filippenko, I suddenly felt that what Filippenko said came into my heart. Zhao Yi on the stage was doing calculations, which was almost a research process. As a result, they couldn't even follow the train of thought. superior?

Zhao Yi calculated the results directly, and they didn't know what the results were for...

This gap is too big!

Edward Witten let out a long sigh and responded to the call by saying, "I know it too."

The same goes for Sheldon Glashow. He does not recognize string theory, and Edward Witten is his 'academic rival', but he has to admit that Edward Witten is a genius in mathematics.

Now even Edward Witten is resigned to being defeated?

Zhao Yi......

What a genius indeed!

Of course.

Sheldon Glashow would not put his sigh on his face. His expression was still cold. Calculation ability did not mean anything. In fact, many mathematicians who have achieved great achievements may not necessarily have extraordinary calculation ability. .


Zhao Yi filled three whiteboards.

When the host began to worry that there were no other large whiteboards available, Zhao Yi wrote the last determinant in the lower right corner of the third whiteboard, then threw away the pen in his hand and stepped back to the edge of the podium. , looking at the contents of the three whiteboards from a distance, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He's done!

Zhao Yi looked at it carefully, then took a deep breath, suppressed the joy in his heart, turned around to face the audience, showed the contents of the whiteboard to everyone, and said in silence, "My latest argument——"

"The energy composition of particles, the relationship between the mass that can be obtained, and the impact of mass, that is, the changing characteristics of energy arrangement..."

"I call it, mass-energy structure theory."

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