Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 389 Binding-like Tianqing anti-HIV protein molecules

When Ailixin announced that the mark was valid, there was a roar in the small conference room, and everyone was very excited.

They talked excitedly.

Although the combination of small protein molecules and bacilli antibodies can mark the HIV virus, it does not directly represent a complete solution to AIDS, but at best it is a very effective method.

There is no direct method to treat AIDS in the world today. Whether it is taking antiviral drugs to regulate immunity or preventing the synthesis of HIV outside cells, they are all incidental auxiliary treatments.

The direct reason why HIV cannot be cured is that it will increase along with the division of lymphocytes, which will eventually lead to fewer and fewer T lymphocytes functioning normally, leading to an extreme decline in human immunity. In the third stage, which is AIDS During the outbreak period, various complications caused by lack of immunity will appear.

The combination of protein molecules and bacilli antibodies marks the HIV virus, or even marks the invaded T lymphocytes, which is equivalent to identifying potential "spies" in the immune system.

If the 'spy cells' are killed in large numbers, HIV can be prevented from continuing to spread and develop.

This will definitely have a very good effect on the treatment of AIDS.

Of course.

How effective this achievement will be depends on how effective professional drug development and clinical trials can be. But for the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, they have completed their work and the results are Quite outstanding.

Now is the time to celebrate!

Zhao Yi's research team made the greatest contribution, and other researchers only participated in verification.

On behalf of the health department, Zhu Hong affirmed the achievements of Zhao Yi's team and praised Li Ming and Zhang Wei by name. Just verbal praise may not seem like much, but he represents the health department, and his words are placed here. Li Ming and Zhang Wei In the future, they will definitely be taken seriously by superiors, and it will become easier to apply for project funding, scientific research support, and even apply for new equipment in the laboratory.

In addition, personally speaking, having this result as a foundation will be beneficial to Li Ming's continued promotion in the future.

Zhang Wei is still just an associate researcher. The results she has made with Zhao Yi are enough to be promoted to researcher. She has been recognized by the Ministry of Health. It is estimated that after waiting for a while, one or two years, it will be enough to become a formal researcher. Researcher.

This speed is quite amazing!

Zhang Weicai is only thirty-three years old, and will be only thirty-five when she becomes a researcher in two years.

Biomedical research is different from the fields of mathematics and physics.

There are many geniuses in the fields of mathematics and physics who can produce many great achievements at a young age. Coupled with the aura of graduating from a prestigious school, one may become a full professor or researcher at around the age of 30.

Research in the biomedical field requires laboratories, equipment, materials and other support. No matter how talented an individual is, he cannot produce big results at a young age. He must follow the project step by step.

Most medical researchers who have graduated with a doctorate are already thirty years old when they join the job. They have produced some results and accumulated qualifications, and are smoothly promoted to researchers, and they are almost forty years old.

The average age for promotion among researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Research is around forty-five.

If Zhang Wei can be promoted to researcher at the age of thirty-five, she will break the record for biomedical researchers. If compared domestically, she will be ranked in the top three, and she can be called a star in the field of medical research.

Of course.

Zhao Yi cannot be counted.

Zhao Yi is always a special one. He has never been an associate researcher, but he directly became a researcher in a leap. He is recognized as a scientific research genius.

The current result is also centered on Zhao Yi. It is the result of the team led by Zhao Yi and the inference made by Zhao Yi. Zhu Hong finally mentioned Zhao Yi, but just nodded with a wry smile because he didn’t know what to say. what.


Does Zhao Yi still lack affirmation? Does he need to be affirmed?

Let’s not talk about achievements in mathematics, physics, and information technology. Just talk about research in the field of biomedicine. Last year, Zhao Yi’s laboratory won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award for its research project on rheumatoid arthritis. In the same year, it also completed Several studies.

In his previous cooperation with the Microbiology Technology Laboratory, he discovered the controllability of virus mutation, which triggered a huge international discussion.

Further forward...

As a freshman in biological sciences, he used scientific extrapolation to help discover the factors that cause myocarditis.


This year, Zhao Yi’s laboratory completed the molecular-level analysis of HIV virulence genes, which triggered international discussions on AIDS research. In comparison, this project is still ‘routine’.

The 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecule some time ago is now a new small protein substance...

Zhu Hong carefully recalled the summary information he had read, and then looked at Zhao Yi's young face. He really didn't know what to say. Finally, he suddenly thought of a question, and his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "The results are already out." , very successful, really very successful!”

"I believe this research will definitely cause an international sensation and make great progress in advancing HIV treatments."

"But, there is one thing."

"It seems you haven't given this newly discovered small protein substance a name yet, right? It's always called a new small protein substance, or a hydrogen-like molecule..."

He shook his head as he spoke, and then continued, "Since it is the discovery of Zhao Yi's team, according to international practice, it should be named after their team. Zhao Yi should be the core of the team, right?"



Li Ming and Zhang Wei nodded at the same time.

In fact, Li Ming did not recognize Zhao Yi as the core of the group at first, because Zhao Yi was rarely directly involved in the research. He could wait for Zhao Yi to come over to see the experimental results and give the direction of the research. And now it has been proven that what Zhao Yi said is very crucial. , he also became convinced and understood why Zhang Wei and Ai Lixin trusted Zhao Yi so much.

Zhang Wei, needless to say, she has blind trust in Zhao Yi. As long as it is what Zhao Yi says, even if she uses an uncertain tone, she will directly check it in her heart.

Zhu Hong smiled and said, "Then let's call him 'Zhao Yixin', how about that?"




There was silence in the small conference room.

Everyone was very shocked. Dai Tianqing, Chen Zhigang, Ai Lixin, and Yan Xuelin all had the same reaction. They all burst out laughing after being shocked, and then showed awkward but polite smiles. .

Dai Tianqing still covered his mouth hard, as if he was afraid of laughing again.

Zhang Wei, Han Hui, and Li Ming looked at Zhao Yi and then at Zhu Hong, and they really wanted to laugh.

Zhao Yi's face turned dark when he heard this.

Zhao Yi protein?

Is there any uglier name than this?

Zhu Hong seemed to realize something was wrong and said with some embarrassment, "I just want to make a suggestion. As for the name, you can think about it in detail. How about... Zhao's protein?"



There was silence.

Yan Xuelin noticed Zhu Hong's embarrassment and quickly smoothed things over and said, "Everyone thinks about it, everyone thinks about it. Don't let Minister Zhu think about it alone. There is nothing more annoying than thinking about a name."

"Yes, yes! That's it." Zhu Hong quickly followed, and the embarrassment on his face disappeared.

Dai Tianqing suggested, "How about using pinyin? Zhao Yi, ZY-protein?"

"Central protein?" Li Ming asked, "Why didn't you say it was called central air conditioning?"


The conference room burst into laughter.

Dai Tianqing continued nonchalantly, "Why don't you add a few words to the name that Minister Zhu said, for example, Zhao's Anti-HIV Protein?"

"You are the one who wants to fight AIDS!"

Zhao Yi couldn't stand it anymore. He gritted his teeth and asked Zhu Hong and Yan Xuelin, "This is our group's discovery. Our group has the right to name it, right?"

"Of course!"

"That's for sure!"

Zhu Hong took a breath, smiled and nodded, "That's it, I'll call it whatever Zhao Yi says. Do the rest of you have any objections?"


"I agree!"


Zhao Yi immediately laughed and said, "That's it. I think Brother Dai also contributed a lot, so we named it after him. It's called 'Tianqing Anti-HIV Protein Molecule', or 'Tianqing Anti-HIV Molecule' for short." The English abbreviation is 'DTQ-HIV'."


“I’ve thought of the English abbreviation, not bad!”


"This name is interesting..."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, the conference room was silent for a moment, and then there was a sound of support.

Dai Tianqing's face turned dark when he heard this. He waved his hands quickly and said, "No, no, it's not me who discovered it. Let's still..."

His objections were ignored.

Zhu Hongdu nodded and said, "That's it! Zhao Yi is really good at naming."

Yan Xuelin also said, "Old Dai, you see how Zhao Yi takes care of you. The results of their team are all thought of you. Your name will also spread in the future."


Dai Tianqing found that his objections were ineffective, and the expression on his face was as miserable as it could be. 'Tianqing-like anti-HIV protein molecule'? After others know the full name, they will definitely come up with the story of an AIDS patient named "Tian Qing" who constantly struggled with the disease and was eventually tortured to death by AIDS.

In the end, in order to commemorate the brave 'Tian Qing', the new protein molecule discovered by Zhao Yi's research was named after him.

In fact, most of the research process involves inference and verification.

The most important part of the entire research result is the discovered ‘Tianqing anti-HIV molecule’. The root cause can be traced back to the mutated E. coli that existed in the experimental tank.

One can imagine the institute's protection against precious mutated E. coli.

Some samples are kept in encrypted storage warehouses, while others are used for research and are protected very carefully. There are armed police with guns in the aisle next to the laboratory.

This protection is available until discussions with pharmaceutical company representatives.

When the research findings were told to the representatives of the pharmaceutical companies, the latter were very shocked and immediately passed the news back, saying that a new round of negotiations had begun.

This discovery is even more important than the 2CV-Bing Hydrogen molecule. The 2CV-Bing Hydrogen molecule only sticks to the surface of HIV and cannot kill HIV.

For HIV and gene fragments that enter lymphocytes, the effect of 2CV-bihydrin molecules is very poor. It may not be able to enter lymphocytes. The specific effect remains to be studied.

The combination of ‘Tianqing anti-HIV molecules’ and bacilli antibodies can be used to mark the HIV virus, which has a completely different meaning.

If it is the early stage of the HIV outbreak, it may be able to have a direct curative effect. Even if it enters the second stage of the disease, which is the asymptomatic spread period, it can still have a very good effect. However, in theory, because the body The outbreak of immunity will cause many incidental symptoms. It is still too early to say that it can be cured, but the effect is certain, and it is possible to achieve a cure with other drugs.

Not necessarily later.

If it reaches the later stage of the AIDS outbreak, a large-scale decline in immunity and an immune outbreak in the body may make the patient critically ill, and the accompanying symptoms will be more serious.

In any case, the discovery of the ‘Tianqing anti-HIV molecule’ is more valuable than the discovery of the 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule.

In addition, there is no confidentiality issue with the ‘Tianqing Anti-HIV Molecule’, because the mutation of E. coli is not controllable. Under the same environment, other mutations may occur, and large areas may die directly.

Therefore, the most critical thing is the mutated E. coli sample. As long as you get the sample, you can control the 'Tianqing anti-HIV molecule', which is equivalent to directly controlling the 'artificial manufacturing' method. After cultivating it, you can achieve large-scale manufacturing. And invest in drug research and development and clinical application.

The institute has absolute initiative.

Because the value of the results is very high and there is supervision from the health department, the institute's team also charges a very high price.

The negotiations took three days to come to a conclusion.

The two parties signed a major contract, and the institute received up to 20 million in funds in one fell swoop, which can be used to develop laboratories and reward researchers participating in the project.

This is just the most common.

The institute also received a "patent share". In the future, 6% of all profits related to "Tianqing Anti-HIV Molecules" will belong to the institute, and 3% will belong to Zhao Yi personally.

The two combined are only 9%, but considering that large amounts of research funds will be invested in subsequent drug development and clinical research, and there are uncertainties in the application prospects, the total share of six points is not low.

Zhao Yi is the only researcher who has received patent fees, because the mutated E. coli and the ‘Tianqing anti-HIV molecule’ were discovered by the team he led.

In addition, he also discovered the original 2CV-bihydrogen molecule.

Zhao Yi received patent fees as a researcher, which is natural if you think about it, but Li Ming and Zhang Wei are very enviable.

Although their names did not appear in the contract with the pharmaceutical company, Yan Xuelin gave Zhao Yi's team a bonus of 8 million out of a total of 20 million with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Yi personally received 6 million, and Li Ming and Zhang Wei each received 1 million.

The other people's eyes turned red with envy!

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