Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 390 What else can be done?

Dai Tianqing was so jealous that he almost vomited blood.

He only participated in the verification incidentally, and it was almost a 'mis' result. He received a symbolic bonus of 30,000 yuan, which is equivalent to more than an extra month's salary. He spoke sourly, "Zhang Wei, you are What I brought out, how is it, now it has achieved results and made money..."

"Thank you, Director Dai!"

Zhang Wei responded politely.

Dai Tianqing was so choked up by the thank you that he couldn't say anything. He could only sit in the corner with sad eyes.

Ai Lixin was the most heartbroken. His bonus was more than Dai Tianqing's, but he was from Zhao Yi's laboratory. As a result, he was assigned to Han Hui's group, which was equivalent to missing out on one million.

He said to Yan Xuelin depressedly, "Director Yan, if there is any research next time, I will work with Zhao Yi. We are originally in the same laboratory."

"I'm also in a group with Zhao Yi."

Li Ming was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. After hearing what Ai Lixin said, he quickly said, "Director Yan, can I be transferred to Zhao Yi's laboratory? My laboratory can be given to others! Brother Ai is fine, he He is older than me and has just been promoted to graduate school, so he should have his own laboratory."

"I'm in Zhao Yi's laboratory!" Ai Lixin replied through gritted teeth.

Dai Tianqing raised his hand weakly, "Director Yan, I think so. I also want to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory..."


A group of people talked non-stop.

Yan Xuelin could only shake his head and smile bitterly. It was indeed good news to have accomplished great results and received a large amount of funding, as well as related patent fees from pharmaceutical companies. In the future, the institute can be said to have a bright future. Within a few years or more than ten years, it will be basically Don't worry about funding.

But researchers all want to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory, which is really a headache.

He could only refuse them all.

Zhao Yi made a very calm statement, "There is no shortage of people in our laboratory now. In the future... there may be a chance..."

There will definitely be no chance in the future.

Associate researchers with lower levels in the institute still have the opportunity to work in Zhao Yi's laboratory. Researchers definitely don't have the opportunity, because they are at the same level as Zhao Yi, and they both have their own laboratories, and they have several or ten subordinates. It is impossible for a few people to quit and go to other laboratories.

Alixin is a special case.

He was promoted in Zhao Yi's laboratory. There was no extra laboratory in the institute, so he could only stay in Zhao Yi's laboratory. However, because a new medical science center was about to be built, there would be no shortage of laboratories by then. His departure It's just the difference between early and late.

In addition, there is indeed no shortage of people in Zhao Yi’s laboratory.

Zhao Yi does not hold a teaching position in the School of Life Sciences, so he does not have to spend time and energy teaching students. There are two researchers in the laboratory, plus Zhang Wei, Liu Chengjie, and Yan Yi, who are enough to apply for large projects. When there is a real shortage of manpower, I guess just shouting and a group of people will help.

"This is the gap!"

Several researchers thought about it carefully and regretted that they didn't provide much help when Zhao Yi's laboratory was newly built. Even if they couldn't go there themselves, it was still a favor to let their associate researchers go there.

Dai Tianqing may have some human feelings, but his heart was full of sourness and he felt very depressed.

Zhang Wei and Ai Lixin both came from his laboratory.

Ai Lixin was promoted to researcher.

Zhang Wei was named and praised by Zhu Hong at such a young age. Her future achievements are limitless, and both of them seem to be surpassing her.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves in front die on the beach."


All that was left was a long sigh.

Confidential research is over.

The armed police at the entrance of the Biomedical Research Institute withdrew, and people began to enter and exit freely.

Many people from the institute came out immediately, either to take a breath of fresh air or to rush home quickly.

The same goes for Zhao Yi.

It was definitely not a good feeling to stay in the institute building for a long time. He went to the school playground and walked around, then went to a restaurant outside for a big meal, called Lin Xiaoqing, and drove to the University of Political Science and Law to be with Lin Xiaoqing. Went shopping and had a little date.

Normally, shopping was a very boring activity, so Lin Xiaoqing liked it more, so Zhao Yi only went shopping with her. Now, he took the initiative to go shopping, checking out various stores, and actually found fun in it.

The two of them had a sweet time shopping and eating, and then went back to the dormitory to rest together, having a wonderful weekend.

For a long time, Zhao Yi lived a leisurely life. He did not go to the Biomedical Research Institute or the office building of the School of Science. He just attended classes like ordinary students and occasionally went to the staff dormitory. Most of them Still in the student dormitory.

at the same time

The impact of classified research has yet to dissipate.

Many people in the school are still discussing the confidential research of the Biomedical Research Institute.

Everyone loves gossip.

Although confidential research emphasizes confidentiality, everyone will discuss it in private, especially when Zhao Yi is involved. People from the School of Science will also pay more attention. Hu Zhibin will definitely gossip, so he whispered to Zhou Li and the female in the office Teacher Meng Ruohua said, "I've heard that the medical institute has developed very powerful things. I saw the female researcher in Zhao Yi's laboratory, named Zhang Wei, jumping up and down when she came to work, like a little girl. Like a child.”

"But, you used to look quite ladylike, right?"

Hu Zhibin said doubtfully.

Zhou Li asked, "I know Zhang Wei, but what does her happiness have to do with research? Maybe she just found a boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend!" Hu Zhibin said with absolute certainty.

"How did you know?"

"Right?" Meng Ruohua also interjected.

"I... this... haha, I just heard, I heard, when I was talking to people at the medical clinic, they said that Zhang Wei has never been looking for a boyfriend, and they whispered..." Hu Zhibin suddenly became mysterious, " Said she might like Zhao Yi."


"It's boring!"

Meng Ruohua also curled his lips and said, "Which single teacher in the school doesn't like Zhao Yi? Not to mention the teachers, the students all like him. He is young, cheerful, academically talented, and he can be considered a star on TV... "

Hu Zhibin emphasized dissatisfiedly, "I mean that kind of like!"

"I know."

Zhou Li coughed lightly, "I'm telling you, don't be so gossipy all the time, especially you, Lao Hu, you're not young anymore, how can you be with a woman..."

"What's gossip? What's gossip?" Hu Zhibin said quickly, "I'm just telling you because I'm familiar with you. I won't tell anyone else."

"You must have said this to many people." Meng Ruohua said seriously.

One hit into the soul!


Hu Zhibin found that he had nothing to say, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "What exactly did you say the medical institute researched? And it was kept secret?"

"It should be some kind of medical technology, right?"

Zhou Li shook his head and said, "Medicine is different from mathematics. Many results of medical research involve applications, or to put it bluntly, patents, which have high economic value."


Hu Zhibin said, "However, no matter how powerful the medical research is, it is only technology. Our mathematics is theory, and theory supports technology. Only with theory can we have technology, so theory is the most important!"

"Old Hu, although you said so, it is indeed the case." Meng Ruohua first agreed with Hu Zhibin's statement, and then continued, "But have you researched any theory of academic value?"


Hu Zhibin was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He said with a bitter face, "Sister Meng, Aunt Meng! Aunt Meng! Can we not say it so bluntly!"

Meng Ruohua's face turned dark when he heard this.

Although she is not too young, she is still younger than Hu Zhibin, so she becomes "Aunt Meng"?

Aunt Meng?

I don’t like monks!

Hu Zhibin thought that one sentence made Meng Ruohua happy, so he continued, "Where did I just say it? By the way, mathematics is important, and, no matter how powerful the research in the medical institute is, how powerful can it be? In the world, Compared with mathematics, Zhao Yi will definitely not be able to keep up."

What he meant was that ‘Zhao Yi’s medical research results will definitely not catch up with his mathematical results’.

This time Zhou Li and Meng Ruohua both nodded.

Most of the results of biomedical research institutes are influential domestically, and it is rare for a study to cause a sensation in the world.

The last time Zhao Yi's laboratory's HIV virulence gene research was recognized by the world's medical community, their laboratory researcher Ai Lixin also went to Europe to attend the AIDS conference and gave a report on the research results, which was later reported by domestic TV stations. .

These may sound powerful, but compared with Zhao Yi's mathematical achievements, they are nothing at all.

If Zhao Yiduo goes to attend world-class mathematics conferences, he can be on the podium every time, he can get a lot of applause every time, and he can be recognized by the world every time.

The difference between the two is huge.

Zhou Li shook his head and said, "There's no point in talking about this. Let's think more about the Particle Mathematics Center."


"It's better to let the dean go find out the situation, and let's find out what Zhao Yi thinks..."

It is easy for people from the School of Science to find Zhao Yi, but it is very difficult to find him to have a serious talk about the Center for Particle Mathematics, because Zhao Yi seems to be busy all the time.

For example, take a class.

For example, play football.

For example, play games!

Either he is writing papers, reports, or doing research on particle mathematics. He seems to have something to do all the time, especially when he sees people from the School of Science, they must be busy with their own things.

You can tell it's intentional at this glance.

Zhao Yi just didn't want to talk about the Particle Mathematics Research Center. He didn't want to be the 'center director' and be responsible for many inexplicable matters.

At one point he even said, "I'm studying for an exam next week, and it's the final exam!"

Test your sister!

You get full marks even if you don’t take the test!

Dean Zhou Zhengbin, who came to see Zhao Yi, almost vomited blood. When he found out that Zhao Yi really didn't want to talk, he simply brought up other issues, "How's your particle theory course going? It's going to start this week."


Zhao Yi didn't mind talking about this, "It will be tomorrow night, in the big classroom of the graduate student building."

"It's also suitable for a large classroom."

Zhou Zhengbin nodded and continued, "Particle theory courses are still very important to guide students' interests and spread your own theories, but the research center of mathematics..."

Zhao Yi suddenly picked up the phone, "Sorry", he pointed at the phone and said a few words, then seemed to be very busy and walked away.

Zhou Zhengbin really had no choice. He felt that he could give up in advance. Zhao Yi's attitude really showed that he did not want to preside over the work of the Particle Mathematics Research Center.

What else can be done?

What the Science and Technology Office said about asking Zhao Yi to give up biomedical research is almost equivalent to nonsense. Zhao Yi is unwilling to take charge of the work personally, so there is no reason for the Science and Technology Office to support the establishment of a particle mathematics research center at Yanhua University.


Zhou Zhengbin could only sigh longly.

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