Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 397 Wolf Prize in Physics

At the infectious disease prevention and control exchange meeting, Zhao Yi's results report constantly mentioned the statement of "speculating based on this" and explained that the research was continued based on feelings, which puzzled medical researchers. Most of them rely on experience. , rather than what 'feels'.

In the end, they could only attribute the reason to talent.

"Zhao Yi is indeed very talented!"

"Geniuses are different!"

"No wonder we can achieve such results. 'Tianqing protein' is even more worth looking forward to. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to get it."

"Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory will definitely provide part of the 'Tianqing Protein' for research, right?"

"It's difficult in a short time..."

The report on the results of 2CV-Bing Hydrogen Molecule is just the "opening". The infectious disease prevention and control meeting lasts for two days. There is still a lot to be done and will be held for two days.

Zhao Yi also participated in the two-day meeting, but he felt that he had gained more knowledge. Many medical results and research reports were very partial. Without certain basic knowledge, he really couldn't understand what he heard.

There will be nothing more to say about the subsequent real ‘meeting’ to discuss domestic and international infectious disease issues.

These contents have little to do with him.

Before the infectious disease prevention conference ended, relevant reports had appeared in the media, all related to Zhao Yi's report. Putting aside Zhao Yi and the results, ordinary people would hardly care about similar reports. Medical conference.

Therefore, media reports still focus on Zhao Yi.

Different from the views of medical researchers, Zhao Yi's "sensory theory" becomes a "reasonable hypothesis", "bold inference" and "imaginative discovery" when reported in the media.


When these words are put in, ‘sensory theory’ suddenly becomes higher, bigger, and more advanced.

There has also been a lot of praise from the outside world, "Zhao Yi was born for scientific research, whether it is mathematics, physics, or whatever."

"After ascending to the throne in mathematics research, Zhao Yi continued to explore the field of biomedicine and achieved top-notch results!"

"First there is the 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule, and then there is the less reported but more anticipated 'Tianqing protein'. Humanity's natural enemy, AIDS, will soon be solved."

"However, I have always had a doubt, why is it called 'Tianqing protein'?"

"Under normal circumstances, this is the case. There should be an AIDS patient named 'Tian Qing'. He fought the disease very bravely, but in the end he fell on the hospital bed..."

"Perhaps Zhao Yi knows this person, or the Institute of Biomedical Research knows this person, and he may have made some contribution to research (for example, being a volunteer for experimental research). In order to commemorate his bravery, there is ' The name of Tianqing’s protein.”


The last comment was widely recognized. I don't know which boring netizen actually compiled a special entry for 'Tianqing Protein' and posted a 'story about the origin of the name'. The content was very exciting. Details were added, and the review actually passed.

This matter was immediately known to the Institute of Biomedical Research.

Chen Zhigang was in the central laboratory and said excitedly, "If you open your browser and search for 'Tianqing protein', you will find unexpected discoveries!"

"Really? Let me see."

Han Hui was sitting in front of the computer and simply followed the instructions. It didn't take long before he couldn't help laughing.

Dai Tianqing walked in and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"See for yourself." Han Hui pointed at the screen and said, "Congratulations, you are now famous."


Dai Tianqing walked over and took a few glances, his face immediately darkened, and he saw the short story recorded, "Tianqing is a researcher at the Institute of Biomedicine. He dares to sacrifice himself for experiments and often uses his own blood for experiments. But during a research project on AIDS, I unfortunately contracted AIDS due to an accident during blood drawing."

"He did not give up on himself or the hope of living. He persisted in fighting the disease and dared to devote himself to research..."

"In the end, Tian Qing unfortunately died in the laboratory, but he made a huge contribution to the research on labeling HIV virus proteins. To commemorate his contribution, a new protein with the effect of labeling HIV viruses was named 'Tianqing protein'..."

Dai Tianqing stared at the screen with a dark face for a long time, and couldn't help but curse, "What the hell..."

Everyone in the lab laughed. of

At this time, his tone suddenly changed and he continued, "'s decided! No matter what experiments you do in the future, you will never use your own blood! Nor will you use the blood of people in the laboratory."

The laboratory suddenly became quiet.

Chen Zhigang said with sadness, "I don't need it anymore. This story is too scary and too true!"

"If you haven't read this story, I really wouldn't be afraid, but we have been researching AIDS recently and drawing blood..."

"Maybe it could happen."


The popularity of reports on Zhao Yi's research results has subsided, and many people have begun to really pay attention to the follow-up of the results, which is the development of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drugs and 'Tianqing protein' drugs.

This aspect all depends on the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory developed the 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drug very early, but it was not able to achieve mass production. After the results were officially released after the year, they also quickly released the news--

2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drug has entered the approval stage and will be officially launched soon!

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory held a special press conference for this purpose, focusing on the upcoming 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule drug. In conjunction with the results of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, they have reduced the cost of laboratory production of 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule, but the price It is still expensive for ordinary people.

Of course.

We certainly can’t talk about the shortcomings of the new drug’s press conference. They didn’t talk about the issue of staggered prices. They just talked about the technical content and advantages of the new drug.

"We have found an antiviral serum that can be used in combination with the 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drug to effectively inhibit the free HIV virus in the blood."

"If used for a long time, it will effectively inhibit the spread and development of HIV."

"At the same time, the side effects of the drug are very small. As long as it is not used in extremely large doses, the side effects can be ignored..."


At the press conference of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory, they talked a lot about the effects of the new drug. In fact, they did not care much about the release of the new drug because the new drug was only the first to launch the "Tianqing Protein".

The drug ‘Tianqing protein’ is the core.

The 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drug currently launched only plays a transitional role. The effect of the drug is definitely better than that of reverse transcriptase drugs, and the long-term use effect is definitely good. However, the high price is definitely a drag, and it is unlikely to be actually launched on the market. It's hard to have a high prospect.

Therefore, 2CV-Binghydrogen molecular drugs still need to be developed slowly, and at the same time they can only be used as 'side drugs'.

Drugs based on ‘Tianqing protein’ are the core of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

They have also invested extremely high R\u0026D funds and cooperated with several domestic and foreign medical institutions, hoping to launch related drugs as soon as possible.

These have little to do with Zhao Yi.

years later.

The National Science and Technology Awards Conference is about to be held. Before the conference, there was news that Zhao Yi once again won the first prize in natural science.

The result of this award is the ‘proof of Goldbach’s conjecture’.

It is not surprising that Zhao Yi won the award, and it is gratifying that his laboratory also won the award again. Last year's AIDS project, research on the virulence gene VIF, attracted widespread international attention.

This project also won the National Science and Technology Progress Award again, but the award was only the second prize.

"The first prize will be next year!"

Ai Lixin said confidently, "The discovery of 2CV-Bing hydrogen molecule will definitely win the award."


Zhang Wei had a different opinion, "Maybe it's 'Tianqing Protein'. It's impossible to give us an award every time." What she means is that if the two results are published together and have a huge impact, it is impossible to win two awards. It must be the best choice. There are many reports on the influential 2CV-Binghydrogen molecule, but the one with the greatest influence is definitely 'Tianqing protein'.

Ailixin was a little regretful, "If it was 'Tianqing protein', it would be our laboratory."

Liu Chengjie and Yan Yi also have a bit of resentment.

If the award belongs to Zhao Yi Laboratory, they can also get some honors. If it were the Institute of Biomedicine, they would be "small fish and shrimps" and would not get any benefits.

While several people were discussing, a voice suddenly came from outside, "Zhao Yi, where is Zhao Yi! You won the award!"

As soon as he heard it, he knew it was Dai Tianqing.

Dai Tianqing stood at the door excitedly, announcing the news of the award, "You won the award, Zhao Yi!"

"Natural Science Award?"

"No!" Dai Tianqing shook his head, "You definitely wouldn't expect an award in the physics category."


Zhao Yi really couldn't think of it.

Ai Lixin opened his mouth in surprise, "Is it... the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

Dai Tianqing glared at him.

Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie both shook their heads together, "Brother Ai, this year's Nobel Prize selection has not even started yet."

"Haha...I was just kidding." Ai Lixin said awkwardly, touching his nose.

"Lao Ai just doesn't understand anything, and he still doesn't know how to pretend to understand. Don't guess, I'll tell you directly." Dai Tianqing simply said the answer, "It's the Wolf Prize! The Wolf Prize in Physics."

"Wolf? Why didn't I know?" Zhao Yi asked strangely.

Dai Tianqing said, "Maybe you didn't read the email? Or didn't answer the phone? Anyway, there is news now. It seems that you won the award because of the discovery of the Higgs particle, but I saw several reports saying that it is not a good idea for you to win the Wolf Prize." information."


“You can’t win a Nobel Prize because of representation.”


Zhao Yi agreed calmly, but he didn't care about the subsequent news, because he had long known that the discovery of the Higgs particle would not bring a Nobel Prize.

Analysis in the media also said that the discovery of the Higgs particle could only create two and a half Nobel Prizes in Physics.

He is the ‘half’.

Now being able to win the Wolf Prize in Physics sounds pretty good, and it is better than not getting anything at all.

Zhao Yi read the news on the Internet.

Dai Tianqing asked with interest, "Are you ready to receive the award? Wolf is a grand prize. I heard the prize is one hundred thousand dollars."

"Isn't it one million?" Zhao Yi asked subconsciously.


Zhao Yi shook his head and muttered to himself, "It's only 100,000 US dollars. Forget it, it's too much trouble to go to Europe. I'll call you later and ask if you have to go and receive the award in person, why don't you give me the award?" "

Dai Tianqing's mouth didn't close for a long time. He and Ai Lixin looked at each other and couldn't help but shed tears of poverty.

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