Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 398 I’m talking about the competition, what are you talking about?

The Wolf Prize was established in 1975. With the purpose of "promoting science and art for the benefit of mankind", R-Wolf initiated the establishment of the Wolf Foundation and obtained a total of funds donated by members of the Wolf family. US$10 million to reward individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promoting human science and art civilization.

The awards are selected annually and awarded to individuals who have made outstanding achievements in art (architecture, music, painting, sculpture), mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, and medicine.

The Wolf Prize is a lifetime achievement award and is one of the highest achievement awards in the world.

The Wolf Prize is a very broad award. Because it is a private family award, the selection of the awards is relatively fair. The most influential ones are the Mathematics Award and the Physics Award.

The Wolf Prize in Mathematics, along with Fields and Albert, have become the three major prizes in mathematics. Because there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics, the influence of Wolf mathematicians has also been expanded.

Wolf physicists are also highly regarded and considered very valuable, because many people who won the Wolf Prize in Physics later won the Nobel Prize in Physics, such as Kenneth Wilson, Martin Lewis Pell, Pierre Gilles de Gennes, Yoichiro Nambu, Masatoshi Oshiba and many more.

The only flaw of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Prize in Physics may be that the selection time is not fixed. Especially after entering the new century, the selection of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Prize in Physics is random, and they occasionally appear in certain years. Prize winners in mathematics, prizes in physics, or no prizes in mathematics or physics for many years.

This year is no different.

The Wolf Foundation Committee announced the list of winners. There is no Wolf Prize in Mathematics, which means that the Mathematician Prize will not be selected this year. However, Zhao Yi’s name appears among the winners of the Physics Prize.

This comes as a surprise.

In everyone's opinion, Zhao Yi deserves to win the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, not the Physics Prize. His achievements in mathematical theory have reached an unprecedented level. He solved two of the three major mathematical conjectures and established the foundation of mathematical theory. After rapid development, it is natural to win any mathematics award for such a significant contribution. However, the Wolf Foundation Committee did not select the mathematics award, but gave Zhao Yi a physics award.

"This is not good news."

Some media analyzed that, "With Wu Jianxiong's precedent, it means that Zhao Yi will not be able to win the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the Higgs particle."

Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao jointly demonstrated the problem of parity non-conservation, and asked Wu Jianxiong, the winner of Experimental Physics, to help verify it. Wu Jianxiong did the verification and confirmed the parity non-conservation problem.

This result allowed Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao to win the Nobel Prize together, but Wu Jianxiong was the discoverer of parity nonconservation and was theoretically qualified to share the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Later Wu Jianxiong only won the Wolf Prize in Physics.

The situation of Zhao Yi is similar. He demonstrated the existence of the Higgs particle, which is equivalent to the discoverer of the experiment. He has the opportunity to share the Nobel Prize in Physics with the demonstrator.

Now the Wolf Foundation Committee suddenly awarded him the Wolf Physicist Prize. The situation is very similar to Wu Jianxiong's situation back then. Some people analyzed and pointed out, "It is impossible for Zhao Yi to win the Nobel."

There are many reports in the media, and it is almost finalized.

Zhao Yi found it interesting when he read the report. Some of the analysis even made him want to laugh. Everyone was eager for him to win the Nobel Prize. He was still a little touched, but he wanted to win the Nobel Prize in Physics with the discovery of the Higgs particle. , I can only say that 'the imagination is really wonderful', because as early as the discovery, many media reported that he could only win 'half of the Nobel Prize in Physics'.

Of course, the Nobel Prize in Physics cannot be divided. Half of it is the same as none. He did not want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the Higgs particle.

So he doesn't care.

Others felt sorry for him. Dai Tianqing kept saying, "There was a chance, but it's a pity."


Zhang Wei also felt secretly regretful, "The same goes for this jury. Why did they give you a Wolf?"

Zhao Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Don't say that Nobel and Wolff have nothing to do with each other. Even if there is a relationship, my argument will not win the Nobel Prize. I think there is still hope for our research."

He was talking about ‘2CV-Bing Hydrogen Molecule’ and ‘Tianqing Protein’.

The eyes of several people in the laboratory lit up.

"There is a chance, there is definitely a chance." Dai Tianqing said excitedly, "I can also brag in the future. I participated in the research that Zhao Yi won the Nobel Prize in Medicine."

"So mine won half a Nobel Prize in Medicine."

"Ha ha……"

Although everyone in the laboratory is looking forward to it, the Nobel Prize in Medicine is not easy to win. Even if the drugs '2CV-Binghydrogen Molecule' and 'Tianqing Protein' are very effective and can even complete the cure of AIDS, there will be Influence definitely takes a long time, and the Nobel Prize in Medicine is the kind of award that takes a long time to be awarded.

Many Nobel Prize winners in medicine were awarded based on research and discoveries made more than ten or decades ago.

These research discoveries are slowly fermented and have an impact. Until they are cured and affect many people, or the technology coverage is very high, the researchers and discoverers will win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Therefore, it is still too early to talk about the Nobel Prize in Medicine. It may take five years, ten years, or even longer before there is a chance.

After Zhao Yi left the laboratory, he returned to the staff dormitory and turned on his computer. Only then did he find the award-winning news from the Wolf Foundation in a mailbox far away.

The Wolf Foundation probably couldn't find his new number or his regularly used email address, so it sent it to an infrequently used email address. They probably thought it didn't matter and didn't necessarily need to notify him directly. Because it has been announced in the news, Zhao Yi himself will definitely know the news.

Zhao Yi found the phone and dialed it. The person who answered was a staff member of the foundation.

"Hello, I am Zhao Yi."

He said directly in English, "I want to ask one thing. Do I have to go to receive the Wolf Prize on site?"

The staff member opposite was stunned, "In principle, it must be me..."

"Oh well."

Zhao Yidao, "Just cancel my award, because I will definitely not go to receive it."


The staff member obviously couldn't react. He was stunned for a long time before saying, "Wait a minute."

Soon there was another person on the phone.

"Is it Zhao Yi?"


"In person?"


"I heard, but we can't cancel the award." The tone of the person opposite was very depressed, "If you can't come to present the award, so be it, we will keep the certificate and bonus for the time being. When..."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "But, I may not go in the future." He didn't like anyone waiting for him. Even if there was an award waiting for him to receive, it seemed like nothing was done.

"You really caused trouble for us."

The person opposite smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I can talk to the committee and you can let someone else accept the award on your behalf. Of course, he (she) must have proof."

Zhao Yi thought for a while, and a figure appeared in his mind. He nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

Fan Lei never expected that one day he would get such a job - to go to country D to receive the award on behalf of Zhao Yi!

"Are you kidding?" Fan Lei's expression was quite exaggerated.

Zhao Yi said seriously, "The Wolf Foundation Committee asked me to find someone to help receive the award. This year, two of them won the physics award, which seems to be only 50,000 US dollars, but the money is not free."

"But, I don't speak German?" Fan Lei was a little hesitant, "And I've never been abroad."

"I'll find you a German translator. When the time comes, you two will go together. I'll pay for the entire trip and reimburse you five thousand US dollars. Ten percent of the bonus, any less spent will be yours."


Fan Lei found that he could not find a reason to refuse.

Li Renzhe couldn't help but said, "Zhao Yi, you see Fan Lei doesn't want to go, otherwise I can go. My elective course includes German, I can speak a few simple words, and I only need 20,000 yuan, how about it?"

Zhao Yi glanced at Li Renzhe and imagined the embarrassing scene of him standing on the podium, so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands. He quickly shook his head and looked at Fan Lei again, "Six thousand dollars, no more!"


Fan Lei found out that there was a competitor and quickly nodded in agreement. The whole trip to country D for several days would be reimbursed, he could also show his face on the stage of international awards, and he could make a lot of money by the way.

This is definitely a must go!

"By the way, Zhao Yi, I heard that Hamburg in Germany is good, there is one in St. Pauli...hehe..."

"Ahem, you can go take a look, but be careful."

"Am I that kind of person?"

"Isn't this reimbursable?"

"I'm just saying, I don't have time!" Fan Lei said nonchalantly, "And I'm not interested in foreigners."

Li Renzhe stood nearby and listened, and immediately said with great interest, "Old Fan, do you really want to go? I've heard about St. Pauli, too. I heard that there are many beauties there, and they are legal. No-crime- Law."

"What's not against the law?" Fan Lei asked doubtfully.

"It's...that, that, the one you're talking about?" Li Renzhe tried to explain in normal language.

Fan Lei said very strangely, "We are talking about football. The match between Hamburg and St. Pauli happens to be next week. The Hamburg Derby is very exciting. I want to go to the game. What are you talking about?"

Zhao Yi nodded in agreement.

"...I'm also talking about the football game, the Hamburg Derby." Li Renzhe said weakly.

"I thought……"

Fan Lei said with sudden realization, "Renzhe! When will your mind be healthier? You are thinking about these things. You are already Wenqian. What else are you planning to do? Tell me about you..."


After receiving a face-covering scolding, Li Renzhe responded angrily, "Get out!"

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