Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 410 You are such a genius, is it possible that you are not sick?

"Two is a very interesting number."

"Taoists say that Tai Chi gives birth to two rites, and two rites give rise to four images. Two rites are the initial form of the evolution of all things in the world; there is also a saying that 'Tao gives birth to one, one life, two, two, three, three gives birth to all things.' Two is the transitional stage of all things. .”

"Actually, they all mean the same thing. Second, it is an important transition in the evolution of all things..."

Zhao Yi thought and shook his head quickly, realizing that his thinking was a little off track. He was studying mathematical issues, not Taoism, philosophy and other issues. "In mathematics, 2 is the only even prime number."

"2, this number has always existed. Prime numbers are just the definition of mathematicians, but many rules and content related to prime numbers do involve the number 2."

"Twin prime numbers refer to a pair of prime numbers. Why not three or five? Only two?"

"Goldbach's conjecture divides an even number into the sum of two prime numbers. Combining the two prime numbers can indeed play a wonderful role."

"When designing an algorithm to find prime numbers, the first prime number that needs to be detected is two, and two is also the smallest unit. Whether it is a sieve method or something else, it will eliminate the most numbers."

"This is related to the fact that computers are based on 'binary', but the reason why binary is simple and easiest to distinguish mechanically is because two is the basic number..."

Zhao Yi thought along the train of thought.

Most of them are meaningless, but when summed up, you can realize that the number '2' is indeed very strange.

He suddenly frowned and thought, "Based on Goldbach's conjecture, thinking about the combination of two prime numbers, is there something magical about 2 to the Nth power?"

"Some prime numbers can be combined to the Nth power of 2 nearby, while some prime numbers cannot."

"3, 5, yes; 7, no."

"So, is there anything magical about 2 raised to the Nth power?"

Zhao Yi thought about it and felt that he was wrong. '2 to the Nth power', that is, '4, 8, 16, 32...', is just one of the rules of numbers. If you think about it carefully, there is nothing special about it. He simply gave up thinking and instead re-examined the original mathematical framework of his particle boundary theory.

The reason why there was no progress in previous research was probably because the basic structure was imperfect. Without basic support, it was useless to think about it. He felt that some content should be added, or he should continue to think and improve.

He carefully studied the mathematical structure and found that there were indeed places where content could be added or improved, but these work were of little significance.

At the same time, thoughts about the number '2' and '2 raised to the Nth power' have been lingering in my mind.

This kind of thinking led him to do a job without realizing it: to examine the energy structure of photons.

Zhao Yi relies on the boundary theory of particles to construct the energy boundary of particles, but the only one with a high degree of completion is photons. Compared with other examples, photons are much simpler and very common, and their characteristics have been clearly analyzed.

However, it cannot be said that he has perfected the energy structure of photons. He has only completed about 80% of it, and the remaining 20% ​​cannot be completed by existing research.

In the process of constantly examining the photon energy structure, Zhao Yi was also looking for information related to '2 to the Nth power', and he quickly discovered something worthy of attention--

The energy point prime number arrangement range at the edge of the photon seems to have skipped the position of '2 to the Nth power'.

For example, the initial position is 11-15.

Then it was 41-47.

Then it was 73-91.

After jumping to three digits, it is also in the range of 400-500. It seems that it has jumped away from the "2 to the Nth power" position in a "dodge" manner, and subsequent positions require function calculations.

Zhao Yi simply calculated carefully. He quickly listed all the intervals below six digits and found that the arrangement of each energy point avoided the '2 to the Nth power' position.

"Is it a coincidence?"


He thought about continuing to list the numbers, and it took him about ten minutes to list the subsequent seven-digit range, but he still skipped the '2 to the Nth power' position.

From the perspective of numerical probability, this discovery is not of great significance, because the numbers in each interval of seven-digit numbers together account for about 3% of all intervals, and the interval does not contain '2 to the Nth power. 'The numbers are also normal.

"Is it really just a coincidence? Or is there any special relationship?" Zhao Yi thought carefully for a long time, but could not come to a conclusion. If he continues to calculate and verify, each interval node will require a lot of effort, because it involves very complex There are fuzzy values ​​​​in the middle of the calculation, and it is difficult to continue to verify the design computer method.

Zhao Yi reluctantly chose to give up for the time being. When he lay in bed after dinner, the problem was still lingering in his mind.

The next morning, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the Medical Science Center.

Zhao Yi is the "invested" core figure and will definitely attend the ribbon-cutting of the Medical Science Center. He stood with Yan Xuelin and the general manager of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory, cut the red cloth with scissors, and later accepted it at the press conference. Interviewed by media reporters.

He confirmed the news, "In the future, my laboratory will be at the Medical Science Center, and I will serve as the chief researcher."

"Director Yan is still in charge of the Medical Science Center. I am just a researcher and responsible for the work of the laboratory."

“I am looking forward to building a medical science center and hope that it will develop into a medical center with world influence that integrates scientific research, teaching and exchanges in the future.”

After dealing with the media at the press conference, Zhao Yi went to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and discussed with the people there the research issues on 2-CV bihydrogen molecule drugs and Tianqing molecules.

There have been constant discussions about 2-CV bihydrogen molecules recently, mainly because Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory has applied for drug approval. The approval time will definitely be very long, and it is expected to take more than half a year at the earliest. However, because it has received widespread attention, there will be reports from time to time. News is placed in the media.

There is a piece of news related to treatment that has attracted the attention of many people.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory announced the experimental therapeutic effect of 2-CV Binghydrogen molecule drug. Among the seven volunteers who insisted on being injected with 2-CV Binghydrogen molecule drug, six of them had their conditions under control, and one suffered a serious illness. Sexual death.

At the same time, the condition of two of the patients improved. With the use of antiviral drugs, the body's conventional immune index has improved to a certain extent.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory’s medical statement on the therapeutic effect is that “2-CV bihydrogen molecules effectively inhibit the spread of HIV in the human blood and central nervous system.”

This news may not sound like much, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that it is extraordinary.

The condition of seven AIDS volunteers who received 2-CV bihydrogen molecule treatment has entered the late stage. The late stage of AIDS is the stage where various diseases break out. It can be said to be "incurable". One of the seven died and died. Not surprisingly, the immune index of two AIDS patients has improved, which also proves the effect of 2-CV bihydrogen molecules.

Although the increase in immune index is likely due to ‘antiviral drugs’, most antiviral drugs have almost no effect on patients with advanced AIDS.

The international community has also praised the effectiveness of the 2-CV bihydrogen molecule drug. Of course, a large part of the reason is that the 2-CV bihydrogen molecule is a public achievement and does not involve patent issues. Other drug manufacturers can also produce related drugs.

In addition, they are "Tianqing elements".

There is still relatively little news about "Tianqing Molecules", and there is no news about drug development. The news that appears is that Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory cooperates with international and domestic medical institutions to provide "Tianqing Molecules" to medical institutions for research.

Among them, three foreign ‘medical institutions’ successfully obtained ‘Tianqing elements’.

There are a relatively large number of domestic cooperative research institutions. There are more than a dozen medical research institutions that have obtained the 'Tianqing Molecule'. It is almost equivalent to sending representatives to negotiate and sign a cooperative research and development agreement, and you can get the 'Tianqing Molecule'. Qing molecules' conduct research.

This is probably because most of the domestic medical research institutions are in the same system as Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory, and are supervised by higher-level departments, which will not involve too many problems.

There is also some dissatisfaction in foreign public opinion. For example, medical institutions in several European and American countries have expressed the hope that Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory can provide mutant E. coli, otherwise their research and development will be meaningless. Mutant E. coli is in the hands of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory. No matter how effective the drug they develop is, it is equivalent to making a wedding dress for Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

"Although there is no relevant business on the market yet, confirmed news proves that Tianqing protein is indeed very effective against HIV. When combined with 2CV-Binghydrin molecules and other anti-AIDS drugs, it may be possible to cure AIDS."

"But everything is in the hands of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory!"

"This is a monopoly!"

"The monopoly on the fight against major diseases for all mankind is a kind of capital-absorbing behavior..."

"Drug patents have expiration dates internationally, as do the raw materials for making drugs. Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory should give an exact timetable for providing mutant E. coli."

Of course that's impossible, at least for the time being!

In fact, the international opinions are reasonable. The life span of drug patents is generally about 7 to 10 years. After the expiry date, other drug manufacturers can imitate the patents.

The period of 7 to 10 years is to give drug manufacturers room to recover their research and development costs and obtain a certain profit.

However, there is no requirement that drug manufacturing materials must be shared, and there is no way to truly stipulate them.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory will definitely not come up with mutant E. coli before it recovers its R\u0026D funds and obtains the profits it deserves, but in fact the timetable can still be met.

For example, ten or twenty years after a drug is launched.

This time is enough for AIDS patients with financial means to receive treatment, but AIDS patients without financial means cannot bring in considerable profits.

What happens next depends on the situation.

Everything is changing.

These have nothing to do with Zhao Yi.

He has a share of the patent for 'Tianqing Protein', but he has no decision-making power on the issue of mutated E. coli. Thinking about it is just a waste of brain cells.

Zhao Yi is more concerned about the progress of the laboratory's projects. There are several small projects, including Liu Chengjie's, Yan Yi's, and Zhang Wei's, that also need real care. One is a project where researchers have the responsibility to help laboratory members. Secondly, small projects can increase the number of projects in the laboratory, and at least the numbers should be better-looking.

After leaving the Biomedical Research Institute, it was almost noon. Zhao Yi went to have lunch and received an unexpected invitation when he returned to the dormitory.

"Edward? Video communication?"


Zhao Yi looked at the time and was surprised. The time difference between him and Edward Witten was exactly twelve hours. Noon in the capital time was also early morning on the opposite side.

He still accepted the communication and opened the screen to see Edward's dark circles and bloodshot eyes everywhere.

"How long have you been awake for?" Zhao Yi asked in surprise.

"Eighteen hours? Twenty? No, it seems to be more than twenty..." Edward Witten couldn't explain clearly, but he seemed very energetic, "Zhao Yi, do you know what I discovered? "

Zhao Yi pursed his lips and replied, "I think you should go to bed first, otherwise, I will think you are sleepwalking..."

"No, of course not."

Edward Witten shook his head vigorously, "I must share this news with you. I have demonstrated M theory, which is the mass point of multi-dimensional space."

"Quality point?"

"That's the unit of mass. You can think of it as a bunch of strings, combined in some way, to create mass. I made an argument, a mathematical argument!"

Edward Witten was very excited, "This means that we may soon be able to break through the boundaries of multi-dimensional space!"


Zhao Yi couldn't understand Edward Witten's thinking. Demonstrating the quality point of multi-dimensional space was indeed a good breakthrough, but it was probably a thousand miles away from breaking the boundaries of multi-dimensional space, because Edward Witten had never done anything before. At the beginning of the research, there seemed to be no huge breakthroughs. Similar demonstrations had to be completed three or five times before maybe we could see some hope.

This is how far along his argument is.

Now Zhao Yi feels that his research must have external help before he can continue to move forward. Otherwise, it will take a long time and a lot of inspiration on his own.


He said congratulations insincerely, and then suddenly said, "Edward, I have an idea. Maybe in microphysics, '2 to the Nth power' is a very magical number."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhao Yi explained, "I always feel that '2 to the Nth power' is very unusual. For example, I can't find an energy point containing '2 to the Nth power' in the range of the photon energy composition argument."

"this one?"

Edward Witten's mouth opened a bit exaggeratedly.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Edward Witten laughed loudly, "Zhao Yi, I think you are the one who should go to bed. Are there mysterious numbers that can't be found in the photon argument? I know your photon energy argument and have done research on it."

"I'm serious, I have a feeling..."

"That's a coincidence."

"I have also considered it, but I still stick to my opinion, '2 to the Nth power'. There must be some mystery in these specific numbers. Maybe it has something to do with the energy structure, or the quality structure."

Edward Witten didn't believe it at all. He laughed and shook his head, and said, "You should see a psychiatrist. There are many geniuses who have mental illnesses. Look at you, Goldbach's conjecture and Fermat's conjecture. , and particle theory..."

He said and pursed his lips hard.

Zhao Yi understood what he meant: You are such a genius, you are not sick, is it possible?

He gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, "Go to hell! Bastard!"

Then hang up the video decisively.

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