Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 411 Large social death scene

Edward Witten pursed his lips hard, looked at the closed video page, and muttered funny, "Is '2 to the Nth power' a magic number?"

"Because the boundary energy point of the photon does not contain '2 to the Nth power'? What is the reason? Not only does it not contain 2 to the Nth power, it also does not contain one hundred, one thousand, and ten thousand. Could it be that all the transitional numbers in the decimal system are Amazing?"

"Brainless logic..."

Edward Witten shook his head in a funny way, looked around and simply went to make a cup of coffee. He decided to work for a while and then rest. The research had finally made progress, but he didn't want to wake up and find that it was a dream.

"continue working!"

"Quality's really amazing!" He threw himself into his work energetically.

The 'mass point' made by Edward Witten is a mathematical logic under the framework of M theory. It can be understood as an imagination about the composition of matter in multi-dimensional space, and then expressed in a mathematical way, so his explanation of Zhao Yi is , "It can be imagined as a lot of strings, formed with a special structure."

Under the structural framework of string theory and M theory, it can indeed be understood in this way.

Because the analysis of ‘quality point’ is a mathematical expression under the framework of M theory. Regardless of the basic structure of M theory, it is also a mathematical expression in other fields.

Whether the mathematical expression is correct cannot be verified, because M theory is only a theory, and its purpose of existence is to explain unexplainable phenomena and rules.

As long as this explanation is not overturned, it can be understood to be correct and exist.

The discussion of the 'mass point' is very important to the improvement of M theory. Other physicists will be surprised to know that, because the discussion of the 'mass point' can be regarded as the realization of a 'half-revolution'.

String theory went through two revolutions before 'superstring theory' and 'M theory' emerged. The discussion of 'mass point' can be regarded as a 'half revolution', which shows how important the research work is.

You can imagine Edward Witten's mood. The main content of his continued work was to add content to the completed architecture. One of the tasks was to mark the value range for each quality point value. He marked three consecutive After completing the numerical evaluation of the expression, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, his brows furrowed, and the expression on his face became more and more serious.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Mr. Witten, it's time for you to rest."

Student and assistant Camila stood at the door of the office and shouted dissatisfied, "You have worked for more than twenty hours. This is also the third time I have to remind you. A healthy body is the guarantee for doing research, and, You are sixty years old."

"Camilla, you are right." Edward Witten said without raising his head, "You can go and rest."

"Please keep the door closed, thank you."

Camila also had dark circles under her eyes, and her eyes as she looked over were full of resentment. She is a student of Edward Witten, and her life assistant is her part-time job. The life assistant must take care of her life, at least not to keep Edward Witten from sleeping for a long time.

Edward Witten didn't go to bed at all, so she could only take a nap in the nearby office. Unexpectedly, when she woke up, Edward Witten was still working.

She couldn't help but curse out loud, but she was afraid of disturbing Edward Witten's work, so she could only mutter in a low voice, "Damn, I knew him. I shouldn't have done this job if I had known better."

Edward Witten ignored it completely and continued to be immersed in his work. He discovered something worth noting - many numerical intervals expressing mass points included '2 to the Nth power'?

If Zhao Yi hadn't said just now that '2 to the Nth power' is a mysterious number, he would not have paid attention to this. But after hearing what Zhao Yi said, he paid special attention to it when he was doing interval values. It is found that most of the interval values ​​​​made will include the value of '2 to the Nth power'.

"Is it a coincidence?"


"Is Zhao Yi right?"

"This is impossible!"

"It's definitely a coincidence, it must be a coincidence, it can only be a coincidence..." Edward Witten muttered, and continued to write and calculate.

Camila approached and heard Zhao Yi's name, and couldn't help but asked curiously, "Mr. Witten, what's wrong with Zhao Yi?"

"He's wrong, he's crazy! He must be crazy!" Edward Witten shouted and replied impatiently.


Camila was a little confused, "Are you really crazy? Maybe his girlfriend, the girl named 'Lin', will break up with him?" She continued to think and whispered, "Then I should go find him He, take care of him? I really like him, even if he is crazy, geniuses always wake up one day, just like..."

"damn it!"

Edward Witten grabbed his scalp hard and couldn't help shouting, "What are you talking about!"

"Even if he is crazy, he doesn't need you to take care of him! Go away, go away! Get out! Now, immediately!"

"Close the door! Don't disturb me!"

Camila immediately closed her mouth, stuck out her tongue dejectedly, and walked out of the office on her feet.

the other side.

Zhao Yi was suspicious, as Edward Witten said, there are indeed many geniuses with mental illness, in the eyes of ordinary people anyway.

It may be that the genius has fallen into long-term thinking, or that his thinking mode is different from that of ordinary people. No matter what the specific reason is, he does not want to have a similar situation happen to himself.

So Zhao Yi is thinking about whether there is something wrong with his brain that makes him think that '2 to the Nth power' is the magic number.

First, turn on the system.

Zhao Yi knew that most of the factors for his success must be attributed to the system. System capabilities are the 'guarantee of genius'. As long as there are no problems with the system, the problems will not be too big.

The data on the character panel made him relieved, and even a little more looking forward to--

[Name: Zhao Yi. 】

[Brain development degree: 7.6%. 】

[Wisdom: 96. 】

[Energy: 211. 】

[Learning Coin: 43090. 】

[Research Coin: 501. 】

[Abilities: "Law of Causality", "Law of Contact", "Law of Supervision", "Law of Correlation" (Activating the next stage of abilities requires 54,000 learning coins.)]

"There should be no problem. The system interface is normal, so it's just normal thinking."

"2 to the Nth power, 2 to the Nth power..."

When there is a doubt about something in my mind, I will always think about it unconsciously. When I continue to think about it, my behavior will be a little weird.

"So, it's normal."

Zhao Yi took a long breath, looking forward to the next ability.

I don’t know how long ago it was when I last obtained the "Law of Supervision". Upgrading to the next ability requires 54,000 learning coins, which is too high. Fortunately, I have accumulated a lot of learning coins.

More than forty-three thousand!

He only needs to accumulate another 10,000 learning coins to obtain the next ability!

Recently, the growth rate of learning coins has been very fast, mainly due to AIDS-related projects, whether it is 2CV-Bing Hydrogen Molecule or 'Tianqing Protein', which has allowed him to gain high amounts of learning coins.

Comparatively speaking, the rewards from the research on particle mathematics are not very big, just a regular 2,400 coins. However, the research process is very energy-consuming and a lot of learning coins are used, so the 'net benefit' is not very much.

"This is probably because the influence of particle mathematics is limited to the mathematics and physics circles, and cannot go beyond the academic circle." Zhao Yi knew the reason very well, and he had already figured out the rules.

When more people know about a research and more people recognize it, they will receive high learning currency rewards. For example, Goldbach's conjecture is very well-known around the world and is introduced in domestic primary school textbooks. Complete Brother Debach conjectured and gained a lot of learning coins.

The same goes for AIDS research.

AIDS is a disease that attracts worldwide attention. When there is a breakthrough in research, a large number of media will report it, and many people will pay attention to the progress.

The study of particle mathematics is different.

Although the boundary theory of particles has been widely recognized by the mathematics and physics circles, and many universities have decided to participate in the research and improvement of particle boundary theory, they still have not stepped out of the academic circle. Ordinary people only feel "very awesome" when they see the news. I can’t explain exactly how powerful it is.

In addition, many people do not believe in theoretical physics at all, because the content of theoretical physics is too illusory, too divorced from real life, and cannot be proven in a short time.

This is the reason why you cannot get a lot of learning coins for the study of particle mathematics.

"So, we still need to study more practical things?" Zhao Yi thought. He recalled his research process and found that he didn't know why he suddenly started researching particle mathematics. He felt that it was inexplicable. He was interested in particles. Interested in mathematics.

Maybe, because it's math?

Or... he was deceived by Edward Witten, that damn old guy!


"You still call me a lunatic, but you are the lunatic!"

Zhao Yi couldn't help but complain a few words, shook his head and changed his mind.

Hu Zhibin is here.

In the evening, there will be an open class on the boundary theory of particles, and media reporters will conduct filming and interviews. You must pay attention to it. Hu Zhibin is the teaching assistant of the course. He has prepared a course plan. Come over and communicate with him in advance.

Zhao Yi listened to what Hu Zhibin said and didn't have any opinions of his own.

Hu Zhibin has more experience in teaching than him. Even if it is a particle boundary theory course, as long as there are no new ideas, it will definitely be no problem to follow Hu Zhibin's prepared plan.

At seven o'clock in the evening, an open class on particle mathematics was held on time in the large classroom of the teaching building of the School of Science.

This course was very unusual. The main reason was that reporters from Capital TV were filming the interview, and many professors and teachers from other colleges came to attend the lecture. I don’t know if they came to attend the lecture or to have the opportunity to appear in front of the camera. A picture can also give you multiple things to brag about.

Capital TV's filming interview is for the "Into Science" column team. They are going to do a "Understanding Theoretical Physics" column. They will intercept the footage of Zhao Yi's lecture to tell the audience about the 'boundary theory of particles'.

'Boundary Theory of Particles' is only a part of "Into Science: Understanding Theoretical Physics". It takes up about a quarter of the time, and the captured footage only captures a few paragraphs, but for ordinary teachers and students, Said, it’s very interesting to have the hope of being on TV, even if the chance is very small, I still want to join in the fun.

So there are many teachers in the classroom.

Zhao Yi looked at the large group of professors, teachers, and even university logistics administrators in the back row. He suddenly felt speechless, but he continued speaking normally.

The lecture lasts an hour and a half.

There was a break of about ten minutes, and the rest of the time was spent lecturing, followed by twenty minutes of answering students' questions.

When there is a column team interviewing and filming, the opportunity to ask questions is very likely to be on camera, but other people will definitely be embarrassed to compete with the students for the opportunity. Many students do not have that much thought and just ask questions normally.

Zhao Yi patiently answered the questions and announced that it was over when the time was almost up.

This class is very tiring.

He packed up the things on the podium, thinking that he was really not suitable to be a teacher. He taught according to the lesson plans prepared by others. When answering questions, he didn't understand anything, but he always felt that everyone's thinking could not keep up.

There's nothing you can do about it, not everyone has causal thinking.

Hu Zhibin came over to help organize things. Most of the students in the classroom left, and some teachers gathered around. They were probably more interested in the reporters, because the reporters also came to take photos of the end of Zhao Yi's lecture.

Zhao Yi had been interviewed many times, so he acted very calmly. While packing his things, he also paid attention to the people around him, and suddenly found a familiar face.

Mediterranean hair!

fair and clear!

Big round face!

"Teacher Wang Gang!" Zhao Yi waved to Wang Gang to show his friendliness, "Are you coming to attend the class too?"


Wang Gang smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm just here to join in the fun."

Zhao Yi shook his head and laughed at himself, "When it comes to doing research, I am quite confident, but not giving lectures. Teacher Hu Zhibin helped me make lesson plans. You are the real teachers and students!"

Hu Zhibin and Wang Gang burst out laughing when they heard the compliment.

Zhao Yi continued, "I really don't know. Teacher Hu recommended me to take your class. I really benefited a lot. It is much better than studying by myself."

"You are all the kind of people who really engage in education..."

Wang Gang didn't hear the rest of the words. He was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Hu Zhibin, biting the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Hu Zhibin took a deep breath and continued to pack his things. The smile on his face had long since disappeared, and all that was left was embarrassment. He suddenly knew what "social death" meant.

Social death, social death.

That's it for now.

Zhao Yi was unintentional. He didn't know what was going on and continued to praise the two of them for their lessons.

Others looked over in amusement and looked at Wang Gang with sympathetic eyes.

The classroom was quiet.

Zhao Yi asked several questions about the lecture in succession, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, because no one else spoke. It seemed that the protagonist had become Hu Zhibin?


Zhao Yi looked left and right, but couldn't find the reason.

At this time, the reporter came over and asked for a simple interview. Zhao Yi went to the small office at the back with the reporter. As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he heard a shout from behind, "Hu Zhibin! Don't run! I should have thought of it earlier." !”


"Don't run, stand still, let me beat you up, and this will be over, otherwise..."

Zhao Yi and the reporter looked at each other. He spread his hands and said awkwardly, "The teachers in our school sometimes feel like the students. Maybe it is because of this that they can integrate with the students."

"So that's it?"

The reporter is still a little bit puzzled.

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