Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 456 Academician Zhao is really testing us!

"Academician Zhao is a true genius, completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and we are ordinary people..."

"Ordinary people cannot understand genius."

"The amount of knowledge is not the same level, the IQ is not the same level, and the world view is not the same level. It is just like it is impossible for primitive people to understand why modern people are so smart and know so many things."


"Anyway, it's normal for Academician Zhao to complete the design quickly. There is no need to be surprised, because he is Academician Zhao..."

After Lei Yong heard Yuan Haitao's words, these things kept wandering in his mind, and he muttered them in his mouth, as if he was reciting something seriously, which made him seem much calmer.

Not excited!

Not excited at all!

Most of the people in the conference room were seated, and Bao Enhong was sitting next to Lei Yong. She still had excitement and confusion on her face. She turned around and saw Lei Yong's calm look, and asked with doubts, "You don't understand at all." Is it strange? Academician Zhao completed the appearance design so quickly."

"Nothing to get excited about."

Lei Yong suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath and nodded calmly, his tone full of sighs, "Because he is Academician Zhao!"


Bao Enhong stared at Lei Yong carefully for several times, "Why do I feel like you are weird?"


In fact, Lei Yong just pretends to be calm. It is impossible for him not to be excited and confused. He is an expert in aircraft design and development. He knows the process of aircraft appearance design. It takes at least two months from the initial design to the final shape. Half a year.

Appearance design is not done by one person. Everyone in the team must participate in the design, including the nose, wings, tail, and cockpit of the aircraft, as well as the air inlet, engine, landing gear, launch pylon, etc. Every detail is done by the team.

After the team completes the design, the group conducts repeated demonstrations to determine some details.

Finally, the various parts are put together and the appearance is modified according to the details.

This is the normal process of form design.

However, Academician Zhao only had a few days. Even if he had prepared before, the time was too short. The most important thing was that there seemed to be no other researchers related to aircraft design in the team. The appearance must have been designed by Academician Zhao alone. of.

one person?

"Is this appearance reliable?" Lei Yong suddenly became suspicious, and then quickly shook his head, throwing away all doubtful thoughts, "Academician Zhao is a real genius, what are you doubting? He led the team to design the engine. The expert group of the aviation group demonstrated that no problems were found, and it was also praised and affirmed by various big shots."

"Ordinary people like me probably can't understand it, and it doesn't affect my ability to doubt Academician Zhao's design..."

Lei Yong was relieved when he thought about it.

Of course.

Lei Yong's ideas did not affect Bao Enhong. During the meeting, Bao Enhong kept looking at the outline drawing in his hand and said with suspicion, "There seems to be no problem with this design, but it also seems to have a big problem. It needs to be demonstrated carefully." . Lei Yong, what do you think?"

"I think it's fine, absolutely fine."


"Because he is Academician Zhao!" Lei Yong said with certainty.

Bao Enhong was stunned for a long time, and suddenly understood why Lei Yong felt strange.

This guy……

It seems that I have become the kind of crazy fan mentioned on the Internet!

In fact, only Bao Enhong and Lei Yong cared about the appearance design of the Warhawk-1. The others just looked at the appearance design drawings in their hands and thought it was very beautiful and technological.

That's all.

None of them were professional aircraft designers and would not consider the appearance design issues. They just listened to the work explained by Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi also cares about other people's opinions, but he only cares about whether the appearance is beautiful, not about any problems with the design, because he is very clear about the design problems and does not need other people's opinions.

The core of this shape design is the engine, and the shape is centered around maximizing engine performance so that the aircraft can be more flexible and adapt to various harsh environments.

In addition, it is beautiful.

Advanced fighter jets must be beautifully designed. Good looks are not just for men and women, but fighter jets are the same. A good-looking fighter jet will make people think it is advanced at first glance. On the contrary, people will not be interested in looking at it, and will naturally make subconscious comments. not tall.

Shape design is just the beginning.

We are still far from completing the entire fighter design. We only have a casing to adapt to the engine operation, and the progress is probably about 20% complete.

The next step is more important.

At the meeting, Zhao Yi mainly communicated with the team leader sent by He Aviation Group. The team leader's name was Fei Zhengbin. The team he led was responsible for communication issues between the War Eagle Group and other research institutes.

What Zhao Yi explained to Fei Zhengbin was mainly about the issue of sequence. The first thing to be completed was the research on technologies related to the cockpit, safety facility components and missile brackets. They only knew the standard sizes required for these components, but they had to find a technical engineer for the design. Commissioner comes.

These items are directly related to the appearance of the aircraft and must be solved first.

The next step to be solved is the radar and signal jamming system, which need to be directly assembled on the fighter jet, or even on the outer layer of the fighter jet, which will definitely affect the appearance design.

After having a brief conversation with Fei Zhengbin, raising the following requirements of the War Eagle Group, and asking him to urge other research institutes, Zhao Yi explained the work that the team had to do.

First, there is the preparation for engine prototype manufacturing.

The manufacturing of engine prototypes is very complicated. Many components are not completed in one factory. The manufacturing of turbine blades, supercharger blades, stator blades and front fan blades is a very troublesome thing, so preparations must be made in terms of manufacturing. , communicate with the factory in advance and let them start manufacturing molds. Even if they do not directly manufacture the mold, they must invest energy in preparation. After all, time is money and cannot be wasted.

"Captain Yuan, you should keep an eye on the manufacturing of several types of blades. Take the existing parameters. If they don't cooperate, go to Minister Liu of the Science and Technology Department. I will tell Minister Liu in advance."

“If you encounter any technical problems, please report them at any time!”


Zhao Yi also asked Wang Zhixin, Sun Lei, and Li Rongmao to be responsible for the preliminary work of prototype manufacturing. They were all sent out to the factory and to the front line to supervise mold manufacturing, prototype manufacturing preparation, etc.

There are only a few people left in the War Eagle group.

Zhao Yi didn't care either.

He even felt that he was enough. The production of engine prototypes was a big deal, and other things could be put in the back.

After all the work was completed, Zhao Yi brought the content back to aircraft design. He talked about the equipment problems of the War Eagle-1, "We want the most stable and advanced equipment."

“That’s what every part requires.”

"Stability is the most important, followed by advancement. Because aircraft manufacturing is a long-term process, the equipment may need to be updated in a few years. For us, the most important thing is to make the aircraft fly. Advanced equipment is This is something that needs to be considered only after the aircraft is officially mass-produced and put into service.”

That's not what Zhao Yi considered.

The most important thing at the moment is to design the aircraft and push the engine directly into the prototype manufacturing stage, but no matter what, the aircraft design must be approved.

It's not easy.

Therefore, stable aircraft performance is the most important thing. The main considerations in aircraft design and finalization are performance issues and stability issues.

In terms of appearance design, Zhao Yi is very confident in the performance and stability, but it is not clear whether the equipment is stable. The best solution for choosing equipment is the most stable one. The design will also be based on the most stable equipment. design modifications.

Such a design will definitely pass the review.

In fact, there is still a problem with the current appearance design, that is, the weight is slightly high. There are imperfections in perfect designs. The system capacity is used without considering the weight issue. Some designs are indeed very forward-looking and very high-end, but they are also More shell materials will be used, which will lead to an increase in the overall weight. Fortunately, the increase is not high, and it is still within the range that the engine performance can cover and withstand.

“It would be a waste to reduce the weight any more, because every part is designed perfectly.”

"Foldable wings, adjustable upper air inlet, adjustable modified tail, reserved landing gear, magazine..."

Zhao Yi carefully examined the appearance several times, but still felt that there was nothing that could be adjusted. The streamlined version was not something he could just make if he wanted to. He somewhat understood why the media was talking about the overweight problem of Country M's F-35. What functions does a fighter jet have? I want them all, it has all the functions, but it is too difficult to control the weight.

End of the meeting.

The entire War Eagle Group has become busy. The only ones who are free are Lei Yong and Bao Enhong. They have not been assigned any work. The work of the War Eagle Group seems to have nothing to do with them. To be precise, they belong to the 'War Eagle Special Research Group'. It is the work of the War Eagle Special Research Team. For the time being, it is just communicating with other research institutes, and the designers have no work.


"The appearance has been designed, what else do we do?" Lei Yong and Bao Enhong were sitting in the office together, and suddenly they both felt a little panicked. The first two days were very leisurely, but when everyone is free, they also enjoy their leisure time. Time has passed.

Now that everyone is busy, only the two of them are free, and something feels wrong.

Bowen Red is better.

Although she always thinks about appearance design, her personality is that of a happy-go-lucky person who doesn't really like to get to the bottom of things. The more leisurely she is, the more relaxed she is, which makes her feel a little more relaxed.

Lei Yong couldn't relax at all. He kept thinking about the meeting and suddenly said loudly, "Bao Enhong, have you noticed?"


"In the meeting just now, Academician Zhao didn't seem to talk about appearance design. I originally thought the meeting was about appearance design."


After thinking about it, Bao Enhong finally knew what was wrong.

According to the normal process, even if you complete the appearance design yourself, you will discuss with others where there are deficiencies in the design, where there may be problems, and demonstrate every detail.

But after Academician Zhao completed the appearance design, he just asked others whether it was beautiful or not. It didn't matter even a little technical issue.

This is a bit strange.

"Have you ever thought about it?"

Lei Yong thought deeply and said, "Maybe Academician Zhao has deep meaning. Think about it, after we arrived, we made a detailed demonstration report on a toy airplane."

"Later, Academician Zhao completed the design himself."

"But the designed appearance is very different from that toy airplane. No, they are two completely different things. Every part is different. The only thing I saw that is the same is that it has three air inlets, one on the top. Adjustable, with two fixed ones at the bottom.”

"Moreover, what should I say about Academician Zhao's design... Yes, it only has the appearance, without analysis of the relevant parts, and I don't know why it was designed this way. But any design cannot be without a process."

Bao Enhong listened carefully and nodded.

"So!" Lei Yongyong provided a voice, "It's not that Academician Zhao didn't have a process, but he didn't come up with it because it's not necessary. Think about it, there are only two of us here, I mean aircraft design, just the two of us. , what are we discussing in the meeting? No one else understands."

"Academician Zhao must have wanted to test us. He was probably dissatisfied with the report we made last time. Then he came up with the design. He wanted us to continue to make a detailed demonstration report based on the design."

"With the demonstration report, and then comparing it with his original design, we can officially start the demonstration."

"Yes, it must be so!"

Lei Yongyue felt that what he said was right. He took a deep breath and asked, "What do you think?"

The tone of the question was obviously determined.

Bao Enhong found that there was nothing to say, because Lei Yong's analysis made sense. What else could she say?

"Then let's..."

Lei Yong nodded and said, "This time we will conduct a detailed analysis of Academician Zhao's design. Do it well and make it more detailed. We must impress Academician Zhao."

"All right."

Bao Enhong hesitated but nodded. She was enjoying the leisure time now, but she also felt that Lei Yong's analysis was reasonable. After all, she was working with the famous Academician Zhao, so she should work harder, right?

For the next few days, Lei Yong and Bao Enhong were bored in the office, making detailed demonstration reports on the new aircraft shape design. This time they wrote more carefully, analyzing every detail. .

Five days later.

The War Eagle group was already a little empty. Many people had been sent out, and the office seemed a lot deserted, but there was still a busy atmosphere. Lei Yong and Bao Enhong kept discussing.

Zhao Yi was also very leisurely. He didn't come here for two days in a row. When he was free, he came over to take a look and noticed that Lei Yong and Bao Enhong seemed to be working very hard.

"What are they doing?"

"Is there anything you can do?"

Zhao Yi was a little puzzled, so he asked Xue Fengge, who was sitting idle playing the Landlord on the computer, and reminded him by the way, "Come out, the king! Take charge! He only has one company left."


Xue Fengge quickly slapped the king on the tube, and then played a few more hands. With the help of Zhao Yi, he easily defeated the two farmers. When the game was over and he saw the cards on the opposite side, he found that the farmer did have a set of cards left, "34567 ? Academician Zhao, you’re so high! You’re the God of Gamblers!”


Zhao Yi smiled and didn't care.

Only then did Xue Fengge remember the question he had just asked and replied, "You ask the two of them? I don't know. They seem to be busy all day long. They were still busy at 9 o'clock last night."

"A man and a woman, it's late at night, what are you busy with?" Zhao Yi asked and realized something was wrong. He coughed lightly and said, "You are working hard, not bad! Not bad!"

"Boom, boom, boom."

The door rang.

Lei Yong stood at the door and looked inside, holding a thick document in his hand.

Bao Enhong followed.

"come in."

Zhao Yi shouted, pulled up a chair and sat down, took the document handed over by Lei Yong, and asked casually, "What is this?"

"Aircraft shape demonstration report." Lei Yong said seriously.


Zhao Yi looked through it strangely and found that the argument was very detailed and included a lot of content--

The foldable wing design allows the aircraft to adjust its wing shape according to altitude changes, achieving more fuel-saving and flexible purposes, and also helps the aircraft quickly change direction...

The operating parameters are, the adjustable range is...

The design of the tail allows the aircraft to change direction and dive downwards...

The upper air inlet design can provide upward force to the aircraft and allow it to fly at low altitude...

The upper air intake can be closed to support supersonic cruise...

Three air intakes...

The hundreds of pages of reports are dazzling.

Zhao Yi browsed it roughly and turned over more than a dozen pages, but he was enjoying reading it because when he was doing design, he used a lot of system capabilities and didn't think about such details.


Lei Yong and Bao Enhong helped think.

"That's great!"

"That's right, that's what I thought when I was doing the design. The analysis and summary were very good, and you guessed my thoughts!"

"As expected of a professional aircraft designer!"


Zhao Yi gave a thumbs up to Lei Yong and Bao Enhong, expressing his affirmation and appreciation for their work.

A relieved smile appeared on both of their faces.

Lei Yong winked at Bao Enhong, the look in his eyes was very clear, "See, it's just like what I said!"

"Academician Zhao is indeed testing us!"



PS: I recommend a new book "Entertainment Begins from the Tucao Conference".

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