Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 457 First Prize in Natural Science for Three Consecutive Years

When submitting the aircraft design analysis and demonstration report, both Lei Yong and Bao Enhong acted calmly.

Actually, it's because the moment of surprise has passed.

The reason why Lei Yong and Bao Enhong were surprised was that they had been analyzing and demonstrating the aircraft shape design for several days, but could not find any problems that needed to be corrected.

It sounds like nothing, but the actual problem is huge.

Even for the top aircraft designers, it is unimaginable to complete the appearance design of the aircraft alone. After quickly completing the design, it is even more unimaginable that there are no problems in all parts, because the appearance design involves many factors. Ensuring that there is no problem everywhere is like doing a large number of very difficult calculations, and the final calculation results are all correct. The key is that the calculation speed is very fast.


Lei Yong and Bao Enhong found themselves unable to understand.

After the excitement and surprise, the two of them became much calmer. They actually found some problems, or they were just 'possible' problems. For example, the design risks of some parts were relatively high.

This is true for both the wings and tail.

This risk is mainly reflected in the fact that manufacturing may not achieve the designed effect.

But there is definitely no problem with the design itself.

Lei Yong and Bao Enhong studied together for a long time and found that it was impossible for them to make even a small improvement in the appearance. As long as they made changes, the effect would not be as good as before.

After they discovered this, they could only make honest arguments. Bao Enhong also trusted Lei Yong's words more. Academician Zhao really tested them, rather than expecting them to design arguments.

Bao Enhong felt admiration for Zhao Yi in her heart.

Zhao Yi didn't know the complex ideas of the two people. He felt that the argument was really good, as if every point was said from the heart. With this argument as a supplementary reference, the design seemed to become taller, bigger and more sophisticated. .

"very nice!"

"very good!"

"Your argument is perfect!"

Zhao Yi continuously affirmed the content of the argument and found that Lei Yong and Bao Enhong continued to stand, as if they had something to say. He asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"Is such that."

Lei Yong hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Academician Zhao, it seems that we haven't done anything since we joined the War Eagle Group..."


Zhao Yi was a little confused. He felt that Lei Yong and Bao Enhong had done a lot, including the initial argument for toy airplanes and their own arguments for new designs. It was not easy to write more than a hundred pages.

He continued to listen.

Lei Yong said, "Then what shall we do next?" After Lei Yong finished speaking, Bao Enhong also looked at Zhao Yi seriously, as if waiting to explain the work arrangements.


Zhao Yi looked at the two of them carefully. He didn't understand what was wrong with being free? Are these two workaholics? I have been busy for several days in a row and added more work to myself. I have written a paper of more than 100 pages and I am still not satisfied. What other work do I want to do?

He really didn't understand, but it wasn't a bad thing since his subordinates liked working.

Zhao Yi thought for a while, but still didn't think of anything, so he simply said, "Let's follow up on Captain Fei's progress. After getting the data, we will make a demonstration to see how to put the corresponding equipment into the designated place." It's under design," he explained.

That's what the design aspect has to do with it.

The appearance of the aircraft has been designed, and the installation of corresponding parts and equipment needs to be modified to a certain extent based on the appearance design. Internal design also needs to be carried out based on the parts and equipment.

If Lei Yong and Bao Enhong had checked first and made relevant arguments and designs, they would have received the final data, such as the reference range occupied by the cockpit, internal screen operation space issues, etc.

These designs still need to be solved by the War Eagle Group, and the relevant research institutes only provide technology.

In fact, I just want to do decoration work for them. The aircraft design team is a decoration design company. They will design different decoration styles according to different house types, areas, and household owner requirements. The floors, furniture, and walls they create will naturally be different. But the decoration design company still knows the raw material data, such as floor tiles and wooden boards, which must be provided by the raw material company.

The raw material company doesn't care what the design looks like. They only provide basic materials and design based on the material properties. This is the job of the decoration design company, that is, the War Eagle Group.

Following up on the data is a job that needs to wait.

In fact, Zhao Yi's research and development is completely different from normal aircraft design and development. For example, the aircraft design institutes in Shencheng and Wucheng first synthesize a large number of component data indicators, and then repeatedly demonstrate each part of the aircraft. Finally, they are combined together to complete the final design plan.

Zhao Yi completed the appearance design first, and then made certain adjustments based on the data indicators of the components. The process was different. The follow-up speed of other component data was a bit slow, and he needed to target every part that might change the appearance. Make certain program corrections.

Of course.

This design method is much faster, but it is simply impossible for other teams to do it.

After handing over the follow-up demonstration work to Lei Yong and Bao Enhong, Zhao Yi became more relaxed. He re-invested in the instillation of knowledge and the final exam was about to come.

Zhao Yi also has to take the exam.

Although he has obtained a master's and doctoral degree from the School of Life Sciences, it does not include a bachelor's degree, nor does he have an undergraduate diploma. He persisted in studying for more than three years, and it was a bit funny to get the certificate directly in the end. He still needs an undergraduate diploma. Got it myself.

In addition to the exams in biological sciences, he also has to take exams in philosophy.

Zhao Yi is much busier than other students, at least in terms of exams. He has been taking exams for several days in a row, going from one teaching building to another, sitting in different classrooms, and answering test papers of different subjects. .

There are no problems with the professional course examination in biological sciences. Basically, you can just write the answers without thinking.

Professional examinations in philosophy require relatively more brain cells, because the relevant examinations in philosophy majors not only have direct memorization questions, but also some free-form questions.

Zhao Yi spent a lot of brain cells writing these things, which felt more headache than writing Chinese compositions.

Fortunately, the exam ended soon.

Zhao Yi completed the exams for more than a dozen courses and breathed a long sigh of relief. He regained the feeling of being a student. The constant exams and stressful life lasted for several days, and it felt no more relaxed than doing research and development.

When I returned to the dormitory, several roommates were rarely there, and they also asked about Zhao Yi's exam status.

"How are they? Those philosophy courses?" Fan Lei asked with interest.

"If you pass the test, there will definitely be no problem."

"Then there's no need to say it."

Li Renzhe spoke without mercy, and his tone was a bit sour, "I guess the teacher saw your paper and gave it a passing grade even if it failed. No, if you get sixty points, he will probably give you an eighty!"


Zhao Yi suddenly became a little doubtful. He found that there seemed to be little point in trying hard to take the exam?

"What Lao Li said is right!"

Fan Lei nodded vigorously to express his approval, "But it's good to just finish the exam. Another half year has passed, and we are only half a year away from graduation."

"I'm going to choose a thesis topic later."

Meng Zheng suddenly shouted a reminder, and Li Renzhe and Fan Lei suddenly jumped to the table, facing the computer as if they were about to enter a tense moment. Li Renzhe also asked, "There are still three minutes, right? It's half past two. start."

"Seems to be."

"There are... thirty-three minutes, starting at three o'clock." Meng Zheng said the exact time, which immediately made Li Renzhe and Fan Lei discouraged.

"M-Dan, why don't you start talking early at three o'clock?"

"It's three o'clock, why are you so anxious!"

Meng Zheng muttered in a low voice, a little innocently, "...I just said it's about to start."

"Choose a thesis topic."

Zhao Yi sat down calmly and said, "You choose first, and I will choose the rest."


The three of them gave a collective thumbs up.

They are talking about graduation thesis.

The graduation project for the biological sciences major is for the teachers to bring out some content in their respective research and development fields and let each student choose a topic. Whatever topic they choose, they will write a related graduation thesis. Each student's topic is different, and Protect against mutual plagiarism.

Very few of these questions are pure discussions, and most of them require students to actually do experiments and research. At the very least, they need to read a lot of books, or do practical surveys, etc.

If we just talk about the difficulty, it is indeed relatively high. The better the professional paper, the higher the requirements.

In fact, due to the ability level of undergraduate students and the fact that the research is not innovative, the tutors will give a lot of help and even tell the students step by step how to complete the graduation project. As long as they follow the instructions, they can basically complete it. of.

However, in any case, there are still differences in the difficulty of graduation thesis. For example, some thesis topics are content that you have been exposed to and experimented with in daily life, so the difficulty is naturally relatively low.

Some questions are difficult for ordinary students to understand...

The difficulty of such a paper is relatively high.

Now that the paper topics are about to be opened, it is more important to "grab the topics". It is definitely a good idea to grab familiar terms when you see them, otherwise the ones that will be left behind will be those "incomprehensible" topics.

Finally, the time has come.

Meng Zheng, Fan Lei and Li Renzhe immediately entered the system and searched for the topic they wanted. They seemed to have a lot of 'combat' experience. They immediately clicked 'Select' when they saw familiar content, but there were still a few sounds, " Not selected!"

"Yeah, he was robbed!"

"I chose it!"

"I turned directly to the third page and found the one that no one had chosen..."

Soon the three were selected.

Zhao Yi entered the topic selection system unhurriedly, and after a quick glance, he found that most of them had been selected. It seemed that other students were also selecting topics quickly like them, and the remaining options were more biased.

For example, research on using exocrine vesicles targeting the central nervous system to detoxify from opioid-dependent psychotropic drugs?

Research and application of chitosan-modified electrodes based on carbon nanotubes?

Stability analysis of time-delayed gene regulatory networks?

These obscure titles made Zhao Yi frown. It was really hard to imagine that it would be an undergraduate-level graduation project topic. Even if there was a tutor to lead the research, it would probably be like writing a related paper at most, right? It was pieced together after searching a lot of information.

Zhao Yi didn't care too much, because he saw the names of several tutors in the topic selection, and they were all associate researchers at the Microbiology Technology Laboratory and the Institute of Biomedicine.

"Forget it, let's find someone familiar!"

He spotted a familiar name and clicked 'Select'. The system immediately popped up a prompt window——

"Please don't make repeated choices!"


Zhao Yi was a little confused and thought it was a system failure. He selected other questions, but the same window popped up. He suddenly said strangely, "Why can't I choose?"

"Let me see!"

Li Renzhe seemed to be quite experienced and came over to give some guidance. After a long time of ordering, it was still the same as before.

"Go back and see what you have selected." Meng Zheng reminded.

Zhao Yi exited the system, checked the selected content, and found that there was indeed a graduation project. The title was, "Research and application of human secreted bacilli antibody incidental molecule 2CV-bihydrogen molecule? (Completed)"

"Course Score: 100."

"Instructor: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, researcher, Zhao Yi?"

He got it.

It turns out everything is designed!

“A university without a thesis is incomplete, a university without a thesis is incomplete, a university without a thesis is incomplete…”

Zhao Yi entered the holiday with resentment. Not only did he have a problem with his graduation thesis, but he also had resentment in the postgraduate entrance examination. Because he studied philosophy relatively late and did not meet the standards when registering for graduate school, he was not qualified to register for a graduate student in philosophy and could only wait until next year. Then take the postgraduate examination.

other people.

For example, Li Renzhe can enjoy the wonderful process of "waiting for results" again.

"I don't know how my grades are!"

"It's really depressing to announce it after the next year. I think I must have passed, but I may not be able to apply to this school!"

"If you go out..."

Li Renzhe's talk made Zhao Yi a little envious. He couldn't have this kind of anxiety, because he didn't have to worry about test scores at all. He didn't even have the qualification to be 'uneasy'.

"I really envy you!"

Zhao Yi said something from the bottom of his heart, and then he was pestered by Li Renzhe again, "You don't think about taking care of students? Take care of me?"

"Are you really not considering it?"

"It's still too late now, please take care of me. Otherwise, with my grades, I will probably have to be transferred out. Brother Zhao, please help me!"


Zhao Yi only replied with one word, waving his hands continuously with disgust on his face, and then said, "If you fail to pass the exam, I can help. There is no chance of studying for graduate school, but I can help you find a job."

"What job?"

"Isn't there a new medical research center? As I said, I will give you a security guard post when the time comes!" Zhao Yi said with a smile.

Li Renzhe said depressedly, "Security? Not even the security captain?"

"just you?"

Zhao Yi was full of disdain, "Repay the security captain? You may not be qualified to be a security guard!"


Li Renzhe could only continue to look sad.

In fact, Zhao Yi is not exaggerating. Li Renzhe would definitely not be the security captain if he applied for the job normally, because several projects of the Biomedical Research Institute are absolutely confidential. After the medical center is established, the security guards will all be active or retired military personnel. In a few years there will also be armed police on duty.

With such a confidentiality procedure, even ordinary security guards cannot be recruited casually.

Zhao Yi felt that it was of little significance for Li Renzhe to continue studying for graduate school, because he did not have any talent for scientific research, and the results of his professional courses could tell the problem. Instead of continuing to study as a graduate student in this major, he might as well go out and try another route.

For example, being a soldier.

Li Renzhe has a very good physique and is only twenty-two years old. It is also a good choice to join the army after graduating from college.

Maybe he can find a job casually. He is not the kind of person who is very motivated and would be happy if he had an ordinary life.

Zhao Yi enjoyed college life for a while, but no longer wanted to enjoy it anymore, because the time had entered the holidays, and other students had gone home to celebrate the New Year, but he could not leave the capital, not only for scientific research, but also for some conferences To participate.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the science and technology awards conference at the end of the year.

A science and technology awards conference is held every year in China. This year’s time is about the same as last year, and it was also held at the same time as the year before. Almost all the news about the awards came out before the conference.

Zhao Yi once again won the first prize in natural science, and the reward content was the proof of Fermat's conjecture.

When he heard the so-called "gossip" from the Academy of Sciences, Zhao Yi felt no interest at all. It was the first prize in natural science, and the reason for the award was mathematics achievements.

What's the point?

He has already won two first prizes in natural sciences with his three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram and Goldbach's conjecture, and won another to achieve three consecutive championships. Is this probably a record for awards?

That's probably it.

Zhao Yi didn't think it meant much, but others were very excited. Many people congratulated him in advance, but Zhao Yi really didn't have much enthusiasm, and he was even a little lackluster before the conference started.

After arriving at the auditorium where the awards ceremony was held, he sat in his seat and waited quietly for the ceremony to begin.

It's still early.

One by one, participating members walked around to say hello. Before the conference started, it seemed to be a social time. Many people came over to say hello to Zhao Yi and talk about research and development and winning awards.

Zhao Yi just responded with a smile.

"Academician Zhao! Congratulations, you won the Natural Science Award for the third time!" Another voice came from behind.


Zhao Yi said subconsciously, and when he turned around he became much more enthusiastic because he recognized that the speaker was Academician Cheng Zhemin.

Cheng Zhemin is an old academician of the Academy of Sciences. He is already retired in his early eighties. At the same time, he is also the chairman of the Natural Science Award Review Committee and a member of the Science and Technology Award Review Committee.

Zhao Yi didn't know how the awards were specifically selected, but Cheng Zhemin was definitely one of the people who couldn't be avoided. He immediately took off Cheng Zhemin's sleeves and complained, "Academician Cheng, I have won the Natural Science Award for three consecutive years. , they are all mathematics results, should I change them next year?”

"Let's discuss?"

"You see, I have achievements in computer, biology, physics and other fields. It doesn't have to be mathematics, right? Even if it is the natural science award, why not change it to other fields?"


Cheng Zhemin stared at Zhao Yi with his mouth half open. This was the first time in his eighty years of life that he heard that someone actually complained about winning the first prize in natural sciences consecutively, and also complained that they all relied on mathematics?

It’s not mathematics, is it still...

"Ahem... It seems possible!" Cheng Zhemin thought about Zhao Yi's results carefully, and suddenly found that he could not continue talking. Let alone the fields of biomedicine and computers, Zhao Yi confirmed the Higgs in physics research. Particles are a major achievement recognized by the international physics community, and their level and influence are enough to win the first prize in natural sciences.

"All right!"

Cheng Zhemin smiled bitterly and said, "Let's see next year, maybe it will become the highest science and technology award!"

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