Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 466 Li Jianming: What value does my design have?

Aviation Group Headquarters.

Liu Jiankun is receiving visitors in his office. He is Yang Cong, a designer at Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute.

Yang Cong is a well-known aircraft designer in China. The famous H-6 bomber is from his handiwork. The fighter series has also been designed with reference to the Soviet fighter J-11B. Recently, he is working hard to revise the design of the J-15 carrier-based aircraft. .

The J-15 incorporates the technology of the J-11B. The issue of catapult take-off was taken into consideration at the beginning of the design. It will be loaded onto a domestic aircraft carrier in the future. The J-15 completed its first test flight more than two years ago.

However, the test flight of the first assembled aircraft does not mean it is a success. The test flight is still only experimental in nature, and the design will continue to be adjusted based on the results of the test flight.

Yang Cong is doing this work.

As a well-known domestic aircraft designer and has been working hard to revise the design, Yang Cong clearly knows the difficulty of fighter aircraft design. Compared with heavy bomber fighters, fighters need to be very flexible and continue to expand combat capabilities. It is best to It is to have more comprehensive abilities.

For example, anti-air, anti-ground, signal warfare, etc.

Only with these capabilities can fighters become independent combat units. The same is true for the purpose of using fighter aircraft. Each fighter can be said to be an independent air combat unit. Due to factors such as the combat environment and combat needs, other combat departments cannot Can't give much support either.

The higher the demand, the more complicated the design.

The J-15 carrier-based aircraft designed by Yang Cong referred to a large number of fighter data. In addition to the J-11B, which is similar to the Soviet fighter jets, it also included a T-10-K-3 obtained from Ukraine at the beginning of the century. , the design plans of several fighter aircraft are clear in the mind, and only then can the plans be revised little by little.

Now that Yang Cong came to Liu Jiankun, he also needed the support of the aviation group to invest more money in design modification experiments. He had two positions where the design was uncertain. He needed to build the fighter aircraft according to the design and conduct a test flight to see the data before confirming.

This process will definitely consume a lot of money, manpower and material resources, and it also involves certain risks.

Therefore, Yang Cong must get Liu Jiankun's support.

Liu Jiankun was listening to Yang Cong talking about design issues, and nodded frequently as if he agreed with his statement, but he was still a little unsure, because conducting experiments on the design would cost more than 30 million yuan. It doesn't sound like much, but just for a small plan in the experimental design, it requires careful consideration.

But Liu Jiankun did not refuse directly. He needed to patiently listen to everything before he could make a decision together with others.

While the two were talking, the assistant suddenly knocked on the door and stood at the door and looked over, "Mr. Liu, excuse me."

"What's wrong?"

Liu Jiankun said impatiently, "Didn't you see that I was discussing something with Professor Yang?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment, then walked in and whispered, "I received a design acceptance application below."

"What acceptance application?"

"Academician Zhao's."

"Academician Zhao?" Liu Jiankun repeated, then frowned and asked, "Academician Zhao Yi?"


The assistant nodded and said, "Academician Zhao sent it for acceptance by the War Eagle-1 design application group."


Liu Jiankun opened his mouth slightly but did not close it. He was stunned for a long time before he asked with certainty, "Academician Zhao Yi? War Eagle-1 design? War Eagle-1? Did you hear correctly?"

The assistant was a little helpless, "I confirmed it several times."

Liu Jiankun took a deep breath and nodded, "Let's do this. You ask them to send the application report directly to my email, and then print out and bind it. Professor Yang happens to be there..." He said and looked at Yang Cong.

Yang Cong's face was also full of surprise.

After the assistant left to explain the matters of sending emails and printing, he couldn't help but ask, "Academician Zhao's War Eagle Group? I knew they were designing fighter jets, but I didn't expect it to be so fast..."

As he spoke, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then his expression became a little funny, "Lei Yong, an excellent designer in our institute, took the initiative to apply to Academician Zhao."


Yang Cong continued to comment, "Lei Yong is indeed very good. I have noticed that given him ten years, he can shoulder the heavy responsibility of aircraft design projects. He is still a little irritable now, but it is normal. He is still young and has been following the project. Research and development, no team leadership experience, but he has great ideas."

Liu Jiankun nodded in approval. In fact, he knew that Lei Yong was definitely not the kind of talent that was valued. Otherwise, Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute would not have agreed to let him join Zhao Yi's group. Anyone would keep real talents and send them to Zhao Yi's group. Going out is irrelevant, at least it will not affect the progress of the research and development projects in the institute.

He shook his head and smiled, "Academician Zhao's application for design acceptance is really unexpected. As you know, the War Eagle team was specially approved. It was initially said to develop a fifth-generation aircraft, but we did not give an indicator at all. For example, how long will the aircraft last? What performance does it have?”

"I still remember at that time, I told Academician Zhao that we should refer to Country M's F-35, and the difference should not be too much."

"But it's not to embarrass Academician Zhao. This is really not the case. Professor Yang, you know, our fifth-generation aircraft is benchmarked against international fifth-generation aircraft. Currently, the only one ready to enter service is the F-35."

Yang Cong nodded understandingly, "It's been almost half a year since the War Eagle Group, right? Maybe not even half a year. Academician Zhao completed the design so quickly, I think..."

He shook his head as he spoke.

Liu Jiankun just listened patiently, seeming to agree with Yang Cong's words, and seemed to be just a listener.

He didn't want to make assertions.

The last time Zhao Yi's team applied for engine design acceptance, he also suspected that the design was not good. As a result, there was no more perfect design. Several academicians and professors who participated in the acceptance could only exclaim.


Who can be sure about this?

Yang Cong has a completely distrustful attitude, because he is a professional aircraft designer. It takes several years to design a carrier-based aircraft, using various fighter aircraft as reference. He also has a large team behind him, and the J-15 It's just a third to third and a half generation fighter aircraft.

Where is Zhao Yi?

He only has a War Eagle special research team, which is said to have no more than ten people. He has no experience in aircraft design, and the designers under his command are all average.

It took such a team less than half a year to design a fifth-generation phone?

How can it be!

Yang Cong couldn't help but laugh as he thought about it, "Mr. Liu, don't you mind if I apply to join the acceptance team in advance? Let me also take a look at the design of the War Eagle-1. Maybe some places are also a reference for the J-15."

"Of course, you can watch it even if you don't join the acceptance team!" Liu Jiankun said with certainty, "I'm planning to ask you to help me take a look. I'm not a professional."

Yang Cong nodded and smiled, "I don't expect the War Eagle-1's design to be perfect, but Academician Zhao is the kind of real genius. I think even if his design is not perfect, there are many loopholes, and there are definitely some places. It has certain reference value.”

This is what I say from my heart.

Although I don’t think the War Eagle-1 can be designed well, I must recognize Zhao Yi’s genius. Even if the overall design has a lot of problems, the War Eagle-1 design may have bright spots, and it will have certain reference significance.

Yang Cong said that he was really looking forward to it.


The assistant came over with a large stack of documents.

The document was divided into four parts. The top part is a simple application report, the next part is an introduction to the War Eagle-1, including the composition of each component, theoretical performance parameters, etc., the third part is a similar design, and the last part reads 'Intelligent control system'.

Liu Jiankun briefly looked at the four documents and handed the middle two to Yang Cong. He was holding the 'Intelligent Control System' in his hand and looked at the title a little confused.

Intelligent control system?


Does the aircraft design report also include electronic systems?

Liu Jiankun was a little confused about the content. He flipped through a few pages and read a lot of code content. He felt a headache after just reading it. He simply closed the file and looked at Yang Cong.

Yang Cong took the two documents, first opened the introduction one, browsed it, and commented with a smile, "This parameter is very impressive! A medium-sized fighter jet, with a theoretical maximum speed of Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound), supports super Sonic cruise, the combat radius covers a range of 1,200 kilometers to 1,400 kilometers."

He raised his head and said, "These parameters have more to do with the engine," and immediately nodded in approval, "According to the theoretical performance of WZ-A1, there should be no problem, but WZ-A1 only exists in theory, and we don't know how long it will take to actually build it. Until when."

"The WZ series is indeed very powerful. Academician Zhao is a genius in engine design!" Liu Jiankun said with a sigh.

Yang Cong continued to read. He did not continue to look at the parameters, but turned directly to the next document. He looked at the appearance design and immediately smiled in surprise, "This appearance is very high-end? Folding wings? There are upper air inlets." ? It’s really… amazing!”

"But to be able to create such a beautiful design, Academician Zhao's aesthetics is really unique!"

Liu Jiankun couldn't help but look over curiously. He was attracted after just one glance. He looked at it carefully several times and said, "Even if the design doesn't pass, I will follow this picture and find a place to make a model. It's really beautiful." , placed as a decoration in the living room at home, it has a sense of science fiction.”

As he spoke, he added imaginatively, "It would be even better if it could be signed by Academician Zhao."

Yang Cong gave him a thumbs up, "If you really do it, help me fight. Then I'll be shameless and ask Academician Zhao for his autograph."


The two laughed together.

Yang Cong continued to read carefully. The first appearance design was an introduction to folding wings. He commented a few words while reading, but it was obvious that his comment speed was getting slower and slower, as if he was completely immersed in it. Designed.

Every time I say it, it becomes, "This design is perfect! At least the theoretical logic is perfect, but I don't know what the automatic control method is, and I need detailed calculations to verify it!"

"The design of the flanks is very good, I can't find any problems..."

"It turns out that the upper air inlet can be closed to support supersonic cruise? This shape can indeed maximize the reduction of drag."

Yang Cong's comments became less and less, and eventually he simply immersed himself in the design documents without saying a word, and the expression on his face became more and more serious.

Liu Jiankun listened carefully at first and found that Yang Cong was making positive comments. When he saw his appearance again, he seemed to understand something. He took a breath with a wry smile and simply stood up and walked out without disturbing Yang Cong. them.


He called the Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute and informed the institute to send professional designers and data analysts to the aviation group to participate in the aircraft design and acceptance work.

Then there is the Wucheng Aircraft Design Institute.

Next, we simply notified several academicians of the Aviation Group, and also contacted the power department of the Academy of Sciences, asking them to send several experts to participate in the acceptance work.

In fact, the general acceptance of fighter aircraft design does not require so many experts, but Liu Jiankun is very experienced and does not need Yang Cong to explain. As soon as he looks at the appearance of the War Eagle-1, he knows how technical the design is. Gao, relying on the manpower within the group, it is not enough to complete the acceptance in a short time. Experts in various fields must participate.

In addition, it is a fighter jet.

The Warhawk-1 is a fifth-generation aircraft design. The design of the fifth-generation aircraft is very high-end in all aspects, far from being comparable to the third-generation aircraft, and it is very important for the future.

It’s not clear what the design of the Warhawk-1 is at the moment, but there’s definitely no harm in finding a lot of experts to conduct serious demonstrations. When it comes to the design of a fifth-generation aircraft, we must be rigorous and rigorous.

Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute.

Li Jianming was looking at the J-31 design drawings and thinking carefully about the engine plan.

Half a year ago, at the aviation group meeting, the WZ-A1 design targeted the J-31. Li Jianming was very satisfied with the performance of the WZ-A1, but after all, the WZ-A1 only existed in theory. He had to consider many aspects, such as The inferior WZ-A2 can barely support the operation of the J-31.

The parameter performance of WZ-A2 is lower than that of WZ-A1, but lower parameters may mean more stability.

What Li Jianming was thinking about was not what engine to use, because with the new engine design, the engine options were more flexible. He was thinking about the issue of 'single engine' or 'double engine'.

The initial design of the J-31 was a 'twin engine', which means it has two engines. The two engines run together to provide greater thrust. If one engine fails, the other one can support the normal operation of the fighter.

Now that we have the WZ series engine, the performance is absolutely sufficient, so we can consider the 'single engine' issue.

One advantage of the 'single-engine' is that it is lightweight, which means it is more flexible, allowing the fighter to accelerate faster and faster, and it also allows more choices in appearance design.

"But it still depends on the stability of the engine."

Li Jianming thought, "It seems that we must come up with a 'single-shot' plan at the same time. Just coming up with a new plan will take a long time..." This is the distressing point.

Many people are waiting for the J-31 design to be released, but they can't wait and wait.

Li Jianming also felt very stressed.

At this time, a shout came from the door, "Director Li! Director Li! Go to the director's office for a meeting. It seems to be urgent."

Li Jianming went over immediately after hearing this.

When he arrived at the office, he knew what had happened, and immediately shouted in surprise, "You said... War Eagle-1 design application acceptance? War Eagle-1? Is it the one from Academician Zhao?"

"Yes, that's what the group said."

"Aren't you kidding? As far as I know, Academician Zhao didn't want to wait for the J-31 design, so he decided to lead a team to design the fighter jet. I think it was just a joke, and it came out so soon? The aviation group also cooperated and made it official Acceptance?"

Everyone else just listened.

Before Li Jianming came, they discussed it and repeatedly confirmed with the aviation group that the call was from General Manager Liu Jiankun, so there must be no problem.

at the same time.

They also understood Li Jianming's mood. The WZ-A1 was targeted at the J-31. As a result, Academician Zhao was unwilling to wait for time and hoped to quickly produce a prototype, so he formed a War Eagle special research team and applied to lead the team to design the fifth-generation aircraft alone. Bypass the 'J-31.

When this incident came out, everyone felt that Academician Zhao was acting out of anger.

The results of it?

It’s only been half a year, and War Eagle-1 has applied for design acceptance?

Not to mention whether it can pass the acceptance test, how many subsequent revisions are needed before the prototype can be finalized and ready to be manufactured. Just by applying for acceptance and getting confirmation, the design progress has already exceeded the J-31.

So, what value does the J-31 have?

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