Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 467 This work efficiency is too slow!

How does it feel when you find that after years of hard work in the field you are best at, a layman has surpassed you in just half a year?

Now Li Jianming is feeling it. He knows that the Warhawk-1 has completed the design and submitted an application for design acceptance. The aviation group also solemnly organized a review team to review the design. His first reaction was that he did not want to believe it.


"The design was completed in half a year. How can aircraft design be so easy? How about the design of a fifth-generation aircraft? What performance does a fifth-generation aircraft have? There is still debate today. Can you just say it is a fifth-generation aircraft?"

"The most valuable design now is the fourth-generation aircraft. It is impossible for a fifth-generation aircraft to appear in China in a short time, at least within a few years, and even the design is impossible!"

This is Li Jianming’s innermost thoughts.

Although Li Jianming has been designing the J-31, because the group's internal requirements for the parameters of the fifth-generation aircraft are too high, and even some are *****-style compared to the F-35, he simply cannot complete the design work. Every part of the There are many factors to consider in design, and they all require careful consideration and consideration.

The design of the WZ-A1 and WZ-A2 engines gave Li Jianming some hope. The engine performance could keep up, and the performance of the designed fighter would be qualitatively improved. However, it was still impossible to make a fat man in one go. He felt that J It will take at least one or two years for the design of -31 to actually apply for design acceptance.

The design at that time will not be perfect, but it will have to convince some people to lower the performance requirements for fifth-generation aircraft. It is unrealistic to compare it with the F-35, but as long as there is high-performance engine support, it is hoped to reach the level of a fourth-generation and a half fighter aircraft or above. Very big.

This is Li Jianming's judgment.

Now that he heard that the War Eagle-1 design was applied for acceptance, he couldn't accept it.

"Maybe just because you are Academician Zhao?"

"The senior management of the group feels that it should be treated with caution, rather than how good the Warhawk-1 design is?"


"This should be!"

Li Jianming felt that he had found the truth.

In fact, there are many people who have similar views to Li Jianming, especially Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute and Wucheng Aircraft Design Research Institute. These two research institutes specialize in aircraft design and are naturally very clear about the difficulty of high-end fighter design.

This is not about solving math problems, but about going beyond the existing domestic materials and design technology to complete a higher-generation design in a leapfrog manner. They have no transitional data and relevant experience and can directly complete the leapfrog design. Not to mention how difficult it is, if you think about it seriously, it seems impossible.

not to mention……

Half a year?

"Are you kidding me?"

"Unless I see the design, I will never believe it," some people asserted.

The words of some colleagues made Li Jianming feel much more at ease. From his own perspective, he did not want to see a gorgeous fifth-generation machine design.

That represents his failure!

In fact, Li Jianming is still looking forward to seeing something. He feels the same as Yang Cong, thinking that perfect design is impossible, but he is absolutely optimistic about Zhao Yi's research and development capabilities. He feels that Zhao Yi participated in the aircraft design. There may be some highlights in work and design. Maybe it is this highlight that attracts the attention of the group's senior management?

Because of this, Li Jianming decided to go and see for himself.

When the director talked about sending someone to join the review team, Li Jianming directly raised his hand and decided to go. He also said a self-deprecating remark, "I'll go, we will design the fifth-generation aircraft together, and even if we lose, we will lose clearly."

Although it is said so, it is difficult to say how true it is.

the other side.

Yang Cong sat in the office looking at the designs for several hours. It was not until the evening that he felt his stomach rumbling, and then he stopped still.

He read most of the design information.

A few hours was definitely not enough to read most of it. At the beginning, he read it carefully, including repeatedly scrutinizing every detail. He even picked up a pen and paper to verify the calculations. Later, he flipped through several pages in a row and found that there were no mistakes. Where, simply browse through each part of the design.

Yang Cong had a general understanding of the appearance and interior of the War Eagle-1 design. He felt his stomach growling and stopped to stretch. Only then did he realize that Liu Jiankun was sitting next to him at the table in the distance. Food is also placed on the table.

"Mr. Liu, this is so timely! I'm almost starving!" Yang Cong said and stood up, feeling a little dizzy.

Liu Jiankun quickly helped him and said with a smile, "I think you are obsessed with it and won't stop for a moment. How about it?"

"It's very unique, has a lot of innovations, and the arguments are rigorous. It's just that some of the calculations are complicated, and I'm not sure whether they are correct or not."

Yang Cong made a brief comment, then sat at the table, picked up the rice and took a few quick bites. He continued to add without caring about the image, "And as you said, it's very beautiful!"

"Yes!" Liu Jiankun sighed.

Such a technological design is amazing just by looking at it, but it still depends on what professionals say.

Yang Cong said while eating, "I didn't read it all, but I took a look at it roughly. The most impressive thing is that there are many automatic control parts in the design."

"Those parts that change shape according to the state of the aircraft, including wings, tails, etc., are basically fine in theory. In fact, there is no need to question this aspect. Academician Zhao is an expert in mathematics."

Liu Jiankun nodded seriously.

Zhao Yi is recognized as the world's No. 1 mathematician. There is no need to question the calculation part at all. And he is not only a mathematician. The design of the WZ series engine is enough to prove that he is also the best in dynamics, mechanical physics, etc. .

"I think, just looking at the exterior design, even if we compare it with the F-35, it probably won't be able to compare."

Yang Cong admired and made a comparison.

"So powerful?" Liu Jiankun was surprised. "Stronger than the F-35?"

"From what we know so far, this design should surpass the F-35, at least theoretically, but there is one thing..."

Yang Cong said seriously, "I discovered the biggest problem with the design. If this problem is not solved, this design may be shelved in the database and be used again in ten or decades."

"what is the problem?"

Liu Jiankun became more serious and serious. Yang Cong, the top aircraft designer in the country, said that he had discovered a major problem, which may be real.

Zhao Yi is indeed very good at R\u0026D, but after all, he is not a professional aircraft designer. There may be something he didn't notice in the design, which affects the entire design issue.

Yang Cong swallowed what was in his mouth, and calmly went over to make a cup of tea. He was obviously trying to show off his words. He kept smiling, and he felt like he was about to reveal a 'big secret'.

Liu Jiankun was not in a hurry, and went over to help serve tea and introduce Yang Cong to the top talents here.


The two returned to their seats.

Yang Cong picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile, "There is something wrong with the overall control!"

"There are many automatically controlled parts in this design, and the design is very unique, but if they are allowed to change directions independently, it will be difficult to achieve overall coordination."

"For example, when the aircraft changes from a dive to a rapid pull-up, the folded wings will expand to about 80 degrees, but the flaps will not expand quickly, and the automatic change of the tail will also drag down the upward dive power. In this case , many of the parts that automatically change will become a drag, and may not be as good as ordinary designs..."

"So if you want this design to achieve the ideal effect, you must have an intelligent main control system!"

"this is a must!"

"But as far as I know, even the electronic control system of the world's top fighter aircraft cannot achieve coordinated and flexible control of so many components. That involves very complex calculations, and domestic..."

"Bala bala~~~"

Yang Cong talked a lot in succession, showing off his knowledge. After a while, he realized that something was wrong with Liu Jiankun's expression. He stopped talking with some unfinished meaning and asked, "Mr. Liu?"

"Cough, cough~"

Liu Jiankun suppressed the smile on his lips, walked to the sofa and took out a document and handed it over, "Is this what you are talking about?"

Yang Cong took the document and glanced at the title, "Intelligent control system?"

He opened and turned two pages, his expression completely froze, and he felt a little embarrassed about being "socially dead". He raised his head and looked at Liu Jiankun, and said with a stiff smile, "It turns out... Academician Zhao had thought of it a long time ago."

"Ha, ha, ha~~"

the other side.

After Zhao Yi submitted the design acceptance application report, he waited for the news with peace of mind.

He is very busy.

The War Eagle-1 design work is completed. The next step is to wait for the design acceptance and confirm that the WZ-A1 engine is aimed at the War Eagle-1. Then it is to manufacture the engine prototype. The engine must be made first before starting to build the fighter jet test machine.

The engine prototype work can give Hongfeng Industry a boost. He has cooperated with Hongfeng Industry, and the prototype manufacturing has been given the green light. However, because it has not been officially approved by superiors for manufacturing, he can only design molds internally and formulate plans for manufacturing components.

These are things that can be done in advance.

When it comes to Hongfeng Industry, we must also pay attention to the spindle research and development done with Hongfeng Industry.

Hongfeng Industry sent a lot of information.

Zhao Yi took the time to look at the technical information related to industrial spindle manufacturing. There is a lot of information, including not only the spindle manufacturing technology mastered by Hongfeng Industry, but also various spindles, machine tools, precision machining and other related information and parameters. wait.

If you want to do R\u0026D and design related to spindles, you must understand these.

The advantage of reading about manufacturing technology is that there is no obscure theoretical content. For Zhao Yi, technical information is not much different from reading about philosophy and economics. He just looks at the design, materials, parameters, etc., and he can almost remember it completely after reading it carefully. You don’t have to do serious calculations, thinking, etc.

Therefore, he read the information very quickly. It took him more than a week to have a general understanding of industrial spindle technology and Hongfeng Industry's research and development of spindles.

Industrial spindles and machine tool spindles include many types. The most common ones are belt-type spindles, gear-type spindles, direct-coupled spindles and electric spindles.

Belt-type spindles on the market are widely used, ranging from small to large-scale machining centers. The speed of the belt-type spindle does not exceed 8,000. It is relatively easy to assemble and has much less vibration than the gear type. The disadvantage is that the faster the speed, the greater the noise. And the belt tension is difficult to control.

Many large and medium-sized CNC machine tools use a gear-type spindle speed change method. Through a few pairs of gears, the speed is reduced to expand the output torque to meet the requirements for the output torque characteristics of the spindle at low speeds. It is more powerful than a belt-type spindle. But the disadvantages are also very obvious, the noise and vibration are very loud.

The main advantage is that it is powerful, but the disadvantage is that it is noisy and vibrating.

The direct-coupled spindle is mainly used for processing small parts. The faster the rotation speed, the smaller the cutting force. It is widely used in industry and has many advantages. For example, the rotation speed is much faster than the belt-type spindle, but the direct-coupled spindle has very high correction of the spindle. requirements.

Hongfeng Industry produces and develops several types of spindles, and also has a certain market share in China. However, their most important spindle technology research and development is focused on the latest electric spindles.

The electric spindle is the latest type of spindle. The spindle speed is very high and can reach 50,000 rpm. It has a built-in motor spindle transmission structure, which greatly simplifies the structure of the spindle box and spindle, and effectively improves the rigidity of the spindle components. There are many large-scale machine tools in the world, including ultra-high-precision machining. CNC machine tools use electric spindles that are fast and easy to control.

The main technical difficulty of the electric spindle is to eliminate its shortcomings, such as the sealing and accuracy of the spindle. Fast spindle speed will cause more wear. Only by ensuring ultra-high sealing can the possibility of damage be reduced. , and accuracy is the key among the keys. Only when the accuracy reaches a certain level can it be used on machine tools for processing fine parts.

"So the focus of research and development must be on electric spindles. Hongfeng Industrial mainly develops electric spindles, but the electric spindles they produce cannot even be used by domestic self-developed machine tools..."

Zhao Yi sighed and shook his head.

From here we can see the gap between the domestic high-end manufacturing industry and the international market. Most of the machine tools used by top domestic manufacturing companies are imported from abroad, and even the purchase of the top industrial machine tools is restricted.

Machine tools developed and produced domestically cannot be used in top high-end manufacturing industries.

For example, the production of electronic chips requires the most precision.

This is an ultra-high-precision machining field that is completely monopolized by foreign companies. Spindle technology does not represent machine tools, but it is an indispensable core component of machine tools.

"With the electric spindle manufacturing technology mastered by Hongfeng Industry, we are probably still two, three, or even more generations away from manufacturing the highest-precision electric spindle in the world, right?"

Zhao Yi was a little unsure, but he couldn't wait to start research and development. Not only did he hope to help the development of domestic high-end manufacturing technology, he also wanted to try the effect of "derivative rate".

When he actually experimented with the effect of "Derivation Rate", he discovered a problem. The main shaft was much simpler than the engine, but it also included several parts. He found that the "Derivation Rate" could not be used as a whole, and could only be done one part at a time. Come.


[Using "Derivation Rate" will consume 68 points of learning coins. Do you want to use it? 】

Zhao Yi was a little confused when he saw the system prompts. The effect of "Derivation Rate" seemed to be very good, but the amount of learning coins consumed was also amazing.

Calculating this, it would cost hundreds or thousands of learning coins to upgrade the electric spindle technology of Hongfeng Industry to one generation?

"It seems a bit of a loss..."

The 'loss' Zhao Yi mentioned was in terms of learning coins, because even if the next generation of electric spindle technology is developed, he may not be able to obtain thousands of learning coins.

According to past experience, it should be 500 or 800 learning coins, which is a bit of a loss. Unless the electric spindle technology of Hongfeng Industry is allowed to reach the international level and arouse heated discussions among public opinion, this is possible. Earn more learning coins.

Of course, even if the Learning Coin ‘loses money’, it must still be researched and developed.

Zhao Yi still reluctantly used the "Derivation Rate" and immediately obtained the internal hollow body structure technology in the next generation design of the electric spindle, and knew how to design the hollow body structure.


This is just part of the spindle design and does not bring learning coin rewards.

Zhao Yi looked at the empty study coins again and thought with a sigh, "We still have to rely on the aircraft design. I don't know when the aviation group will complete the design acceptance work!"

“They work too slowly!”

"It's been nearly two weeks, and there's not even any news!"

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