Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 468 What if the Fields winner doesn’t come?

Liu Jiankun, it’s so difficult!

The War Eagle-1 design was submitted for acceptance too suddenly, and the aviation group was completely unprepared.

Liu Jiankun had to temporarily organize an acceptance expert group to conduct an overall review of the report. Because it was a paper on fifth-generation aircraft design, each part required detailed calculations, and some parts still needed to be understood and calculated. Find a way.

It was like answering a question that was completely unknown to me, requiring the experts from the acceptance team to expend a lot of brain cells to do it.

For a large-scale aviation group, it is not too difficult to temporarily organize an acceptance expert group. In the worst case, they can find personnel from the following research institutions.

The aviation group has more than 30 research institutions, and each institution can be said to be full of talents. There are six academicians who can participate in the work, covering all parts of aircraft design, including the accompanying aviation-related research and development. The research institute is responsible for it, and each research institute is responsible for the relevant part acceptance, which is enough to solve the design acceptance problem.

Liu Jiankun was stumped by the "intelligent control system", which is classified as electronic equipment.

The aviation group has the Flight Automatic Control Research Institute and the Aviation Computer Technology Research Institute. Both research institutes sent top researchers, but after seeing the contents of the 'intelligent control system', they both said that the verification could not be completed in a short time.

Because the algorithm is too difficult!

They specialize in researching avionics equipment and have many talents related to computer algorithms, but talents are just talents and do not mean they are top algorithm experts.

The advice they gave was, “You must find the top algorithm engineers.”

"What I mean by top class is not the ordinary top class, but the kind of experts who can reach world-class mathematics and computer skills, preferably those who specialize in mathematics and algorithm research."

"We don't have this kind of talent!"

of course not.

He is a mathematician and computer expert at the same time. He focuses on studying mathematics and computer algorithms, which is equivalent to doing purely theoretical research. It is unlikely that he will work in a research institute under the aviation group.

Such talents cannot fully display their abilities in the research institutes under the aviation group. Talents who specialize in theoretical research must still be found in the Academy of Sciences and major universities.

Liu Jiankun immediately thought of a place, "The Software Institute of the Academy of Sciences? Information and Computing Center?"

"Academician Zhao, you really presented a difficult problem!"

Liu Jiankun was willing to ask Zhao Yi to come directly to explain, but the researchers certainly could not participate in the design acceptance. If Zhao Yi, who was doing the design, came to explain, why would he organize an expert group to do the acceptance? Just give it a pass. He doesn't care about the design principles or anything like that.

So I still have to find the Academy of Sciences.

The Aviation Group also has relevant personnel in the Academy of Sciences, but they are all cooperating departments, such as the Software Institute and the Information and Computing Center, and there is no connection at all.

This is equivalent to finding someone outside the group.

Although the Aviation Group is a very important aviation industry group in China, domestic scientific research institutions and group companies are not family members. Even if they are family members, the researchers below do not think so. Who would want to deal with irrelevant institutional issues? What about adding work for yourself that has nothing to do with research and development?

Liu Jiankun could only communicate with the person in charge of the Software Institute and Information Center of the Academy of Sciences. He even flew there in person and made a trip to talk in person before finally agreeing on the acceptance work.

The Software Institute of the Academy of Sciences agreed to send an academician to lead a team to assist in the acceptance of the ‘intelligent control system’ at the aviation group.

This academician is Liu Hemin.

Liu Hemin was a newly promoted academician last year. He was very proud of being elected as an academician. His recent research on evolutionary algorithms has achieved some staged results, and he is still in a very good mood.

When he heard about the acceptance work of the aviation group supported by the software, he inquired about it for a moment and quickly stayed away because the name "Zhao Yi" was involved.

Liu Hemin is very confident in his professional level. He is a top expert in mathematics and computers, but compared with Zhao Yi, he still dare not compare at all.

The 'intelligent control system' designed by Zhao Yi left the aviation group at a loss and had to turn to the Software Institute of the Academy of Sciences. The difficulty of the algorithms involved must be first-class.

It's okay to lead a team to an aviation group, but as an "external" expert team, dignified information academicians, it will be very embarrassing if they can't understand the principles of algorithms after arriving.

So Liu Hemin didn't want to go at all, but the thing was not whether he wanted to go or not, but the decision made by the software.

There was a small meeting in the office and they briefly discussed the matter. Everyone else looked at Liu Hemin, because in the past few months, only Liu Hemin had been free, and his professionalism also met the requirements of the aviation group.

Liu Hemin bit the bullet and agreed to the job, but after going back and thinking about it carefully, it was still not safe.

Suddenly he had an idea.


“As long as you understand the principles of the algorithm and some important points, you’ll be fine.”

"At that time, we can also show the people at the aviation group that the computer and mathematical capabilities of the software are there. We can quickly solve problems that they cannot solve."

"How do you know?"

Liu Hemin didn't have the scruples of the aviation group, so he dialed Zhao Yi directly that day.

Zhao Yi was depressed about the design acceptance work. There was no news for more than two weeks. Fortunately, a message finally came from over there, saying that he was asked to send people involved in the design there.

The only ones that the War Eagle Special Research Team could send out were Lei Yong and Bao Enhong. There was no way he could send him there.

Lei Yong and Bao Enhong quickly packed up their things and went on a business trip to the headquarters of the aviation group. Their job was to assist the expert group in design acceptance.

Zhao Yi had just finished arranging things for Lei Yong and Bao Enhong when he received a call from Liu Hemin. He asked strangely, "Professor Liu, what's the matter? Why did you remember to call me?"

"It's not your business yet."


"Yes, your intelligent control system, design acceptance, the aviation group came to me and let me take a look. I want to make some preparations in advance, so I asked you to ask..."

Liu Hemin told the truth.

Zhao Yi was shocked when he heard this. This was the first time he discovered that Professor Liu Hemin was so thick-skinned. Their relationship was indeed very good, but to accept his design report, he came to him to talk about the key points first?


Something doesn't feel right?

"Don't think too much, I'm just asking in advance." Liu Hemin explained, "The aviation group is pressing hard, saying they hope to complete the acceptance as soon as possible, but for a system that they don't understand at all, it involves a lot of difficulties. High-level algorithms, you know, are not easy to understand.”

"I have no idea……"

Zhao Yi wanted to say this but didn't say it out loud, but because of his relationship with Liu Hemin, since the other party had spoken, there would be no loss for him anyway, and it might help to complete the acceptance quickly.

So he spent several hours giving a general explanation to Liu Hemin, and also talked about some difficult points in detail.

Liu Hemin listened and took notes while listening, just like a student taking an online class, and wanted to compare and consider it carefully. When it was time to check the report for acceptance, he could quickly understand the content if he found any difficulties.

Finally, the explanation is over.

Zhao Yi felt very tired, and Liu Hemin also felt very tired. When he put down the video call, he didn't forget to ask, "By the way, will you participate in this year's Mathematicians Conference?"

"Congress of Mathematicians?"

Only then did Zhao Yicai remember that there was an International Congress of Mathematicians this year. The last time he participated was before going to college, and he won the Newanglina Prize representing mathematical computing.

Now that he is about to graduate from college, he should win Fields, right?

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "I probably won't go. I'm very busy with work and don't have time to go to India. Besides, I don't feel like it's suitable to go abroad."

In the past, I didn't feel this way. He was only doing theoretical research and would not normally be targeted by foreign government agencies. But after participating in many major national R\u0026D projects, the situation may be different, and internal confidentiality may not be guaranteed. It works, but there are still risks in going to other countries.

This makes Zhao Yi feel very relaxed, because he is a bit of a homebody. It is not a big deal. He does not want to go to such a far place. It is best to stay at Yanhua University, with a familiar environment and a familiar life. It will be very comfortable.


Liu Hemin nodded in approval. He also felt that Zhao Yi was not suitable to go out.

Although he didn't know how many major national projects Zhao Yi had participated in, he only knew about a few, such as materials research and theoretical research on satellite transmission systems. Not to mention major national projects, the discovery of Tianqing protein alone was involved. Huge economic benefits.

After Zhao Yi turned off the video call, he opened his personal email and checked, and saw an invitation letter from the International Mathematical Union, inviting him to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad, India.

Then he wrote a letter of polite refusal, which basically meant, "I have been too busy with work recently and have no time to go to India to attend the conference. I feel very sorry for this."

Hyderabad, India.

The International Congress of Mathematicians will be held in one and a half months. Some people have already come to Hyderabad in advance. The local government of Hyderabad and the Indian branch of the Mathematical Union have also begun to prepare for the Congress of Mathematicians.

An office building near the central square of Hyderabad has become a place where members of the Mathematical Union work, and everyone is preparing for the Mathematicians Conference.

A staff member who was responsible for sending invitation letters to important guests attending the conference suddenly shouted in surprise, "Guess who sent the email to me?"


Many people in the office looked over.

"Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi? Zhao Yi from China? What did he say?" Several people simply gathered around.

"It's a pity that I can't go to the Mathematicians Conference..."

Someone read it.

Everyone else was shocked. Anyone who pays attention to international mathematics knows that Fields will definitely award Zhao Yi this year, and he doesn't even have any competitors.

Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's conjecture, three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, weakened twin prime conjecture...


In the face of this large number of top mathematical achievements, any famous mathematician will be eclipsed, and they will never be able to complete any of them in their lifetime.

As a result, Zhao Yi said that he would not participate?

Since the birth of the Fields Medal, there seems to be no precedent for the winner not being present. Especially this year, there is a high probability that Zhao Yi will be the only winner. What should I do when the award is presented?

When the news was spread, the Indian organizers immediately communicated with the International Mathematical Union. The Indian organizers were naturally very dissatisfied. They did not want to see the Mathematicians Conference without the "most core" award winners participating.

They even simply suggested, "Award Fields to someone else! If you don't participate, you will give up the trophy. We can re-select, or improve the second or third place."

The officials of the International Mathematical Union immediately shook their heads and refused, and even looked at him as if he were a fool.

When did the organizers of the International Congress of Mathematicians have the right to intervene in the selection of the Fields Medal?

Also, award it to someone else?

wake up!

The International Mathematical Union is the largest international mathematics organization. The most influential award they hold is Fields. Fields is recognized as the Nobel in mathematics, and in the eyes of most people, Fields More influential than Wolfe and Albert, and one of the reasons for Fields' great influence is the age limit for the winners. The restriction of under forty years old makes most of the Fields winners very outstanding. mathematical geniuses, rather than those old ordinary mathematicians who rely on experience to achieve results. Because of this, many Fields Medal winners will later receive various awards, including the most influential Nobel.

In addition, it is fair.

For any award to be influential, fairness is the most basic requirement.

If there is no fairness in the selection, the award will lose its meaning. Zhao Yi’s mathematical achievements and personal influence in the international mathematics community are recognized as the most suitable Fields recipients. It can be said that as long as you pay attention to the Philippines Anyone who has won the Fields Medal knows that this year's Fields will only belong to Zhao Yi.

In this case, because Zhao Yi did not come to the Mathematicians Conference, Fields was awarded to someone else?

At that time, the mathematicians who won the Fields may refuse on the spot, and they may also give very good reasons, "My results are not as good as Zhao Yi. I think the person who deserves the Fields most is Zhao Yi." Yi!"

This will almost certainly happen!

There are many lunatics and extreme people in the mathematics world, who either have mental mysophobia or have problems with their brain structure.

Most of the top mathematicians don't understand the world. They will pursue their own ideas and beliefs wholeheartedly and devote themselves wholeheartedly to mathematical research. For them, right is right and wrong is wrong. The award should be awarded to whomever. No matter who is awarded it, otherwise it will be considered an insult to oneself.

If something like this happened, it would be very embarrassing.

So in comparison, if Zhao Yi doesn't come to the conference, it will have almost no impact. He just doesn't come to attend. Maybe he will come after communicating with him?

Maybe we can find a compromise?

Some of the top international awards have also had winners who were not present. There must be a solution!


The International Mathematical Union got in touch with Zhao Yi, and they hoped to discuss a compromise so that Zhao Yi could receive the award without participating.

They considered several options.

For example, Zhao Yi recorded a video in advance and played it at the awards ceremony.

Also, send an awards team to Zhao Yi in advance to give a confidential award in advance, and shoot a promotional video to be played at that time.

Furthermore, Zhao Yi found an agent to collect the award on site.


Zhao Yi was still very satisfied with the attitude of the Mathematics Alliance. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that any plan was good.


Call an M-group to run errands?

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