Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 470 Zhao Yi’s source of inspiration was exposed!

The ‘intelligent control system’ acceptance team, a small office in the back.

Liu Hemin was frowning at his notes.

He originally thought that with Zhao Yi's explanation in advance, he would quickly understand the 'intelligent control system', but when he actually did research, he discovered that his thinking was a bit too simple.

Most of the contents in the notes are meaningless. It’s not that what Zhao Yi said is wrong, but most of what he said introduced the general design ideas and processes of the control system, and said some things that he found difficult to understand. The place.

When listening to Zhao Yi's explanation, Liu Hemin thought it was normal, because normal explanations are like this. First, give a general introduction, and then explain the key and difficult points in detail.

Now when he was doing research on reports and codes, he found that the problem was still huge. The most important thing was that the explanations were not detailed enough, so that he was at a loss about the detailed calculations and design ideas of each algorithm package, and he was also confused about the core algorithms. I just know the function, but don’t understand the specific principle at all.

Liu Hemin didn't mean to blame Zhao Yi, but he just felt that he had underestimated the 'intelligent control system'. No wonder the aviation group had to seek assistance from the Academy of Sciences Software, because the complexity of the reports and codes could not be understood in a short time, and they were a bit obscure. The algorithm program takes a long time to understand just a general idea.

Liu Hemin complained in her heart that she was not well prepared, and knew that there was nothing she could do.

Before coming to the aviation group, it was impossible for Zhao Yi to show him the source code. At most, he could briefly talk about the research and development ideas and explain some key algorithms to the screen. Even this would already involve 'violations', that is, because of 'intelligent control'. The system was designed by Zhao Yi. In addition, he is a member of the Information Academy of the Academy of Sciences, has participated in many national projects, and is about to go to the aviation group to assist in the acceptance work of the "intelligent control system", so it can barely be said.

Zhao Yi did everything he could.

But these are far from enough for Liu Hemin to quickly understand the report and code. The most difficult thing is the core algorithm of the 'intelligent control system'. All he can do is 'find the core algorithm structure', but he cannot understand the core algorithm in a short time. of detailed content.

In fact, what Liu Hemin didn't know was that Zhao Yi worked harder than he thought.

Zhao Yi completely believed in Liu Hemin. He knew that Liu Hemin was not deceiving him because he could use the "Law of Cause and Effect" for testing. He knew that Liu Hemin really wanted to assist the aviation group in the acceptance work, so he tried his best to explain.

But one problem Zhao Yi explained to others was that he didn’t know what the specific difficulty was.

Because the way of thinking is different.

In the eyes of others, the algorithms for some positions are obscure and difficult to understand, but for Zhao Yi, it is very easy. A "Contact Rate" can directly output the process. He does not need to use his brain at all, just type it out, because There was too much code involved, and even he couldn't remember some parts clearly, let alone explain the difficulties to others.

So when explaining to Liu Hemin, Zhao Yi really tried his best and talked for several hours, but some of what he said was easy to understand for Liu Hemin. As a result, Liu Hemin made a decision about the difficulty of the 'intelligent control system' biased judgment.

Now Liu Hemin just feels helpless. Most of the notes are useless. Fortunately, there are still some places that are useful, such as the description of the overall algorithm package.

He compared the report to understand it, and also knew in detail the overall architecture and the specific role of each algorithm package.

It was not a simple description, but a very deep understanding, and he felt slightly more relaxed.

"First understand the overall structure, then break it down and understand it in detail."

"This method is also possible."

"But core arithmetic..." Liu Hemin opened the report to compare the source code, and it felt like a headache to look at it carefully.

Two days later in the morning, Liu Hemin walked out of the office tired. He walked to the window to look at the scenery outside the window, took a proper break and drank a cup of tea.

Guo Jinhua also happened to put down his work. He came over and asked, "Academician Liu, is there any progress?"

"A little bit." Liu Hemin nodded and said.

"Tell me?"

The people next to me also raised their ears.

The teams led by Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong and Liu Hemin's software team all work together. They have a common goal, which is to understand the 'intelligent control system' to the point where they don't need to understand every row or column. It is not necessary to do detailed verification just for acceptance. However, the functions of each algorithm package must be tested, and the core algorithm must be understood.

Therefore, the most important thing is the core algorithm. As long as you understand the core algorithm and the specific code involved, you only need to know the functions, browse them briefly, and run and debug each algorithm package. The result will be fine.

Liu Hemin took a sip of tea, brought Guo Jinhua to the office, and began to explain in detail.

Soon, Deng Minrong also came.

Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong listened to Liu Hemin's explanation together. He talked about the specific functions of each algorithm package, which algorithm packages constitute the core algorithm, and how the core algorithm specifically operates.

It can be easily understood with an example.

For example, the intelligent control system is an elephant, and the source code is the entire composition of the elephant, down to the structure and function of each cell, and then the various organs and so on.

The core algorithm is the various systems inside the elephant's body, including the blood system, digestive system, nervous system, etc.

The acceptance team does not need to figure out how cells are composed, but they must know the specific principles of the core algorithm. However, because the algorithm is too difficult, they can only know based on the report that an elephant has four legs, a big trunk, and two flickers. Twinkling ears and so on.

These external reports are all introduced, but since the internal system is involved, it is impossible to write all the reports in detail, and some contents still need to be understood personally.

Now Liu Hemin is explaining the internal system structure of the elephant, but what he knows is limited to 'which part is the digestive system', 'which part is the nervous system', etc. Specifically, he explains how the digestive system and nervous system are composed. No idea at all.

Despite this, Liu Hemin's explanation also shocked Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong, because they had studied for a long time and only understood that those algorithm packages were core algorithms and could not be divided into such details. Unexpectedly, Liu Hemin came and only In two or three days, I have understood the general engineering of the core algorithm.

"As expected of a bachelor of information science!"

Guo Jinhua sighed in his heart, "In just two or three days, we have learned more deeply than we have studied for a long time."

Deng Minrong also thought, "Academician Liu is really capable. No wonder Mr. Liu went to the software institute to hire people in person."

"At this rate, it won't take long for the whole thing to be accepted."

Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong were convinced of Liu Hemin's ability. They simply let go and began to ask Liu Hemin about the design and functions of some algorithm packages.

These are the problems they encountered when understanding.

Normally, Liu Hemin could understand it to this extent, and he must have completely understood the problems of other algorithm packages, but the reality is different from what he imagined.

When they asked, Liu Hemin always said, "I haven't studied this yet..."

"I haven't studied that either..."

"Not sure."

"I understand, I understand!" Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong didn't ask for a result, and felt very strange in their hearts. "Academician Liu knows the functions of the core algorithm, why doesn't he know about some ordinary algorithm packages? Some even seem to have no Seen……"

"Something's not right, isn't it?"

Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong looked at each other, talked for a few words after leaving the office, but still couldn't figure it out.

Downstairs, third floor.

The regular design acceptance team of War Eagle-1 is progressing very smoothly.

The nominal person in charge of the conventional design acceptance group is Liu Jiankun, and the actual person in charge is Yang Cong, Li Jianming, and Sun Mengfei. The three of them are the top aircraft design experts in the country. Together, they can be said to account for half of the sky for domestically produced fighters. Liu Jiankun and the aviation group paid great attention to the Warhawk-1 design report.

After studying the reports and detailed design documents for a period of time, they all had a detailed understanding of the War Eagle-1, and all that was left was the calculation and demonstration of each part.

For example, flaps.

What needs to be calculated in the design of flaps is the upward power parameters that the flaps can provide to the fighter when they are flat, as well as the drag caused by the design of each state.

The other parts are similar. They are all specific parameters of the calculation design itself. Compared with the difficult algorithms of the 'intelligent control system', the conventional demonstration is relatively simple. Most of them are calculation content. Even the parts that are difficult to calculate can be carried out in detail. Argument.

Therefore, the routine acceptance work is progressing very smoothly.

This day is the work distribution stage.

The acceptance team has completed the demonstration of the overall design. What is left is the detailed demonstration and calculation of each part of the design, which can be delegated to each group. Each group will be responsible for the demonstration and calculation of a part of the design.

This is for confidentiality reasons.

Only the core personnel and leadership of the acceptance team can see the entire design report, while ordinary personnel participating in the acceptance can only see a small part of the design content they are responsible for.

In fact, even core personnel and leadership may not be able to get all the reports.

The regular part acceptance team can only see the design part of the Warhawk-1, and cannot get the report of the 'intelligent control system'. The two are directly separated. Only the leadership can be seen. In detail, There is only Liu Jiankun, and others, even the deputy general manager and chief designer, as long as they have nothing to do with the acceptance, cannot see any reports.

Liu Jiankun is solely responsible for the acceptance work. He will listen to the results reported by the two acceptance groups of aircraft design and intelligent control system, and finally convene a meeting to announce the acceptance results.

However, Liu Jiankun did not participate in the acceptance process. Several top aircraft designers presided over the detailed demonstration work allocation meeting.

Yang Cong is actually the first person in charge, while Li Jianming and Sun Mengfei are his deputies.

The work meeting ended quickly.

After each group received the design of the responsible part, they returned to their respective work places to assign tasks.

Yang Cong, Li Jianming and Sun Mengfei are still in the conference room.

Sitting next to Li Jianming was Lei Yong, both of whom were from the Shencheng Aircraft Research Institute; next to Sun Mengfei was sitting Bao Enhong, who was from the Wucheng Aircraft Design Institute.

Lei Yong and Bao Enhong came here on a 'business trip' to help answer the acceptance team's questions and conduct some design handovers with the acceptance team. They would also observe the entire acceptance work so that they could communicate with them as soon as they encountered any problems.

The two were actual participants in the design of the War Eagle-1. Yang Cong, Li Jianming and Sun Mengfei did not pay attention and directly talked about the design issues of the War Eagle-1.

Li Jianming sighed repeatedly, "Before coming here, I always thought that there must be big problems with the Warhawk-1 design. Academician Zhao is a genius, everyone admits it, but it was too fast..."

"Yeah, it's too fast!" Sun Mengfei also sighed. He looked at Bao Enhong, "I feel like you just passed by."

Bao Enhong shook his head sincerely and said, "Academician Zhao is indeed... difficult to understand. He did most of it alone, and Lei Yong and I didn't help."

Lei Yong also nodded in approval.

Li Jianming continued, "I've seen it all. This is a design that is so advanced that I can't even imagine it. Before I saw it, I couldn't imagine it. I didn't have these things in my brain." He sighed, "I'm really convinced." ! Now I want to apply directly to stop the J-31 design and development project. It’s not necessary.”

Li Jianming's words entered the hearts of Yang Cong and Sun Mengfei. The acceptance work was now halfway through. Not to mention whether the design was right or wrong, just the overall structure and the design details of each part they saw were so unimaginable. 'a feeling of.

There are many parts of the design content that they just feel like they ‘can’t figure it out’.

The next few people talked about design inspiration.

"As for the tail wing, this is the first time I have seen such a design, and I can't find anything for reference." Li Jianming said, "There are also air inlets. Three air inlets are conceivable, and the upper air inlet can be closed. I think of it. Don’t dare to design.”


Sun Mengfei agreed, "Folding wings, are you kidding me? I just saw this design, and my mind was really blank. Wings... folding? Is there anything like this in science fiction movies?"

Yang Cong smiled and shook his head.

He saw the design earlier than the two of them, and the time to sigh had passed, but he still couldn't imagine that such a design could be made, and he was a little confused.

Mainly, sources of inspiration.

Normally, aircraft design requires a lot of reference materials. This does not mean 'imitation, plagiarism' or the like, but without reference materials, it is difficult to design directly. If you think deeply, it is actually different from human thinking. The method matters.

Human thinking has a basis. For example, if you know what the snow looks like, you can imagine Antarctica.

But what if you don’t know?

How could humans who lived along the equator in ancient times imagine what Antarctica looked like? They have never even seen snow!

Knowledge and insight are the basis of imagination. Only with the foundation can we expand. Inspiration can also be said to be the expansion of the foundation, and it will definitely be the rearrangement and combination of existing knowledge. Just like words, they have a "spirit" and a "spirit". The two words "sensation" can be combined together to be called "inspiration". Without one of the words, there will be no word "inspiration".

So they couldn't understand why Zhao Yi could think of these designs.

Zhao Yi did get some design information, but the information he got was definitely not as much as they had seen, but his design went far beyond the scope of the information, and some parts were completely unrelated to the known information, such as folding. How did you come up with the idea of ​​folding the wings?

How to prove it?

Why was the decision made to design a folding wing?


This was something Yang Cong and the others didn't understand at all. They sighed and discussed it for several times before they thought there were others.

Li Jianming asked Lei Yong, "Lei Yong, do you know where Academician Zhao's inspiration comes from?" He was worried that Lei Yong would not understand, and explained in detail, "For example, how did you come up with the design of the folding wings? What information did you read, or..."

"I know?"


"I know." Lei Yong nodded affirmatively and added, "Bao Enhong also knows."

"Really? Where are you from?"

Lei Yong suddenly walked aside, picked up his briefcase, and pulled out a document. The top page of the document was a photo of a toy airplane model. He put the page on the table and gave it to Li Jianming and Yang Cong. Wait for someone to look at it, and then say, "This is it!"


Bao Enhong also nodded and said, "Academician Zhao's original inspiration was this toy airplane model."




Yang Cong, Li Jianming and Sun Mengfei looked at each other, then carefully compared the current designs, and found that there were indeed some similarities. In other words, did Zhao Yi's inspiration really come from a toy airplane model?


"Perhaps I should buy some airplane models and spaceship models from science fiction movies, so that I can expand my imagination and make better and higher-end designs?"

The three of them couldn't help but ponder.

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