Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 471 I won’t be able to rest in peace if I don’t see it in service!

What Yang Cong, Li Jianming and Sun Mengfei didn't know was that they had all been misled by the information provided by Lei Yong.

Lei Yong and Bao Enhong felt that Zhao Yi was inspired by model aircraft. In fact, this was not the case. Zhao Yi did not need inspiration at all to design aircraft. All he needed was to find a breakthrough.

Of course, the breakthrough point is different, and the final design is also different, but the real inspiration comes from Lei Yong and Bao Enhong, from their demonstration report on toy model aircraft.

Lei Yong and Bao Enhong felt that demonstrating the toy model aircraft was like completing an assessment assignment. In fact, Zhao Yi revised each part based on their arguments.

Therefore, Lei Yong and Bao Enhong played a very important role in the design, but they didn't know it themselves. They also felt that Zhao Yi really took care of them. Otherwise, how could they explain that Zhao Yi would still care about their work when he did nothing? Very satisfied, their names are included in the design report, and they are also entrusted with important tasks to assist the aviation group in the design acceptance work?

In short, they misunderstood.

Zhao Yi doesn't care about misunderstandings. He doesn't need to take all the credit. It's normal to give all the credit to himself and give some to others.

Now he doesn't even consider aircraft design acceptance work and only focuses on the research of NP problems.

Zhao Yi did not start making arguments and really start solving the NP problem because he had not yet figured out how to solve it or where to start. Instead, he continued to think deeply about the problem in his normal study and work life.

This kind of thinking can bring a lot of ideas, and if there are slightly better ideas, he will record them.

After thinking about it for nearly a month, Zhao Yi felt that he was a little nervous. As he walked on the road, he kept talking about language logic problems.

"What number is the next big prime number? Verify one by one. Verify that X is a prime number, and the problem is solved."

"Verifying X is the fastest way to solve the problem, which is process P. If X is a known prime number, that is, during the verification process, you can deduce whether there are other large prime numbers between The degree will be a finite set, not an infinite polynomial..."

“What would it be if you added the ‘square’ sign to the question?”

"The square of a large prime number is definitely not a prime number, but it has and has only one normal factor. The square of the problem may not be accurately described in words, but it can be understood this way..."

"Ula Ula~~~"

Zhao Yi was thinking about language logic problems and felt his head was getting a little big. Of course, what he was dealing with was not language problems, but pure mathematical logic problems. He had to understand the logic of language expression before he could turn the questions into mathematics. , so that it can be solved by pure mathematical methods, otherwise the solution process may encounter problems with unclear logic.

More than two weeks later.

Zhao Yi had almost figured out the logical relationship, and recorded a lot of information densely in his notebook. He knew he could start formal research.

Once the breakthrough point of the problem is found and the problem is completely transformed into mathematics, it becomes relatively simple. Of course, the demonstration process is not simple.

NP=P? .

The previous NP is a polynomial that cannot be directly operated, and the corresponding P is a special case of the polynomial, which is the fastest and most effective way to solve the NP problem.

Then we can assume that there is a method Y to find P, so that Y can be deduced from NP, and then P can be deduced from Y, which can directly solve the NP problem.

Y is the answer to the NP problem.

If Y is proven to exist and can be expressed, it means that there is a specific feasible method that can solve complex and irregular NP problems that can only be verified one by one.

Y does not exist. If it is proved, it means that the NP problem cannot be solved.

Both have completed the proof of NP problems.

The NP problem is indeed very complex. It is the first of the seven major mathematical conjectures of the millennium. In fact, because the problem is very simple and only involves logical problems, Zhao Yi can directly get the answer using "The Law of Causality", and the answer is 'Y Does not exist', that is, there is no specific method that can directly solve the NP problem. The answer is not unexpected, because more than 90% of mathematicians believe that the NP problem has no result. The key is how to prove that 'Y does not exist'.

The method Zhao Yi thought of was the graphic method.

Set a point A in a three-dimensional coordinate system. Point A radiates out countless irregular and irregular line segments, densely filling the entire coordinate system. There is an end point S, and there is one and only one line segment whose end point is S.

If you start from the origin A to find S, you must verify one by one, because A emits countless line segments, and the amount of calculations to verify one by one is too huge.

So is it possible to find an expression Y such that judging from the surrounding range of the origin A, we can find the line segment P leading to S according to the expression Y?

Assuming that the expression Y exists, you can use the end point S and the line segment P to inversely demonstrate the expression Y, and then use Y to infer the original place A. During the inversion process, you only need to prove that Y has no correlation with A and P. It can be determined that Y does not exist.

Zhao Yi thought about the method of proof and began to do research in seclusion in the faculty dormitory.

This retreat lasts for a week.

Qian Hong had just had some free time, and found that he had to do the "takeaway" work again. Every time he delivered food, his eyes looked at Zhao Yi full of resentment, and he also looked forward to whether Zhao Yi could complete the research on the NP problem. .

This time she was the only one who knew what Zhao Yi was researching.

Others also think that Zhao Yi is still immersed in the research and development of various technologies, and they have no idea that Zhao Yi has returned to mathematics and is still studying the first of the seven millennium conjectures.

"If other people know about it, it will definitely be a bombshell!"

"I think the mathematics community will be excited!"

"Professor Zhou would say loudly: Zhao Yi, finally returned to the journey and started studying mathematics again..."

at the same time.

The aviation group's routine acceptance work on the War Eagle-1 design has been completed. The acceptance results surprised everyone involved in the work, because the calculation demonstration results they made were completely consistent with the results given in the design report.

Inconsistencies occurred midway, and the second calculation revealed that they had made a calculation error.

This kind of accuracy...

Someone lamented, "Academician Zhao will definitely get full marks no matter what level he takes the science exam." What he means is that he will get all the questions right without making even a small mistake.

Others said with disdain, "Academician Zhao has perfect scores."

"That's not true. Don't you know? Academician Zhao's college entrance examination score seems to be 752?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the full score is only 750."

"20 points for the Mathematical Olympiad. Academician Zhao won the first prize in the province. But he only won the first prize in the province because he did not participate in the Mathematical Olympiad later. He had the highest score in that Mathematical Olympiad."

"That's 732? It's not that high!"

"Excuse me, what does it mean to be high? Can you get a perfect score in the Chinese language test? I noticed Academician Zhao's scores at that time. It seems that mathematics, English, and comprehensive science are all one point short of a perfect score. It is almost the same as a perfect score. I guess it is just a difference in written procedures. One point will be deducted for each step..."

"it's a pity!"

"What's the point of this? Academician Zhao is the best in the world in mathematics. What's the big deal if he can't make mistakes in calculations?"



A group of people responded.

Although they all nodded and seemed to think it was normal, in fact everyone was surprised because the design report involved too much calculation content and it was too difficult to make no mistakes.

This is much more difficult than getting a perfect score on the math test.

When they were all checking in, several calculations were wrong. As a result, the calculation method was redesigned, and the result was consistent in the report. And they were working as a team, Academician Zhao...

"its not right!"

Someone suddenly asked in surprise, "There is no mistake at all. In other words, these calculations were all done by Academician Zhao alone?"



Many people also realized this and were immediately shocked. A large group of dozens of them conducted arguments and calculations for more than half a month.

How much calculation is this?

Academician Zhao is alone...

"I can't imagine it!" Liu Jiankun was very surprised when he saw the report submitted by the regular acceptance team, but no matter how surprised, the result is the most important.

General acceptance, passed!

The next step is the acceptance of the ‘intelligent control system’.

Liu Jiankun also immediately went to the ‘Intelligent Control System’ acceptance team to learn about the work progress of the acceptance team.

Then he was disappointed.

"What? Two more weeks?" Liu Jiankun was very surprised, because as early as more than a month ago, after the people from the Institute of Software of the Academy of Sciences came, the 'intelligent control system' acceptance team said that there had been significant progress, and said that within a month It will be done.

Time has long passed now.

Although people from the Institute of Software of the Academy of Sciences came and Academician Liu Hemin was also present in person, the main leaders of the 'intelligent control system' acceptance group were Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong, who were from the research institute under the Aviation Group.

Facing the surprise and dissatisfaction on Liu Jiankun's face, Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong looked at each other and could only smile bitterly. When Academician Liu Hemin first came, he quickly figured out the situation of the core algorithm, and the progress in acceptance was indeed very significant, because their The main task is to understand the core algorithm. Other verifications are relatively simple. You don't even need to look at the source code carefully. You just need to debug and run to see the results.

But one month later, their progress can be described as slow.

The codes in those core algorithm packages involve a lot of content, and the amount of calculation is relatively huge. The most important thing is that they don't understand the principle of calculation.

In order to understand the contents of the core algorithm package as soon as possible, Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong simply worked together with Liu Hemin, and communicated while studying the code. However, they still couldn't figure out several parts. Even after contacting other related algorithm packages, there was no answer. Any use.

Neither Guo Jinhua nor Deng Minrong knew how long it would take. They could only push back the time. Maybe they could find out the key points by continuing to study and discuss.

Liu Jiankun didn't understand the algorithm, so he could only give him two more weeks.


Two weeks have passed.

Liu Jiankun came to the 'Intelligent Control System' acceptance team again, but what he got was not the news that the acceptance work was completed, but...

"Let Academician Zhao come!"

"Let Academician Zhao talk about it in detail. We have been studying and discussing it but there is no result."


Liu Hemin was there this time, and he said with some helplessness, "There are several points in the algorithm package that are too complicated. If you want to understand them, you still need Academician Zhao himself."

Liu Hemin really let go.

In fact, he didn't want Zhao Yi to come, because he was photographed by the software to assist in the acceptance work, but he couldn't understand the key content of the core algorithm, which was really embarrassing.

However, Liu Hemin had no choice.

He, Guo Jinhua, and Deng Minrong continued to study the core algorithm, but couldn't figure out several key points. He couldn't help but think of the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method'.

That kind of brain-burning algorithm requires a lot of time to understand by looking at the code. One or two months may not be enough, let alone one or two weeks.

What can be done now?

Facing the complex algorithm designed by Zhao Yi, it doesn't matter if you lower your head slightly. At least Guo Jinhua and Deng Minrong can understand it. What do other people think... ahem.

This kind of acceptance work is completely confidential, and other people, such as the Institute of Software of the Academy of Sciences, cannot know the process.


never mind!

Liu Hemin thought about it carefully and immediately felt much more relaxed. He continued, "Manager Liu, there is nothing we can do in the short term. The algorithms involved are too complicated. You also know Zhao Yi's genius..."

He said helplessly shaking his head.

Liu Jiankun could indeed understand, but the thought of having Zhao Yi explain it himself made him feel very depressed.

If Zhao Yi himself was asked to give the explanation, why would he go to the Software Institute of the Academy of Sciences? Just let Zhao Yi do the talking directly. The most important thing is that letting the designer himself participate in the acceptance work is inconsistent with the internal rules and systems of the aviation group.

When Liu Jiankun learned about the problems encountered by the 'intelligent control system' acceptance team, he had no choice but to go back and think about how to solve the problem.

Finally he decided to have a meeting.

He wants to hold a group research and development meeting specifically to talk about the War Eagle-1 design and acceptance work, so that everyone can make a decision together.


Liu Jiankun released the news and asked the staff to call important personnel on the grounds that "a major breakthrough in research and development has been achieved". Among them were not only people within the reporting group, but also representatives from the nearby Air Force and Air Force.

A week later.

The aviation group's large-scale scientific research meeting began, and those who came to participate in the meeting were all heavyweights, including two military leaders with the rank of 'general'.

Although it is said to be a scientific research meeting of the aviation group, it is actually a leadership-level meeting. There are only fifteen people participating, and there are only two people from the aviation group headquarters, and the other one is Liu Jiankun who organized the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Jiankun showed the War Eagle-1 designed by Zhao Yi to the attendees, introduced the routine acceptance work, and provided the theoretical performance parameters of the War Eagle-1.

"The wingspan is about 12 meters, and when folded, it is 10.5 meters. The length of the aircraft is about 16 meters, and the height is 5.2 meters..."

"The empty weight is about 13,000 kilograms, the maximum weapon load is greater than 6,500 kilograms, and the maximum take-off weight..."

"The maximum level flight speed is 1,800 to 2,000 kilometers per hour, and the combat radius is 1,200 kilometers to 1,400 kilometers."


"Supports supersonic cruise and can follow the most advanced Y-5CB electronic jamming device and 9C radar..."

Liu Jiankun explained in great detail, focusing on each parameter.

Many people who came here knew about the War Eagle-1 for the first time, and were immediately shocked by the design parameters. Some people couldn't help but interrupt and asked, "Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Is this parameter index higher than that of the F-35?"

Liu Jiankun said Zhao Yi's name, which immediately caused a burst of discussion.

After introducing the parameters and confirming that there were no problems with the conventional design, Liu Jiankun talked about the problems encountered in the acceptance of the ‘intelligent control system’.

A "general" level leader who attended the meeting slammed the table and said loudly, "Is this still a big deal?"

"What rules and systems! I don't care what rules your aviation group has. Today you said that there is no problem with this design. I just hope to see this aircraft serve in the future!"

"How far is the future? The best is three years, test flight, five years, service, everything must give way! Let me tell the truth, I believe Academician Zhao, I don't believe you!"

"I'm my age. The design you mentioned today really moved my heart!"

"If I don't see it serving, I'll tell you, I'll die with my eyes closed!"


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