Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 48 They are too stupid, that must be it!

The pursuit and interviews continued for several days.

This period happened to coincide with the National Day holiday, and the senior high school students also took three days off. Zhao Yi stayed at home and studied hard. A large piece of paper was posted on the door that said——

No visitors!

Refuse to interview!

There are some self-conscious neighbors, relatives and friends who simply don't go in when they see it, but not everyone is like this. People still come to the house occasionally, and sometimes a reporter comes and insists on coming to interview Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi had no patience after dealing with it a few times.

If it is really a major media reporter who wants to report in detail on him, then he will cooperate with the interview.

"Baisi Wants to Rider Sister"?

"Listen to Me Column"?

"West City Gossip Story"?

It does not make sense!

Later, he attached a large piece of paper and wrote in large characters: Please do not knock on the door!

Then lock it.

Mom and dad have keys when they come in and out, but no matter how others knock on the door, it won't open.

It's much quieter now.

Any popularity has a time limit. Even a real star will lose popularity if he is not seen for a long time, let alone a 'computer genius'.

Most people don't care.

When the National Day period is almost over, reporters are rarely seen.

Zhao Yi has been busy studying.

I almost vomited after studying physics questions for a few days. I couldn't figure out some questions, so I had to call Sun Liang for help. Later, I just looked at chemistry and biology.

Compared with brain-burning mathematics and physics, chemistry and biology are cumbersome.

Various experiments.

Various little knowledge points.

It's hard to say how complicated it is for chemistry and biology at the high school level. In fact, most of the questions are about the accumulation of knowledge, as are some fill-in-the-blank and experimental questions.

For example, there is a question in chemistry that requires you to write a specific molecular formula based on a molecular structure diagram.

"Being able to do it" means "counting" at the kindergarten level, plus calculations in the first and second grade of elementary school.

If you ‘can’t do it’, it’s impossible to get points.

The same goes for living things.

The names and functions of various substances in cells, the process of plants gestating seeds and embryos, the combination of genes and chromosomes, etc.

Most of the questions are based on the accumulation of knowledge points. If you know every knowledge point, your score will definitely not be low.

Of course.

There are also difficulties in these two courses.

Some chemical equation calculation questions are very brain-burning, and small changes in the experiment will directly affect the results. When doing similar questions, it is more important to be serious than anything else.

Zhao Yi's way of learning is endorsement.

He took out his chemistry and biology textbooks and read them page by page, word by word.

Watch it again.

Watch it again…

Anyway, just keep reading and try to memorize the books. Coupled with the teacher's explanation in class, my grades will definitely improve.

This process is time consuming.

Until he found a better way, he could only watch and memorize patiently.


When Zhao Yi is not studying hard, he also surfs the Internet, plays games, or simply logs in to Penguin.

Penguin has a new group: Computer Technology Exchange Group.

This group name is really catchy. It sounds like it was created by college students. I just randomly invited my roommates and classmates and started talking on the computer.

Soon, it will evolve into chatting about family matters, games, and gossip, and then gradually no one will talk and it will become a dead group.

This is true for most similar groups.

Zhao Yi clicked on the 'Computer Technology Exchange Group', glanced at the business cards of the group members, and felt a little uneasy.

There are only about twenty people in the group, but they all seem to be awesome!

Do some statistics--

Several of them are researchers in various computer laboratories, and one of them has the title of 'professor'.

Two others are university lecturers.

The remaining ones include managers of corporate technology departments, employees of foreign high-tech companies, and so on.

Zhao Yi opened his group business card and hesitated for a long time to write a line——

Zhao Yi is a senior in Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.

Then, dive in silence.

Low profile!

The chat content in the group is indeed a bit high-end. The topics started every day are basically the various problems encountered by the group members in their work and research——

Encryption Algorithm.

Web design.

Communications transmission materials.


Zhao Yi had been the 'Diving King' for several days, and was very embarrassed to find that he couldn't understand much of the content.

There is a guy named Zhang Junlei, labeled as a researcher at the ‘Intelligent Technology and Systems Laboratory’. He is the king of trolls in the group and sends the most messages every day.


This guy is really awesome!

He was able to take up the topic of 'safety net design' mentioned by the previous group member, and proposed that 'chain design is not as good as coverage screening, all that needs to be done is to improve the algorithm', and in the next sentence he talked about 'CDMA technology, it looks very powerful now. , but the theory has already been developed, perhaps it is just a transition to the next era.'

What we talked about earlier was network security, but later it turned into 3G communications?

The topic changed too quickly!

Zhao Yi found that not only did he not understand some things, but his brain reaction speed was also a bit slow.

He wants to quit the group.

never mind!

Come up with the comprehensive science test exercises, and first take two sets to lay a solid foundation.

Public opinion is what it is.

As time goes by, the limelight gradually passes.

Some influences still exist, such as the upcoming ‘Youth Cup’ competition finals.

Nanjiang TV’s satellite and education channels will broadcast previews of the finals twice a week.

The previous trailers were all the same.

During the National Day, the second half of the trailer changed. In the introduction to Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, there was an additional "computer genius who cracked the fruit computer".

The photo of Zhao Yi sitting in front of the computer and explaining to several technicians was placed in the trailer.

"Don't tell me, he's quite handsome! I didn't even notice it myself!" Listening to Zhao Linlin talk about the scene in the new promotional video, Zhao Yi inserted it accurately, with a look on his face full of sincerity.

"You're so thick-skinned!" Lin Xiaoqing curled her lips in disdain.

Zhao Linlin chuckled, "In this way, the introduction of our school seems to be promoting you."

Sun Liang suddenly came over and echoed, "I feel angry just looking at him." Sun Liang suddenly came over and said, "If it were my photo, it wouldn't be much better than him."

Hu Tianyan was raising her toes to show off her long legs. She stared at Sun Liang and said for the rare time, "You're even worse!"

"Yes, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks."

"It's impossible for other TV stations to put your photo on it. You didn't even participate in the preliminaries."

Several girls chattered.

Sun Liang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He just came over to complain and reminded others that he was also a part of the competition finals.

As a result, no one cared.

Nanjiang TV's change of promotional video is also effective.

A while ago, there were a lot of reports about Zhao Yi.

‘High school computer genius’, ‘cracking a fruit computer’, and ‘getting a million bonus’ are all attracting attention, and many people are still talking about it on the Internet.

When it was discovered that Zhao Yi was participating in the finals of the 'Youth Cup' competition, it also attracted some attention to the finals.

Many people are looking forward to Zhao Yi's performance in the finals.

The 'competition team' of No. 13 Middle School received more and more attention. On the morning before the finals, reporters came to the school to interview and film the final teams in advance.

Originally, the team leader Wang Ping planned to gather the team in the afternoon and then take a bus to Jiangzhou together.

In order to meet the needs of the interview, she had to gather the participating students at nine o'clock.

Wang Ping went over one by one and said, "Change into school uniforms! If you don't have any, go borrow one."

Zhao Yi didn't bring it.

No. 13 Middle School does not have high requirements for wearing school uniforms, and the third grade students are even more casual. Unless there are special days, you can wear them if you don’t want to wear them at other times.

Sun Liang looked gloating, and pulled his clothes with a sense of superiority, "I told you to wear school uniform."

"Sun Liang, go find one too!"

Wang Ping's voice came over again, "Your school uniform is so dirty, the white one is almost turning into black. You want to be on the show!"


Sun Liang was full of resentment and went to find school uniforms with Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi went to Class 6 at the door. As soon as he reached the back door, he called out, "Has any buddy brought a school uniform? Lend me some to wear for the interview."

"Wear mine!"

Hu Tianyan, who was sitting in the back row, took out a folded school uniform, walked over and handed it to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi sniffed it vigorously and joked, "It smells so good!"

Hu Tianyan didn't change anything, and just asked lightly, "Are you wearing something?"

Zhao Yi put it on and tried it on, "It seems to be a size too small, but it doesn't matter. Thank you, Miss Hu."

Hu Tianyan nodded and walked back.

[Flirting with girls, target: Hu Tianyan, learning coins +2. 】

The system's reminder let Zhao Yi know that Hu Tianyan was not as cold as he appeared.

Only Sun Liang is left.

Sun Liang was a bit thin-skinned and didn't dare to shout loudly in other classes, so he simply returned to Class 3 and imitated Zhao Yi's words and asked, "Is there any buddy who can lend me your school uniform? I'll need it for an interview later."

The people in the class glanced at him and immediately turned their heads.

Sun Liang was very hurt.

Zhao Yi turned his head and glanced at Sun Liang, immediately took off his school uniform and almost threw it into the trash can, and then asked him to shout to Class 4 next to him.

The effect is remarkable!

Sun Liang just shouted and borrowed the school uniform.

Zhao Yi said with some disgust, "So, you have to pay attention to your image. Don't wear your clothes if they are dirty!"

There are six people in the competition team: Zhao Yi, Lin Xiaoqing, He Ronghua, Sun Liang, Sun Li and Sun Jiali.

When Zhao Yi and Sun Liang came back, everyone else had already arrived.

The interview process was mainly about taking photos. The cameraman asked the six people to divide into two groups. It wasn't a big deal at first. They discussed it for a long time and didn't make a decision.

Zhao Yi simply said, "Three grandchildren and one group will be fine."

"Third grandson?"

Others reacted for a long time.

Sun Liang, Sun Li and Sun Jiali looked at Zhao Yi with unfriendly eyes.

Lin Xiaoqing held her belly and laughed.

That's just a joke.

Finally, the cameraman and the reporter discussed it and quickly decided on the grouping.

Group 1: Zhao Yi, Lin Xiaoqing, Sun Jiali.

Group 2: Sun Li, He Ronghua, Sun Liang.

Everyone didn't understand the reason for such grouping, but they soon understood it after the filming officially started.

The second group took less than ten minutes to take photos.

The first group kept shooting and shooting, it was a bit like taking a photo album. The cameraman patiently pointed out the actions to make the photos better.

Under the shade.

"So, we have been ignored?" Sun Li said with a sour mouth as she looked at the three people posing in the distance.

Sun Liang complained, "It's like they are taking wedding photos!"

"Maybe it's because we are smart and cooperate well, so we shoot faster?" He Ronghua found an acceptable reason.

The other two nodded together.

They are so stupid, that must be it!

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