Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 49 Large-scale mother recognition scene

A commercial vehicle with more than a dozen people parked in front of the 13th Lieutenant Colonel.

Next to the business car.

Zhao Yi, Lin Xiaoqing, Sun Liang and others stood straight in a row. Teachers Wang Ping, Li Lisheng, Sun Laoban and other teachers stood on both sides and looked at them with smiles.

Principal Wang Chengmin had a serious look on his face, and his words were sonorous and powerful, "It is an honor for the entire 13th Middle School to participate in the finals of the provincial competition, and you are the representatives of the 13th Middle School!"

"With a firm will and determination to win, you must perform to your best in the finals. All the teachers and students of No. 13 Middle School have your strong backing!"

"It is also important to maintain a good appearance. With the attention of the whole province, everyone should see the spirit, spirit and energy of our No. 13 Middle School students!"

"It is true that the No. 13 Middle School is not a provincial key point, nor is it a city key point, but let everyone see that our students are no worse than the provincial key point or the city key point, and we are also..."

Wang Chengmin spoke sonorously and forcefully, and when he got excited, he waved his arms vigorously.

The teachers also responded by clapping and applauding.

Lin Xiaoqing, Sun Liang and others seemed to be infected by the words, their faces flushed with excitement, and their mouths showed a hint of pride.

Zhao Yi just wanted to complain.

Looking at Wang Chengmin's appearance and listening to what came out of his mouth, he felt as if he had sworn to fight on the battlefield.

The wind is rustling...

As soon as the strong man leaves...


Wang Chengmin finally finished his speech, and several students and accompanying teachers got into the car together.

The team that went to Jiangcheng to participate in the competition this time included not only Wang Ping and six students who led the team, but also Boss Sun, Li Lisheng, and Pan Hua's sophomore high school teacher, who also went with them.

One story is that Wang Ping is a female teacher, and she can't take care of her six students.

Second, Thirteen Middle School has entered the finals and has more than a dozen "spectator quotas". Teachers and parents of students can go, but parents have to make their own arrangements if they want to go.

"My mother is going."

Lin Xiaoqing pouted on the way to express her dissatisfaction, "I didn't let her go, but she insisted on going and said she would go to the scene to support me."

Sun Liang was a little jealous and said, "I also told my dad. He said Jiangzhou is too far and it would be safe for me to go with the school. He just can't bear the money."

One advantage of Sun Liang is that he has never felt inferior because of poor economic conditions.

Don't underestimate this.

Most children with poor family conditions have somewhat low self-esteem when it comes to money and do not want to talk to their classmates about related matters. Sometimes they even subconsciously act like "I have money" and "money is nothing."

Zhao Yi followed Sun Liang's words and said, "I'm in the same situation as you."

"Didn't you take one million?" Sun Liang's expression was a bit exaggerated.

Everyone else looked over.

Zhao Yidao said, "I also told my family. My dad said he had to go to work, and my mom said I only went there once before the National Day, and it was okay. It was safe to go with the school this time, and they were relieved."

He complained, "I don't think she doesn't want to come, but she wants to take care of my dad at home."

Students complaining about their parents together is indeed a means of bringing them closer together.

Next, everyone talked about their parents.

He Ronghua even mentioned it, "My father knew how to let me study, but he didn't even go to middle school when he was a child."

Sun Jiali's face darkened as she listened.

Others didn't notice, but Zhao Yi saw it. He thought of the rumors in the school, so he found an opportunity to change the subject and said, "Let's talk about the competition. Teacher Wang, can you tell us about the process again?"

Wang Ping was sitting in the back row, turned around and talked about the finals.

There will be four types of questions in the 'Youth Cup' final: compulsory questions, subjective questions, rush questions and risk questions. The method of answering the questions is not a paper-based examination, but like a variety show, with each student and each team answering the questions in turn. Each question also has a time limit.

Each team has a basic 100 points, and will be ranked according to their scores in the end.

"The first-place team will receive certificates of honor and bonuses, and their school will also receive a small trophy."

"Last year's first place, the bonus was 20,000 yuan."

"If you can get first place, each of you can get more than 3,000 points, and the school will definitely prepare bonuses and prizes."

Wang Ping talked about the bonus, and then smiled and said, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We don't want to be first. We can just get third. Principal Wang said that as long as we can get third, everyone will be rewarded 500 yuan." "

"Really?" Sun Liang's eyes gleamed when he heard this.

Everyone else also showed expectations.

Although I dare not say that I will strive for first place, but I will work hard to get third place, the possibility is still not small.

At eight o'clock in the morning the next day, everyone had breakfast in the hotel and went to the venue of the finals, the gymnasium inside the Provincial Education Bureau.

The interior of the gymnasium has been decorated, with stage tables and chairs set up in the center, cameras everywhere, and hundreds of audience seats placed on the periphery.

No. 13 was arranged to sit in the "No. 1" position in the center of the contestants' table.

This location is the most conspicuous.

After everyone sat down, the reporters who were ready also took the time to take pictures on stage.

Take group photos.

Take photos alone.

At this time, the difference became apparent. Zhao Yi was surrounded by the most reporters.

Lin Xiaoqing is second.

The reason why there were few reporters next to Sun Jiali was because she was a substitute member and could not sit in the first row of contestants' seats. She could only sit in the substitute seats in the back row with the team leader Wang Ping.

Others are bleak.

One reporter casually clicked the shutter twice on Sun Liang and walked towards Lin Xiaoqing. The others were treated similarly.

Sun Li's mouth was full of sourness and complaints, "If I had known earlier, I would have brought my mother's cosmetics and dressed up more beautifully..."

He Ronghua glanced at Sun Li and couldn't help but curl his lips.

Sun Liang helped him express his feelings, "Even if you bring them all here, you are still so short, you might as well add an insole."

Sun Li gritted her teeth angrily.

The team from No. 13 Middle School received too much attention.

The other four arriving teams also frequently looked at No. 13 Middle School. Firstly, they got perfect scores in the preliminaries and occupied the No. 1 C position. Secondly, No. 13 Middle School produced a ‘computer genius’ Zhao Yi.

After they saw Zhao Yi and felt that it was nothing special, they immediately noticed Lin Xiaoqing and Sun Jiali.

With Lin Xiaoqing and Sun Jiali supporting her, the appearance of No. 13 Middle School can really be described as explosive.

The teams of other schools are very pitiful in comparison, and they can all be said to be "crazy melons and cracked jujubes".

at the same time.

They are also the least favored team.

The final of the 'Youth Cup' knowledge competition is a team competition. Most people think that No. 13 Middle School is an ordinary high school, and there is only one Zhao Yi in the team who can speak highly of it.

Everything else can be ignored.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School are both provincial key middle schools. The students admitted to the "provincial key" middle schools will also have many students with special talents. Those who can represent the provincial key middle schools in knowledge competitions may not necessarily have the best results, but Extracurricular knowledge must be very rich.

Yongyang Middle School is a private high school. This does not mean that private high schools are necessarily good, but private high schools have independent enrollment authority, so the source of students will definitely not be bad.

Most primary and secondary schools in private schools do not focus solely on academic performance, but provide all-round training to students, with many more extracurricular activities than in public schools.

Their students tend to have comprehensive abilities and have a high chance of getting good results in extracurricular knowledge competitions.

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, there is nothing much to say.

A regular high school?

What can be done?

Even if there is a "computer genius" Zhao Yi, the ability level of the entire team is still a bit impossible to catch up with other schools.

Twenty minutes before the final, the audience began to gradually enter the venue.

The participating students also turned around frequently. Many of the audience were teachers and parents of the students. When they saw their children, they would also shout out.

The scene became a bit chaotic.

When the audience was about to enter, Lin Xiaoqing saw Zhao Hongjuan.

Zhao Hongjuan waved towards the contestants' bench, and like other parents, waved and called her child's name, "Xiaoqing, mom is here!"


Lin Xiaoqing turned her head and shouted in embarrassment. She always felt that she was disturbing the order of the venue.

At this time, Zhao Yi also looked in the direction of Zhao Hongjuan and shouted forcefully, "Mom-??"

Lin Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, and then her face became extremely rosy. She grabbed Zhao Yi's arm hard, and she cried in embarrassment, "What are you shouting! That's my mother!"

"Should I call my mother?"

"That's my mother!"

Lin Xiaoqing said every word through gritted teeth.

"My mother is your mother? We... this... this... although you look pretty good, your personality is too violent. I'm not ready yet..."

far away.

Zhao Hongjuan was just about to sit down when she suddenly froze on the spot, even a little at a loss. She looked at Lin Xiaoqing with eyes full of doubts.

what happened?

There is actually a male classmate who calls me ‘Mom’?

This development is too fast!

The camera next to her also pointed at Zhao Hongjuan, wanting the audience in front of the TV to see this great mother who is also the mother of two contestants.

Sun Liang was sitting next to Zhao Yi. He shouted with shock on his face, "You screamed "Mom" too early!"

Others immediately glanced at Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi.

Only then did Zhao Yi react and pointed to the audience in frustration, "You have misunderstood. My mother is here too, right behind."

Everyone followed Zhao Yi's fingers and discovered that Liu Jing and Zhao Zhenxi were sitting behind Zhao Hongjuan.

I see!

Lin Xiaoqing took a long breath, reacted suddenly, and said angrily, "You didn't explain yourself earlier!"

Zhao Yi shrugged innocently, "I told you, you were calling me mom. I thought you wanted to recognize mom as soon as possible..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lin Xiaoqing clenched her fists angrily, and then asked with sharp eyes, "What did you just say about me? Is my personality too violent?"

"No no."

Zhao Yi quickly waved his hand and said, "What I'm saying is that you... your... voice is very sweet, yes, that's it."



Thanks to the following book friends for their rewards——

The true king of passers-by, 500 coins.

Yanxiasheng, 100 coins.

JD, 100 coins.

韑鑑, 100 coins.

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