Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 489 Academicians of the two academies? Peak student!

When Zhao Yi's figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, Huang Wenqian was still looking in that direction, without moving her body or even blinking. There was a complexity on her face that could not be described in words.

Surprised, excited?

Doubtful, nervous?

Expectation, desire?


Huang Wenqian stood motionless, but her mind was completely occupied by various thoughts, "Ren Zhe wants to marry me?"

"It doesn't have to be marriage, maybe getting a certificate? He must be embarrassed to tell me, so he told Zhao Yi..."

"They are good friends to begin with. It's normal for them to be good friends who talk about everything."

"But, is it true?"

"Zhao Yi has no reason to lie to me, right? It should be true."

"Looking at what Zhao Yi means, Renzhe just has an idea, and I'm not sure about the details. Maybe I should take the initiative and give him the opportunity and steps to speak out and make a decision?"


Huang Wenqian immediately grasped what she thought was the key point, "He should be given a step up, just like Zhao Yi. I heard from Renzhe that Lin Xiaoqing's parents came directly to him, and they all received the certificate naturally."

"In a few days, I will also ask my parents to come. Then I will directly ask them to discuss marriage. I will show that I am not willing, and I can't help it if I am forced."

"At that time, Renzhe will be under pressure from his parents, so he may just agree."

"Anyway, we are just getting a certificate for the time being, and it won't involve a wedding."

"Renzhe must be embarrassed. He is still in school and has no income. Sometimes he still spends my money, but it is not a problem."

"Our family is not short of money, it doesn't matter how much he earns..."

The more Huang Wenqian thought about it, the more she thought about it. She didn't consider whether her parents would agree at all, because she knew that she would definitely agree and there would be no second result.

For one thing, the two are college classmates. Li Renzhe is considered excellent, with good looks and personality. His family conditions are not as good as hers, but they are not too bad, and he also has friends like Zhao Yi.

Of course, you can't rely entirely on friends to make a living, but he is a graduate student at the School of Life, so it is not difficult to find a job.

Li Renzhe's conditions themselves are not bad.

Two things...

Huang Wenqian knew that her parents were eager to marry her off as soon as possible. The main reason was that they were worried about the embarrassment of not being able to get married in the future.

Mainly, it’s still fat...

Fat girls always have all kinds of worries. With a physique like hers, who can gain weight even if she drinks water, she has even more worries. Occasionally, if she doesn't pay attention, she will gain a few pounds of fat on her body.

Parents will certainly not dislike their children being fat, but they will also worry about their children's future.

Huang Wenqian knows what her parents have always said: 'Girls should be plump', 'Obviously rich', 'Future husband', 'Fat means lucky'...

all fake!

When they were carrying her, they were all worried about "being so fat that they won't be able to get married".

Once, Huang Wenqian stood at the door of her house and talked about this topic with her parents. Her mother sighed worriedly, "Do you think our Qianqian can find a good partner in the future? Look at your cousin Wenwen's house. I am more than ten years old, and I can only marry a second marriage in the end. Their family's conditions are not worse than ours..."

"Bala bala!"

Finally, my father yelled, "It's not your fault, it's all your family's genes!"

"What did you say!"

"Bang bang, bang bang!"

The room became a mess, and Huang Wenqian didn't stop until she knocked on the door with a dark face.



Anyway, Huang Wenqian is not worried about her parents. When they found out she had a boyfriend two years ago, they almost opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate in excitement.


Huang Wenqian couldn't help but feel sorry for herself. She grabbed the thick fat on her waist with her hands and sighed longly, "Since ancient times, beauty..."

“How rough it is!”

the other side.

Zhao Yi and Huang Wenqian exchanged a few words, walked home without a care, turned around and forgot about the matter.

After getting the certificate with Lin Xiaoqing, Lin Xudong and his wife only stayed for one day before going back. He also went back to pack up and prepare to attend the aviation group meeting.

This meeting of the aviation group was specifically designed to formulate the follow-up testing, manufacturing and production plans for the War Eagle 1 engine.

Zhao Yi is the designer of the War Eagle 1 engine and the general person in charge of the War Eagle group. He will definitely attend the meeting.

By the time he arrived at the aviation group, the meeting was almost over. Liu Jiankun was still presiding over the meeting. The people attending the meeting were all heads of the aviation group's internal R\u0026D group or leaders of subordinate scientific research units.

Liu Jiankun directly announced the results of the flight test of the War Eagle 1 engine and said with certainty, "According to the test results of superiors, the War Eagle 1 engine can already enter the next stage."

"Given the performance and importance of the Warhawk 1 engine to the future, we need to determine a follow-up testing and production plan."

Not many people listened to Liu Jiankun's subsequent words.

Many people in the meeting did not know that the War Eagle 1 engine had been tested on the aircraft, let alone the results of the flight test.

They were all shocked when they suddenly heard the news.

That's the War Eagle type!

When the Warhawk series engines were designed, many people participated in the design demonstration meeting and learned about the design demonstration. They were all surprised by the advanced and advanced design, but in comparison, they were more optimistic about the Warhawk II.

This is because the War Eagle II has removed many parts with high technical requirements, and some uncertain new designs and designs that may cause problems have also been replaced with mature technologies.

So in theory, the War Eagle II will be improved faster.

The results of it?

Now the War Eagle 1 engine has completed on-board testing? And achieved perfect results?

This is too amazing!

Liu Jiankun sat in the main seat and watched the discussion below with a smile. He could understand everyone's mood. When he heard that he was going to be tested on the computer, he was very surprised. When he got the test results, he felt even more difficult. A feeling of confidence.

But the moment of surprise passed.

Now he can sit here calmly and watch other people repeat the psychological process he went through, even with a much shorter reaction time. It is also a very interesting feeling.

Of course.

No matter how many people are in a state of shock, the meeting must still be held normally.

When the discussion became quieter, Liu Jiankun pressed his hands down and continued, "This is already a certain thing. Many people should know it, right? We don't need to continue discussing it."

"What we have to decide now is the subsequent testing and manufacturing plans of the War Eagle team."

This discussion involves many issues such as targeting existing fighter jets, funding, and technical personnel. Liu Jiankun certainly cannot make decisions on his own. He can only propose a plan for everyone to discuss together.


Zhao Yi became the protagonist of the meeting, but he didn't speak much. Most of the time he just listened. Only when he needed to explain the situation of War Eagle 1, he would stand up and say a few words.

After more than three hours of research and discussion, the meeting came up with a detailed plan, which mainly involved four important decisions.

The first is the decision to increase investment in manufacturing six Warhawk I engines.

Among them, three independent prototypes are designed for subsequent single-person testing and adjustment, and three are aimed at the J-20 fighter jet under development, so that the engine and the development aircraft can be tested together.

The second is personnel support. Three technically independent testing teams have been established within the group to specifically test prototypes.

In addition, the War Eagle Group was expanded and a separate technical department was established. The original members of the War Eagle Group were dispersed to various departments, some served as department heads, others were promoted to technical directors, etc.

In short, the original members of the War Eagle Team have all been promoted.

Zhao Yi is still the chief designer and person in charge of the War Eagle Group, but he directly rejected a lot of tedious work and said directly, "I am responsible for technical problems. If you can't solve it, you can come to me, and the person in charge will forget about it." .

After the expansion of the War Eagle group, there are really too many people. There are three prototype test teams, and three more prototypes will be assembled on the J-20 fighter. Long-term on-board testing also needs to be taken care of, plus there are several detailed divisions. …

Just thinking about it gives me a headache!

Zhao Yi decisively turned down the job and recommended Yuan Haitao to everyone, but Yuan Haitao's ability and qualifications were problematic.

Of course.

Zhao Yi still has to give face, and Yuan Haitao is the leader of a professional engine testing team. As a result, he was directly promoted to the 'General Manager of War Eagle 1 Engine Testing'.

This is a very high position, almost second only to the person in charge of the engine, but it is only responsible for the tedious work of testing, and it cannot be involved in technical aspects.

When the discussion came to an end, Liu Jiankun simply stood up and took the 'deputy position' himself. Several aviation group leaders and designers also took the 'deputy position' of the War Eagle Group. They will be responsible for technology related matters, department work coordination, etc. Transaction processing work.

The above are all decisions related to the Warhawk-1 engine and Warhawk-1 fighter jet.

The final decision is to increase cooperation with the Power Engineering Laboratory of Yanhua University, increase funding for research and development, and build a large-scale operation factory for the Power Engineering Laboratory.

This decision required a minimum investment of more than 30 million, but no one responded at the meeting because they all knew that building an operation room for the power engineering laboratory would increase the cooperative relationship with Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi does not belong to the aviation group, he just helps the aviation group with its research and development.

If the aviation group hopes to increase its cooperative relationship with Zhao Yi, it must make a certain amount of investment. No matter what aspect it is considered, there is no problem in sponsoring the power engineering laboratory of Yanhua University.

The meeting is over.

After Zhao Yi attended the meeting, he was glad that he had turned down his work, exchanged a few words with familiar and unfamiliar people, and quickly took the time to leave and go back.


The news that the aviation group has increased its investment in the power engineering laboratory has spread to Yanhua University, and the relevant personnel are very happy.

Everyone at Yanhua University is very excited.

In the past few years, they all have a feeling that "one person has achieved enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." Of course, it doesn't sound good to describe themselves as "chickens and dogs," but that is the fact.

Since Zhao Yi came to Yanhua University, they seem to have developed "lying down". The Biomedical Research Institute, Power Engineering Laboratory, Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, and the "suddenly appeared" Materials Laboratory have all developed tremendously.

The School of Biology, School of Information, and School of Mechanical Engineering have all benefited greatly, and each laboratory has become "not short of funds."

If there is money, there will be development.

When each laboratory became rich, they introduced some high-end technical talents and also increased the school's teaching staff.

In addition, the School of Science has also made great progress. Science research does not have high environmental requirements, and their biggest development is in enrollment.

Now the reputation of the School of Science at Yanhua University is almost as good as that of the School of Science at Shuimu and Shouda University, and they can recruit better students.

For example, last year's student pool included students who ranked among the top three in several provinces, and several students who won first prizes in the Mathematical Olympiad. They also chose to sign with Yanhua University when they were recommended.

This is the progress of students.

In the past, the top three students in the province and the first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad were all monopolized by Shuimu and Shoudai. They would almost only choose between the two schools. The fact that Yanhua University can recruit a few proves its attractiveness. force.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yi still gives most people the impression of being a ‘top mathematician’.

Many students with high scores apply for the College of Science, while other colleges are still the ‘second-tier’ choices.

The School of Life Sciences is an exception.

Although the School of Life Sciences is still relatively unpopular, the entire Yanhua University knows that the development of the School of Life Sciences is imminent, and it may become the most popular college next year.

Because, ranking.

In the authoritative domestic school major ranking list, the School of Life Sciences has three majors, all of which surpass Shuimu University and rank first among domestic universities.

This is mainly due to scientific research contributions, high-impact papers, and huge increases in R\u0026D funding. The development of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences has driven the entire School of Life Sciences. They are already among the top three colleges in the country, and then there is the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. With its vigorous development, it is not surprising that it has been promoted to the first place in the country.

at this time.

Zhao Yi, who had gained the Tao, returned to Yanhua University. His expression was very indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, he was thinking about something, which was about the selection of professional titles.

Before leaving the aviation group, Liu Jiankun specifically found him and said something that seemed to be "trivial", "Academician Zhao, next year the group is going to recommend you to run for election as an academician of the Academy of Engineering."


Zhao Yi was a little dazed when he heard it.

Academician of the Academy of Engineering?

This was something I had never thought of before, but Liu Jiankun said it very seriously, "With your ability, level, and achievements, you are enough to serve as an academician of the Academy of Engineering."

"……OK, thanks."

Zhao Yi didn't know what to say and was thinking about it on the way back.

Academician of the Academy of Engineering?

Now that he is an academician of the Academy of Sciences, if he becomes an academician of the Academy of Engineering, will he become the legendary ‘Academician of both academies’?

Academician of both academies?

The top student!

Zhao Yi suddenly felt a little hopeful.

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