Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 490 It will never cost the institute a penny!

In the 1990s, the National Academy of Engineering was formally established and became the highest honorary and consulting academic institution in the national engineering science and technology community. However, the Academy of Engineering does not have a scientific research entity and is just a "virtual body." This is the relationship between the Academy of Engineering and the scientific research entity. One obvious difference is that of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In contrast, the Academy of Science focuses on basic scientific theoretical research, while the Academy of Engineering focuses more on the application of engineering technology.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Academy of Engineering, during the selection process of the first batch of academicians, the size of the first batch of academicians of the Academy of Engineering was determined. The number of members was about 100, of which 70 were nominated by relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council and other units, and the other 30 were "part-time" academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. .

After voting, the Academy of Engineering selected 66 candidates from the nominees. Later, 30 more academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were recommended as academicians of the Academy of Engineering, including top internationally recognized scientists such as Qian Xuesen, Wang Daheng, and Lu Yongxiang.

More than ten years have passed, and many people now believe that the purpose of appointing academicians of the Academy of Sciences to be elected as academicians of the Academy of Engineering, where the Academy of Engineering was established, is to expand the influence of the Academy of Engineering in the international academic community and to increase the authority of the evaluation of academicians of the Academy of Engineering. Later, only In the second year, four academicians of the Academy of Sciences were elected as academicians of the Academy of Engineering, becoming a veritable 'double academician'.

In the following ten years until now, there has never been a ‘double academician’.

An academician responsible for the co-election of academicians of the Academy of Engineering said in an interview, "The competition for co-optation of academicians of the Academy of Engineering is very fierce, and it is unrealistic to have cross-elections. Moreover, some scientists already have high international prestige, and the honor of being an academician is enough." That’s enough, there’s no need to have two academician titles.”

That's why.

In reality, being an academician of the Academy of Engineering is just a piece of cake for Zhao Yi. In fact, being an academician of the Academy of Sciences is just a title. With his own academic status, he does not need the title of 'academician' to set it off, but he has been elected as the first academician in more than ten years. A 'double academician' also represents domestic academic affirmation.

Zhao Yi is still looking forward to it.

Of course.

The process of co-opting academicians of the Academy of Engineering has not yet begun, and it is still too early to consider it now.

Zhao Yi walked around his office and then went to the Medical Science Center to see the newly relocated laboratory. He found that many people were busy. He paid attention to the research issues and then left to rest.

He still wanted to take a vacation and relax before and after the Chinese New Year.

Zhao Yi didn't think about anything. When he had nothing to do, he went to the streets and supermarkets to buy some New Year's goods and gifts.

This tour takes one day.

Occasionally going shopping on the street is quite interesting, provided you don't take into account the guards and bodyguards following you from a distance.

Zhao Yi occasionally looked back and felt a little depressed, but there was no other way, safety was still very important.


Zhao Yi stopped where he was, staring at a blind man from a distance. The guide dog was faithfully brought to his owner, which also attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Nowadays, it is still very rare for blind people to walk alone on the streets, perhaps because society is not friendly to people with disabilities.

For example, if a blind person walks around and causes a traffic accident, other people may complain, "Why are you still walking around when you are blind?"

In fact, it is precisely because the eyes cannot see that one deserves more sympathy rather than being criticized by others.

Society, that's what it is.

Zhao Yi suddenly thought of a profound question, "How can we change this society?"

"Let disabled people enjoy the treatment of ordinary people and receive more sympathy and support instead of..."

"It's difficult!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Yi came to a "difficult" conclusion. It was too difficult to change the social atmosphere. It was even more difficult than overcoming any scientific problem.

Ordinary people's complaints about the problems caused by disabled people cannot simply be understood as moral issues, but also involve issues such as human development and social development.

In short, it's complicated.

Zhao Yi shook his head and found that he was thinking too much. He was not a sociologist, but...

Biomedical researchers!


"If we use technology to enable blind people to see, allow people with limb disabilities to use robotic arms, or something else..."

"Isn't the problem solved?"

Seeing that the guide dog successfully led its owner across the street, Zhao Yi continued to walk forward slowly, thinking about how to 'cure the disabled'.

The blind man is a typical example.

"If we could install something like a camera for our eyes, like in the movie, to help them see the outside world, that would be the perfect solution."

"However, mechanical electronics transmit electrical signals, while neurons transmit not all electrical signals. The specific transmission method and type are still unclear."

"I want to convert electronic signals into nerve transmission signals that the human body can accept..."

"It's difficult!"

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and found that it was still too difficult. There were too many contents involved, and it could not be solved by solving one or two problems.

If there is a day when it can be realized, big strides in medicine, electronic informatics, etc. will surely have been achieved.

Compared with the current level of science and technology, it can even be described as ‘revolutionary progress’.

"Maybe it will be realized after the fourth technological revolution, right?"

Zhao Yi raised the corners of his mouth sarcastically.


Liu Jing and Zhao Zhenxi have both arrived in the capital and have been living here for a few days. The family of three is celebrating the New Year in the capital together.

Lin Xiaoqing returned to Zhengyang during the holidays and will not be able to return to the capital until the new year.

Over the past year, Liu Jing's physical condition has improved a lot, because her rheumatoid arthritis has not flared up. Zhao Yi asked with interest, "Mom, have your illnesses been cured?"


Liu Jing said happily, "During the Chinese New Year last year, you recommended a new medicine to me. It was very effective after taking it. I feel like I haven't had an attack for a long time."

"That's good."

Zhao Yi nodded happily and said.

The project related to rheumatism was completed three years ago. Research discovered the ‘rheumatoid factor’. Using the newly discovered ‘rheumatoid factor’ as a breakthrough, some manufacturers developed specific drugs for related diseases.

This special medicine can inhibit the function of 'rheumatic factor', and when used together with antibacterial drugs, it can effectively treat diseases caused by 'rheumatic factor'.

Zhao Yi also felt very pleased.

When I first applied for college, I chose to major in biological sciences. One of the important reasons was seeing my mother’s rheumatism.

Now that his research has led to the availability of specific drugs for rheumatism on the market, his mother's condition has been effectively controlled and may even be cured. He is still very happy.

The family spent the New Year happily together.

During the process, Zhao Yi also talked to his parents about his marriage to Lin Xiaoqing. After much discussion, he still hoped that Lin Xiaoqing's family would make the decision.

Although they could make a decision directly, and Lin Xiaoqing's family would definitely not object, out of respect for the woman's family, and because Lin Xiaoqing was studying in graduate school and holding a wedding, their decision was not good.

Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing said during the video that Lin Xiaoqing would definitely discuss it with her parents and later make a decision -

talk about it later!

Lin Xiaoqing hopes to hold a grand wedding. Girls all have "princess dreams" and look forward to having their weddings be grander and receive blessings from more people.

However, circumstances do not allow it.

If it is a grand wedding, it will definitely take a long time and will directly affect her study life.

There must be a lot of guests on Zhao Yi's side, and it would be impossible to have a smaller wedding.

It would be too hasty to hold it now.

"Let's talk about it later. It's best to wait until I finish graduate school and wait for a while..."

Lin Xiaoqing felt a little heartbroken as she spoke.

Zhao Yi could tell that Lin Xiaoqing was looking forward to the wedding. He smiled and said, "You don't have to wait two years. Maybe it will be at the end of the year. Find a time and I will find someone to arrange everything. Then we can just participate."

"Is that so?"

"It's no problem, don't worry." Zhao Yi said with certainty, "Actually, we just need to set a time. It's too early now. The end of the year... is more suitable."

He wasn't sure either.

It's not easy to decide on such a big thing, and Zhao Yi also has to think about his own time, so the wedding has been agreed to this extent for the time being.

years later.

The first major event is the National Science and Technology Awards Ceremony.

Zhao Yi attended the ceremony with a calm attitude and once again received the "First Prize in Natural Science". The award-winning research was "NP Problem".

The cracking of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium is a major event in international mathematics. There is definitely no problem in winning the first prize in natural science for the proof of the "NP problem".

Zhao Yi just sighed, "The award committee responded so quickly."

The "NP problem" was proved in the middle of the year, and it won an award at the end of the year. The award committee also worked hard.

Having won the first prize in natural sciences for four consecutive years, one can imagine how calm Zhao Yi's mentality was. He just thought about the award showroom, where he could get another medal and certificate of honor.

Others don't see it that way.

I don’t know how many people are crazy with envy of Zhao Yi. It is not easy to win a natural science award for their collective project, and the first prize in natural science is even more unthinkable.

The Natural Science Award can be applied for in the name of enterprises and scientific research institutions, but no matter how many projects apply for selection, the most they can write is a ‘second prize’.

First prize?

That's not something ordinary people can think of.

Different from the past three years, Zhao Yi was not the only one to win the first prize in natural science this year, but a team also won the award.

That is the physics research team of the Academy of Sciences.

The team led by Academician Zhou Yuming won the first prize in Natural Science for its basic physics research results on ‘multi-photon entanglement’.

In the eyes of others, the emergence of two first prizes in natural sciences also represents the progress of theoretical research in domestic basic disciplines.


When Zhou Yuming led his team to the stage to receive the award, he was not excited about winning the award at all. On the contrary, he was very embarrassed.

There are four academicians and two professors of physics in their team. They jointly conducted research on ‘multi-photon entanglement’ and won the first prize in natural science together.

Zhao Yi was the only one there.

The situation on the stage can be imagined. There was a whole row of people standing on one side, and only Zhao Yi on the other side. He seemed to be 'lonely'. In fact, most people were paying attention to Zhao Yi, a member of Zhou Yuming's team. People, after receiving the award, they become a 'background wall'.

Camera footage illustrates the situation.

Several members of Zhou Yuming's team only got one shot. After the horizontal shooting was completed, the camera was always pointed at Zhao Yi.

When leader No. 1 was presenting the award, he only said a few words to Zhou Yuming, which was generally normal congratulations and encouragement. Later, he was talking to Zhao Yi. They seemed to be chatting and laughing like friends.

Zhou Yuming and others felt very embarrassed. They looked at each other with some regret——

"If I had known earlier, I would have applied for the second prize in natural science!"

"It's fine now. I won the first prize and tied with Academician Zhao. As a result, everyone is paying attention to Academician Zhao. I guess the reports are also surrounding Academician Zhao..."

There's no way around it.

Not only because Zhao Yi is famous, but also because the weight of the results is completely different.

Basic physics research related to multi-photon entanglement does have a certain influence, but it only adds a small annotation to basic physics; the NP problem is one of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium, and the impact of cracking it is It is huge and will leave a strong mark in the history of the development of mathematics in the world.

The two are simply not comparable.

In fact, Zhao Yi didn't feel much. It felt good to have someone win the Natural Science Award together.

After standing alone for the past three years, I finally have a few 'companions', and they seem to be much closer to each other.

So in the middle of the award ceremony, Zhao Yi had a few words with Zhou Yuming, learned about the research on multi-photon entanglement, gave an encouraging thumbs up, and expressed that he was very interested and would have the opportunity to do collaborative research together, etc. .

Zhou Yuming's team was very excited after hearing this. Several of them are academicians of the Department of Physics, but compared with Zhao Yi's achievements, it can be said that it is nothing.

If we can cooperate with Zhao Yi in research and development in the future, we will definitely achieve great results, right?

The National Science and Technology Conference is over.

Zhao Yi returned to normal life. He had several positions, but he was actually very relaxed, because the work of each position was of the "you can do it or not" type.

For example, professors in the School of Science.

Zhao Yi finally remembered this position, went to the office of the School of Science, checked the course schedule, and decided to open an open mathematics class for graduate students in half a month.

As a professor in the School of Science, giving a large mathematics class is considered fulfilling his duties, right?

Then there is the Medical Sciences Center.

After the Medical Science Center was built, several laboratories of the Biomedical Research Institute were moved there.

Zhao Yi has a separate large laboratory, and the original laboratory is still retained, which means there are two laboratories.

The Medical Science Center is a newly built large laboratory with several researchers working in it, including the original Ai Lixin, Zhang Wei, Liu Chengjie, and Yan Yi, as well as Li Ming and Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qi was the latest to come over. After finishing the project in his hand, he decided to do research together with Li Ming, Ai Lixin and others.

Because Zhao Yi was away for a long time, Zhang Wei was in charge of his laboratory.

Considering that the laboratory was indeed very large and lacked strong researchers, Zhang Wei agreed to let Zhu Qi come over.

After Zhu Qi joined, the laboratory has four researchers, plus Zhao Yi himself, there are five researchers in total. The scale can be said to be very "huge", comparable to some medium-sized research institutions.

This scale will definitely require taking on large projects.

When Zhao Yi came in, he saw Ai Lixin and Zhang Wei studying a medical project supported by the National Scientific Research Foundation.

The scientific research foundation will hold special meetings for each discipline, and the meetings will list the basic scientific research projects supported. The supported projects every year are generally the same.

For example, in infectious disease prevention and control support projects, AIDS-related research has always been the key.

Ai Lixin, Zhang Wei and others had just attended the medical research conference at the beginning of the year and got together to research and support projects.

When Zhao Yi approached the laboratory, they all looked over and said, "Academician Zhao is here!"

"Welcome, rare guest!"

"I thought you would never come here again, even though this is Zhao Yi's laboratory..."


Familiar people joked a few words and started talking about medical research projects.

Zhao Yi looked at the list of medical research support projects released by the Scientific Research Foundation with interest, and his attention was immediately attracted by one of them.

"Research on neuronal transmission?"

Zhao Yi read it over and asked, "This kind of project is very vague."

"That's basic research." Li Ming explained, "Neuron conduction was studied a hundred years ago, and was later considered to be electrical signals, but the human body cannot only have electrical signals."

"This is like microscopic physics. Who knows how it is transmitted? It is too difficult to study it. Up to now, the medical community does not have a definite explanation."

Zhao Yi asked, "How much financial support can be provided for this kind of project?"

Li Mingdao, "It's difficult to apply for it, right? The funding won't be much, because the foundation is worried that you will cheat the funds."


Ai Lixin also followed, "There are many applications for projects that are 'almost impossible' to produce results. The purpose is to defraud funds. After applying, they just leave it alone because they can't be done."

"This is the most basic theoretical research in medicine. The more basic it is, the more difficult it is."

After hearing this, Zhao Yi nodded and said, "Otherwise, our laboratory should be considered the most powerful in the country, right?"

Ai Lixin laughed and said, "Don't talk about China, we are number one in the world!" After he finished speaking, he added, "With you, I would be number one!"

The others laughed too.

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "Anyway, let's just apply and try it out. Research on nerve conduction is still very meaningful and is also the key to future medical development."

"With the strength of our laboratory and our research institute, we should be able to apply for some funds, right? If not, we can ask the research institute for reimbursement."


“The research institute’s funds can’t be spent all, so I just use it as a favor.”

Li Ming was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "That makes sense!"



"Unanimous vote passed~~~"

Just when everyone was about to applaud together to show that they had made the right decision, there was a loud knock on the door.

Yan Xuelin stood at the door with a dark face and shouted through gritted teeth, "I heard it just now."

There was an awkward moment in the room.

"Cough, cough!"

Zhao Yi coughed slightly, turned around as if he hadn't seen it, and said to Li Ming, "Where did we just talk? Yes, apply for the neural signal transduction project, we will spend as much as the foundation allocates, and it will definitely not cost the institute penny."

"This is the principle, do you understand?"

"Yes!", "That makes sense!", "Support!", "Academician Zhao said it well!", "We just want to contribute to the research!"

A group of people immediately expressed their admiration.


Yan Xuelin felt that his intelligence had been insulted, and his face suddenly turned darker.

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