Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 565: Ru0026D expenses of hundreds of billions of dollars are normal!

"You must not show your timidity!"

"This is a live broadcast watched by hundreds of millions of people. Sitting below are top experts in mathematics and physics, all of whom are very famous internationally."

“There are so many Fields and Nobel laureates in the first few rows that I can’t even count them.”


Ruan Wenye realized something was wrong as he thought about it. He reminded himself energetically, "They are nothing. Nobel Prizes and Fields are meaningless. I am involved in anti-gravity research..."


"No, I participated in the research and made a great contribution. The published paper has my name on it!"

"So, yes, these studies are all related to me, and maybe I can win a Nobel in the future..."

During Ruan Wenye's explanation, he was always working on himself, and the effect was very obvious. The more he talked, the calmer he became, and later on he couldn't even tell he was nervous at all.

Because the lectures are all about basic theories and basic derivation processes, the difficulty is really not that big. Everyone in the audience can understand it. Even most people already know it, so the explanation process is still very smooth.


The one-hour and forty-minute lecture ended.

Ruan Wenye put down his pen, faced the audience head-on, and showed a confident smile.

The audience immediately applauded.

In fact, most of the applause is just symbolic. After the explanation on the stage is completed, I applaud out of politeness. However, when a lot of top people in mathematics and physics applaud, it can also be understood as "getting affirmation from the world."

Ruan Wenye understood this. He walked down with a confident smile, and then found that no one asked questions, so he simply went back to the back.

"What's wrong?"

"What I said was pretty good, it seems to have a good effect!"

"The reaction from the audience should be that you performed very well. Zhao Yi, I guess you will have a difficult time this afternoon. Look at what I said. I feel that I am quite good at teaching..."

Ruan Wenye talked a lot in succession. He was really bragging about himself and venting his nervousness just now.

Zhao Yi gave a thumbs up, "Awesome, much better than I imagined!"

"No timidity!"

Ruan Wenye was immediately dissatisfied, "How do you say this? Show your timidity? Me? Impossible! No matter how large the audience is, I will not show my timidity!"

"Bala, bala..."

He said a lot more in succession.

Everyone else was a little amused. They could see that Ruan Wenye was indeed very nervous when he first came on stage, but he performed well during the explanation. It was not necessarily better if he had done it himself, so they all gave him encouraging smiles.

The explanation in the morning did not even include Q\u0026A, because no one stood up to ask questions.

This represents the level off the stage.

Ruan Wenye only explained some basics and derivation. For example, he used the superconducting antigravity mathematics of ion lattice self-selection, combined with the boundary theory of particles and the content of quantum physics, to deduce the similarity between particle spin and ion lattice spin.

In the afternoon, Zhao Yi appeared.

Ruan Wenye did become more confident. He was also worried about Zhao Yi's progress, so he took the initiative to guide Zhao Yi to appear. He stood on the stage for the first time and smiled confidently at the scene.

Then Zhao Yi walked in, as if Zhao Yi was a little shy and Ruan Wenye guided him generously before he could appear.

In fact, Zhao Yi was not even a little nervous. He knew that Ruan Wenye was a little nervous, so he simply watched the other party's performance.

Zhao Yi appears.

Ruan Wenye walked off the stage and smiled towards the audience again.

When Zhao Yi officially stood on the stage and faced everyone in the audience, he remembered the warm applause, mixed with some complaints, "That guy came on stage just now and scared me. I thought it was still him!"

"We finally arrived at Zhao Yi!"

"That guy doesn't know what he's doing. It's obviously Zhao Yi who's speaking, he came on stage first!"

"Finally it's not that guy anymore!"

"Zhao Yi, you're finally here. What was that guy talking about just now? I almost fell asleep in the morning!"

Zhao Yi almost laughed when he heard this.

Ruan Wenye just walked to the back and heard it very clearly. His face was extremely embarrassed. He looked around as if he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. He also gritted his teeth and said, "Why do these people...have no discipline at all?"

Of course there is no discipline.

Scholars don't care about discipline, they just say what they need to say directly. For example, in some academic conferences, it is common for someone to be interrupted when giving a report.

This is still good.

At international mathematics conferences, when mathematicians give a report, there will be a commotion in the audience. When everyone is not interested in the report, they will do what they should do, and some will talk to the people next to them about other issues. , it is already very polite to lower your voice slightly.

In fact, the dissatisfaction of people in the audience with Ruan Wenye's explanation is also related to Ruan Wenye's popularity. He is indeed the top quantum physics expert in the country, but internationally, it can only be said to be 'slightly famous'. 'Some people know'.

That's all.

The audience are all the top mathematicians and physicists in the world. They are here to listen to the theory of photon antigravity. The reason for coming is not to question the theory, but to hope that by listening to the report, they can understand photon antigravity faster. theory.

This is a learning process.

Everyone wants to save face. Of course, top mathematicians and physicists also want to save face. They feel a little embarrassed to let Ruan Wenye, a relatively unknown person, give explanations to them. The teacher's level is naturally higher than that of others. If you are a tall student, your reputation will be greater than that of a student.

Zhao Yi is different.

Zhao Yi is an internationally recognized super genius, the most top mathematician and physicist, Fields and Nobel Prize winner in the audience. If compared with Zhao Yi, ordinary people will think that Zhao Yi is better. high.

Therefore, they can still accept Zhao Yilai as the speaker.

Ruan Wenye?


Zhao Yi's influence is indeed great.

In the morning, Ruan Wenye's appearance was a blow to the media live broadcast. Many viewers saw an "unknown guy" giving a report and simply changed channels to watch other programs.

After Zhao Yi appeared in the afternoon, the ratings immediately increased. It was not as good as at the beginning of the morning, but it still attracted half of the ratings.

Some media will, while rebroadcasting the report, invite top mathematicians and physicists to explain it to ordinary netizens during the live broadcast.

The level of these experts is not at the top level in the world, but some are very powerful. They cannot understand the details, but they can still understand them generally. They can act as 'translators' for ordinary audiences.

When they saw Zhao Yi come on the stage to give an explanation, they also said, "Zhao Yi will be the main speaker in the afternoon. Zhao Yi's appearance also means that the key part has been explained."

"In the morning, Ruan Wenye explained the derivation part, for example, proving the similarity between particle spin and ion lattice spin."

"A series of contents are derived for subsequent use."

"Then the next step is the key part..."

The specific key depends on Zhao Yi’s explanation.

The analysis of these experts is very correct. Zhao Yi's appearance is indeed a key part of the explanation. The content of his lecture is to deduce the relationship between particle construction and gravity construction.

Photon antigravity is actually particle antigravity. It can be deduced from the ion lattice spin antigravity that particle spins all have antigravity properties.

At the same time, it was also proven that massless particles would have better anti-gravity effects.

The specific logic is to first analyze the structure of particles and the changes produced during the spin process, and then use quantum physics, particle boundary theory, and particle mathematics to express the structure of gravitational waves.

The last step is to create a mathematical conflict and prove that the two expressions are opposite. The expression of particle spin will weaken the expression of gravitational waves to varying degrees.

Anti-gravity actually resists the squeeze of space and forms a special space barrier area.

This is deep.

What Zhao Yi was explaining was ‘anti-gravity’. Because space obstruction will also produce an anti-gravity effect, the expression of the influence of particle spin will definitely conflict with the expression of gravitational waves. After shaping it, it will be found that there will be a characteristic relationship.

This is the photon antigravity theory published by Zhao Yi.

Therefore, the photon antigravity theory is actually particle antigravity. There is no analysis of photons in the process. It only talks about the basic theoretical part and has nothing to do with photons.

The whole theory is to prove that the spin of particles will produce an anti-gravity effect. At the same time, the closer the particle is to being massless, the better the anti-gravity effect will be.

So, how to make particles spin?

This is a technical issue.

The explanation in the afternoon of the first day will not go into proving the conflict between particle spin and gravitational waves. The core is to explain the mathematical logic of particles and gravitational structures.

Zhao Yi spoke very seriously and took a 20-minute break in the middle. The total time reached three and a half hours, which was still very long.

Everyone in the audience was very serious.

Compared with the state in the morning, the discipline in the audience was obviously much better. In the morning, it was like a talk meeting, with many people either talking quietly to others or being drowsy. In the afternoon, everyone was listening carefully. Most of them are afraid that they will miss something, even if they feel tired, they insist on recording what they don’t understand.

Ruan Wenye and others were listening in the background. They all knew what Zhao Yi was explaining and listened very seriously.

One of them commented, "The conditioning taught by Academician Zhao is very refreshing, but the speed is too fast, and some details are not explained. If I listened to it for the first time, I would definitely not be able to keep up."

As he spoke, he shook his head in the negative.

Ruan Wenye immediately became energetic when he heard this. He didn't want to compete with Zhao Yi, but at the beginning of the afternoon, a group of people's shouting also made him a little depressed, so he commented, "Zhao Yi, he has never been a teacher. He has no teaching experience. But that’s normal. He is so talented that there are some things that he probably thinks don’t need to be explained at all.”

Although they all felt that Zhao Yi spoke too fast, the reaction on the spot was completely useless.

Everyone felt that Zhao Yi spoke very well, with a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow, just enough to keep up, which meant that no time was wasted.

This is about understanding the difference.

The hundreds of people at the scene were all top mathematicians and physicists, and they could be said to be 'a human group at the peak of their IQ'. They had also conducted research on the photon antigravity theory before coming here.

Zhao Yi explains very quickly, but they are also top logic elites. In some places, they almost know the results as soon as they hear it, without having to go into detailed derivation at all.

The speed of Zhao Yi's explanation was just in line with expectations, and they wanted to talk at this speed.

When the explanation in the afternoon was completed, the scene suddenly burst into warm applause. The roaring and tsunami of applause buried everything, which was enough to show the affirmation of the explanation.

The follow-up Q\u0026A session took a long time, but every question asked a key point.

Several assistant professors are responsible for answering questions. Some questions can be answered directly, but most of the questions are answered by Zhao Yi personally. Each question focuses on the key points. Zhao Yi sometimes needs to think about it before he can give the answer "without leaking confidentiality". Very accurate results.

It took two hours to answer questions.

at the same time.

The world is paying attention to the photon antigravity report, because it is a public theory that has been negotiated, and the report is also a part of it.

Some people are worried that they will give out "false theories", so they need top scholars to give answers.

These top scholars are also listening to the live reports. After the day's report, they can almost give the results, "The theory is brand new, I'm sure there are no problems."

"This theory mainly proves that particle spin can produce anti-gravity effects. Presumably the mysterious anti-gravity device uses this technology!"

“Shaping the spin of particles and making photons spin is very technically difficult, and I don’t know exactly how it is done.”

"There shouldn't be any problems with the theoretical stuff. What's left is to continue in-depth research. I believe that if we continue to do research, there will be new discoveries."

"This is definitely a brand-new discovery and will become a brand-new technological system!"

"The era of technological explosion is really coming!"

Many top scholars have made judgments with admiration, and some countries, large companies, and institutions have also made relevant judgments.

The photon antigravity theory is just a pure theory. It is still very difficult to transform it into technology. It cannot be achieved by relying on theory alone.

Because light travels in straight lines.

At present, research on the bending of light waves only remains in the universe. Only when light passes around super gravitational stars can measurements be made with sophisticated instruments, and gravitational waves have only just been proven.

According to the original theoretical logic, it is almost impossible to achieve the spin of photons.

Then we have to think of other ways.

Many people began to study the photos of the mysterious anti-gravity device, trying to find out some design principles, and they did find the key to the technology——

Light path design.

I don’t know exactly what is inside the mysterious anti-gravity device, but it must be photon anti-gravity technology that is implemented through some light beams that are conducted in a unique pipeline. to design it?


Some experts directly affirmed, "We have no logical support for the design at all. To manufacture an anti-gravity device, we need to invest a lot of money, the lowest estimate is more than 5 billion US dollars, and it will also consume a lot of time." "

"Instead of doing this, it is better to go to the aviation group, buy their technology patents, take them and continue to do research..."

After understanding the logic of photon antigravity theory, many people thought about it deeply and suddenly believed the so-called "hundred billion US dollars in R\u0026D funding."

Even if one knows the photon antigravity theory, if the relevant research is to produce results, it will cost at least tens of billions of dollars.

It is very normal to invest hundreds of billions of dollars to create a large-scale suspended anti-gravity device.


It seems that the only option left is to cooperate with the aviation group and spend a lot of money to purchase anti-gravity devices and technology patents, so as to start related follow-up research in a leapfrog manner.

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