Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 566 The Nobel Prize in Physics without suspense!

Theory is theory, technology is technology.

Theories can support the research and development of related technologies, but it does not mean that there will be technology with theory. Just like everyone knows the principles of computers, how many of them can build computers?

The example of computers is the embodiment of technological characteristics.

Some fields are in great need of technology accumulation, and some high-end technology applications can no longer be manufactured from scratch.

The current anti-gravity technology is only about to be made public, and all research and development has just begun. The technology has not yet exploded to the extent that the basic underlying technology can be shared.

Therefore, we must obtain the underlying technology as soon as possible. If we lag behind others in the beginning of R\u0026D, if we try to catch up later, the price will be higher.

So how much does it cost now?

Many countries, companies, and institutions that are interested in anti-gravity technology are making evaluations. They must obtain the anti-gravity technology of the aviation group, and they are also prepared for a heavy hemorrhage. If they can obtain anti-gravity technology, everything will be worthwhile.

The academic report lasted three days.

Everyone in the outside world is paying attention to the progress of academic reports. Mathematicians and physicists are paying attention to the theory itself, and most people are paying attention to whether the theory reveals some technical news, but they found that the results obtained were all negative.

So the aviation group became the focus.

The aviation group released new news today. They have identified two ways to collect research and development funds, one is to use patent licensing, and the other is to publicly sell anti-gravity devices.

The two are different.

After analysis by professional institutions, they almost know that patent authorization is the main thing, and it is also discussed at the anti-gravity meeting. It will also provide some technical-related theoretical support. However, in order to recover R\u0026D funds, patent authorization must be very important. Expensive, the details will depend on follow-up news.

In addition, the anti-gravity device is sold as a product.

For the sale of anti-gravity devices, one is for patent licensing and providing device samples to partners, and the other is purely a commercial activity, just like a subsidiary of the group, which sells various types of civil aircraft to the outside world, but it is replaced by Anti-gravity device.

If the device is sold for civilian use, the specifications must be set, but the functions can also be adjusted appropriately based on the order size and needs.

This is normal business activity.

The news disclosed by the aviation group attracted countless attention. Many media interpreted the news as a domestic attitude towards anti-gravity technology -

"Our goal is to earn back the high R\u0026D expenses. Other countries, companies, and institutions can continue R\u0026D as they wish."

There are two views on the next sentence. One is, "Science belongs to all mankind. We have disclosed anti-gravity technology with the purpose of promoting the scientific and technological development of all mankind."

The other is, "We have made all our technologies public and you can study them as you like. We are not afraid of competition!"

In fact, not only countries, companies, and institutions are looking forward to anti-gravity technology, but ordinary people are also looking forward to it. Discussions related to anti-gravity have been going on for a long time, and they are the focus of public opinion both at home and abroad.

Most people believe that similar technical means can only stay in the experimental stage in the short term. What they did not expect is that anti-gravity technology can quickly spread to the civilian field.

Spade, CEO of Mickey Mouse Company, said in an interview, "We will try our best to obtain authorization for anti-gravity technology, and at least purchase anti-gravity devices."

“Our goal is to see the world’s first space experience center before the end of this year!”

This sentence is very grand.

However, most media are not optimistic about this, because Mickey Mouse Company is only one of the purchasers of anti-gravity technology. The technology is in the hands of the aviation group, and it is not their turn to build the first space experience hall.

This is also true.

The aviation group's external approach is to earn back the so-called "hundred billion U.S. dollars" of funds while fulfilling the decision of the anti-reconciliation meeting.

Whether it is for publicity or profit purposes, the group has already made plans to build the first space experience hall.

At the same time, some large domestic activity centers and high-tech experience centers have also inquired about the anti-gravity devices within the aviation group.

All this information has been revealed, and there is even news that the most basic anti-gravity device has a domestic price of around 100 million yuan.

The price of 100 million yuan is equivalent to setting a threshold.

Those smaller activity venues will definitely not be able to purchase such expensive devices. Only the top activity centers and science and technology museums with very large investments can purchase anti-gravity devices to build small space experience halls.

no doubt.

In the next few years, space experience centers will become the most popular experience facilities around the world, and many people will definitely be interested in them.

News about the price of domestic anti-gravity devices has also aroused heated discussions abroad. Some media have specifically analyzed that the minimum price of anti-gravity devices sold abroad will exceed 30 million US dollars.

This is without tax.

The selling price of 30 million US dollars is actually not high when it comes to the 'anti-gravity' technology, but considering that it is only purchased for civilian use and the purpose is to engage in commercial or other activities, it is definitely very luxurious.

However, the aviation group has absolute pricing power, and they can be said to have a global monopoly.

This is a technological monopoly.

Of course, it cannot be said to be a monopoly on the surface, because they will still license it to other companies and institutions. Other companies and institutions can also conduct research on this technology and develop new types of anti-gravity devices, and they can also participate in market competition. . long?

Until real anti-gravity technology is obtained, no one knows how long it will take to develop it, but what is certain is that the aviation group will be able to monopolize anti-gravity technology for a long time.

That’s when it pays for itself.

Although the aviation group's anti-gravity technology is an apparent technology monopoly and will definitely charge a large amount of patent licensing fees, some large companies are still eager to try it, especially companies focusing on technological innovation.

These companies have always been advertised as "technology" companies. They develop the most advanced technology and are always developing through continuous innovation.

For them, anti-gravity technology cannot be missed. No matter how high the price is, they must obtain the technology.

From a short-term perspective, they all have to do this.

For example, if a competitor obtains anti-gravity technology but fails to obtain it, the market may be optimistic about the competitor and the stock price will rise accordingly. However, if they do not have anti-gravity technology and miss the golden period of obtaining the technology, they may not be able to obtain it. Be favored by the market again.

For large companies with a market capitalization of hundreds of billions of dollars, a small fluctuation in stock prices will involve a huge amount, and they will also invest huge amounts of funds in units of "billion" dollars every year in innovative technology research and development.

In comparison, what does it mean to spend a lot of money to purchase anti-gravity technology licenses?

The report meeting on anti-gravity technology has reached the final stage.


Zhao Yi made the final argument. He listed more than a dozen equations on the whiteboard and analyzed them together, proving that 'any particle spin will produce anti-gravitational properties' and 'the closer the mass of the particle is to zero, the smaller the particle's mass will be. The better the anti-gravity effect produced by spin'.

Two conclusions and a series of proofs are the report of the photon antigravity theory.

Zhao Yi completed the final analysis and then stood in front of the stage and said the concluding remarks, "The world of science is endless."

"Research related to anti-gravity has just begun. We have already obtained the key to the door. I believe that with the efforts of scientists from all over the world, anti-gravity research will definitely advance vigorously and make great progress in science. It will bring changes in all aspects of our lives.”

"The anti-gravitational property of particle spin proves another mysterious property of the universe."

"The gravity of matter and the antigravity of particles are opposite properties from a physical point of view."

"Sometimes, I wonder, what exactly is antimatter? What exactly is dark matter? What exactly is the deep mystery of the universe?"

"Is the Big Bang Theory correct? Is String Theory correct?"


"Maybe we can all find the answer from the study of antigravity!"

Zhao Yi bowed slightly after speaking, officially ending the five-day report.

There was loud applause.

Everyone was applauding vigorously. They were really surprised by the anti-gravity theory. They were also full of curiosity and desire to explore Zhao Yi’s last statement. A brand-new discovery will bring about rapid development in related fields, and from the bottom up Thinking based on the theoretical logic, anti-gravity may point to the deep mysteries of the universe.

But the specific mystery still needs to be continued to be studied.

The rapid development of science and technology can bring about a technological explosion.

End of report.

Zhao Yi walked off the stage and exchanged greetings with the people around him. There were many people he knew and were familiar with in the first few rows, including several Fields winners, whom he had met at the Mathematicians Conference, but only talked to.

Everyone is very enthusiastic now. Edward Witten is very familiar with Zhao Yi. He directly joked, "After this report, I think the Nobel Committee can't wait to award the award to you."

Others exclaimed when they heard this, "Today is the day, and nominations will begin soon. There will be no suspense about today's physics award."

"This is probably the first time in decades that the Nobel Prize in Physics has lost its suspense!"

"But I think it's an honor for the Nobel Committee to award you the prize. If you don't accept it, they will lose face."

"Zhao Yi's achievements are enough to win any award. I think there will be no objection if all the awards in mathematics and physics are awarded to him!"

"I think so."

"It's so amazing, anti-gravity, anti-gravity, this is knowledge that only gods can touch."


Amidst a lot of praises, Zhao Yi behaved very calmly, just chatting with a smile. In fact, he was still looking forward to the Nobel, not because of the influence of the Nobel, but mainly because of his main mission. Was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

This task lasted for many years and remained unfinished.

The Nobel Prize in Physics is too difficult. His contribution to the discovery of the Higgs particle was not enough to win the award, and other research, such as the boundary theory of particles, is only theoretical physics. If it cannot be proven, it cannot win the award.

In addition, the superconducting antigravity theory has a chance to win the award together with Li Ning. Unfortunately, it seems that winning the award for similar discoveries has to be 'queued up'. It is estimated that it will take several years, more than ten years, or even longer. In the end, Fortunately, if there are other developments in superconducting anti-gravity, it will be more likely to win the award.

The current photon anti-gravity theory is different, because anti-gravity devices have been created, new fields of physics have been opened up, and the influence has shocked the world, and it is almost 100% sure to win awards.

This is the difference in results.

The main mission is still very important, because the main mission can gain brain development, and the brain development will comprehensively improve attributes such as wisdom and spirit, and even affect physical fitness.

He checked the mission again——

[Life goal task, four stages: win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Task reward: +2000 learning coins, +1% brain development.

(Tip: The life goal task is the main task. Only after completing the previous stage task can the subsequent task be activated)]

"So, the mission may be completed soon. What will be the next phase of the mission?"

"The fourth stage is already the Nobel Prize in Physics, the next stage..."

"It won't lead humans to fly into the universe!"

"Or like in a science fiction movie, develop a genetic enhancement solution?"

"Or implement space wormhole technology?"


Zhao Yi thought and shook his head quickly. Similar imaginations are a bit unrealistic. To put it bluntly, the Nobel Prize in Physics is nothing. It is just a physics award. Maybe the next stage of the task will be surprisingly simple?

He is still very busy at work now.

After the photon anti-gravity theory report is over, it won't be long before I go to the aviation group to participate in anti-gravity technology patent work, as well as the specification and manufacturing of anti-gravity devices.

To put it bluntly, it means participating in the work of ‘recovering R\u0026D expenses’.

Of course there are benefits.

An internal meeting determined that 3% of the patent income would belong to Zhao Yi himself.

This is work motivation.

Zhao Yi can get three points of patent income, which represents the attention of senior management and superiors, and is also a piece of information disclosed to the outside world.

The country has publicly announced that anti-gravity is a civilian technology and operates it in a civilian commercial model.

Zhao Yi proposed the photon anti-gravity theory and participated in the entire process of technology research and development. It is natural for him to obtain some patent shares, and his patent share can also block public opinion, because related companies openly use anti-gravity technology patents to make money, and his theory The person who proposed and made the greatest contribution to technological manufacturing seems to have no connection, which is really unreasonable.

Therefore, Zhao Yi should also share the patent, and must have it.

Of course.

Zhao Yi is not opposed to making more money. The anti-gravity technology patent share is not a small amount of money. Even a small amount may be worth a billion dollars.

Before going to the aviation group, Zhao Yi still has two weeks of free time. He can communicate with the mathematicians and physicists who come here, and he can also do some things of his own. It can even be regarded as a vacation. After all, he has been busy. You should also take a proper break while doing research.

However, Zhao Yi was very busy at work, so he immediately went to his laboratory. The laboratory's cancer cell signaling research still had to be concerned about. He had been thinking about this research.

Because the research cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise the efforts will not be made...

Professor He may be buried!

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