Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 580 Invincible anti-missile system

At first, when Zhao Yi's figure appeared on the display stand, he didn't react at all and was still eating instant noodles. To put it bluntly, it was a major mistake.

If it were any other exhibition, it would definitely be a stain on the process.

Everyone in the audience knew it was a mistake, but no one cared at all and even found it interesting.

Because it was Zhao Yi who made the mistake.

Zhao Yi does not work as a professional host. No one would ask him to be professional when introducing products. At the same time, he also has extremely high popularity. Even if he makes a big mistake, he will be tolerated.

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV felt that Zhao Yi was very kind.

Zhao Yi is the top scientist who leads mankind towards future technology. At the same time, he is also one of the richest people in the world. What is shown to the audience is that he eats instant noodles like ordinary people.

This makes everyone feel friendly.

Many people lamented that this is a real scientist, a person who is truly close to life, unlike many celebrities and entrepreneurs who always feel aloof and seem to live in a completely different world.

There was a mistake on the display stage, and as a result, Zhao Yi was even more supported.

After Zhao Yi's influence disappeared, everyone's attention returned to the exhibition stand, and Xu Chunlei could finally breathe a sigh of relief and start his own explaining work.

Xu Chunlei is also not a professional host, but everyone's tolerance for him is not as tolerant as that of Zhao Yi. Especially at the beginning, it felt like the audience was trying to knock him off the stage.

Because it is a live show, the psychological pressure is even greater.

it's good now.

Zhao Yi had almost finished introducing the product. Everyone was immersed in wonder at the new product and listened carefully to the next explanation.

The next step is related to sales.

Xu Chunlei introduced the release time of KJ-1, which was within a week. The issue price was set at 38,000. The price did not intentionally end with 8 or 9, but was directly rounded to an integer.

This has to do with market assessment.

Because it is a monopoly technology, there is no other competition at all, so there is no need to end with 8 or 9 and make some superficial decorations.

In addition, Space Information Technology Company has its own expectations for the positioning of KJ-1. The 3D projection function of KJ-1 is indeed very good, but in fact, most ordinary people do not need it at all.

There are probably many ordinary people who will buy it, but they just want to experience a new technology. It can be said that it is almost like a toy.

Those that can really apply KJ-1 are those large-scale infrastructure, shipping, mining and other enterprises. Due to the impact of the working environment, they will consider introducing new communication methods.

For example, there is often no signal at sea. With KJ-1, you can link to communication and report the situation at any time.

Because most ordinary people cannot use it, the target group of KJ-1 is mainly enterprises in need, and the market sales will not be too high.

The price of RMB 38,000 is definitely acceptable for enterprises. Individual purchases are for those who want to experience new technologies.

These people should not consider the selling price.

In fact, KJ-1 uses brand-new technology and does not involve patent issues. Other accessories are relatively simple and the cost is still very low, probably only between 2,000 and 3,000 yuan.

But for brand-new technology, the price must be high, and the research and development costs must be recovered and investment in research and development of better products must continue.

At the same time, supervision is also a problem.

Spatial connection technology cannot be supervised for the time being. High-level meetings have already studied supervision issues, and the final decision is to make basic standardized settings within the equipment.

The 'IP password' of space connection is almost unlimited. A single photon generator will form a new and unique password by making a slight shift.

Because of this, we limit the number of movable photon generators for each device, which means limiting the number of IP passwords.

In this way, high-end devices in the same 'IP range' can be forcibly connected.

However, this method is still of little use, because the forced connection must ensure that the device on the other side is turned on, and the other side can also choose to terminate the connection.

However, the purpose of similar practices is not only to leave room for supervision, but also to pave the way for the development of standards in the future.

The main means of supervision is the attached electronic equipment, which can release signals to satellites at any time during the process of turning on the equipment, that is, to locate the location of the equipment at any time.

This information will be launched to the large servers of the Space Information Technology Company.

After talking about the selling price, Xu Chunlei also talked about overseas sales. The related technology of KJ-1 equipment has applied for international patent protection, but it still needs approval to be sold abroad.

Of course.

KJ-1 equipment is a space connection technology, so there is no need to worry about foreign approval issues.

No country will not allow the sale of brand-new technology, but will put forward some standard requirements, but the core technology of space link will definitely not be disclosed.

Without theoretical support, other companies, institutions, and countries can only dismantle counterfeit equipment. However, because of the protection of patents, they cannot carry out commercial manufacturing and must apply for relevant authorizations.

There is absolutely no need to worry about this.

The last thing Xu Chunlei said was looking forward to the future. He said that the development speed of spatial connection technology will be very fast, and there will be more and smaller devices with the same functions. He also said, "Maybe in ten or twenty years, 3D projection technology will It will be shrunk to the point that it can be installed in a mobile phone, so that the mobile phone can realize this function..."

This is what many people are looking forward to.

What Xu Chunlei said seems to be a bit exaggerated. In fact, looking at the development of the computer industry, it is not an exaggeration at all.

The earliest computers were supercomputers, which were as big as a house and had little performance to speak of.

Today's mobile phone CPUs can be as small as a thumb, yet have very high performance and unimaginable computing power.

The same goes for space link technology equipment.

Now it can be as big as a computer, and it will definitely continue to shrink in the future. Maybe it will be possible to embed technology into mobile phones to facilitate people's daily life.

The presentation is over.

KJ-1 has become the hottest new technological equipment in the country. Almost everyone is talking about KJ-1 and everyone is talking about space connection technology.

"Now humans have taken the first step on the road to breaking through space!"

"I estimate that space teleportation technology is not far away."

"Now we can only transmit particles, but in the future it may be matter. I feel that the great era of conquering the universe is coming."

"It's like something out of a science fiction movie. Humanity is currently in a first-level civilization, and it is estimated that it will soon enter a second-level civilization..."

"This isn't right!"

"I feel that space connection technology is no longer available to second-level civilizations, maybe third-level civilizations, fourth-level civilizations or even higher."

"Master Zhao directly enabled human civilization to achieve leapfrog development..."


International public opinion was also detonated.

The whole world is talking about space connection technology, and everyone believes that space technology is the real future.

Anti-gravity technology is also the future, but the application of anti-gravity technology is mainly in the fields of aviation and aerospace. It is the technology that leads humans to move beyond the earth. Space link technology is communication and information technology. It will one day be able to transport matter. Perhaps it will truly break through the universe and establish a 'wormhole' to cross galaxies.

So space connection technology, if you imagine it, is more advanced than anti-gravity technology.

What no one else knows is that space connection technology and anti-gravity technology all come from the analysis of space.

The two seem to be different types, but in the final analysis, they are still in the same direction.

International public opinion is discussing space connection technology. Many countries, companies, and institutions have a great sense of urgency because they find that brand-new technology cannot even be understood and seems to be far behind the times.

The intention of domestic open space link technology equipment is also very obvious, which is to break the monopoly of communication technology, achieve the development direction of communication information, and gain top international advantages.


Other countries have found that even if they want to restrict it, there is no way to do so.

Restrict equipment sales?

What a joke!

Now we are already lagging behind others, and we are still trying to isolate ourselves from the country. In a few years, we will not be able to catch up even if we try to catch up.

Many foreign companies heard the news and immediately contacted the Space Information Technology Company, hoping to launch a series of cooperation.

This is to boost the development of space link technology and the development of space information technology companies.

In terms of international corporate cooperation, space information technology companies have only one principle. Basic theories must not be made public. However, cooperation can be carried out to a certain extent in technology, manufacturing and other directions.

At the same time, the formulation of international standardization must be domestic-led.

These are the basics.

With these basic guarantees, no matter how the technology develops, space information technology companies and domestic companies that give priority to participate can safely stand at the top of technological development.

After the exhibition, Zhao Yidu began to get busy. He ignored public opinion and did not care about equipment sales.

He is concerned with spatial resolution.

At the exhibition, while introducing spatial connection technology, he thought about the problem of equipment constraints and got some inspiration.

Whether it is space connection technology or Z-wave, they are essentially by-products of the process of absorbing and releasing energy in space.

This is just like an ordinary chemical reaction. During some chemical reactions, a large amount of energy will be released, which will then be converted into flames or released in other forms.

So how to restrain and use the released energy?

The most primitive steam engine uses water as a medium to convert energy into driving force. The evaporation and cooling of water are reactions of physical properties and do not involve changes in chemical elements or composition.

A chemical reaction occurs inside the battery, and the storage and release of electrical energy is achieved through chemical reaction cycle conversion.

Z wave is energy released in space. Its properties are completely different from chemical and physical reactions. It is directly related to the energy and state of particles.

Therefore, the constraint of Z waves must be carried out by using the specific motion of massless particles or some kind of field force.

Zhao Yi thought of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves.

The transmission of electromagnetic waves uses photons as the medium, so to a certain extent, the particle form of electromagnetic waves can be considered to be light waves.

So, what will happen when Z wave encounters specific electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves?

This probably still needs experiments to answer.

What Zhao Yi can do is mathematically analyze the encounter between the two and analyze the changes that may occur.

The current research on Z waves only has mathematical expressions, which cannot be replaced by letters as accurately as chemical elements.

Electromagnetic waves are also mathematical expressions.

When the two expressions are put together, it will feel very chaotic, and what he has to do is to find the order in the chaos.

For Zhao Yi, this is not a difficult job.

However, because electromagnetic waves are thoroughly studied and there are many mathematical expression methods, he made many equations and compared them one by one to find the rules.

Hard work pays off!

After two weeks of continuous research, he finally found the corresponding column formula and conducted reasoning based on mathematical logic.

Then, he discovered something very interesting -

Under the constraints of a fixed-strength spatial barrier environment, the Z-wave energy will be completely absorbed by the magnetic field of corresponding strength.

The Z wave seems to have nothing to do with the electric field, and has little to do with the electromagnetic wave, but it has a great relationship with the magnetic field. Even in a non-space-blocked environment, the magnetic field will absorb the energy of the Z wave, but there is a difference in the absorption ratio.

"The magnetic field will absorb the energy of the Z wave. In other words, what affects the Z wave transmission distance may not be the air, matter, or particles, but the earth's magnetic field?"

"Close to the ground, the magnetic field intensity is very high. If it is in outer space, the transmission distance of the Z wave will be greatly increased?"

"This... is interesting!"

This conclusion made Zhao Yi very happy, because he knew more about the Z wave. Not only did he find something related to the Z wave, but he also found out how to restrain the Z wave.

Since a specific magnetic field strength will completely absorb the energy of the Z wave, and after the absorption is completed, the magnetic field strength will definitely increase.

So what if the spatial barrier becomes weaker, or completely out of effect?

Under normal environmental conditions, the magnetic field will definitely release the 'absorbed energy', most likely Z waves.

"This is probably the connection between magnetic field and space, right?"

"With the help of Z waves released by space, the magnetic field and space are connected."

"If everything proves effective, the Z wave can be truly restrained and made controllable..."

Zhao Yi thought about it and sorted out the information.

This part of the content is really important, and he must sort it out clearly.

When the theoretical research on Z waves made progress, Zhao Yi was ready to let the anti-gravity team experiment. As a result, before he could explain it, he heard surprising news.

"What did you say? There was an accident?"

"There were no's okay, but a nuclear bomb was detonated?"

"Z wave?"

Specialized personnel came to give a report, explaining the research done by the anti-gravity team, the nuclear institute and the military.

They used Z waves to try to penetrate the bomb, but unfortunately nothing happened.

Next, they tried to let the Z wave penetrate the small nuclear reactor. An unexpected thing happened. The nuclear reactor exploded violently.

Fortunately, the abundance of nuclear reactions is not high. Even with the energy boost of Z waves, only a small explosion occurs. However, due to the effect of nuclear radiation, the scope of impact is still very large.

"Fortunately, the experiment was done in an uninhabited desert area, otherwise the problem would have been too big!"

"What a serious accident!"

"No one is in danger, but the anti-gravity device experimental device with the best performance has been seriously affected. Even if the main components are not damaged, we still decided to abandon it all..."

This decision is quite normal.

A small explosion occurred in the nuclear reactor. Even if the device was not destroyed, a large amount of radiation would definitely occur. The anti-gravity device was very close to the nuclear reactor, and there must be a large amount of radiation inside. If you want to use it again, you must Conducting radiation cleaning work on every component is simply not worth the gain. It would be better to destroy the device on the spot and bury it in the deepest part of the desert.

This accident also caused the team to suffer huge losses, because it is the No. 3 machine with the best performance, and the lowest cost is more than 500 million yuan. Coupled with the small nuclear reaction device and other supporting experimental equipment, The direct loss estimate is at least over one billion yuan.

After Zhao Yi heard the news, he went directly to the anti-gravity team's research and development base, verbally expressed comfort to Dong Lihua, and then sighed, "One experiment cost one billion, which is really heartbreaking. But in fact, it is not without gain, the best It has been proved that Z wave can detonate a nuclear reactor."

"In theory, Z wave can definitely detonate a nuclear bomb."

The nuclear bomb Zhao Yi mentioned refers to the atomic bomb.

The principle of the atomic bomb is violent nuclear fission. The Z wave can greatly increase the activity of particles, allowing nuclear reactors with low abundance to explode. Naturally, it can directly detonate ultra-rich atomic bombs.

"What's the point?"

Dong Wenhua sighed and shook his head, "There are many ways to detonate a nuclear bomb, but using Z wave has become more complicated. In fact, I opposed this experiment at the beginning, but both the Nuclear Research Institute and the military are very interested in Z wave... "

"Bala bala~~~"

Dong Wenhua said a lot in succession, almost complaining that he was under pressure and had no choice but to cooperate with the experiment.

The results of it?

The nuclear reactor was detonated!

"Isn't this exactly the result we want to see?" Zhao Yi said, "Otherwise, why would we do experiments? In fact, you are wrong. This conclusion is very useful."

"What's the use?" Dong Lihua raised his head in confusion.

Zhao Yidao said, "The current Z wave release distance is only a few kilometers, so it is of little use. However, what if the release distance is increased a hundred times? For example, two hundred kilometers, five hundred kilometers..."

Dong Lihua's eyes suddenly widened, "That's not invincible! The speed of Z wave is infinite, and it can be used as an anti-missile system. It can even counter nuclear missiles and intercontinental missiles!"


"But, is it possible? Z waves cannot be controlled at all, and the transmission distance is only a few kilometers."

Zhao Yi took a sip of tea in a leisurely manner, and then smiled and said, "That's why I'm here."

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