Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 581 An extremely unlikely event, the satellite was destroyed!

Zhao Yi has completed the theory that under the effect of space blocking, the magnetic field will absorb space and release Z waves, and he is very sure that the theory is correct.

At the same time, a magnetic field that loses its spatial barrier effect will quickly release the absorbed energy, most likely directly releasing Z waves.

The process of strengthening and then releasing the magnetic field will lose a large part of the particle energy.

Particle energy is related to the principle of magnetic field formation. For example, the simplest magnet will have its own magnetic field strength reduced because the internal particles that form the magnetic field have lost part of their energy.

If it were a magnetic field driven by electric energy, the absorption and release process would consume a lot of electricity.

In fact, the effect is the same as that of ordinary rechargeable batteries. No matter what material the battery is made of, there will definitely be a certain amount of loss during the charging and discharging process. If it is used more often, the battery capacity will be greatly reduced.

The advantage of the magnetic field formed by electric energy drive is that it consumes external electric energy, and its maintenance requires continuous power consumption, instead of actually losing the material that forms the magnetic field.

Of course.

Now the main thing is to conduct basic experiments.

Mathematical theory, after all, is just a mathematical theory. The structure of mathematical theory is very complicated. It is not like the clear expression of '1+1=2'. The logic of particle mathematics is established, which can only show that the principle is likely to exist. Specific data requires experiments. Let’s do the math.

Zhao Yi is very sure that the principle is correct, but without the help of experiments, it is impossible to find out the relationship between the spatial blocking effect, Z-wave energy and magnetic field strength. The specific data relationship between the three is directly related to the spatial analysis problem.

This experiment is still very important for improving the theory.

no doubt.

Dong Lihua was very interested in the experiment. When he imagined that Z waves could travel hundreds of kilometers, his blood boiled all over.

Z-wave can detonate nuclear bombs. Not only does it have the effect of detonating nuclear bombs, Z-wave can effectively destroy powerful engines. The more intense the internal combustion, the better the effect.

If the engine compartment of a fighter jet in the sky is hit by Z waves, a violent explosion will occur directly.

Even if the engine of the fighter jet is not hit, the result will not be very good. Z waves penetrating the human body will also cause certain damage, and penetrating the operating circuit will greatly enhance the effect of particle activation, and the current of the circuit will be in the tens, An enhancement of hundreds of times is likely to cause direct damage.

In short, a fighter jet hit by Z wave will definitely not end well.

In terms of anti-missile, the effect is also very good.

Any high-performance missile will be equipped with electronic and radar systems, and will also have a high-energy burning propeller at the tail. If the tail is hit by a Z wave, it will definitely explode directly.

If the front end is hit, conventional missiles are better, because the Z wave will not react with unburned explosives. If the electronic and radar systems are hit, they will only be unable to operate, and there will be no explosion if there is a short circuit. When a nuclear bomb is hit, experiments have proven that it will definitely explode directly.

Of course.

When a nuclear bomb explodes at an altitude of several hundred kilometers, the consequences are also quite terrifying. The radiation it brings will affect a large area, spread to the entire earth, and may also affect the global climate, but in any case, hundreds of kilometers It has completely separated from the ground and is far higher than the clouds. The subsequent impact will be a global problem, which is much better than the result of the ground explosion.

Dong Lihua couldn't wait to start the experiment, but experimental planning and preparation took time. Zhao Yi stated the experimental requirements, and Dong Lihua felt very depressed when he heard it.

Because the experiment requires two anti-gravity devices, and Unit 3 has been damaged, they can only use Unit 2 and Unit 1, which has poor performance.

The anti-gravity team has been building experimental devices. They have built Unit 4 and Unit 5. However, because the technology used is more advanced and they hope to see experimental machines with better performance, the two machines have been debugged.

The previous No. 3 machine was the main testing machine. The performance of No. 3 machine is very powerful and the functions are also very superior. High power is only one aspect. The No. 3 machine can achieve more than 97% of the anti-gravity effect, suspending five kilometers, and opened the space cover with high performance to quickly release Z waves.

The performance of No. 4 and No. 5 machines is better, but they are still under constant debugging and cannot be directly used in experiments.

The experimental machine is different from the device sold.

The performance of the anti-gravity devices sold by the aviation group is very poor. The highest-end ones only support ordinary levitation. The high-energy beam arrangement inside is very inefficient, which means that the maximum power is far from enough to open the space cover. Not to mention releasing the Z wave.

If you want ordinary anti-gravity devices to open the space cover, you must rearrange the high-energy beams, which means there is certain theoretical support.

Increasing the power of the internal high-energy beam is also a way, but the effect is very poor. This is mainly because the efficiency of the high-energy beam arrangement is low. 100% of the energy is generated, and more than 90% is wasted.

If an ordinary anti-gravity device wants to open the space cover while maintaining the same arrangement of high-energy beams, it needs to increase the power of each high-energy beam twenty times, and turn on the maximum power and run continuously for two hours, and it has just reached the goal of opening the space. Minimum requirements for hoods.

Therefore, anti-gravity technology has been disclosed for a long time, and many devices have been sold, but no organization or company has discovered the space cover.

Of course.

The above are all additional topics.

Now the anti-gravity team can only use Unit 1 and Unit 2 to conduct experiments.

Dong Lihua regained his spirit and stood on the front line to direct the preparations for the experiment. At the same time, he also reported the news of the experiment.

The top management is undoubtedly very concerned about the research and exploration of Z wave, because Z wave is of great strategic significance.

Three weeks passed.

Preparations for the experiment have also been completed. The most important preparation is an electrically driven, adjustable strong magnetic field device. Because the circuit of the strong magnetic field device must avoid the Z-wave route, the device needs to be redesigned and an internal design made. Series modifications.

This took a long time.

On this day, senior leaders also came to watch the experiment. While waiting for the experiment to begin, the senior leaders, Zhao Yi, and other personnel who could evacuate were all evacuated far away, ten kilometers away. Several helicopters were activated at any time. Be prepared to escape quickly.

After experiencing a horrific nuclear reactor explosion, the anti-gravity team gained a new understanding of the dangers of Z waves.

Now the Z wave is going to hit the magnetic field, but no one can say for sure in the new experiment.

When senior leaders felt that Dong Lihua was ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’, Dong Lihua seriously retorted, “What if something goes wrong?

"Indeed, it is not a nuclear bomb, but there may be other unimaginable changes. We know too little about space."

"Space can absorb energy and release energy. Maybe explosions can also occur during complex reactions?"

"If there is a space explosion, how should we avoid it?"

"There is nowhere to escape..."

Zhao Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he heard it. Dong Lihua didn't understand mathematical theory, but he still had a rich imagination.

The senior leaders were convinced and felt that what Dong Lihua said made sense.

What if there is an explosion in space?

There is always a probability for this kind of thing. As long as there is a probability, it is always better to stay away.

Although he was far away from the experimental equipment, Zhao Yi still hoped to see the experimental process instead of a lot of data.

So he asked to take a helicopter ride and stay in the sky to watch the experiment.

Senior leaders also think it makes sense.

Several core personnel boarded the helicopter together, and brought various escape devices, such as parachutes, for safety reasons. Professionals also gave them instructions on how to use parachutes.

They sat on two helicopters and looked at the experimental equipment from a distance.

The experiment was only lively at the beginning, when the space cover was opened.

Then there is the release of the Z wave.

The Z wave is invisible, and it is completed in an instant. From a distance, it seems that nothing is happening, but a series of data have been calculated.

Part of it is data about the Z-wave released by Unit 2, such as the timely power of the Z-wave when the space cover turns on, the direction of the Z-wave release, etc.

In addition, it is the distance at which the Z wave is released.

The distance at which the Z wave was released was detected by a series of devices, and it was finally determined that the Z wave penetrated the motor's magnetic field, but the total distance was only about 600 meters.

"Only six hundred meters?"

Dong Lihua was very excited when he heard the data, "In other words, the Z wave absorbed a lot of energy by the magnetic field device?"

Under normal circumstances, the Z wave release distance is about two kilometers, but it suddenly shortened to 600 meters. It must be affected by the magnetic field of the motor, and maybe the energy is absorbed by the magnetic field.

Of course.

Other possibilities exist as well.

Because the motor's magnetic field is inside the rotating anti-gravity device, other space-blocked environments may also affect the distance of Z-wave release.


Another data confirmed that Z waves are absorbed by magnetic fields.

Detectors easily discovered that after the magnetic field was penetrated by the Z wave, its intensity suddenly increased a lot.

This increase is very unreasonable and cannot be explained normally.

"It seems that Academician Zhao's theory is correct." The senior leader said excitedly, "Although I knew it was correct when I came here, this result is really exciting!"

"If we can effectively control the Z wave, the strategic significance will be great."

Zhao Yi nodded lightly and continued to look in the direction of the experiment.

The experiment isn't over yet.

In fact, everything is under control, but the next thing is the most important. It is expected that the magnetic field can absorb the energy of the Z wave.

But...what about release?

It is not about building a Z-wave generator now, the anti-gravity device always has to be turned off, and releasing magnetic field energy is also one of the experimental plans.

After waiting for about ten minutes and confirming that all the data had been collected, Unit 1, which was used to establish the space barrier area, began to gradually reduce the intensity of the space barrier. The method of reduction was to turn off the internal high-energy beam combination bit by bit. While the branch equipment was being lowered, looking at it from a distance, it seemed like nothing was happening.

The testing center for the experiment also reported that there were no abnormalities.

"That's weird!"

"They said that as the anti-gravity effect decreases, the strength of the magnetic field gradually decreases, but what about energy? Energy always has to go somewhere, right? Is it simply absorbed by space?"

Dong Lihua said doubtfully.

Zhao Yi stared carefully at the top of Unit 1, frowned slightly and said, "Let them pause first, and then shut down Unit 1 directly."

"Close it directly? Isn't it too risky?" Dong Lihua suddenly said in surprise.

If the energy of the magnetic field is released slowly, the risk is relatively small. On the contrary, if it is released directly in one breath, there may be some danger, and it may not explode on the spot.

The senior leader frowned and said, "Listen to Academician Zhao!"

In one sentence, a decision was made.

Dong Lihua was filled with worries. They had just lost Unit 3. It was like cutting off a piece of flesh from their body. It was really painful.

Unit No. 1 has the worst performance, but Unit No. 1, which was used from the beginning, is also very emotional. In addition, Unit No. 2 is only about fifty meters away from Unit No. 1.

If Unit 1 explodes, it will most likely affect Unit 2, and then everything will be lost.

The more Dong Lihua thought about it, the more reluctant he became. It took him a long time to make up his mind, "Okay!"

He gritted his teeth and gave the command, and at the same time asked those who could evacuate to evacuate first.

What follows is a series of preparations.

These preparations took almost twenty minutes. After everything was ready, Dong Lihua gave the command, "Close it!"

The experiment commander immediately sent a signal.

Unit No. 1 was shut down all of a sudden. Driven by inertia, the device was still rotating. This was the only thing seen outside.

Dong Lihua breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately... there was no explosion!"

"But, it seems like nothing happened. Could it be that, as I said, the energy was absorbed by the space? Or was it directly dissipated like a space shield effect?"

The senior leaders and Dong Lihua looked at Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi also took a breath and said with a faint smile, "We do have many detection devices, but the direction of the energy released by the magnetic field device is uncertain. If Z waves are released, there is a greater probability of capturing them. Less than…”

"You should be happy now!"

He suddenly said, "I think the energy is released upward, and it should be diagonally upward. If the deflection angle is larger, it may hit us directly..."

Zhao Yi knew from his own ability that the Z wave was successfully released in an upward direction. There was no detection equipment above the device, so naturally he could not detect any abnormalities.

So he was indeed a little lucky that he did not encounter the extremely slim chance of being hit by the Z wave released by the magnetic field.

at the same time.

In a satellite base in O continent, James, who was responsible for inspecting the status of the satellite, was eating a late-night snack with his legs crossed.


A screen suddenly turned into a white pattern. He frowned and looked over. He stood up and operated it carefully, but the screen did not change at all.

"KR-71? If I remember correctly, it should be above the desert, right?"

"Why did it suddenly fail?"

James quickly reported the news, and also called his colleagues and superiors. The group of people studied for a long time, did a lot of troubleshooting, and finally came to a conclusion--

KR-71 satellite, the internal circuit board has a short circuit, and the main circuit board has been damaged...

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