Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 626 Spaceships and Sustainable Development

After conducting two consecutive experiments, many reporters did not understand the specific content, because the target seemed to have directly self-destructed without receiving any other external blows.

But they knew that the real core experiment had not yet arrived, because before the experiment started, the relevant departments had notified that a large-scale weapons test-fire experiment was about to be carried out, announced the location of the target, and issued a series of reminders.

A large-scale test launch experiment must be long-range and fast. In China, it is an express delivery with destructive capabilities.

This is the core of the core.


Next, a courier device appeared on the screen. After a series of launch preparations, the commander announced the official start.

The courier device shot up into the sky with a high profile, and then turned into a small black dot at an extremely fast speed until it disappeared into the clouds and could no longer be seen.

Normally, the rapid device will rise to an altitude of more than 150 kilometers in a few minutes, with a maximum speed of seven kilometers per second.

This speed is quite terrifying, and it is not easy to lock it with radar signals.


The screen switched to a satellite perspective.

From the perspective of satellite cameras, the express delivery device still looks very tall, and many people are shocked by its heroic posture.

At this time, the commander shouted the slogan again, "Prepare to strike!"

"3, 2, 1!"

Delay for two seconds.


From the satellite perspective, you can clearly see a cloud of smoke erupting, but the burning is not intense. The debris in the smoke falls into the atmosphere, and the brightness becomes higher.

A group of reporters were shocked, "What's going on? Why did you blow yourself up again?"

"Isn't it just that the courier device is used to hit the target? Instead, the courier device is regarded as the target?"

"This is too scary!"

"Exploding on the spot in space a hundred kilometers away? How to do it?"

"Is it really a self-destruction?"

Although some people still talk about self-destruction, after the previous experiments, the statement of self-destruction is obviously not valid.

The experiment did not give a detailed explanation, but continued to the next experiment. A satellite appeared on the screen. It looked a bit old. It was a satellite launched thirty years ago. Now, it is almost useless.


The target of this experiment is the satellite. The inside of the satellite seems to be still working normally, and a red light can be seen shining on the outside.

After everything was ready, the commander shouted the order again.

"3, 2, 1——"

No explosion!

The only thing that could be noticed on the screen was that the small red light on the satellite suddenly dimmed.

"Why did it suddenly darken? What happened?"

"Fortunately, it didn't explode this time!"

"Did the experiment succeed? Or did it not succeed? I still don't understand it."

"What kind of experiment is this!"

After the fourth experiment ended, the experimental work was not completely over.

The experiment party launched a small anti-gravity propulsion device and quickly ascended into space. Then it accurately captured the satellite. Someone wearing a space suit went out and fixed the satellite on the platform above the anti-gravity device. Then he announced that he had completed his mission and was ready to go.

The last step is to recycle abandoned satellites.

Although it is just an additional job, it still shows quite amazing high technology. No organization in the world can accurately use an aircraft to capture satellites in space. The normal method is to control the satellites to crash for generally abandoned satellites. to the ground, or crash directly into the ocean.

So think about it from another perspective, if you can accurately capture satellites in space, can you also accurately capture other satellites?

This sounds a bit scary.

Because satellites are completely defenseless, if you can accurately capture one of them, you can accurately capture all satellites below the same altitude, including the space station with an orbit of 400 kilometers.

When thinking deeply, many people feel that the high technology displayed in the finishing work of the final experiment is the most shocking.

Of course.

The previous four experiments were also very shocking, but most people didn't understand it. They didn't understand why the target would explode directly on the spot without external force, and the same was true for the express delivery device that ascended into space.

That evening, an official announcement was made announcing, "The Z-wave strike experiment was a complete success!"

Although the content of the announcement is only a few sentences, the success of the experiment is heavy news, that is, everything is as planned.

At this time, many media also carried out relevant reports. Combined with the official announcement, people immediately understood, "Z wave strike?"

"Is it a brand new way of attacking? Can't see it at all? I don't know if the radar can detect it!"

"It would be really scary if radar couldn't detect it!"

The process of this experiment was so magical that many people didn't understand it.

Only now has a series of analysis reports come out, explaining the entire content of the experiment, which is to demonstrate a brand-new strike technology.

The first three experiments were all easy to understand, but the last experiment made the relevant organizations think of something--

Energy ray!

A researcher from the Institute of Mechanics came forward and said, "The last experiment is very similar to the interference of energy rays on circuits."

"So I think this new way of striking may be directly related to energy rays."

"Z waves are energy rays!"

"In other words, the secret of energy rays has been mastered for a long time. Its energy-enhancing properties can be used as a way to strike?"

The last one was determined by relevant agencies.

The experiment did not show where the energy rays were emitted from, but there is international space monitoring. Space detection even includes outer space, mainly at an altitude of 400 kilometers below. Any big movement will be monitored.

When you actually look for them one by one, it's like looking for anomalies in surveillance videos. A group of people can always analyze them.

In addition, it is not a secret that China has launched many Z-wave generators into space.

Hundreds of satellites with the same appearance are launched into space, and the satellites have high-precision images from all angles.

The international community quickly analyzed that the source of the attack was these satellites, and this experiment was directly related to these terrible satellites.

"So, energy rays can be used as targets, and these satellites are the generators of energy rays!"

"The appearance of these satellites is the same as that of the newly launched space station, which is used to complete space shuttle experiments!"

"Energy rays can not only cooperate with the completion of space shuttle experiments, but can also be used as targets. The targets can be electronic circuits, operating engines, or even -"

The last one is still uncertain until the nuclear institute releases a new research and development progress announcement.

The Nuclear Research Institute made an announcement about a new type of nuclear-reaction ignition technology. "We have developed a new type of ignition technology called 'Z-wave ignition technology.'"

"Using Z-wave drive to increase the activity of the nuclear device, it can ignite the nuclear reactor without directly igniting it."

"It has been determined through experiments that Z wave can not only be applied to nuclear fission reactors with an abundance of over 50, but also to nuclear fusion reactors!"

"Z-wave ignition technology helps us study controllable nuclear fusion, greatly reducing the efficiency and cost of ignition."

If this R\u0026D announcement appeared alone, it would not have much effect at all, because Z wave is a new term. Even if it is associated with energy rays, it only means that a new type of ray has been discovered that can be used for nuclear reaction ignition. .

It's different now.

Because it has been determined that Z-wave rays can be controlled, and there are hundreds of Z-wave generating devices in space, which can be used to attack space, ocean and ground targets, and the strikes are even very precise. It is very scary to think about it.

Nuclear fission reactor with abundance above 50? What can you think of?

The power plant of a large ship!

Highly destructive weapons against humanity!

Anyway, they are all quite lethal things, and similar things all have a common feature, that is, their positions are almost fixed.

Even for large ships, the speed generally does not exceed forty knots. Compared with the size of the ship, it is almost a fixed target.

in other words--

When you think deeply about it, you will feel like you are breaking out in a cold sweat, because the Z-wave generating device is in space, and the ground and ocean are completely fixed targets.

International public opinion seems to have come to a standstill because the inferred content is too shocking.

If it were another experimental display, it might lead to undesirable consequences. For example, many institutions would participate and invest a lot of money to increase the scale of R\u0026D and manufacturing.

However, Z wave is different.

Z waves, also known as energy rays, have been discovered. At the same time, many institutions have invested heavily in research and development. The one with the most in-depth research and development in the world is the Institute of Mechanics. For the time being, they can only do By the time the anti-energy barrier is turned on, the overflowing energy rays are found, and they cannot be controlled at all.

Even if the anti-energy barrier is turned on to excite energy rays, the excitation time is not fixed. They are working hard to control it, hoping to shorten the time when the excitation energy is limited, but the development progress is very slow.

Many institutions have found that they have no way to start. They have been working very hard on research and development, but they have found that there is a huge gap in related research and development.

What should we do now?

When new strike methods emerge, ships, fighter planes, and express delivery can all be classified into the "conventional" ranks, and the "conventional" ranks can all be said to be "fixed targets" in the face of the new strike methods.

Many organizations are discovering that they are experiencing cross-dimensional attacks.

This is like a group of ancient people who originally used horseback riding and archery as their main method of defeating the enemy, but found that the opponent was a tank-k regiment.

They are indeed working hard to develop tanks, but they can only create earth mines that self-destruct on the spot and have little power at all.

What to do now?



The main reason why the relevant departments decided to conduct this experiment is also due to the accumulation of more than a hundred Z-wave generating satellites.

At the same time, more than a thousand Z-wave generating devices are installed on the ground, each of which can cover a radius of 1,500 kilometers.

that's enough.

The Z-wave generating device is the best countermeasure device. At the same time, more than a hundred Z-wave generating satellites will also have certain active capabilities.

Now we are talking about the spacecraft project.

The country hopes to start a spacecraft project in a cooperative manner, so that while reducing financial investment, it can produce spacecraft more quickly.

At the same time, in the process of cooperation, we also hope to strengthen technology in some fields.

For example, high-end manufacturing.

For example, materials.


The development of science and technology is in all aspects, not just high and new technology, and the launch of the spacecraft project is a good opportunity.

When many top institutions work together on a very large project, it can bring great benefits, both economically and technically.

This is mainly because the core technology is in hand, and as the project leader, it has the initiative in project research and development.

A month later, many institutions came forward and made it clear that they hoped to join the spacecraft research and development project.

International public opinion has become——

"The spacecraft project is very important. It is a key step for mankind to move into the universe."

"Spaceships can realize space shuttle and reach any planet in the solar system in a short time. Human exploration of space is no longer limited to the periphery of the earth."

"This is a very important step for the sustainability of the planet."

"When the earth is gradually depleted and the earth's environment is also affected, exploring the universe and the stars is the best choice."

"We can transport the resources of the universe back to the earth, and at the same time, we can also find planets similar to the earth for space immigration."

"This is the general direction of human development."

"So, the spaceship project is the most important project of mankind at present——"

A large number of relevant discussions have appeared in international public opinion.

But if other institutions want to join the spacecraft project, they will definitely need to conduct a series of negotiations. The method of cooperation is a problem.

For example, many organizations hope to obtain new technologies. Until now, they still do not understand energy rays. Even basic anti-energy barriers only know how to use them, but do not understand the principles at all.

Science and theory are the most important.

It's like the ancients invented gunpowder, but they didn't understand the principle at all, and they didn't make much progress after thousands of years.

Later, science slowly developed, the principle of gunpowder was analyzed, and the speed of development was very fast. Various types of gunpowder were developed and are still in use today.

With sufficient theoretical support, technology can develop and progress rapidly. On the contrary, without sufficient theoretical support, technology will stagnate.

Other institutions naturally hope to obtain relevant theories.

The only thing they have now is the theory related to anti-gravity technology. In the theory of anti-gravity, their research and development has also made some progress, but the progress is too slow.

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