Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 627 Make a small spaceship first

It is not easy for other institutions to join the spacecraft project.

When the spacecraft project invites other institutions to join, the main consideration is the funding and technology of the project. Because it involves a lot of funding and high-end technology, other institutions will either provide a large amount of funding or provide high-end technology, and may also need to share part of the manufacturing process. .

At the same time, other institutions wanted to join the project, no doubt aiming for the latest technology.

Including Z-wave technology, space link technology, anti-energy barrier technology and anti-gravity technology.


From a scientific research perspective, they are sure that after the spacecraft is built, they can directly use the spacecraft, or send scientists into the spacecraft to conduct experimental research in the spacecraft.

These are all benefits.

Among the latest technologies, Z-wave is undoubtedly the most attractive. Domestic experiments have just demonstrated the Z-wave strike capability. It can be said to be very powerful. Whether it is on the ground, at sea, in the air, or in outer space, it can be directly hit by Z-wave satellite strikes, the target does not even have the slightest ability to fight back.

This kind of strike technology has absolute strategic significance and is really terrifying.

Of course.

If other organizations know about Z-wave technology, they will definitely not be able to obtain it. Such a core technology with strategic significance cannot reveal any information. What they need is not only technology, but also the underlying theoretical foundation.

In the absence of underlying theory, even getting a Z-wave satellite is like a primitive man getting a gun. The bullet loses its meaning after being fired, and it is not as valuable as a knife.

This aspect is very clear at home and abroad.

Therefore, they will definitely consider obtaining other technologies and theories, such as space connection technology, anti-gravity technology and anti-energy barrier technology.

When other institutions are considering it, China is also considering it.

If no core technology is opened up, the spacecraft project will become unattractive. It is impossible for other institutions to spend large sums of money and high-end technology just to participate in the spacecraft project. It is definitely not a good deal.

Domestically, there has been a lot of discussion on the opening of related technologies, and several meetings have been held for this purpose. Finally, a decision was made and the bottom line for opening up was set -

At most, it can only open space connection technology, anti-gravity technology and part of anti-energy barrier technology. Z-wave technology must be kept secret.

Anti-energy barrier technology involves the manufacture of nuclear fusion devices, but it does not matter if it is partially opened, because only part of the technology cannot maintain the anti-energy barrier for a long time.

Even if other institutions can produce anti-energy barriers that can be used to create nuclear fusion devices and maintain them for a long time, there are certain benefits, because the manufacture of nuclear fusion devices definitely requires high-strength compressed materials, which are different from Z-waves. D.

Then the future development of controllable nuclear fusion will bring economic benefits that are far from being achieved by monopoly.

Spatial joining technology is less complicated.

The theoretical basis of spatial connection technology is relatively simple. It only involves part of spatial analysis. The strategic value is not too high. However, the theory cannot be opened up, but some technologies can be opened up.

It's like the spread of computers.

The core chip manufacturing of computers must be in our hands, but some other parts can be opened up to other manufacturers, and upper-level software can also be opened up to help improve the entire computer system, which will allow computers to quickly become popular.

The two have similar meanings. If a new communication technology wants to develop, it is impossible to have a complete monopoly. Just monopolizing the core technology is enough.

This can bring a steady stream of huge benefits to the monopoly.

Even if humans enter the cosmic era in the future, economic interests are still very important. When it comes to every ordinary person, they actually still live in their own circles. If the economy develops better, a more complete welfare system can be built. It can make everyone in the country live better.

Of course, no matter how you research, you still have to ask Zhao Yi for the degree of openness to theory and technology. Zhao Yi is the person who knows the latest technology best.

Zhao Yi quickly received this job, which was to formulate the bottom line of theoretical and technical openness and make a relevant demonstration report.

Zhao Yi and the theory team are doing this work together. They need to demonstrate which theory can be made open, which part of the theory is the absolute core, and which must be kept absolutely confidential.

This work requires very careful study.

What the theory team has been doing is to sort out Zhao Yi’s theoretical research. The sorting work is still ongoing, but great results have been achieved.

The greatest achievement among them is the summary of eighty-one formulas of space analysis, which is the ‘code of the gods’.

The theory team did not obtain all the formulas, but they combined nine sets of formulas with other theoretical foundations and made three sets of summary formulas.

Zhao Yi was also surprised when he saw this result. Later, he simply did his own research and combined with other spatial analysis contents to reduce the code of the gods to nine groups of formulas.

The core now is the nine formulas of the 'God's Code' and the thirteen formulas of the relationship between photons and space.

These two achievements cannot be produced for sure.

However, Zhao Yi can refer to the decision requirements of relevant meetings, come up with some of the small results, and carefully analyze the content that can be deduced, and after grasping the 'degree' of it, use it as content that can be made public.

This work is still very troublesome, but considering the importance of confidentiality, it must be completed.

Zhao Yi and the people in the theory team worked continuously for more than a week and finally came up with a set of formulas.

This set of formulas is what can be announced in advance.

Zhao Yi continued to deduce based on the results, and found that according to this series of equations, subsequent derivation can be carried out. Therefore, the effect of anti-gravity can be increased and the anti-energy can be maintained for a longer period of time.

The anti-energy barrier's maintenance time has a limit of 49,600 seconds.

Based on a set of equations, no matter how high the technical level is, the anti-energy barrier created can only approach the limit value infinitely, just like the limit value of absolute zero. No matter how much the temperature is reduced, It can only be approached.

that's enough.

Zhao Yi has a certain understanding of the complexity of derivation. Without the help of external forces, it would take ten top mathematical physicists more than six months to deduce that it can last for more than ten hours. Anti-energy barrier technology is still being studied under the condition that everything goes smoothly.

Under normal circumstances, the time must be multiplied by at least five times.

After Zhao Yi completed the preliminary work, he submitted the report.

Then he found there was nothing to do.

The core of domestic scientific research now is negotiations on the spacecraft project.

The spacecraft project is definitely a big project. Even if everything is settled, it will take at least two years to develop and manufacture it.

Now it is estimated that the early stage negotiations will take several rounds of confrontation, and then the actual joint manufacturing, distribution of work, and overcoming some minor technical difficulties.


The entire process cannot be completed in less than three years.

This is still the most optimistic estimate.

"Three years, it's too long!" Zhao Yi thought about three years and felt that it was extremely long.

This is his view of time.

If you look at it from the outside, even thirty years is normal, and even if it can be produced in thirty years, it is already a great thing.

Not to mention a huge spacecraft project, even some relatively small projects, such as the development of a military weapon, will take some countries and institutions more than ten years or decades, and may not be completely completed. .

But no matter what, Zhao Yi did feel very free.

Zhao Yi is very interested in exploring the universe, and he can't wait for it.

Therefore, after returning to Zhengyang, he began to stay in the R\u0026D department of Yixing Technology for a long time, working with others on technical public relations.

When Zhao Yixin is in charge of technical research and development, the R\u0026D efficiency of Yixing Technology's R\u0026D department becomes very high.

In just three months, they made seven major technological breakthroughs and set new technological research goals.

At the same time, Yixing Technology has applied for sixteen patents in a row, all of which are very heavyweight patents in aviation, including six in materials research, two in computer-related patents, one in power technology, and the others in mechanical and electronic fields. patent.

this day.

Zhao Yi was staying in the office when Zhou Zhikun from the Technology Department walked in, submitted a document report, and then said, "Academician Zhao, we have made a lot of progress recently. According to the original plan, we can already move to the next step. "

"Next step?"

Zhao Yidao, "Manager Zhou, do you mean that we can start designing the spacecraft?"

"That's right. I remember the initial meeting, that's how it was decided."

Zhao Yi nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "But our research and development relies on the spacecraft project——"


Zhao Yi suddenly thought of a question.

When Yixing Technology was first established, it considered making up for the lack of research and development related to small spacecraft. It hoped to create functional small spacecrafts that could be mounted on large spacecrafts. This was mainly because small spacecrafts could not carry nuclear fusion devices, so the power was Big problem.

But the spacecraft project will be delayed for a long time.

What about before that?

Is it necessary to accumulate technology for several years before researching and designing small spacecraft?

If it is a functional small spacecraft, it is actually possible to build a spacecraft that can travel to and from the earth and perform a single mission.

"It makes sense!"

"If you are building a small spacecraft that can complete a mission alone, it does not require long-lasting power. For example, for lift-off, anti-gravity thrusters can be used to assist the launch, which can greatly reduce energy consumption."

"Small spacecraft can reach the moon by relying on their own energy, so reaching Mars is not a problem. They can be designed to be more energy-efficient so that the spacecraft can travel to and from Mars."

Zhao Yi started to think.

If we are waiting for the spacecraft project, it will be too time-consuming.

Until then, functional spacecraft can be designed to perform specialized missions.

"I'll think about it." Zhao Yi and Zhou Zhikun said, and then called Liu Jiankun and asked about the opening of the aviation group and the space agency to Yixing Technology.

When Yixing Technology was first established, it had already identified shared technologies, including anti-gravity technology and anti-energy barrier technology, but it certainly did not include Z-wave technology.

Because the shared technology does not include Z-wave technology, small spacecraft cannot complete space shuttle alone.

Now, if we want to design a functional spacecraft that can perform missions, we must not avoid the issue of Z-wave technology. We need to ask Liu Jiankun if he can apply for the use of Z-wave generation technology.

Liu Jiankun’s answer was, “A report must be made to superiors, and the entire manufacturing and installation process of the Z-wave device is the responsibility of the relevant departments.”

"In addition, the spacecraft must be unconditionally supervised during its mission."

This involves confidentiality.

If other companies apply to use Z-wave generation technology, it is almost impossible to apply for it, but Yixing Technology is different because the company itself is under the Aviation Group, and the technology developed is to make up for the shortcomings of small spacecraft, and the application for use is confidential. Technical components can also pass the review.

Of course.

In fact, the premise of everything is that Yixing Technology is the company that Zhao Yi is responsible for. If it were anyone else, even Liu Jiankun would not be able to apply.

Zhao Yi quickly applied to his superiors and gave a detailed explanation.

On the same day, senior leaders called to inquire. Zhao Yi explained it carefully and immediately agreed, "As long as there is no problem with confidentiality, there will be no problem."

"Academician Zhao, I heard that you plan to build a small spaceship first?"

"Yes, it's too slow to wait for the spaceship." Zhao Yi complained, and then said, "I plan to let the company build a functional small spacecraft first, which can be considered to help the spacecraft explore technology."


The senior leaders didn't know what to say for a while.

China is actively negotiating the manufacture of large-scale spaceships. Spaceships are designed to achieve space shuttle. As a result, a company under an aviation group is preparing to develop a small spacecraft that can directly perform space shuttle. However, small spaceships definitely do not have nuclear fusion technology.


What if it succeeds?

It was indeed an exploration into the manufacture of spaceships, but it still felt weird.

However, the senior leaders did not say anything. Many experts have analyzed that without the energy provided by the nuclear power plant, the spacecraft will not have the energy to directly shuttle into space.

Therefore, he believes that Zhao Yi only intends to explore technology. Applying to use Z-wave generation technology is just for experimentation.

This is also normal.

After all, Yixing Technology is a company engaged in the research and development of small spacecrafts, so it definitely needs Z-wave devices to assist in technical experiments.

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