Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 68 This is the correct way to solve problems

Niulianhua is particularly fond of Sun Liang.

When she explained the Olympic Mathematics Competition, she focused almost exclusively on Sun Liang. Her message could be understood as, "There is no hope for the rest of you, and you can't even pass the city level."

Normally, it's a fact.

Even in the city-level Mathematical Olympiad competition, if you usually get less than 140 points, passing the test is a no-brainer.

But it makes me depressed when I show it!

After walking out of the office, Lin Xiaoqing gritted her teeth. She looked at Sun Liang with a hint of danger in her eyes.

The other people's eyes weren't so good either.

"Haha, I'm leaving first!" Sun Liang quickly stepped out of the way when he saw something was wrong.

After returning to the classroom, Lin Xiaoqing found a new goal. She took out the Mathematical Olympiad problem that she had not solved yesterday and entered the scalp-grabbing mode of thinking hard.

There is something about Cow Lotus that touches the hearts of a few people.

There is little chance of winning prizes by participating in the Mathematical Olympiad competition, but exposure to difficult Mathematical Olympiad questions will also be helpful to improve your mathematics level and solve normal difficult problems.

The last college entrance examination questions were relatively simple, and there were many students who scored above 140 points in mathematics.

According to the logic of Nanjiang Provincial College Entrance Examination's "one year is easy and the other is difficult", their college entrance examination questions this year will definitely be difficult, and the subjects that will increase the difficulty are mathematics and science.

The last monthly exam in mathematics was very difficult and most students failed.

Doing Mathematical Olympiad questions can expand your thinking and exercise your way of thinking when encountering difficult problems. It may be helpful to solve normal problems and improve your math scores in the near future.

Zhao Yi also decided to do the Mathematical Olympiad questions.

There was no late self-study that day. After school, he and Sun Liang rode to a nearby bookstore together. Sun Liang found the Mathematical Olympiad book with ease, and recommended a complete collection of Mathematical Olympiad exercises to Zhao Yi.



Zhao Yi bought two exercise books and planned to master all the questions before the Mathematical Olympiad competition.

The Mathematical Olympiad at the high school level has little to do with high school mathematics, but doing the Mathematical Olympiad can indeed exercise thinking flexibility, and he also hopes to improve his math scores.

Not to mention getting a perfect score of 150 on the exam, but a score of 145 is acceptable!

After dinner, Zhao Yi tried to do the Mathematical Olympiad questions.

After struggling with a question for ten minutes, he simply gave up his normal logical thinking method and switched to mostly causal thinking and a small part logical thinking.

The question suddenly became easy.

[Find a four-digit number whose first two digits and last two digits are the same, and the number itself is equal to the square of an integer. 】

Solution: Assume the four-digit number required is x, x=1000a+100a+10b+b.

The logical thinking ends here.

The following is the causal thinking time. a and b are both numbers between 0 and 9. Using the "Law of Cause and Effect", we get a=7 and b=4.

Next step.

Use the Law of Contact to derive the problem-solving process.

Write down the answer.


Zhao Yi made a satisfied evaluation and immediately looked at the next question, [Prove the multiplication of four consecutive natural numbers...]


"Professional in proving questions for a hundred years! Don't waste time!"

Next question, [Test proof...]


The next question is, [Find the largest perfect square number. After crossing out its last two digits, you still get a perfect square number (assuming that one of the two crossed out numbers is non-zero). 】

its stuck.

This is the limitation of the Law of Cause and Effect.

"The Law of Cause and Effect" can find the correct answer among the options, but the usage restriction is 'limited, the smaller the number, the better'.

Limited is the premise.

Another premise is that there must be correct options.

In addition, he himself must be sure that there are correct options in it. Questions based on 'guessing' or vague 'none of the above' are not valid.

The number of options is directly related to energy consumption.

Finding the correct answer among dozens of options can easily consume several times more energy than searching for the answer among ten options. Depending on the situation, the energy consumption will be even more.

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and decided to fight the question. It is impossible to get the answer directly through causal thinking. There must be some technique to solve the question.

Read the question again:

[Find the largest perfect square number. After crossing out the last two digits, you still get a perfect square number. 】

There is no upper limit for this problem, so the number cannot be determined based on the Law of Causality.


"The last two digits must exist. Then, it is at least a three-digit integer..."

Use the "Law of Cause and Effect" to get the numbers 6, 8, and 1 respectively. Cross out the last two digits, and the last three digits are 600.

Let n be the largest square number, a=n-81

Analysis: a must be a number followed by 0, and the first non-zero mantissa after the square is 4 or 6.

Using the Law of Cause and Effect, we get the number 4.

Guess... 40?




Use the "Contact Law" to derive the steps!


Using a combination of causal thinking and logical thinking, Zhao Yi asked more than a dozen questions in a row.

I can't stop at all!

There are also questions that cannot be solved. The ones marked with letters such as x, y, etc. are the most annoying because even the answers are represented by symbols. It is impossible to find the answer without getting the steps.

Fortunately, most of the questions can be solved.

Zhao Yi found that solving Mathematical Olympiad questions was indeed very useful. As he continued to do the questions, he became more familiar with the use of the "Law of Cause and Effect" and "Law of Contact".

After a long stretch, he walked to the room and into the living room, picked up the apple on the table, took a bite, and sat down on the sofa.

"Have you finished the questions? Are you tired?"

Liu Jing helped to get a glass of water.

Zhao Yi took it and took a sip, then watched TV with his parents.

The program "Brain Explosion" was playing on the TV, and two contestants were preparing for a competition to restore the third-level Rubik's Cube.

Zhao Yi became energetic.

The two players are named Jia Hongning and Zhou Junkai.

Jia Hongning looks like a popular young boy, and wears glasses with black rims. He does have a bit of a celebrity look; Zhou Junkai looks like the kind of student who is not good at socializing, and he is also dressed in a very friendly manner, and his kind smile can also make people feel like a star. People like you.

The third-level Rubik's Cube restoration is all about hand speed.

After the two people's Rubik's Cube is placed on the table, they can observe it for a few seconds. The screen is also aimed at the Rubik's Cube and the player's hands.



Swish, swish, swish...

Jia Hongning solved the Rubik's Cube in just over nine seconds; Zhou Junkai's hand speed was also very fast, but it obviously took more than two seconds.

The second round had the same result.

Jia Hongning took 11 seconds.

Zhou Junkai is 12 seconds.

The competition was a best-of-five set. In the third round, Jia Hongning finished the Rubik's Cube first, raised his hands and shouted excitedly for victory.

Zhou Junkai could only leave with a smile that concealed his sadness.

Zhao Zhenxi was half lying on the sofa, nodded and said, "This Jia Hongning is better than Zhou Junkai, he gets a little faster every time."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "I just noticed that in the first round, Jia Hongning's Rubik's Cube can be solved in only seventeen steps, while Zhou Junkai's requires twenty-two steps."

"In the second round, Jia Hongning's took 19 steps, and Zhou Junkai's took 24 steps."

"In the third round, Jia Hongning's move was even simpler, fourteen moves, but Zhou Junkai's move was twenty-three moves."

Zhao Zhenxi looked at Zhao Yi blankly, with an expression like 'Son, what are you talking about?'

Zhao Yi smiled.

In the end, Zhao Zhenxi shook his head and simply thought Zhao Yi was joking.

Return to the room.

Zhao Yi turned on the computer and then remembered to send the prepared algorithm package to Zhang Zhen.

Click to open.


Zhang Zhen, who was opposite him, immediately accepted the document and added a surprised expression, "So fast?"

Zhao Yi: "Quickly?"

Zhang Zhen: "You didn't do it all day, right? /Shocked."

Zhao Yi: "Take a look, does it meet the requirements?"

Zhang Zhen: "Okay, right away, just wait!"


Zhang Zhen opened the file in surprise and saw more than two hundred lines of code inside. He put it into the programming software, made changes at the beginning and end, and ran the debugging directly.

A success!

Then enter some data that is prone to problems, and it can be directly run and sorted successfully.

no problem!

He was immediately even more surprised.

This algorithm package is not too difficult, but even if he were asked to do it, it would be impossible to complete it without a whole day.

Design takes time.

Writing code takes time.

Debugging and modification take more time.

Zhao Yi is a high school student, or a senior in high school, so he should be taking classes. Even if you don't have to go to class for a whole day, it is quite remarkable to be able to complete the algorithm package.

"Look again!"

Zhang Zhen opened the code page and carefully read the code line by line.

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